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HP Index 16533/34A oscilloscope. These examples are written in HP BASIC 6.2; however, the program concepts can be used in any other popular programming language that allows communications with either the HP-IB or RS-232C buses.
Introduction This chapter introduces you to the basic command structure used to program the oscilloscope. Also included is an example program that displays a waveform and makes automatic parametric measurements. Additional program examples are in chapter 11. 1–2...
:SELect 5 would select this module. For a multi-card configuration you would select the topmost card slot of the multi-card configuration. For more information on the select command, refer to the HP 16500B/16501A Programmer’s Guide. Setting up an Oscilloscope The easiest and fastest way to set up the oscilloscope is to use the AUTOSCALE command.
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The three Xs (XXX) after the OUTPUT and ENTER statements in the above example refer to the device address required for programming over either HP-IB or RS-232-C. Refer to your controller manual and programming language reference manual for information on initializing the interface.
The identification number for the both the HP 16533A and the HP 16534A oscilloscope is 14. Use the VARiation query to identify the card. A "-1" in the first part of the string indicates no card is installed in the slot.
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SELect The SELect command selects which module or intermodule will have parser control. SELect 0 selects system/intermodule, and assuming the HP 16501B extender is being used, SELect 1 through 10 selects modules A through J respectively. Parameters -1 and -2 select software options 1 and 2.
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Programming the HP 16533/34A Oscilloscope Module Mainframe Commands The STOP command stops the selected module or intermodule. If the selected module is configured for intermodule, STOP will stop all modules configured for intermodule. RMODe The RMODe command specifies the run mode (either single or repetitive) for a module or intermodule.
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Programming the HP 16533/34A Oscilloscope Module Mainframe Commands Table 1-1. Alphabetical Command to Subsystem Directory 1–8...
Command Set Organization Command Set Organization The command set for the HP 16533/34A is divided into module level commands and subsystem commands. Module level commands are listed in Chapter 2 and each of the subsystem commands are covered in their individual chapters starting with Chapter 3.
Each module reports its status to the Module Event Status Register (MESR) which in turn reports to the Combined Event Status Register (CESR) in the HP 16500B/16501A mainframe (see HP 16500B/16501A Programmer’s Guide, Chapter 6). The Module Event Status Register is enabled by the Module Event Status Enable Register (MESE).
Programming the HP 16533/34A Oscilloscope Module MESE <N> MESE <N> Command :MESE<N> <enable_mask> The MESE <N> command sets the Module Event Status Enable register bits. The MESE register contains a mask value for the bits enabled in the MESR register. A one in the MESE register will enable the corresponding bit in the MESR, a zero will disable the bit.
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Programming the HP 16533/34A Oscilloscope Module MESE <N> Table 1-2. Module Event Status Register Weight Enables Not used Not used Not used Number of averages met Auto triggered Trigger received RNT-Run until satisfied MC-Measurement complete The Module Event Status Enable Register contains a mask value for the bits to be enabled in the Module Event Status Register (MESR).
Programming the HP 16533/34A Oscilloscope Module MESR <N>? MESR <N>? Query :MESR<N> ? The MESR query returns the contents of the Module Event Status register. Table 1-3 shows each bit in the Module Event Status Register and their bit weights for this module. When you read the MESR, the value returned is the total bit weights of all bits that are high at the time the register is read.
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Programming the HP 16533/34A Oscilloscope Module MESR <N>? Table 1-3. Module Event Status Register Weight Condition Not used Not used Not used 1=Number of averages satisfied 0=Number of averages not satisfied 1=Auto triggered received 0=Auto triggered not received 1=Trigger received...
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Introduction Oscilloscope Module Level commands control the basic operation of the oscilloscope. Refer to figure 2-1 for the module level syntax command diagram. The HP 16533/34A Module Level commands are: • AUToscale • DIGitize • VARiation 2–2...
Module Level Commands AUToscale Figure 2-1 Module Level Command Syntax Diagram AUToscale Command :AUToscale The AUToscale command causes the oscilloscope to automatically select the vertical sensitivity, vertical offset, trigger source, trigger level and timebase settings for optimum viewing of any input signals. The trigger source is the lowest channel on which the trigger was found.
