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ABB RELION 650 Series Applications Manual
ABB RELION 650 Series Applications Manual

ABB RELION 650 Series Applications Manual

Line differential protection version 2.1
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R E L I O N ® 650 SERIES
Line differential protection RED650
Version 2.1
Application manual


Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for ABB RELION 650 Series

  • Page 1 — R E L I O N ® 650 SERIES Line differential protection RED650 Version 2.1 Application manual...
  • Page 3 Document ID: 1MRK 505 363-UEN Issued: March 2019 Revision: A Product version: 2.1 © Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved...
  • Page 4 Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
  • Page 5 This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be completely ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer.
  • Page 6 (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The...
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction.......................15 This manual............................15 Intended audience..........................15 Product documentation........................16 1.3.1 Product documentation set...................... 16 1.3.2 Document revision history......................17 1.3.3 Related documents........................17 Document symbols and conventions...................18 1.4.1 Symbols............................18 1.4.2 Document conventions.......................19 IEC 61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping..................19 Section 2 Application......................23 General IED application........................23...
  • Page 8 Table of contents Example............................47 Examples how to connect, configure and set VT inputs for most commonly used VT connections....................... 47 Examples on how to connect a three phase-to-earth connected VT to the IED..48 Example on how to connect a phase-to-phase connected VT to the IED....50 Example on how to connect an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed or unearthed netwoeks....................52...
  • Page 9 Table of contents Internal/external fault discriminator................... 86 Power transformer in the protected zone................87 Settings examples........................90 Section 7 Impedance protection..................101 Distance protection ZMFPDIS..................... 101 7.1.1 Identification..........................101 7.1.2 Application..........................101 System earthing........................101 Fault infeed from remote end..................... 104 Load encroachment.......................105
  • Page 10 Table of contents Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC ............143 8.4.1 Identification..........................143 8.4.2 Application..........................143 8.4.3 Setting guidelines........................145 Settings for each step (x = 1, 2, 3 and 4)................145 Common settings for all steps.................... 147 2nd harmonic restrain......................
  • Page 11 Table of contents Power supply quality ......................182 Voltage instability mitigation....................182 Backup protection for power system faults..............182 Settings for Two step undervoltage protection.............. 182 Section 10 Multipurpose protection................185 10.1 General current and voltage protection CVGAPC..............185 10.1.1 Identification..........................
  • Page 12 Table of contents External fuse failure......................209 12.1.3 Application examples........................210 Single circuit breaker with single busbar................210 Single circuit breaker with double busbar, external voltage selection......211 Single circuit breaker with double busbar, internal voltage selection......211 12.1.4 Setting guidelines........................
  • Page 13 Table of contents Reservation input (RESIN)....................242 12.4 Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC....242 12.4.1 Identification..........................242 12.4.2 Application..........................242 12.4.3 Setting guidelines........................243 12.5 Selector mini switch VSGAPC...................... 243 12.5.1 Identification..........................243 12.5.2 Application..........................243 12.5.3 Setting guidelines........................244 12.6 Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC......
  • Page 14 Table of contents 13.2.3 Setting guidelines........................259 Current reversal logic......................259 Weak-end infeed logic......................259 13.3 Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for phase segregated communication ZC1WPSCH ............................. 260 13.3.1 Identification..........................260 13.3.2 Application..........................260 13.3.3 Setting guidelines........................261 13.4 Local acceleration logic ZCLCPSCH................... 262 13.4.1 Identification..........................
  • Page 15 Table of contents 14.8.1 Identification..........................273 14.8.2 Application..........................273 14.9 Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC..274 14.9.1 Identification..........................274 14.9.2 Application..........................274 14.10 Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16..................275 14.10.1 Identification..........................275 14.10.2 Application..........................276 14.11 Integer to Boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation ITBGAPC.....276 14.11.1 Identification..........................
  • Page 16 Table of contents 15.5 Event function EVENT........................296 15.5.1 Identification..........................296 15.5.2 Application..........................296 15.5.3 Setting guidelines........................297 15.6 Disturbance report DRPRDRE......................297 15.6.1 Identification..........................297 15.6.2 Application..........................298 15.6.3 Setting guidelines........................298 Recording times........................300 Binary input signals....................... 301 Analog input signals......................301 Sub-function parameters.....................
  • Page 17 Table of contents 17.2.4 Generic communication function for Single Point indication SPGAPC, SP16GAPC..315 Application..........................315 Setting guidelines........................315 17.2.5 Generic communication function for Measured Value MVGAPC........315 Application..........................315 Setting guidelines........................315 17.2.6 IEC 61850-8-1 redundant station bus communication - PRP..........316 Identification...........................316
  • Page 18 Table of contents 20.2.2 Factory defined settings......................339 20.3 Measured value expander block RANGE_XP................340 20.3.1 Identification..........................340 20.3.2 Application..........................340 20.3.3 Setting guidelines........................340 20.4 Parameter setting groups......................341 20.4.1 Application..........................341 20.4.2 Setting guidelines........................341 20.5 Rated system frequency PRIMVAL....................341 20.5.1 Identification..........................341 20.5.2 Application..........................
  • Page 19 Table of contents 21.1.3 Fault current..........................356 21.1.4 Secondary wire resistance and additional load..............356 21.1.5 General current transformer requirements................. 357 21.1.6 Rated equivalent secondary e.m.f. requirements............... 357 Line differential protection....................357 Distance protection.......................358 Breaker failure protection....................360 Restricted earth fault protection (low impedance differential)........
  • Page 21: Introduction

