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TK-3230 概述 GENERAL / 引言 INTRODUCTION 本手册的范围 SCOPE OF THIS MANUAL 本手册是提供给熟悉通信专业并且具有维修经验的技术人 This manual is intended for use by experienced tech ni - 员使用的。它包括了维修该设备所需要的全部资料和现行出 cians familiar with similar types of commercial grade com - 版日期。在出版后可能发生变动,如果需要,可以参照《维 mu ni ca tions equipment. It contains all required service 修通报》或《手册修订本》进行补充。...
TK-3230 模式组合 REALIGNMENT / 1. 介绍 1. Getting Acquainted q PTT (Push to Talk) switch q PTT(按下通话)开关 按住,然后对着扬声器区域讲话来进行发射。 Press and hold, then speak into the speaker area to trans- mit. w MENU key w MENU 键 按下可执行各种功能。打开电源时按住可进入设置模式。 Press to perform various functions. Press and hold while (经销商须启用设置模式)...
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TK-3230 模式组合 REALIGNMENT / 注意 : Notes: • 必须在电脑上安装 K C T -53U 驱动程序才能使用 U S B 适配器 • You must install the KCT-53U driver in the computer to (KCT-53U)。 used the USB adapter (KCT-53U). • 首次使用 USB 适配器 (KCT-53U) 时,请在电脑开机的情况...
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TK-3230 模式组合 REALIGNMENT / 5. 如需将复制源切换到复制模式,请在打开对讲机电源的同 5. To switch the clone source to Clone mode, press and 时按住 [PTT] 和 [MONI] 键。 hold the [PTT] and [MONI] keys while turning the trans- 6. 按住 [PTT] 和 [MONI] 键 1 秒钟。对讲机响起键音并进入复...
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TK-3230 电路说明 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 项 目 额 定 Item Rating 标称中心频率 (fo) 38.85MHz Nominal center frequency (fo) 38.85MHz 通过带宽 3dB 时 ±5.0kHz 或更大 Pass bandwidth ±5.0kHz or more at 3dB 衰减带宽 35dB 时 ±18.5kHz 或更小 Attenuation bandwidth ±18.5kHz or less at 35dB 纹波...
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TK-3230 电路说明 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 第二中频信号通过陶瓷滤波器 (CF200) 消除不需要的信号。 The second IF signal passes through ceramic fi lter (CF200) 通过陶瓷滤波器的第二中频信号随后通过由六个不同放大 to remove unwanted signals. 器组成的限幅放大器并进行检测。 The second IF signal passing through the ceramic fi lter 放 大 后 的 第 二 中 频 信 号 由 积 分 检 波 器 通 过 陶 瓷 鉴 频 器...
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TK-3230 电路说明 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 发射系统 Transmitter System ■麦克风放大器电路 ■ Microphone Amplifi er Circuit 麦克风的音频信号通过麦克风放大器 ( I C302)。随后信号 The audio signal from the microphone passes through 通过具有 6d B / o c t 预加重电路、带通滤波器 (300 ~ 3k H z )、...
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TK-3230 电路说明 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / PLL 系统 PLL System ■ VCO 电路 ■ VCO Circuit VCO 外嵌屏蔽罩。 The VCO is housed in a shield case. V C O 电路由晶体管 ( Q2)、用于频率控制的可变电容二极管 The VCO circuit consists of a transistor (Q2), a variable ( D2)、用于调制的可变电容二极管...
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TK-3230 电路说明 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / VCO 输出信号由 PLL IC 中分频器设置的分频倍率进行分频, The VCO output is divided by the divide ratio set by the 进而产生 6.25kHz/5kHz 的频率,随后由相位比较器与基准比 divider in the PLL IC to generate 6.25kHz/5kHz. It is com- 较频率进行比较来检测相位差。 pared with the reference comparison frequency by the PLL IC 中的电荷泵电路将其转换为可以直接驱动...
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TK-3230 电路说明 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION / 仅在发射模式下 M C U 打开 Q404 时,发射电源 3T 才为发射 The transmission power 3T is supplied to the transmis- 输出电路供电。 sion output circuit when the MCU turns Q404 on only in 仅在接收模式下 M C U 打开 Q406 时,接收电源 3R 才为接收...
