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Safety Precautions Compulsory actions ■ For■proper■handset■use,■read■Safety■Precautions■carefully■beforehand. ■ Keep■this■guide■in■a■safe■place■for■future■reference. ■ Safety■Precautions■contain■information■meant■to■prevent■injury■to■the■ Unplug AC Charger from outlet ■ user■or■others,■or■property■damage,■and■must■be■observed■at■all■times. ■ SoftBank Mobile■is■not■liable■for■any■damages■resulting■from■use■of■this■ ■ product. Handset, Battery, USIM Card, AC Charger (Sold ■ These■labels■indicate■the■degree■of■risk■from■improper■use.■■ ■ Separately) & microSD Card (Sold Separately) Make■sure■you■thoroughly■understand■their■meanings■before■reading■on. Great risk of death or serious injury from Danger Danger improper use...
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Do not disassemble, modify or solder handset or related Keep liquids (water, beverages, sea water, pet urine, hardware. etc.) or conductive objects (pencil leads, metal parts, May■cause■accidents■such■as■fire,■injury,■electric■shock■or■ necklaces, hair pins, etc.) away from Charger terminals, equipment■malfunction.■Battery■may■leak,■overheat,■explode■or■ External Device Port terminals or microSD Card Slot. ignite.■■...
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Caution Battery Do not place handset, Battery or AC Charger on an Danger unstable surface. May■fall,■causing■injury■or■malfunction.■Take■extra■precautions■ See Battery label to confirm battery type. while■Vibration■is■active■or■during■charging.■Falls■while■charging■ may■also■cause■damage■to■Charger■terminals. Label Battery Type When removing handset from AC Charger, remove by Li-ion 00 Lithium-ion holding the connector of AC Charger. Do not pull the cord.
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If Battery does not charge after specified time, stop Do not cover or wrap handset with cloth or futon while charging. charging. Do not sleep while the handset is covered with cloth or futon. Battery■may■leak,■overheat,■explode■or■ignite. Handset■may■overheat■and■cause■fire,■burns,■or■malfunction. If Battery emits an unusual odor, overheats, discolors or deforms, immediately remove it and keep away from Power off handset near high-precision electronic devices fire.
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Do not swing handset by Strap, etc. Do not turn up Volume unnecessarily high when using earphones. Handset■may■strike■you■or■others,■or■Strap■may■be■broken■ resulting■in■injury■or■damage■to■handset■or■other■property. Using■earphones■with■Volume■turned■up■for■an■extended■period■ may■impair■hearing. Do not place your ear too close to Speaker while ringer sounds or sound files play. AC Charger (Sold Separately) May■impair■hearing.
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Caution Do not handle AC Charger with wet hands. May■cause■electric■shock■or■malfunction. Do not subject AC Charger to strong force or impact If In-Car Charger (sold separately) fuse blows, always when connecting to AC outlet. replace it with specified fuse. May■cause■injury■or■malfunction. Using■the■incorrect■fuse■may■cause■fire■or■malfunction.■Refer■to■ Do not touch the Desktop Holder (sold separately) the■respective■manuals■for■information■on■the■correct■fuse■...
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Near Electronic Medical Equipment If you are in a crowded place where you cannot move freely and keep a distance of 15 cm or more away from other people, disable handset communication features Warning (e.g. Offline Mode) beforehand or power off handset; implantable cardiac pacemakers and cardioverter defibrillators may be in use nearby.
Read microSD Card manual beforehand for proper use. Beware of eavesdropping. Digital■signals■reduce■interception,■however,■transmissions■may■be■ overheard.■Deliberate/accidental■interception■of■communications■ constitutes■eavesdropping.■ We, Panasonic Mobile Communications Development of Europe "eavesdropping"■means■radio■communication■is■received■by■another■ Ltd., declare that 401PM conforms with the essential and other receiver■deliberately■or■accidentally. relevant requirements of the directive 1999/5/EC.
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Do not remove nameplate from handset . Doing so invalidates Handset Care warranty. Always power off handset before removing Battery. If Battery Secure External Device Port Cover and Battery Cover before is removed while saving or sending mail, data may be altered or use.
