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KMH880/KTA 870 REVISION HISTORY AND INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL KMH 880/KTA 870 System Install Manual REVISION 3, August, 2002 PART NUMBER 006-10609-0003 Add, delete or replace pages as indicated below and retain all tabs and dividers. Insert this page immediately behind the title page as a record of revisions. This revision level of...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION ..................PURPOSE ....................APPLICABILITY OF THE SYSTEM MANUAL ........1.2.1 Equipment Applicability ................SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ............... 1.3.1 Basic EGPWS System ................1.3.2 Basic TAS System ................. 1.3.3 System Components ................1.3.4 System Operation ..................
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KMH 880/KTA 870 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 KMH 820/KTA 810 Connector Pin Assignment ......3-102 SECTION IV POST INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION AND CHECK OUT INTRODUCTION ..................LINE SELECT KEYS ................CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE ............4.2.1 Power On ..................... 4.2.2 Aircraft Configuration ................
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KMH 880/KTA 870 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 4-1 TAS Bearing Measurements ............4-37 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1 Configuration Identification............Table 4-2 Aircraft/Mode Type Select ............Table 4-3 Air Data Input Select ..............Table 4-4 Position Input Select..............Table 4-5 Terrain Display Select ..............
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KMH 880/KTA 870 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A Mode C..................APPENDIX B STC ..................APPENDIX C Certification ................APPENDIX D TASDiag................... APPENDIX E TSO ..................APPENDIX F Airplane Flight Manual Supplement ......... Rev 3, August/2002 10609I03.CDL TOC - vii...
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The contents of this manual are for information and reference use only and must not be construed as a formal FAA approved work authorization. It is highly recommended that prior to beginning the installation of the KMH 880/ KTA 870 system that this manual is carefully reviewed. Upon review the neces- sary configuration items and system requirements will be identified allowing a speedy installation.
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.3.1 Basic EGPWS System The KMH 880 EGPWS is a revolutionary new step in Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) protection. It is capable of producing advanced alerting for prevention of CFIT accidents. In addition to the alerting protection the system will also produce a terrain display.
1.3.3 System Components The KMH 880 Multi-Hazard Awareness System shall be composed of the KMH 820 (TAS/EGPWS Processor), a top mounted directional antenna (KA 815), a bot- tom mounted antenna (a KA-815 directional antenna which shall provide esti-...
Figure 1-1. The KTA 870 Traffic Advisory System is similar to the KMH 880 except the KTA 810 Traffic Advisory Unit has only TAS and not EGPWS. The KTA 870 system does not use a KA 92 GPS antenna. See Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 for a complete description and part number listing for both systems.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 In addition to the equipment listed in Tables 1-2 and 1-3, the KMH 820/KTA 810 was qualified with the following displays: AlliedSignal IVA 81A/C/D TCAS Display 066-50001-XXXX TSO C119a 066-05053-XXXX TSO C8c 066-01171-XXXX Bendix/King IN 182A EGPWS Display...
KMH 880/KTA 870 Figure 1-1 KMH 880/KTA 870 System 1.3.4 System Operation A. EGPWS System 1. EGPWS Modes of Operation a. Optional Alerting and Warning Parameters The EGPWS may also be installed in aircraft that do not require FAA approved TAWS Systems, and may be utilized with an optional set of alert- ing and warning parameters that are designed especially for smaller piston aircraft and their normal flight characteristics.
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KMH 820 for installation approval b. GPS Sensor The KMH 880 contains an embedded GPS-XPRESS Card sensor that pro- duces validated navigational position data by continuous signal acquisition and tracking of the navigational satellite network. The GPS Sensor receives the C/A code signals transmitted by the satellite network on the L1 frequency of 1575.42 MHz.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 d. TAS Operation (Traffic Advisory) Mode When the TAS Operation mode is selected, the TAS Processor shall perform all the surveillance functions and shall provide for the generation of traffic advisories . The information conveyed in the traffic advisories is intended to assist the flight crew in sighting nearby traffic.