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 1 Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual GUID-AB423A30-13C2-46AF-B7FE-A73BB425EB5F v19 The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used.
  • Page 22: Product Documentation

    Section 1 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Introduction Product documentation 1.3.1 Product documentation set GUID-3AA69EA6-F1D8-47C6-A8E6-562F29C67172 v15 Engineering manual Installation manual Commissioning manual Operation manual Application manual Technical manual Communication protocol manual Cyber security deployment guideline IEC07000220-4-en.vsd IEC07000220 V4 EN-US Figure 1: The intended use of manuals throughout the product lifecycle The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the various tools available within the PCM600 software.
  • Page 23: Document Revision History

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 1 Introduction The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used. The manual can also provide assistance for calculating settings. The technical manual contains operation principle descriptions, and lists function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data, sorted per function.
  • Page 24: Document Symbols And Conventions

    Section 1 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Introduction 650 series manuals Document numbers Accessories guide IEC: 1MRK 514 012-UEN ANSI: 1MRK 514 012-UUS Cyber security deployment guideline 1MRK 511 382-UEN Connection and Installation components 1MRK 513 003-BEN Test system, COMBITEST 1MRK 512 001-BEN Document symbols and conventions 1.4.1 Symbols...
  • Page 25: Document Conventions

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 1 Introduction 1.4.2 Document conventions GUID-96DFAB1A-98FE-4B26-8E90-F7CEB14B1AB6 v8 • Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also contains definitions of important terms. • Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push button icons.
  • Page 29: Application

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 2 Application Section 2 Application General IED application GUID-2E886C66-C954-40F8-9C0E-0BBF4A0A8A54 v2 RED650 is used for the protection, control and monitoring of overhead lines and cables in solidly or impedance earthed networks. It is suitable for the protection of heavily loaded lines and multi-terminal lines where the requirement for fast one- and/or three-phase tripping is wanted.
  • Page 30: Main Protection Functions

    Section 2 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Application management of user accounts, roles and certificates and the distribution of such, a procedure completely transparent to the user. The Flexible Product Naming allows the customer to use an IED-vendor independent 61850 model of the IED. This customer model will be used as the IEC 61850 data model, but all other aspects of the IED will remain unchanged (e.g., names on the local HMI and names in the tools).
  • Page 31: Control And Monitoring Functions

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 2 Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential RED650 (A11) SDEPSDE Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection CCRBRF 50BF Breaker failure protection STBPTOC 50STB Stub protection CCPDSC 52PD Pole discordance protection GUPPDUP Directional underpower protection GOPPDOP Directional overpower protection BRCPTOC...
  • Page 32 Section 2 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line differential RED650 (A11) Secondary system supervision CCSSPVC Current circuit supervison FUFSPVC Fuse failure supervision Logic SMPPTRC Tripping logic TMAGAPC Trip matrix logic ALMCALH Logic for group alarm WRNCALH Logic for group warning INDCALH...
  • Page 33: Communication

