hit counter script


Colour television

New Side I/O, Top Control and Mains Switch Panel
In week 225 the following panels are introduced in the set 29PT8607:
Mains Switch Panel [K]
Side I/O Panel [L]
Top Control Panel [M]
In this service information the (changed) schematics, PCB layouts and
spare parts list are given. To use the existing Block diagrams, wiring
diagrams, I
C overviews, supply line overview and chassis overview
the schematics character [E] has to be replaced by [K], [O] by [L] and
[P] by [M].
Neues Side I/O, Top Control und Mains Switch Panel
In der Woche 225 wurden folgende neue Platinen zusammen mit dem
Modell 29PT8607 introduziert:
Netzschalterplatine (Main-Switch-Panel) [K]
Seitliche E/A-Platine (Side I/O-Panel) [L]
Lokale Ortsbedienung (Top Control Panel) [M]
Mit dieser Serviceinformation werden die (änderten) zugehörigen
Schaltbilder, das Platinenlayout und die
Ersatzteil-Stücklisten veröffentlicht. Um die bereits bestehenden Block-
und Verkabelungsdiagramme, die I
Übersichten der Spannungsversorgungsleitungen bzw. der
Chassisausführungen weiter nutzen zu können müssen folgenden
Einzelschaltbilder ersetzt werden: Diagramm [E] durch Diagramm [K],
[O] durch [L] und Diagramm [P] durch [M].
Copyright 2002 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips.
Published by RB 0266 Service PaCE
C-Bus-Übersicht sowie die
Printed in the Netherlands
Nouvelles platines E/S, Commande supérieure,
Platine Commutateur Secteur.
Depuis la semaine 225 les platines suivantes sont introduites dans
l'appareil 29PT8607:
Platine commutateur secteur [K]
Platine E/S de coté [L]
Platine de Commandes en partie supérieure [M]
Cette information service done les schémas, implantations et liste des
pièces correspondant. Pour utiliser les schémas bloc, de cablage, I
alimentation et vue d'ensemble du châssis les repères de schéma [E]
doivent être remplacés par [K], [O] par [L] et [P] par [M].
Subject to modification
AA 02.02
3122 785 40640


Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Philips em2e

  • Page 1: Colour Television

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips. Published by RB 0266 Service PaCE...
  • Page 2: Spare Parts List

    EN 2 EM2E AA 02.02 Spare parts list Spare parts list Mains Switch Panel [K] Top Control Panel [M] Various Various 0157 3104 311 02421 Cable 5p 480mm 0177 3104 311 03011 Cable 2p 340mm 0215 4822 267 10748 3P...
  • Page 3: Electrical Diagrams And Pwb's

    Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s Large Signal Panel: Main Supply 0001 A2 3536 B8 0002 C2 3538 C8 0003 C3 3540 C7 FROM 0010 B1 3542 E6 MAIN SUPPLY +375V 0062 OF 0020 D2...
  • Page 4 Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Large Signal Panel: Tuner, I/O, SIMM Connector (Female) 0933 A6 0933 A6 7906 C5 7906 C5 0934 0934 A6 0934 A6 7907 E6 7907 E6 0935 A7 0935 A7 (OPTIONAL) 0936 B6 0936 B6...
  • Page 5: Large Signal Panel: Front

    Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Large Signal Panel: Front 0945 C2 0947 A1 FRONT 3237 B1 3998 B1 A7-27 TO 0947 OF ON-OFF-LED OR TO A7-24 0203 OF +5.2V 0947 3998 3237 KEYBOARD A7-25 0945 TO 0345 OF...
  • Page 6: Mains Switch Panel

    Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Mains Switch Panel 0201 D2 MAINS SWITCH PANEL 0202 D7 0203 A5 1910 A2 3982 1951 D3 2930 A1 330R 2931 C4 1910 2932 D5 TSOP1836 3957 E3 ON-OFF-LED 3966 E3 TO 0947...
  • Page 7: Layout Mains Switch Panel (Top Side)

    Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Layout Mains Switch Panel (Top Side) Layout Mains Switch Panel (Bottom Side) 3978 A2 3984 B1 3987 A1 3990 A1 4903 A2 7900 A1 0201 B1 0203 A2 1951 C2 2931 A3 3957 B2...
  • Page 8: Side Io Panel

    Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Side I/O Panel Personal Notes: SIDE IO PANEL 0240 A4 1256-B A1 2297 E3 3291 B2 3297 E3 6294 E2 SG06 E1 1254 D1 2286 A3 3285 A3 3292 B2 4201 A1 SG01 B2...
  • Page 9: Layout Side I/O Panel (Top Side)

    Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Layout Side I/O Panel (Top Side) Layout Side I/O Panel (Bottom Side) CL 06532012_025.eps CL 06532012_024.eps 040200 040200...
  • Page 10: Top Control Panel

    Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s EM2E AA 02.02 Top Control Panel Layout Top Control Panel 0215 A1 1093 B4 2010 B1 3088 C3 3091 A2 3094 B3 3097 C3 4090 C2 4093 A3 6092 B4 1091 B2 1094 C4 3086 A4...

Table of Contents