KMH 880/KTA 870 This feature compares barometric altitude with GPS altitude and generates a “Check Altitude” message when an error is detected. This is a highly recommended option, which can alert a pilot to problems such as a stuck altimeter or plugged static port. This option requires no additional hardware and is enabled during the system installation by programming the configuration module.
KMH 880/KTA 870 1.5.2 Configuration Module The Configuration Module contains two EEPROMs, one for the TAS Processor and one for the EGPWS. The Configuration Module will be remotely mounted in the airframe. It will be mapped with the Configuration at the installation of the system. An external PC program will be available to the installer to initialize/program the configuration module.
KMH 880/KTA 870 * This antenna has not been tested for direct effects of lightning and the installer must determine the suitability of the antenna for the specific installation. * This Antenna must be a shorted antenna. CABLE TYPES AND PERMISSABLE GPS CABLE RUN LENGTHS (8dB allowable loss, including splitter.)
Data Computer, with an OAT Label present on the bus, is available as an interface. 1.7.2 GPS Antenna Splitter To have the flexibility of using an existing KA 92 GPS Antenna, Honeywell offers a splitter that will greatly simplify the installation procedure. One of the split ports is DC blocked from the common port so that equipment voltage regulators do not conflict.
1.9.1 KMH 820/KTA 810 Unit If the unit should require maintenance, remove the unit and have it repaired by an appropriately rated Honeywell approved Instrument Service Center. If the aircraft is to fly with the KMH 820/KTA 810 removed, secure the connector(s) as neces- sary and placard the aircraft accordingly.
During ON-condition or regularly scheduled maintenance, inspect the wires and coax cables following the guidelines listed in AC 43.13-1B Chapter 11 as neces- sary. 1.9.7 Terrain Data Base Updates To order database updates contact Honeywell International Inc., Navigation Ser- vices: Honeywell International Inc. Aerospace Electronic Systems...
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INSTALLATION INTRODUCTION This section contains suggestions and factors to consider before installing the KMH 880/KTA 870 System. Close adherence to these suggestions will assure satisfactory performance from the equipment. NOTE The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are mini- mum performance standards.
43.13-2A Change: 2 ACCEPTABLE METHODS, TECHNIQUES AND PRAC- TICES -- AIRCRAFT ALTERATIONS. The KMH 880/KTA 870 System installation will conform to standards designated by the customer, installing agency, and existing conditions as to the unit location and type of installation. However, the following suggestions should be carefully considered before installing your system.
KMH 880/KTA 870 2.2.3 Processor Installation Cooling Considerations The KMH 820/KTA 810 requires no external forced air cooling. Installation Considerations Consideration should be given to the following items affected by the choice of installation location within the aircraft: A.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Mount the unit to provide good electrical bonding to airframe ground. Lightning strike protection and RF susceptibility and emission characteristics depend on good electrical grounding of the unit and cable shield returns. Refer to Figures 2-11 2-12 for TNC connector assembly guidelines.
KMH 880/KTA 870 The EGPWS provides a single 600 ohm audio output which should be connected to a un-switched/un-muted auxiliary audio input on the aircraft’s audio control panel. The audio output power level is set by programming the configuration mod- ule.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 2.2.4 Configuration Module Installation System configuration is defined via a Configuration Module which contains the aircraft interface and functionality definitions specific to the installed aircraft. Cooling Considerations A. Make sure that the unit is installed in a location where the ambient tem- peratures are -67°F to +158°F (-55°C to +70°C).