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 2 Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line differential RED650 (A11) I103AR Function status auto-recloser for IEC 60870-5-103 I103EF Function status earth-fault for IEC 60870-5-103 I103FLTPROT Function status fault protection for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IED IED status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103SUPERV Supervison status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103USRDEF...
  • Page 34 Section 2 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line differential RED650 (A11) CHSEROPT DNP3.0 for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication protocol MSTSER DNP3.0 for serial communication protocol MST1TCP, DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol MST2TCP, MST3TCP, MST4TCP DNPFREC DNP3.0 fault records for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication protocol IEC 61850-8-1 Parameter setting function for IEC 61850...
  • Page 35: Basic Ied Functions

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 2 Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line differential RED650 (A11) ZCPSCH Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent protection ZCRWPSCH Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for distance protection ZCLCPSCH Local acceleration logic Basic IED functions GUID-C8F0E5D2-E305-4184-9627-F6B5864216CA v10 Table 4: Basic IED functions...
  • Page 36 Section 2 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Application IEC 61850 or function Description name PRIMVAL Primary system values ALTMS Time master supervision ALTIM Time management MSTSER DNP3.0 for serial communication protocol Table 5: Local HMI functions IEC 61850 or function ANSI Description name LHMICTRL...
  • Page 37: Configuration

    The configurations are as far as found necessary provided with application comments to explain why the signals have been connected in the special way. On request, ABB is available to support the re-configuration work, either directly or to do the design checking.
  • Page 38 Section 3 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Configuration RED650 A11 – Single breaker with single phase tripping 12AI (7I+5U) WA2_VT VN MMXU WA1_VT 1→0 5(0→1) SC/VC 1->0 VN MMXU SMP PTRC SMB RREC SES RSYN SMP PTRC Control Control Control Control S CSWI Q CBAY S CILO...
  • Page 39: Analog Inputs

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs Section 4 Analog inputs Introduction SEMOD55003-5 v10 Analog input channels must be configured and set properly in order to get correct measurement results and correct protection operations. For power measuring and all directional and differential functions the directions of the input currents must be defined in order to reflect the way the current transformers are installed/connected in the field ( primary and secondary connections ).
  • Page 40: Setting Of Current Channels

    Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs 4.2.2 Setting of current channels SEMOD55055-16 v5 The direction of a current to the IED is depending on the connection of the CT. Unless indicated otherwise, the main CTs are supposed to be star connected and can be connected with the earthing point to the object or from the object.
  • Page 41: Example 2

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs Line Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer protection Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with...
  • Page 42: Example 3

    Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer protection Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with...
  • Page 43 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs Transformer Line Forward Reverse Definition of direction for directional Transformer and line functions Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter CTStarPoint with CTStarPoint with Transformer as Transformer as reference object.
  • Page 44: Examples On How To Connect, Configure And Set Ct Inputs For Most Commonly Used Ct Connections

    Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional Transformer and line functions Line protection Setting of current input for line functions: Set parameter CTStarPoint with Line as reference object. Setting of current input Setting of current input Correct setting is for transformer functions:...
  • Page 45: Example On How To Connect A Star Connected Three-Phase Ct Set To The Ied

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs Where: is symbol and terminal marking used in this document. Terminals marked with a square indicates the primary and secondary winding terminals with the same (that is, positive) polarity b) and are equivalent symbols and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for CTs. Note that for these two cases the CT polarity marking is correct! It shall be noted that depending on national standard and utility practices, the rated secondary current of a CT has typically one of the following values:...
  • Page 46 Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs CT 600/5 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P Star Connected REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC13000002-4-en.vsdx Protected Object IEC13000002 V4 EN-US Figure 9: Star connected three-phase CT set with star point towards the protected object Where: The drawing shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a star connected three- phase CT set to the three CT inputs of the IED.
  • Page 47 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs These three connections are the links between the three current inputs and the three input channels of the preprocessing function block 4). Depending on the type of functions, which need this current information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to the same three physical CT inputs.
  • Page 48 Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs CTprim =600A • • CTsec =5A CTStarPoint =FromObject • Inside the IED only the ratio of the first two parameters is used. The third parameter as set in this example will negate the measured currents in order to ensure that the currents are measured towards the protected object within the IED.
  • Page 49: Example How To Connect Delta Connected Three-Phase Ct Set To The Ied