:DIGitize The DIGitize command is used to acquire waveform data for transfer over HP-IB. The command initiates the Repetitive Run for the oscilloscope and any modules that are grouped together in Group Run through the Intermodule Bus. If a RUNtil condition has been specified in any module, the oscilloscope and the grouped modules will acquire data until the RUNtil conditions have been satisfied.
(see section 1 of this manual). The card type for both the HP 16533A and the HP 16534A is 14. If multiple scope cards are connected together to create a scope module with greater than two channels, only the master card (top-most card) variation is returned.
Introduction The Acquire Subsystem commands are used to set up acquisition conditions for the DIGitize command. The subsystem contains commands to select the type of acquisition and the number of averages to be taken if the average type is chosen. Refer to Figure 3-1 for the ACQuire Subsystem Syntax Diagram.
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ACQuire Subsystem Figure 3-1 ACQuire Subsystem Syntax Diagram Table 3-1 ACQuire Parameter Values Parameter Value count_arg An integer that specifies the number of averages to be taken of each time point. The choices are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256. Acquisition Type Normal In the Normal mode, with the ACCumulate command OFF, the oscilloscope acquires waveform data and then displays the waveform.
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ACQuire Subsystem COUNt COUNt Command :ACQuire:COUNt <count> The COUNt command specifies the number of acquisitions for the running weighted average. This command generates an error if Normal acquisition mode is specified. {2|4|8|16|32|64|128|256} <count> Example OUTPUT XXX;":ACQUIRE:COUNT 16" Query :ACQuire:COUNt? The COUNt query returns the last specified count. Returned Format [:ACQuire:COUNt] <count><NL>...
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ACQuire Subsystem TYPE TYPE Command :ACQuire:TYPE {NORMal|AVERage} The TYPE command selects the type of acquisition that is to take place when a DIGitize or STARt command is executed. One of two acquisition types may be chosen: the NORMal or AVERage mode. Example OUTPUT XXX;":ACQUIRE:TYPE NORMAL"...
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Introduction The Channel Subsystem commands control the channel display and the vertical axis of the oscilloscope. Each channel must be programmed independently for all offset, range and probe functions. When ECL or TTL commands are executed, the vertical range, offset and trigger levels are automatically set for optimum viewing.
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CHANnel Subsystem Table 4-1 CHANnel Parameter Values Parameter Value channel_number An integer from 1 through 8, depending on how many oscilloscope cards are installed as a single unit (chained together). offset_arg a real number defining the voltage at the center of the display.
CHANnel Subsystem COUPling COUPling Command :CHANnel<N>:COUPling {DC|AC|DCFifty} The COUPling command sets the input impedance for the selected channel. The choices are 1M Ohm DC (DC), 1M Ohm AC (AC), or 50 Ohms DC (DCFifty). 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N>...
CHANnel Subsystem Command :CHANnel<N>:ECL The ECL command sets the vertical range, offset, and trigger levels for the selected input channel for optimum viewing of ECL signals. The set ECL: values are: Range: 2.0 V (500 mV per division) Offset: -1.3 V Trigger level: -1.3 V An integer from 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope <N>...
CHANnel Subsystem OFFSet OFFSet Command :CHANnel<N>:OFFSet <value> The OFFSet command sets the voltage that is represented at center screen for the selected channel. The allowable offset voltage <value> is shown in the table below. The table represents values for a Probe setting of 1:1. The offset value is recompensated whenever the probe attenuation factor is changed.
CHANnel Subsystem PROBe PROBe Command :CHANnel<N>:PROBe <atten> The PROBe command specifies the attenuation factor for an external probe connected to a channel. The command changes the channel voltage references such as range, offset, trigger level and automatic measurements. The actual sensitivity is not changed at the channel input. The allowable probe attenuation factor is an integer from 1 to 1000.
CHANnel Subsystem RANGe RANGe Command :CHANnel<N>:RANGe <range> The RANGe command defines the full-scale (4 times the Volts/Div) vertical axis of the selected channel. The values for the RANGe command are dependent on the current probe attenuation factor for the selected channel. The allowable range for a probe attenuation factor of 1:1 is 16 mV to 40 V.
CHANnel Subsystem Command :CHANnel<N>:TTL The TTL command sets the vertical range, offset, and trigger level for the selected input channel for optimum viewing of TTL signals. The set TTL values are: Range: 6.0 V (1.50 V per division) Offset: 2.5 V Trigger Level: 1.62 V An integer 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected <N>...