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The following antenna location procedure is provided for guidance pur- poses and to outline a method of achieving certifiable system perfor- mance. The KMH 880/KTA 870 System uses a top-mounted directional antenna and either a bottom-mounted directional or an L-band omni-directional antenna. Refer to directional antenna outline drawings in...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Obstructions and ground plane discontinuities, such as door hatches, cowl- ings and unriveted airframe skin overlaps must be 18 inches from the near- est edge of the TAS Antenna. Other antennas, particularly high profile and L-band transponder antennas, cannot be located in front of or within 30 inches (edge to edge) of the top mounted TAS directional antenna.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 2.2.6 GPS ANTENNA INSTALLATION KA 92 Antenna Installation Considerations (KMH 820 P/N 066-01175- 2101 only) A. The KA 92 GPS Antenna should be mounted on top of the fuselage near the cockpit and in the centerline of the aircraft. Avoid mounting the antenna near any projections, and the tail of the aircraft, where shadows could occur.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Figure 2-4 KA 815 Installation and Mounting Drawing Dwg. No. 155-06059-0000 Rev. B Rev 3, August/2002 10609I03.CDL Page 2-21...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 2.2.7 TAS Coaxial Cable Fabrication The TAS cables must have an attenuation of 2.0 ± 1.0 dB within the frequency band of 1030-1090 MHZ. To ensure proper phase matching, each of the four cables of a set must be of the same type. The lengths in each set of four must be within 2.0”...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 2.2.8 GPS Coaxial Cable Fabrication The GPS Antenna Splitter allows the existing KA 91 or KA 92 GPS antenna to be interfaced to the KMH 820 EGPWS. The following criteria must be observed when using the antenna splitter: 1.
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Normal business hours are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. CST, Monday through Friday. 3.0.1 Applicable Part Numbers Sub-section Description Information given in this section pertains only to the KMH 880/KTA 870 System using part numbers. Refer to Section 1.4.1 for complete part number descriptions.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 3.0.5 Interface Subsection Description The harness techniques for shielding and shield termination described in this manual are identical to those specified for the test harness used during HIRF and Lightning testing. Adherence to the information in this manual is essential in establishing an installation environment equivalent to the test environment used during HIRF and Lightning testing.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 GENERAL INTERCONNECT INFORMATION 3.1.1 Power Inputs The Processor is powered with +28 VDC and is protected by a circuit breaker (5 Ampere) in the Aircraft distribution center. A. 28 Volts Direct Current J10 - 59 & 82 →...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 3.1.3 Air/Ground Discrete Input The Air/Ground Discrete, if used, is wired to a logic source in the aircraft that presents a standard “open” circuit while the aircraft is airborne and a standard “ground” when the aircraft is on the ground. The Air/Ground Discrete is filtered to allow takeoff and landings.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 3.1.5 Above/Below/Normal Input This input defines the Altitude Select for the display. Momentary (250 msec. minimum) application of a “ground” at this input will cause a transistion between the three states in a cyclical manner ; Normal- Below-Above. The default mode is “Normal”.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 3.1.8 TAS Valid Output This output is provided as a primary indicator of valid system operation. This output is driven to the valid state during normal operation. The TAS Valid dis- crete will go invalid during power up self tests and operator commanded self tests.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE A 1 kHz tone is available for calibration adjustments only. 3.1.11 Air Temperature Input Outside Air Temperature is an optional input. This can come from a number of sources such as ARINC 429/575 Air Data or a dedicated OAT probe. EGPWS is capable of interfacing directly to a standard 500 ohm temperature probe for low temperature operations.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 3.1.13 Factory Test Input When active, the EGPWS will go into the Factory Test Mode. The TAS Pro- cessor and the Automatic Test Equipment will interface via RS-232 and the ATE Test Pins. J10-113 GSE_PRES# (Factory Test) (Factory Only)
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KMH 880/KTA 870 2. Failure Processing After each functional test or monitoring cycle is complete, the failures detected are prioritized and logged in fault memory if the severity of the fault allows. The fault memory will keep the three highest priority faults per power cycle.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Display Select Input An input supplied by a momentarily actuated cockpit manual switch that tog- gles between activating and de-activating the Terrain Awareness Display (TAD). J10-123 GND_DISC_12 (Disp. Sel.) Terrain Awareness Inhibit Discrete Terrain awareness will be provided via Terrain and Runway Databases. All runways >2000 feet are provided.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 3.1.17 EGPWS Audio On Discrete The Audio On Discrete goes true whenever any voice message is being annunciated. It will stay true until the voice is completed. This output can be used to inhibit other audio systems (e.g., TAS) during EGPWS audio or used to drive the audio key line input provided on some aircraft audio systems.