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs are three connections made in the Signal Matrix tool (SMT), Application configuration tool (ACT), which connects these three current inputs to the first three input channels on the preprocessing function block 6). Depending on the type of functions, which need this current information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to these three CT inputs.
  • Page 50 Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs IL1-IL2 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P IL2-IL3 REVROT ^GRP2L1 IL3-IL1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC11000027-3-en.vsdx Protected Object IEC11000027 V3 EN-US Figure 12: Delta DAB connected three-phase CT set Where: shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a delta connected three-phase CT set to three CT inputs of the IED.
  • Page 51: Example How To Connect Single-Phase Ct To The Ied

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs Another alternative is to have the delta connected CT set as shown in figure 13: IL1-IL3 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT IL2-IL1 ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 IL3-IL2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC11000028-3-en.vsdx Protected Object IEC11000028 V3 EN-US Figure 13: Delta DAC connected three-phase CT set In this case, everything is done in a similar way as in the above described example, except that...
  • Page 52: Relationships Between Setting Parameter Base Current, Ct Rated Primary Current And Minimum Pickup Of A Protection Ied

    Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs Protected Object SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N IEC11000029-4-en.vsdx IEC11000029 V4 EN-US Figure 14: Connections for single-phase CT input Where: shows how to connect single-phase CT input in the IED. is TRM where these current inputs are located.
  • Page 53: Setting Of Voltage Channels

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs CTs involved in the protection scheme. The rated CT primary current value is set as parameter CTPrim under the IED TRM settings. For all other protection applications (e.g. generator, shunt reactor, shunt capacitor and IBase parameter equal to the rated transformer protection) it is typically desirable to set current of the protected object.
  • Page 54: Examples On How To Connect A Three Phase-To-Earth Connected Vt To The Ied

    Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs (X1) (X1) (X1) (H1) (H1) (H1) (H2) (X2) (H2) (X2) (H2) (X2) en06000591.vsd IEC06000591 V1 EN-US Figure 15: Commonly used markings of VT terminals Where: is the symbol and terminal marking used in this document. Terminals marked with a square indicate the primary and secondary winding terminals with the same (positive) polarity is the equivalent symbol and terminal marking used by IEC (ANSI) standard for phase-to-earth connected VTs...
  • Page 55 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 ^GRP2N #Not used IEC06000599-4-en.vsdx IEC06000599 V4 EN-US Figure 16: A Three phase-to-earth connected VT Where: shows how to connect three secondary phase-to-earth voltages to three VT inputs on the IED is the TRM where these three voltage inputs are located.
  • Page 56: Example On How To Connect A Phase-To-Phase Connected Vt To The Ied

    Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs are three connections made in Signal Matrix Tool (SMT), which connect these three voltage inputs to first three input channels of the preprocessing function block 5). Depending on the type of functions which need this voltage information, more then one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to these three VT inputs.
  • Page 57 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs 13.8 13.8 SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 #Not Used ^GRP2N IEC06000600-5-en.vsdx IEC06000600 V5 EN-US Figure 17: A Two phase-to-phase connected VT Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of a phase-to-phase VT to the VT inputs on the IED is the TRM where these three voltage inputs are located.
  • Page 58: Example On How To Connect An Open Delta Vt To The Ied For High Impedance Earthed Or Unearthed Netwoeks

    Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs Example on how to connect an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed or unearthed netwoeks SEMOD55055-163 v8 Figure gives an example about the wiring of an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed or unearthed power systems.
  • Page 59: Example How To Connect The Open Delta Vt To The Ied For Low Impedance Earthed Or Solidly Earthed Power Systems

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of the open delta VT to one VT input on the IED. +3U0 shall be connected to the IED is the TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
  • Page 60 Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs Ph Ph Ph E (Equation 7) EQUATION1926 V1 EN-US The primary rated voltage of such VT is always equal to UPh-E Therefore, three series connected VT secondary windings will give the secondary voltage equal only to one individual VT secondary winding rating.
  • Page 61: Example On How To Connect A Neutral Point Vt To The Ied

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of open delta VT to one VT input in the IED. +3Uo shall be connected to the IED. is TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
  • Page 62 Section 4 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Analog inputs In case of a solid earth fault in high impedance earthed or unearthed systems the primary value of Uo voltage will be equal to: (Equation 11) EQUATION1931 V2 EN-US Figure 20gives an overview of required actions by the user in order to make this measurement available to the built-in protection and control functions within the IED.
  • Page 63 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 4 Analog inputs shows that in this example the first three input channel of the preprocessing block is not connected in SMT tool or ACT tool. shows the connection made in Signal Matrix Tool (SMT), Application configuration tool (ACT), which connects this voltage input to the fourth input channel of the preprocessing function block 5).
  • Page 65: Local Hmi