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Introduction The Display Subsystem is used to control the display of data. Refer to Figure 5-1 for the DISPlay Subsystem Syntax Diagram. The DISPlay Subsystem commands are: • ACCumulate • CONNect • INSert • LABel • MINus • OVERlay • PLUS •...
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DISPlay Subsystem Figure 5-1 DISPlay Subsystem Syntax Diagram Table 5-1 DISPlay Parameter Values Parameter Value slot_# a number from 1 through 10 identifying the oscilloscope card slot. bit_id an integer from 0 to 31. channel_# an integer from 1 through 8 depending on how many oscilloscope modules are installed as a single unit.
DISPlay Subsystem ACCumulate ACCumulate Command :DISPlay:ACCumulate {{ON|1}|{OFF|0}} The ACCumulate command works in conjunction with the commands in the Acquisition Subsystem. In the Normal mode, the ACCumulate command turns the infinite persistence on or off. Example OUTPUT XXX;":DISPLAY:ACC ON" Query :DISPLAY:ACCumulate? The ACCumulate query reports if accumulate is turned on or off.
DISPlay Subsystem INSert Query :DISPlay:CONNect? The CONNect query reports if connect is on or off. Returned Format [:DISPlay:CONNect] {1|0}<NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":DISPLAY:CONNECT?" INSert The INSert command inserts waveforms into the current display. Time-correlated waveforms from another oscilloscope module, logic analyzer or high speed timing module may also be added to the current display.
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DISPlay Subsystem INSert To insert a waveform from the oscilloscope to the oscilloscope display: Command :DISPlay:INSert [<module number>,]<label> slot in which oscilloscope master card is installed <module number> string of 1 alpha and 1 numeric character enclosed by single quotes <label>...
DISPlay Subsystem LABel LABel Command :DISPlay:LABel CHANnel<N>,<label_string> The LABel command is used to assign a label string to an oscilloscope channel. For single channel traces, the label string (up to five characters) appears on the left of the waveform area of the display. Note that the label string cannot be used in place of the channel number when programming the oscilloscope module.
DISPlay Subsystem MINus MINus Command :DISPlay:MINus [<module_number>,]<label>,<label> The MINus command algebraically subtracts one channel from another and inserts the resultant waveform to the display. Note that both channels must in the same oscilloscope module. The first parameter is an optional module specifier.
DISPlay Subsystem PLUS PLUS Command :DISPlay:PLUS [<module_number>,]<label>,<label> The PLUS command algebraically adds two channels and inserts the resultant waveform to the current display. Note that both channels must in the same oscilloscope module. The first parameter is an optional module specifier and needs to be used only if another module is displayed.
Introduction In addition to automatic parametric measurements, the oscilloscope has four markers for making time and voltage measurement. These measurements may be made automatically or manually. Additional features include the centering of trigger or markers in the display area (CENTer) and the run until time (RUNTil) mode. The RUNTil mode allows you to set a stop condition based on the time interval between the X marker and the O marker.
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MARKer Subsystem Figure 6-1 MARKer Subsystem Syntax Diagram (Cont’d) Table 6-1 MARKer Parameter Values Parameter Value channel_# An integer from 1 through 8, depending on how many oscilloscope cards are installed as a single unit (chained together). marker_time time in seconds from trigger marker to X or O marker lt_arg time in seconds that specifies the less than (lt) RUNTil time gt_arg...
MARKer Subsystem AVOLt AVOLt Command :MARKer:AVOLt CHANnel<N>,<level> The AVOLt command moves the A marker to the specified voltage on the indicated channel. 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N> (maximum of 8 channels), otherwise the maximum number of channels is 2 the desired marker voltage level, ranging from ±(2 x maximum offset) <level>...
MARKer Subsystem ABVolt? ABVolt? Query :MARKer:ABVolt? The ABVolt query returns the difference between the A marker voltage and the B marker voltage (Vb - Va). Returned Format [:MARKer:ABVolt]<level><NL> level in volts of the B marker minus the A marker <level> Example OUTPUT XXX;":MARKER:ABVOLT?"...
MARKer Subsystem CENTer Query :MARKer:BVOLt? The BVOLt query returns the current voltage and channel selection for the B marker. Returned Format [:MARKer:BVOLt]CHANnel<N>,<level><NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":MARKER:BVOLT?" CENTer Command :MARKer:CENTer {TRIGger|X|O} The CENTer command allows you to position the indicated marker (TRIGger, X, or O) at the center of the waveform area on the scope display. The CENTer command adjusts the timebase delay to cause the trace to be centered around the indicated marker (S/DIV remains unchanged).