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SECTION IV POST INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION AND CHECK OUT INTRODUCTION This Section describes the procedure for configuring and testing the KMH 880/KTA 870 System after it is installed in the aircraft. POST CONFIGURATION TEST This Post-Installation Test verifies the proper operation of the KMH 880/KTA 870 System.
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EGPWS Installed and Operating Interconnect Cable IBM or Compatible PC A Copy of Honeywell WINVIEWS NOTE WinViews is an Enhanced GPWS diagnostic communications program that runs from Windows on a PC that is connected to the EGPWS. WinViews HELP, as well as many other menu items are active even though the program is fully oper- ational when communications are established with the EGPWS.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 This command takes a pre-configured String (defined below) containing the new memory contents and a CRC (written by the EGPWS) and writes them to the Configuration Module’s EEPROM. Configuration String Format The EGPWS requires a string of configuration information to be written to the configuration module memory when requested from the keyboard monitor.
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RS-232RXD_MON J10-100 Configuration Sequence of Events (Application) Turn the KMH 880 system power on. Bring up the WINVIEWS program. Type Ctrl Z. At the WINVIEWS prompt type “CFG”. Press the ENTER key. Type in the pre-configured STRING using the command “CUW”. Press the ENTER key.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Configuration Types (Categories) The selection of the basic interfaces to the EGPWS can be found in the follow- ing categories. Aircraft/Mode Type Category 1 Air Data Type Category 2 Position Type Category 3 Terrain Display Type...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 STEP SIGNAL IDENT. INSTRUCTION (CATEGORY) SELECTION Selects: Using Table 4-6 and any sub-tables Record the Ident (ID a) Input discrete contained within, locate the desired No.) on the space _____ Functions I/O Discrete type. available on Ident...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Configuration Tables The Category columns define a category (or group) of functions or input devices that are selected through ID Numbers. The Category Number identi- fies the subsection where the details are defined. For example Air Data, Cate-...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 AIR DATA STATIC AIR DESCRIPTION EFFECTIVITY TYPE TEMPERA- App. Cfg. TURE TYPE None Altitude Encoder (9 wire Gillham/Gray coded altitude) -001 -001 Altitude Encoder (9 wire Gillham/Gray coded altitude) -001 -001 with 500 ohm OAT Temperature Probe Digital - ARINC 429 (Baro Alt.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 AIR DATA STATIC AIR DESCRIPTION EFFECTIVITY TYPE TEMPERA- App. Cfg. TURE TYPE RS-232 Encoded Altitude (Magellan at 1200 bps)with -003 -003 500Ω OAT Temperature Probe. None RS-232 Encoded Altitude (ARNAV at 9600 bps) -003 -003 RS-232 Encoded Altitude (ARNAV at 9600 bps)with...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE The GPS Altitude Reference MSL or WGS-84 must be properly applied for the appropriate GPS Position Type. At the time of release of this document, all GPS sources except the Universal UNS-1 GPS are of the MSL type. The Universal UNS-1 GPS (GPS-1000 engine in the UNS-1B+,-1C, -1D, -1k,and -1M) sources are of WGS-84 type.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Category 5, Input/Output Discrete Type Select The following table provides identification of the Input/Output Discrete Type. Input/Output Description Effectivity Discrete Type App. Cfg. Basic input/output discretes (Lamp Format: Type 2) -001 -001 Table 4-6 Input/Output Discrete Type Select...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 VOLUME TYPE EFFECTIVITY App. Cfg. Max (600 ohm ª 100mW) -001 -001 -6 dB -001 -001 -12dB -001 -001 -18dB -001 -001 -24dB -001 -001 Table 4-8 Audio Output level Category 8, Altitude Monitor Options The following table provides identification of the Altitude Monitor Options. Each...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE The GeoAlt Display Label Text configuration item only controls the display of the MSL text on those displays in which the GA-EGPWC is drawing the text on the display. Category 9, Terrain Display Alternate Pop Up Option The following table provides identification of the Terrain Display Alternate Pop Up Option.