TK-3230 半导体数据 SEMICONDUCTOR DATA / MCU: D338327A22WV(TX-RX 单元 IC403) MCU: D338327A22WV (TX-RX unit IC403) ■ Terminal Function ■端子功能 管脚号 信号名称 输入 / 输出 功 能 Pin No. Signal Name Function SP DET 输入 耳机检测 SP DET Head set detect AVSS...
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TK-3230 半导体数据 SEMICONDUCTOR DATA / 管脚号 信号名称 输入 / 输出 功 能 Pin No. Signal Name Function MIC MUTE 输出 麦克风静音 MIC MUTE MIC mute SHIFT 输出 拍频偏移 SHIFT Beat shift PDATA 输出 串行数据 PDATA Serial data PCLK 输出 串行时钟...
TK-3230 元件说明 COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION / TX-RX 单元 (X57-7330-10) TX-RX unit (X57-7330-10) 有关号码 名 称 说 明 Ref. No. Part Name Description 锁相环路系统 Phase Locked Loop system IC100 IC100 IC200 中频系统 IC200 IF System IC300 基带 IC300 Base Band IC301 有源滤波器...
Les articles non mentionnes dans le Parts No. ne sont pas fournis. Y : AAFES (Europe) X : Australia M : Oth er Areas Teile ohne Parts No. werden nicht geliefert. TK-3230 (Y50-6163-01) TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Desti- Desti- Ref. No.
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TK-3230 零件表 PARTS LIST / TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation C210 CK73FB0J106K CHIP C 10UF C325 CK73GB0J475K CHIP C 4.7UF C211 CK73HB1A224K CHIP C 0.22UF...
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TK-3230 零件表 PARTS LIST / TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation C451 CC73HCH1H101J CHIP C 100PF L401,402 L92-0138-05 CHIP FERRITE C453 CC73HCH1H020B CHIP C 2.0PF...
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TK-3230 零件表 PARTS LIST / TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation R201 RK73HB1J272J CHIP R 2.7K 1/16W R340 RK73HB1J472J CHIP R 4.7K 1/16W...
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TK-3230 零件表 PARTS LIST / TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Desti- Desti- Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description Ref. No. Ad dress Parts No. Description parts nation parts nation R483 RK73HB1J121J CHIP R 1/16W R484 RK73HB1J000J CHIP R 1/16W R486 RK73HB1J823J...
TK-3230 部件分解图 EXPLODED VIEW / TX-RX TX-RX TX-RX TX-RX TX-RX unit : N14-0840-05 M2 x 6 : N80-2006-43 Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied.
TK-3230 包装 PACKING / 5 Instruction manual (B62-2028-00) 702 Protection bag 19 Hook assy (J29-0736-05) 25 Screw set (N99-2063-05) 704 Packing fixture 16 Item carton case (H52-2218-02) Parts with the exploded numbers larger than 700 are not supplied.
TK-3230 ADJUSTMENT Solder the ANT cable to the ANT terminal on the TX-RX Required Test Equipment unit. 1. Stabilized Power Supply 1) The supply voltage can be changed between 0V and 10V, and the current is 3A or more TX-RX unit 2) The standard voltage is 3.8V...
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TK-3230 ADJUSTMENT Measurement Adjustment Item Condition Specifi cations / Remarks Test- Unit Terminal Unit Parts Method equipment 7. MAX 1) PC tune Linear Adjust it to 4.2kHz. ±0.1kHz deviation CH: TX center detector Jig cable ± peak whichever (Wide) Linear detector fi lter...
Unit 3712-3724, Level 37, Tower one Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road, Bp 58416 Villepinte, 95944 Roissy Ch De Gaulle Cedex Kwai Fong, N.T., Hong Kong KENWOOD House, Dwight Road, Watford, Herts., 1 Ang Mo Kio Street 63, Singapore 569110 WD18 9EB United Kingdom...
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TK-3230 TK-3230 板 板 PC BOARD / PC PC BOARD / PC TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Component side view (J79-0103-19) TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Component side view (J79-0103-19) L400 C401 R403 C451 IC401 R417 R416 J300 EXT. SP/MIC Q404 R453 IC400 BATT+...
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TK-3230 TK-3230 板 板 PC BOARD / PC PC BOARD / PC TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Foil side view (J79-0103-19) TX-RX UNIT (X57-7330-10) Foil side view (J79-0103-19) R407 R406 C460 C349 R351 C360 R357 BATT+ IC403 F300 R413 R414 INT. SP+...
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