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 5 Local HMI Section 5 Local HMI AMU0600442 v14 IEC13000239-2-en.vsd IEC13000239 V2 EN-US Figure 21: Local human-machine interface The LHMI of the IED contains the following elements: • Keypad • Display (LCD) • LED indicators •...
  • Page 66: Display

    Section 5 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Local HMI Display GUID-55739D4F-1DA5-4112-B5C7-217AAF360EA5 v11 The LHMI includes a graphical monochrome liquid crystal display (LCD) with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The character size can vary. The amount of characters and rows fitting the view depends on the character size and the view that is shown.
  • Page 67: Leds

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 5 Local HMI IEC13000281-1-en.vsd GUID-C98D972D-D1D8-4734-B419-161DBC0DC97B V1 EN-US Figure 23: Function button panel The indication LED panel shows on request the alarm text labels for the indication LEDs. Three indication LED pages are available. IEC13000240-1-en.vsd GUID-5157100F-E8C0-4FAB-B979-FD4A971475E3 V1 EN-US Figure 24: Indication LED panel The function button and indication LED panels are not visible at the same time.
  • Page 68: Keypad

    Section 5 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Local HMI three LED groups. The LEDs are lit according to priority, with red being the highest and green the lowest priority. For example, if on one panel there is an indication that requires the green LED to be lit, and on another panel there is an indication that requires the red LED to be lit, the red LED takes priority and is lit.
  • Page 69 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 5 Local HMI IEC15000157-2-en.vsd IEC15000157 V2 EN-US Figure 25: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command push-buttons and RJ-45 communication port 1...5 Function button Close Open Escape Left Down Right Enter Remote/Local Uplink LED Not in use Multipage Menu...
  • Page 70: Local Hmi Functionality

    Section 5 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Local HMI Communication port Programmable indication LEDs IED status LEDs Local HMI functionality 5.4.1 Protection and alarm indication GUID-09CCB9F1-9B27-4C12-B253-FBE95EA537F5 v15 Protection indicators The protection indicator LEDs are Ready, Start and Trip. The start and trip LEDs are configured via the disturbance recorder. The yellow and red status LEDs are configured in the disturbance recorder function, DRPRDRE, by connecting a start or trip signal from the actual function to a BxRBDR binary input function block using the PCM600 and configure the...
  • Page 71: Parameter Management

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 5 Local HMI Table 8: Trip LED (red) LED state Description Normal operation. A protection function has tripped. An indication message is displayed if the auto-indication feature is enabled in the local HMI. The trip indication is latching and must be reset via communication, LHMI or binary input on the LEDGEN component.
  • Page 72 Section 5 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Local HMI IEC13000280-1-en.vsd GUID-AACFC753-BFB9-47FE-9512-3C4180731A1B V1 EN-US Figure 26: RJ-45 communication port and green indicator LED 1 RJ-45 connector 2 Green indicator LED The default IP address for the IED front port is and the corresponding subnetwork mask is
  • Page 73: Differential Protection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection Section 6 Differential protection Low impedance restricted earth fault protection REFPDIF IP14640-1 v6 6.1.1 Identification M14843-1 v5 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Restricted earth-fault protection, REFPDIF low impedance IdN/I...
  • Page 74: Transformer Winding, Solidly Earthed

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection Due to its features, REFPDIF is often used as a main protection of the transformer winding for all faults involving earth. Transformer winding, solidly earthed M13048-3 v9 The most common application is on a solidly earthed transformer winding. The connection is shown in figure 27.
  • Page 75: Autotransformer Winding, Solidly Earthed

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection REFPDIF I3PW1CT1 IdN/I Protected winding W1 REFPDIF I3PW2CT1 Protected IdN/I winding W2 Earthing transformer IEC09000110-4-EN.vsd IEC09000110-4-EN V2 EN-US Figure 28: Connection of the low impedance Restricted earth-fault function REFPDIF for a zig-zag earthing transformer Autotransformer winding, solidly earthed M13048-13 v9...
  • Page 76: Reactor Winding, Solidly Earthed