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 ATTITUDE and DESCRIPTION EFFECTIVITY HEADING TYPE App. Cfg. Reserved Digital RS-232 Magnetic Heading -003 -003 from Shadin 200 ADC Digital ARINC 429 Magnetic -003 -003 Heading (Low Speed) from Shadin 2000 ADC. Digital RS-232 Magnetic Heading -003...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE Format is as follows: Configuration Option; Configuration Option Description. A. Display Intruder Limit; 3 (Minimum) Display Intruder Limit 30 (Maxi- mum), incremented by 1. The Display Intruder Limit Program is used to limit the number of intruders displayed in the aircraft.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE Due to tolerances in the TAS Processor analog I/O hardware, the accuracy for the 0 - 100 foot range may be ± 10 feet. E. On Ground Display Mode; TAS in Standby Mode On-Ground or TAS in TA Only Mode On-Ground.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Intruder File Protocol ARINC 735a or Honeywell Business and Commuter Aviation Systems (BCAS) protocol. M. Display Valid Input Usage: Used or Ignored. If “Used“ is selected, TAS will use the Display Valid Input for BITE pur- poses. If “Ignored” is selected, TAS will ignore the Display Valid Input for BITE purposes.
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EGPWS Ground Test Procedures (066-01175-x101 only). This Ground Test Procedure is designed to minimize potential equipment dam- age and verify proper operation of the Honeywell EGPWS as installed in the air- craft. Review your aircraft installation drawings against the manufacturer’s data sheets and verify that all necessary connections are included on your drawings and that the pin numbers are in agreement.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Power up the PC, start “WinViews” and select connect. Power up the avionics in the aircraft. You should note the “Not Available” light ON and you should see INITIALIZATION messages coming from the EGPWS on your PC. When the messages quit (could be as long as 3 min- utes for the first application of power) press Control ‘Z’...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Additionally, if the aircraft static system was opened or modified to add an encoder, the static system must be tested and approved by a licensed mechanic or authorized repairman. Improper use of the pitot-static test set can result in damage to altimeters, vertical speed indicators, etc.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Return the static test set and aircraft static system to the local ambient pressure. If installed, press the Terrain Inhibit switch and verify that the item named TerrDis switches between true and false on your PC’s display.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Check the transponder and DME interface. NOTE The only required interface between the KMH/KTA TAS and the transponder is the suppression line. Some installations may use a common control for the tran- sponder and the TAS. In these cases, the TAS control comes from the transpon- der control unit.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 • No “TAS” flag annunciation. • “TAS STBY”. • If installed, the TA/VSI vertical speed needle should indicate 0 fpm. Check that the brightness of the traffic display can be controlled by the appropriate control. Brightness of the traffic display may be controlled by the aircraft dimmer switch or by the BRT control on the display unit.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE In the following test results space “_____”, enter “P” for Passed, “F” for Failed and/or fill in the results or comments. If the section does not apply, write N/A. Perform the TAS Power Checks Verify aircraft power to TAS Pull the 5 amp TAS Processor circuit breaker.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Verify that the “TAS” flag appears on the traffic display. Reset the circuit breaker. Verify that the flag clears. Pass/Fail _____ On the TAS Control Panel exercise all the TAS control functions and observe for correct operation.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE The 2 nm range ring is visible on all TAS RANGE selections between 2.5 and 20 Set TAS RANGE switch to 2.5 nautical miles. The following properly scaled range rings should be visible: 2 and 2.5 nautical mile range rings.