MARKer Subsystem OAUTo The MSTats query returns the current setting. Returned Format [:MARKer:MSTats]{1|0}<NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":MARKER:MSTATS?" OAUTo Command :MARKer:OAUTo{ MANual|CHANnel<N>,<type>,<level>, <slope>,<occurrence>} The OAUTo command specifies the automatic placement specification for the O marker. The first parameter specifies if automarker placement is to be in the manual mode or on a specified channel.
MARKer Subsystem OTIMe Query :MARKer:OAUTo? The OAUTo query returns the current settings. Returned Format [:MARKer:OAUTo] CHANnel<N>,<type> <level>,<slope>,<occurrence><NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":MARKER:OAUTO?" If <type> is not specified, the marker type will default to PERCent. OTIMe Command :MARKer:OTIMe <O marker time> The OTIMe command moves the O marker to the specified time with respect to the trigger marker.
MARKer Subsystem RUNTil RUNTil Command :MARKer:RUNTil {OFF|LT,<time>|GT,<time>|INRange,<time>, <time>|OUTRange,<time>, <time>} The RUNTil command allows you to set a stop condition based on the time interval between the X marker and the O marker. In repetitive runs, when the time specification is met, the oscilloscope stops acquiring data and the advisory "Stop condition satisfied"...
MARKer Subsystem SHOW SHOW Command :MARKer:SHOW {SAMPle|MARKer} The SHOW command allows you to select either SAMPle rate or MARKer data (when markers are enabled) to appear on the oscilloscope menus above the waveform area. The SAMPle rate or MARKer data appears on the channel, trigger, display, and auto-measure menus.
MARKer Subsystem TMAXimum? TMAXimum? Query :MARKer:TMAXimum? The TMAXimum query returns the value of the maximum time between the X and O markers. If there is no valid data, the query returns 9.9E37. Returned Format [:MARKer:TMAXimum] <time value><NL> real number <time value> Example OUTPUT XXX;":MARKER:TMAXIMUM?"...
MARKer Subsystem TMODe TMODe Command :MARKer:TMODe {OFF|ON|AUTO} The TMODe command allows you to select the time marker mode. The choices are: OFF, ON and AUTO. When OFF, time marker measurements cannot be made. When the time markers are turned on, the X and O markers can be moved to make time and voltage measurements.
MARKer Subsystem VMODe VMODe Command :MARKer:VMODe {{OFF|0} | {ON|1}} The VMODe command allows you to select the voltage marker mode. The choices are: OFF or ON. When OFF, voltage marker measurements cannot be made. When the voltage markers are turned on, the A and B markers can be moved to make voltage measurements.
MARKer Subsystem VOTime? VOTime? Query :MARKer:VOTime? CHANNEL<N> The VOTime query returns the current voltage level of the selected source at the O marker. Returned Format [:MARKer:VOTime]<level><NL> 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N> (maximum of 8 channels), otherwise the maximum number of channels is 2 level in volts where the O marker crosses the waveform <level>...
MARKer Subsystem VXTime? VXTime? Query :MARKer:XVOLt? CHANnel<N> The VXTime query returns the current voltage level of the selected channel at the X marker. Returned Format [:MARKer:VXTime]<level><NL> 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N> (maximum of 8 channels), otherwise the maximum number of channels is 2 level in volts where the X marker crosses the waveform <level>...
MARKer Subsystem XAUTo XAUTo Command :MARKer:XAUTo{MANual|CHANnel<N>, <type>,<level>,<slope>,<occurrence>} The XAUTo command specifies the automatic placement specification for the X marker. The first parameter specifies if automarker placement is to be in the Manual mode or on a specified channel. If a channel is specified, four other parameters must be included in the command syntax.
MARKer Subsystem XOTime? XOTime? Query :MARKer:XOTime? The XOTime query returns the time in seconds from the X marker to the O marker. If data is not valid, the query returns 9.9E37. Returned Format [:MARKer:XOTime]<time><NL> real number <time> Example OUTPUT XXX;":MARKER:XOTIME?" XTIMe Command :MARKer:XTIMe <X marker time>...