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® Function Usage Limits Bluetooth USIM Card must be installed to use handset. Connection with all Bluetooth devices is not guaranteed. ® Handset complies with Bluetooth security standards. However, ® Multitasking during Calls/Data Transmissions this does not ensure complete security. ...
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RF Exposure Information/Specific Use at positions other than at the ear**** This■mobile■phone■may■be■used■at■positions■other■than■at■the■ear.■By■using■ Absorption Rate (SAR) Information an■accessory■such■as■a■belt■clip■holster■that■maintains■a■10■mm■separation■ with■no■metal■(parts)■between■it■and■the■body■and■the■mobile■phone,■this■ mobile■phone■will■comply■with■international■guidelines■for■radio■wave■ "401PM"■here■refers■to■this■mobile■phone■"COLOR■LIFE■5." protection. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for This *■The■technical■regulations■are■provided■in■Article■14-2■of■the■Ministry■ Product (for Japan) Ordinance■Regulating■Radio■Equipment. **■International■Commission■on■Non-Ionizing■Radiation■Protection This mobile phone 401PM meets Japanese technical regulations* ***■The■value■is■under■simultaneous■transmission■use■conditions.
This mobile phone 401PM is confirmed to comply with guidelines The■highest■SAR■value■for■this■model■handset■as■reported■to■the■FCC■when■ relating to effects of radio wave exposure as set forth by the tested■for■use■at■the■ear■is■0.714■W/kg,■and■when■worn■on■the■body■in■a■ Council of Europe (CE) and the Federal Communications holder■or■carry■case,■is■0.713■W/kg. Commission (FCC). Refer to the following. Body-worn■Operation;■This■device■was■tested■for■typical■body-worn■ operations■with■the■handset■kept■10■mm■from■the■body.■To■maintain■...
•■Do■not■expose■handset■to■soapy■water,■detergent,■spice,■juice,■etc. Note:■Complete■protection■is■not■guaranteed■under■all■conditions.■Read■this■ •■Do■not■expose■handset■to■hot/cold■water. guide■for■proper■handset■use. . Malfunctions■due■to■improper■handling■ •■Do■not■expose■handset■to■strongly■flowing■water. by■the■user■are■not■covered■by■Warranty. COLOR LIFE 5 use around water (rain, bath, pool, etc.). Usage Notes ■ Rain Secure External Device Port Cover and Battery Cover before •■Talk■on■handset■in■moderately■heavy■rain■(rainfall■of■20■mm■or■less■per■ use. If small particles (fine fiber, hair, sand, etc.) are caught hour).
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■ Opening External Device Port Cover Precautions 1 Use notch to pull out (A) and rotate (B) Port Cover. ■ Handset Do■not■leave■handset■wet. ■ • Doing■so■may■cause■short-circuit■on■External■Device■Port. • Water■may■leak■into■hinge.■In■cold■climates,■freezing■may■cause■ malfunction. Do■not■wash■handset■in■a■washing■machine. ■ ■ Securing External Device Port Cover Notch Handset■is■not■heat■resistant.■Do■not■immerse■handset■in■hot■water,■use■ ■...
■ Mic/Receiver/Pressure-release vent/Speaker 4 Fully drain moisture and then operate handset. Do■not■poke■Mic,■Receiver,■Pressure-release■vent■or■Speaker■with■ ■ Some■water■may■remain■on■handset■even■after■above■steps■are■followed.■ sharp-edged■objects. Let■handset■dry■naturally■before■use.■Keep■handset■away■from■anything■that■ Thoroughly■wipe■water■drops■from■Mic,■Receiver,■Pressure-release■vent■or■ ■ you■do■not■want■to■get■wet. Speaker■to■avoid■malfunction. Charging Battery Draining Water from Handset Accessories and other optional items are not waterproof or Even small amounts of water can seep in through hinge, affecting dustproof.
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Copyrights Portrait Rights Individuals have the right to refuse being photographed or publication or use of their image. Personality rights, or Right of Publicity, is a form of property right designed to protect celebrity interests that applies to all people. Be careful when using handset Camera.
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