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Pass/Fail _____ If applicable (-0901 and -1001 versions of the CP 66B with a Honeywell Multi-Functional Display), check that the display modes can be selected properly via the MAN_AUTO discrete as follows: Via the separate Man/Auto switch, ground MAN_ AUTO,...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Additionally, the fault source can be viewed on the radar indicator or by reading the LED fault code on the processor. Verify the heading source interface to the TAS Processor. Confirm the heading source and measure the inputs at the KMH/KTA Processor.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Monitor the altitude source in the cockpit. Set the baro to 29.92”. Observe the Enc. Altitude readout. The computer readout should agree to within 50 feet of the cockpit altimeter. The Enc. Alt. Status in the computer should indicate VALID.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Confirm the pitch and roll attitude source and measure the inputs at the KMH/KTA Processor. The TAS and attitude should be operating normally for the following test. Connect the Diagnostic Computer to the KMH/KTA through the RS-232 port. Run the TASDIAG Input Data program and observe the following on the computer screen.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 With Radio Altitude source at 0 feet (on Ground), the computer indicates ______feet. When Radio altitude self-test (40-50’) is pressed, the computer indicates ______ feet. Do these readings agree with the cockpit display? Yes/No An alternate method can be by using a Radio Altimeter tester.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Disable the landing gear logic and check that the gear position (J10-3) changes from “EXTENDED (GND) to “RETRACTED (OPEN). Pass/Fail ______. If applicable, confirm that ADVISORY INHIBIT (J10-22) changes from “INHIBITED” (GND) to NOT-INHIBITED (OPEN). when testing the GPWS.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Disable the WOW logic and put the aircraft systems into the “AIRBORNE” mode. For retractable gear aircraft, the landing gear logic should remain in the “EXTENDED” or DOWN position. Put the TAS and transponder control panels in the ON position. Select #1 Transponder.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 One will be at approximately 0.25 nmi., co-altitude and will be a TA (filled yellow circle). The other will be an open white diamond at about 4.5 nmi. and co-altitude. A “TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC” voice announcment should occur coincident with the intruder at 0.25 nmi.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE Whenever checking the TAS bearing accuracy, the test antenna must be within line-of-sight of the directional antenna under test. The accuracy to the top direc- tional antenna should be checked while the test antenna is 50 to 75 feet distant, and the landing gear logic is “DOWN”.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Static pressure to the aircraft using the static tester is not required unless local conditions make it necessary. Apply a radio altitude signal to the aircraft using the Radio Altimeter Test Set or equivalent. Increase the radio altimeter to 2,000 feet or greater.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE Bearing Error equals the heading to TCAS Ramp Tester less the relative bearing of intruder. Relative bearing to the intruder should be a positive number mea- sured clockwise from north on the traffic display unit. NOTE The largest acceptable TAS bearing error is +/- 30°...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTE If the TAS unit is powered on but communications have not been established, ensure that the computer’s COM port is connected to the TAS unit’s RS-232 diagnostics port. If the computer has more than one COM port, determine which one is connected and check TASDiag COM port properties.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 D. “Bore Sight Failed. Not enough replies are being received.” This error will be reported when at least 30 Delta 1 and 2/swap A and B replies are not received. Check Ramp Tester operation and placement and retry the procedure.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTES Future Use (Do Not Wire) Pin Description Unit 49 ATE_D(4) 50 ATE_D(5) 51 ATE_D(6) 52 ATE_D(7) 53 CALENB* 54 CDU_429_TX_A BOTH 55 CDU_429_TX_B BOTH 56 RAD_ALTIM_RX_A 57 RAD_ALTIM_RX_B 58 n/c 59 AIRCRAFT POWER 60 BARO_ALT_RX_A BOTH...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 NOTES Future Use (Do Not Wire) Pin Description Unit 97 429RX_2A EGPWS 98 429RX_2B EGPWS 99 RS232TXD_MON EGPWS MONITOR PORT 100 RS232RXD_MON EGPWS MONITOR PORT 101 ATE_CLOCK 102 n/c PICT BUS 103 ASPB_1A EGPWS PICT BUS 104 ASPB_1B...