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MARKer Subsystem XTIMe Query :MARKer:XTIMe? The XTIMe query returns the time in seconds between the X marker and the trigger marker. Returned Format [:MARKer:XTIMe]<xmarker time><NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":MARKER:XTIME?" 6–20...
Introduction The commands/queries in the Measure Subsystem are used to make automatic parametric measurements on displayed waveforms. Measurements are made on the displayed waveform(s) specified by the SOURce command. If the source is not specified, the last waveform source specified is assumed. Measurements are made in the following manner: Frequency The frequency of the first complete cycle displayed is measured using the...
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MEASure Subsystem Preshoot and Overshoot Preshoot and overshoot measure the perturbation on a waveform above or below the top and base voltages. Preshoot Is a perturbation before a rising or a falling edge and measured as a percentage of the top-base voltage. Overshoot Is a perturbation after a rising or falling edge and is measured as a percentage of the top-base voltage.
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MEASure Subsystem Figure 7-1 MEASure Subsystem Syntax Diagram Table 7-1 MEASure Parameter Values Parameter Value channel_# An integer from 1 through 8, depending on how many oscilloscope cards are installed as a single unit (chained together). 7–4...
MEASure Subsystem ALL? ALL? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]ALL? The ALL query makes a set of measurements on the displayed waveform using the selected source. 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N> (maximum of 8 channels), otherwise the maximum number of channels is 2 Returned Format [:MEASure:ALL PERiod] <real number>;...
MEASure Subsystem FALLtime? FALLtime? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]FALLtime? The FALLtime query makes a fall time measurement on the selected channel. The measurement is made between the 90% to the 10% voltage point of the first falling edge displayed on screen. Returned Format [:MEASure:FALLtime] <value><NL>...
MEASure Subsystem NWIDth? NWIDth? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]NWIDth? The NWIDth query makes a negative width time measurement on the selected channel. The measurement is made between the 50% points of the first falling and the next rising edge displayed on screen. Returned Format [:MEASure:NWIDth] <value><NL>...
MEASure Subsystem PERiod? PERiod? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]PERiod? The PERiod query makes a period measurement on the selected channel. The measurement is equivalent to the inverse of the frequency. Returned Format [:MEASure:PERiod] <value><NL> 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N>...
MEASure Subsystem PWIDth? PWIDth? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]PWIDth? The PWIDth query makes a positive pulse width measurement on the selected channel. The measurement is made by finding the time difference between the 50% points of the first rising and the next falling edge displayed on screen.
MEASure Subsystem SOURce SOURce Command :MEASure:SOURce CHANnel<N> The SOURce command specifies the source to be used for subsequent measurements. If the source is not specified, the last waveform source is assumed. 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N>...
MEASure Subsystem VAMPlitude? VAMPlitude? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]VAMPlitude? The VAMPlitude query makes a voltage measurement on the selected channel. The measurement is made by finding the relative maximum (VTOP) and minimum (VBASe) points on screen. Returned Format [:MEASure:VAMPlitude] <value><NL> 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N>...
MEASure Subsystem VMAX? VMAX? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]VMAX? The VMAX query returns the absolute maximum voltage of the selected source. Returned Format [:MEASure:VMAX] <value><NL> 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N> (maximum of 8 channels), otherwise the maximum number of channels is 2 maximum voltage of selected waveform <value>...
MEASure Subsystem VPP? VPP? Query :MEASure:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]VPP? The VPP query makes a peak to peak voltage measurement on the selected source. The measurement is made by finding the absolute maximum (VMAX) and minimum (VMIN) points on the displayed waveform. Returned Format [:MEASure:VPP]<value><NL>...
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Introduction The commands of the Timebase Subsystem control the Timebase, Trigger Delay Time, and the Timebase Mode. If TRIGgered mode is to be used, ensure that the trigger specifications of the Trigger Subsystem have been set. Refer to Figure 8-1 for the TIMebase Subsystem Syntax Diagram. The TIMebase Subsystem commands are: •...
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TIMebase Subsystem Figure 8-1 TIMebase Subsystem Syntax Diagram Table 8-1 TIMebase Parameter Values Parameter Value delay_arg delay time in seconds, from -2500 seconds through +2500 seconds. The full range is available for panning the waveform when acquisition is stopped. Refer to the User’s Reference Manual for a list of the available Delay Pre-trigger and Delay Post-trigger ranges while running and making acquisitions.