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CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE 5.1.1 Equipment Compatibility Careful consideration must be paid to the electrical characteristics of existing equipment or possible additions that will be interfaced with the KMH 880/KTA 870 System, in order to ensure system compatibility. Section III of this manual provides system planning guidelines, and defines the electrical characteristics of the KMH 880/KTA 870 System.
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(ACO) to obtain acceptable procedures. The FAA Central Region Aircraft Certification Office, Wichita, Kansas, has on file an approved report regarding the KMH 880/KTA 870 System. This report contains the bench test data and DO-160D environmental test data required to demonstrate the KMH 880/KTA 870 System’s compliance to TSO C147 Class A...
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Flight Manual Supplement, and obtain FAA approval. 5.1.8 Pilot Briefing The installing agency should carefully review the Flight Manual Supplement and the KMH 880/KTA 870 System Operator’s Manual, P/N 006-18265-0001, with the owner/operator of the aircraft. Rev 3, August/2002 10609I03.CDL Page 5-3...
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OPERATION INTRODUCTION Refer to Section IV, of this manual, for the operating instructions for the post installation checkout. Refer to the KMH 880/KTA 870 System Operator’s Manual P/N 006-18265- 0001, for complete operating instructions. Rev 3, August/2002 10609I03.CDL Page 6-1...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 APPENDIX A Mode C Surveillance Range Rev 3, August/2002 10609I03.CDL Page A-1...
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____________, Master Drawing List number _________, specifications of TSO-C147 Class A and TSO-C151a Class B. B. Ground and flight tests were conducted and determined that the KMH 880/KTA 870 System does not interfere with normal operation of other equipment installed in the aircraft, and the KMH 880/KTA 870 System equipment is not a source of objection- able electromagnetic interference.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction......................D-5 2. Computer Requirements ..................D-5 3. Installing the TAS Diag Program.................D-6 4. Starting TAS Diag ....................D-6 4.1 TAS Diag. Demonstration Mode..............D-8 5. Inspecting Current Processor I/O Data...............D-8 Snapshot View ..................D-9 Continous View ..................D-9 6. Inspecting TAS Unit’s Internal Diagnostic and Log Data........D-9...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1 Main Window ..................D-7 Figure 2 I/O Data View Continuous Window.............D-8 Figure 3 Diagnostic and Log Data Window ............D-10 Figure 4 View Strap data Window..............D-11 Figure 5 Modify Straps Window................D-12 Figure 6 Copy Binary File Window ..............D-14...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Introduction The TAS Processor Field Diagnostics Program (TAS Diag) provides an interface to the KMH 820/KTA 810 (TAS Processor Unit). The following information may be retrieved from the TAS Unit via TAS Diag: I/O data (straps, attitude, altitude, etc.), TAS’s Internal Diagnostic and Log File,...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Installing the TAS Diag Program Insert the TAS Diag CD into your CD-ROM drive. Select the “Start” button then “Run”. In the Command Line Box, type the letter of the drive that contains the TAS Diag CD, a colon, a backslash, and the word setup. For example, Type: d:\setup Click the OK button.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 4.1 TAS Diag Demonstration Mode The TAS Diag program contains a demonstration mode (in the file menu) which is useful for familiarizing the user with available options. The demonstration mode does not require an RS-232 connection to a TAS unit. Any option may be selected, and a simulation TAS unit response will occur.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 5.1 Snapshot View On the I/O Data menu, click Snapshot View to request a snapshot (one time) of the I/O Data. The TAS unit sends the data to the “Main Diagnotic Window”. 5.2 Continuous View On the I/O Data Menu, click Continuous View to request continuous updates of the I/O data.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Figure 3 Diagnostic and Log Data Window NOTE Failures for the current power cycle are not in the Diagnostic and Log Data, since the Log is written at the end of each power cycle. Configuration Module Options...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 7.1 View Strap Data This option allows the user to view the current strap settings in an easy to read lay- out. The TAS unit sends the data to the “Main Diagnostic Window” ( see Figure 4).
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KMH 880/KTA 870 The selections are made using list boxes and radio buttons. Click the down arrow on the list boxes and click the desired configuration. For radio buttons, click the desired configuration button. Once the user is satisfied with the strapping, click the OK button and the user will be prompted as to whether or not to write the data to the configuration module.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 7.3 Save to Text File This option creates a specific file containing the configuation module’s strap and bearing correction data. The file will have a header containing the TAS unit’s serial number, the software version, the current PC date, and the current PC time. The file will be an ASCII text file.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Figure 6 Copy Binary File Window 7.6 Initialize Config Module This option sets the configuration module’s strap data to default values. The user must view both Strap Pages ( see Modify Strap Data ) to verify/modify the configura- tion.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 To begin the Sight procedure, set up the ramp tester as described in Section Bore 4.3.3, Paragraph E (8), of this manual and select “Bore Sight Top Antenna” or “Bore Sight Bottom Antenna” from the “Config Mod” menu. Select the “Ramp Tester with a target altitude at 50,000”...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 The following information is presented to the user: TISI-- This is the number of interrogation update periods the TAS unit has been through since power up. survno-- This is the unique internal surveillance number assigned to an intruder.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 8.2 Capture View On the Intruder Data Menu, click Capture View. This option allows the user to cap- ture specified number of TISI’s of data. The number of TISIs to be captured is entered, then the maximum range is requested (see Overwrite). When the number of TISIs have been captured, the updates are stopped.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Figure 8 Cable Calibration Data Window NOTE The second cable calibration summary could take as long as 3 minutes and 8 seconds before being displayed, due to the nature of the multi-tasking environment of the TAS unit and the method by which tasks are delayed.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 In the Overwrite mode, the data is erased before each update. For the overwrite mode, click Overwrite View on the Sys Status Menu. For continuously, click Con- tinuous View on the Sys Status Menu. Figure 9 System Status Window 11.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 Figure 10 TAS S/W Window 12. Ramp Tester Mode This option turns on the P4 pulse of TAS ATCRBS interrogations so a IFR 201B ramp tester can be used to reply to the TAS unit. To turn this option on or off, click Ramp Tester Mode on the File Menu.
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KMH 880/KTA 870 THIS PAGE IS RESERVED Rev 3, August/2002 10609I03.CDL D-22...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 14. KTA Fault Codes KTA FAULT CODES DISPLAY FAILURE HW BITE FAULTS RAM address line stuck low, RAM on computer board RAM address line stuck high, RAM on computer board CPU reserved RAM data test Program memory – boot block checksum failure Program memory –...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 KTA FAULT CODES DISPLAY FAILURE VIDEO BITE FAULTS F-04-01 Video RAM data (CS, FT) - RAM on video bd not reliable F-04-02 Video RAM address stuck low – video bd F-04-03 Video RAM address stuck high – video bd...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 KTA FAULT CODES DISPLAY FAILURE IO EXCEPTIONS F-84-01 ATTITUDE_TYPE_EXCEPTION – a/c config. for invalid attitude type F-84-02 ALTITUDE_TYPE_EXCEPTION – a/c config for invalid altitude type F-84-03 RAD_ALTITUDE_TYPE_EXCEPTION – a/c config for invalid radio altimeter type F-84-05 DMA_VOICE_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION - DMA interrupt doesn't occur or isn’t seen at end of...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 KTA FAULT CODES DISPLAY FAILURE VIDEO EXCEPTIONS F-89-00 MODEC_TRANSMIT_EXCEPTION - should never get, software error F-89-01 MODEC_BUFFER_FULL_EXCEPTION – too many MODEC replies in buffer F-89-02 VCCAL_BEARING_EXCEPTION – cable cal bearing F-89-03 VCCAL_POWER_EXCEPTION – cable cal power F-89-04 MODEC_SUPPRESSION_EXCEPTION –...
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KMH 880/KTA 870 THIS PAGE IS RESERVED Rev. 3, August/2002 10609I02.CDL...
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