TIMebase Subsystem DELay DELay Command :TIMebase:DELay <delay time> The DELay command sets the time between the trigger and the center of the screen. delay time in seconds, from -2500 seconds through +2500 seconds. The full <delay time> range is available for panning the waveform when acquisition is stopped. Refer to the oscilloscope’s User’s Reference manual for a list of the available Delay Pre-trigger and Delay Post-trigger ranges while running and making acquisitions.
50 ms. The Auto-Trig On field in the trigger menu is the same as the AUTO mode over HP-IB or RS-232-C. The TRIGgered command is the same as the Auto-Trig Off on the front panel. Example OUTPUT XXX;":TIM:MODE AUTO"...
TIMebase Subsystem RANGe RANGe Command :TIMebase:RANGe <range> The RANGe command sets the full-scale horizontal time in seconds. The RANGE value is ten times the value in the s/Div field. time in seconds <range> Example OUTPUT XXX;":TIMEBASE:RANGE 2US" Query :TIMebase:RANGe? The RANGe query returns the current setting. Returned Format [:TIMebase:RANGe] <range><NL>...
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Introduction The commands of the Trigger Subsystem allow you to set all the trigger conditions necessary for generating a trigger. Many of the commands in the Trigger subsystem may be used in either the EDGE or the PATTern trigger mode. If a command is a valid command for the chosen trigger mode, then that setting will be accepted by the oscilloscope.
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TRIGger Subsystem Figure 9-1 TRIGger Subsystem Syntax Diagram (Cont’d) Table 9-1 TRIGger Parameter Values Parameter Value channel_# an integer from 1 through 8 depending on how many oscilloscope cards are installed in the mainframe count_# an integer from 1 through 32000 time a real number from 20 ns through 160 ms 9–4...
TRIGger Subsystem CONDition CONDition Command :TRIGger:[MODE PATTern;]CONDition {ENTer|EXIT|GT,<time>|LT,<time>|RANGe,<time>,<time> The CONDition command specifies if a trigger is to be generated on entry (ENTer) to a specific logic pattern, when exiting (EXIT) the specified pattern, or if a specified pattern duration (LT, GT, RANGe) is met. The specified pattern is defined by using the LOGic command.
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TRIGger Subsystem CONDition When LT (less than) is selected, the oscilloscope will trigger on the first transition that causes the pattern specification to be false, after the pattern has been true for the number of times specified by the trigger event count (DELAY command).
TRIGger Subsystem DELay DELay Command :TRIGger:DELay [EVENt,]<count> The DELay command is used to specify the number of events at which trigger occurs. The time delay (see TIMe:DELay) is counted after the events delay. The DELay command cannot be used in the IMMediate trigger mode. integer from 1 to 32000 <count>...
TRIGger Subsystem LEVel LEVel Command For EDGE trigger mode: :TRIGger:[MODE EDGE;SOURce {CHANnel<N>|EXTernal};]LEVel<value> For PATTern trigger mode: :TRIGger:[MODE PATTern;PATH {CHANnel<N>|EXTernal};]LEVel<value> The LEVel command sets the trigger level voltage for the selected source or path. This command cannot be used in the IMMediate trigger mode. In EDGE trigger mode, the SOURce command is used;...
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TRIGger Subsystem LEVel Query For EDGE trigger mode: :TRIGger:[MODE EDGE;SOUR {CHAN<N>|EXT};]LEVel? For PATTern trigger mode: :TRIGger:[MODE PATT;PATH {CHAN<N>|EXT};]LEVel? The LEVel query returns the trigger level for the current path or source. Returned Format [:TRIGger:LEVel] <value><NL> Example For EDGE trigger mode: OUTPUT XXX;":TRIGGER:SOURCE CHANNEL1;LEVEL?"...
TRIGger Subsystem LOGic LOGic Command :TRIGger:[MODE PATTern;PATH {CHANnel<N>|EXTernal};] LOGic {HIGH|LOW|DONTcare} The LOGic command sets the logic for each trigger path in the PATTern trigger mode. The choices are HIGH, LOW and DONTcare. The trigger level set by the LEVel command determines logic high and low threshold levels. Any voltage higher than the present edge trigger level is considered a logic high for that trigger path;...
TRIGger Subsystem MODE MODE Command :TRIGger:MODE {EDGE|PATTern|IMMediate} The MODE command allows you to select the trigger mode for the oscilloscope. The EDGE mode will trigger the oscilloscope on an edge whose slope is determined by the SLOPe command at a voltage set by the LEVel command.
TRIGger Subsystem PATH PATH Command :TRIGger:[MODE PATTern;]PATH {CHANnel<N>|EXTernal} The PATH command is used to select a trigger path for the subsequent LOGic and LEVel commands. This command can only be used in the PATTern trigger mode. 1 or 2 <N> Example OUTPUT XXX;":TRIGGER:PATH EXTERNAL"...
TRIGger Subsystem SOURce The SLOPe query returns the slope of the current trigger source. Returned Format [:TRIGger:SLOPe] {POSitive|NEGative}<NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":TRIG:SOUR CHAN1;SLOP?" SOURce Command :TRIGger:[MODE EDGE;]SOURce {CHANnel<N>|EXTernal} The SOURce command is used to select the trigger source and is used for any subsequent SLOPe and LEVel commands.
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Introduction The commands of the Waveform subsystem are used to transfer waveform data from the oscilloscope to a controller. The waveform record is actually contained in two portions; the waveform data and preamble. The waveform data is the actual data acquired for each point when a DIGitize command is executed.
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WAVeform Subsystem Average Mode In the Average mode, the oscilloscope averages the data points on the waveform with previously acquired data. Averaging helps eliminate random noise from the displayed waveform. In this mode ACCumulate is set to OFF. When Average mode is selected the number of averages must also be specified using the COUNt command.
WAVeform Subsystem Format for Data Transfer Format for Data Transfer There are three formats for transferring waveform data over the remote interface. These formats are WORD, BYTE, or ASCII. WORD and BYTE formatted waveform records are transmitted using the arbitrary block program data format specified in IEEE-488.2. When you use this format, the ASCII character string "#8 <DD...D>"...
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WAVeform Subsystem Format for Data Transfer WORD Format Word data is two bytes wide with the most significant byte of each word being transmitted first. In WORD format, the 15 least significant bits represent the waveform data. The possible range of data is divided into 32768 vertical increments.
WAVeform Subsystem Data Conversion Data Conversion Data sent from the oscilloscope is raw data and must be scaled for useful interpretation. The values used to interpret the data are the X and Y references, X and Y origins, and X and Y increments. These values are read from the waveform preamble (see the PREamble command) or by the queries of these values.
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WAVeform Subsystem Data Conversion Figure 10-3 WAVeform Subsystem Syntax Diagram (Cont’d) Table 10-1 WAVeform Parameter Values Parameter Value channel_# an integer from 1 through 8 depending on how many oscilloscope cards are installed in the mainframe 10–8...
WAVeform Subsystem COUNt? COUNt? Query :WAVeform:COUNt? The COUNt query returns the count last specified in the ACQuire Subsystem. Returned Format [:WAVeform:COUNt] <count><NL> {2|4|8|16|32|64|128|256} <count> Example OUTPUT XXX;":WAVEFORM:COUNT?" DATA? Query :WAVeform:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]DATA? The DATA query returns the waveform record stored in a specified channel buffer.
WAVeform Subsystem FORMat FORMat Command :WAVeform:FORMat {BYTE|WORD|ASCii} The FORMat command specifies the data transmission mode of waveform data over the remote interface. Example OUTPUT XXX;":WAV:FORM WORD" Query :WAVeform:FORMat?" The FORMat query returns the currently specified format. Returned Format [:WAVeform:FORMat]{BYTE|WORD|ASCii}<NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":WAVEFORM:FORMAT?"...
WAVeform Subsystem RECord RECord Command :WAVeform:RECord {FULL|WINDow} The RECord command specifies the data you want to receive over the bus. The choices are FULL or WINdow. When FULL is chosen, the entire 32768 point record of the specified channel is transmitted over the bus. In WINdow mode, only the data displayed on screen will be returned.
WAVeform Subsystem SPERiod? The SOURce query returns the presently selected channel. Returned Format [:WAVeform:SOURce] CHANnel<N><NL> Example OUTPUT XXX;":WAVEFORM:SOURCE?" SPERiod? Query :WAVeform:SPERiod? The SPERiod query returns the present sampling period. The sample period is determined by the DELay and the RANGe commands of the TIMEbase subsystem.
WAVeform Subsystem VALid? VALid? Query :WAVeform:VALid? The VALid query checks the oscilloscope for acquired data. If a measurement is completed, and data has been acquired by all channels, then the query reports a 1. A 0 is reported if no data has been acquired for the last acquisition.
(or sample period). • In WINDow record mode, the X-increment is the time between data points on the HP 16500B front panel. The X-increment for WINDow record data will be less than or equal to the sample period. Returned Format [:WAVeform:XINCrement]<value><NL>...
WAVeform Subsystem XORigin? XORigin? Query :WAVeform:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]XORigin? The XORigin query returns the X-origin value currently in the preamble. The value represents the time of the first data point in memory with respect to the trigger point. Returned Format [:WAVeform:XORigin]<value><NL> 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N>...
WAVeform Subsystem YINCrement? YINCrement? Query :WAVeform:[SOURce CHANnel<N>;]YINCrement? The YINCrement query returns the Y-increment value currently in the preamble. This value is the voltage difference between consecutive data values. Returned Format [:WAVeform:YINCrement]<value><NL> 1 through the number of channels in the oscilloscope connected as one unit <N>...
WAVeform Subsystem YREFerence? YREFerence? Query :WAVeform:YREFerence? The YREFerence query returns the Y-reference value currently in the preamble. This value specifies the data value at center screen where Y-origin occurs. Returned Format [:WAVeform:YREFerence]<value><NL> Y-reference data value in preamble <value> Example OUTPUT XXX;":WAVEFORM:YREFERENCE?" 10–18...
Introduction This chapter contains short, usable, and tested program examples that cover the most asked for examples. The examples are written in HP BASIC 6.2 • Digitizing waveform data • Using the MEASURE ALL? query • Combined measurement example 11–2...
Programming Examples Digitizing Waveform Data Digitizing Waveform Data This program sets up the oscilloscope module to digitize a waveform on channel 1 in word format and then moves the data to the computer in. 10 CLEAR 707 20 OUTPUT 707;":SELECT 4" 30 OUTPUT 707;":SYSTEM:HEADER OFF;...
Programming Examples Using the MEASURE ALL? Query Using the MEASURE ALL? Query This program example uses the MEASURE ALL? Query to read in the results of a signal connected to channel 1. Autoscale is used in line 40 to capture the signal and automatically sets the voltage and time settings for a usable display.
The three major tasks are initializing the interface and oscilloscope card, digitizing the acquired signal, and measuring and printing the frequency and peak-to-peak voltage. This program is written with subroutines in HP BASIC 6.2. Combined Measurement Example...
Page 132
Programming Examples Combined Measurement Example OUTPUT @Scope;"*RST" !set oscilloscope to default config OUTPUT @Scope;":AUTOSCALE" !AUTOSCALE OUTPUT @Scope;":SYST:HEADER OFF" !turn headers off CLEAR SCREEN !clear screen RETURN !DIGITIZE waveform to acquire data and stop oscilloscope for further !measurement. Measurement is NOT displayed on the front panel. 430 Get_waveform: OUTPUT @Scope;":WAVEFORM:SOURCE CHAN1"...
Page 133
Index CONNect ,5–4 Mainframe ,1–5 to 1–8 ABVolt? ,6–7 COUNt ,3–4 MENU ,1–6 ACCumulate ,3–3, 5–4, 5–7 DELay ,8–4, 9–7 MESE ,1–11 to 1–12 ACCumulate? ,5–4 FORMat ,10–10 MINus ,5–8 ACQuire Subsystem ,3–2 INSert ,5–5 MODE ,8–5, 9–11 acquire waveform data ,2–4 LEVel ,9–8 MSTats ,6–8 acquired data ,10–14...
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Index data conversion ,10–6 to 10–8 Identification number ,1–5 MESE? ,1–11 data to time conversion ,10–6 Identifying modules ,1–5 MESR? ,1–13 data transfer ,10–2, 10–12 immediate trigger ,9–11 minimum voltage measurement ,7–12 data transfer format ,10–4 to 10–5 infinite persistence ,5–4 MINus ,5–8 data transmission mode ,10–10 input impedance ,4–5...
This Hewlett-Packard This is the first edition of the Hewlett-Packard edition and of any changed product has a warranty HP 16533A 1GSa/s and specifically disclaims the pages to that edition. against defects in material HP 16534A 2-GSa/s implied warranties of...
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