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection REFPDIF HV (W1) I3PW1CT1 I3PW2CT1 IdN/I LV (W2) Auto transformer IEC09000111-4-EN.vsd IEC09000111-4-EN V2 EN-US Figure 29: Connection of restricted earth fault, low impedance function REFPDIF for an autotransformer, solidly earthed Reactor winding, solidly earthed M13048-18 v10 Reactors can be protected with restricted earth-fault protection, low impedance function REFPDIF.
  • Page 77: Ct Earthing Direction

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection REFPDIF I3PW1CT1 IdN/I Reactor IEC09000112-4.vsd IEC09000112-4 V2 EN-US Figure 30: Connection of restricted earth-fault, low impedance function REFPDIF for a solidly earthed reactor CT earthing direction M13048-29 v12 To make the restricted earth-fault protection REFPDIF operate correctly, the main CTs are always supposed to be star -connected.
  • Page 78: Settings

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection I3PW2CT1: Phase currents for winding 2 first current transformer set. Used for autotransformers. I3PW2CT2: Phase currents for winding 2 second current transformer set for multi-breaker arrangements. Used when protecting an autotransformer. When not required, configure input to "GRP-OFF".
  • Page 79: Line Differential Protection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection Line differential protection IP13934-1 v1 6.2.1 Identification M14844-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Line differential protection, 3 CT 3Id/I> L3CPDIF sets, 2-3 line ends SYMBOL-HH V1 EN-US Line differential protection, 6 CT 3Id/I>...
  • Page 80: Power Transformers In The Protected Zone

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection With 1½ breaker configurations, normally the line protection is fed from two CTs. Avoiding to add the currents from the two CTs externally before entering the IED is important as this will enable possible bias current from both CTs to be considered in the current differential algorithm, and in that way assuring that the correct restrain will be possible, as shown in figure 31.
  • Page 81: Small Power Transformers In A Tap

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection auxiliary transformers are necessary. Instead it is necessary to eliminate the zero-sequence current by proper setting of the parameter ZerSeqCurSubtr . If the power transformer is of the type Dyn, where yn-windings currents are measured, then the zero-sequence component will be subtracted when these currents are transformed to the HV-side.
  • Page 82 Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection diff,false Communication en05000436.vsd IEC05000436 V1 EN-US Figure 34: Charging currents The magnitude of the charging current is dependent of the line capacitance and the system voltage. For earth cables and long overhead lines, the magnitude can be such that it affects the possibility to achieve the wanted sensitivity of the differential protection.
  • Page 83: Time Synchronization

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection Operate current [ in pu of IBase] Operate unconditionally UnrestrainedLimit Operate IdMinHigh conditionally Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 SlopeSection3 IdMin SlopeSection2 Restrain EndSection1 Restrain current [ in pu of IBase] EndSection2 en05000300.vsd IEC05000300 V1 EN-US Figure 35: Overestimated charging current...
  • Page 84: Configuration Of Analog Signals

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection Protected zone 64 kbit/s en05000437.vsd IEC05000437 V1 EN-US Figure 36: Two-terminal line (example showing 670 device) In case of 1½ breaker arrangements or ring buses, a line end has two CTs, as shown in Figure 37.
  • Page 85: Configuration Of Ldcm Output Signals

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection The configuration of this data flow is made in the SMT tool, as shown in figure 38. Currents from local CT Currents from remote end 1 LDCM 1 Currents to remote end 1 Currents from remote end 2 LDCM 2...
  • Page 86: Open Ct Detection

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection SMBI IEC06000638-2-en.vsd IEC06000638 V2 EN-US Figure 39: Example of LDCM signals as seen in the Signal matrix too (example showing 670 device)l Open CT detection GUID-DB3841A9-5B55-490E-8A2D-EBF0CB263378 v7 Line differential protection has a built-in, advanced open CT detection feature. This feature can block the unwanted operation created by the Line differential protection function in case of an open CT secondary circuit under a normal load condition.
  • Page 87: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection The outputs of the open CT conditions are OPENCT and OPENCTAL. • OPENCT: Open CT detected • OPENCTAL: Alarm issued after the setting delay Outputs (positive integer) for information on the local HMI: •...
  • Page 88: Percentage Restrained Differential Operation

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection Percentage restrained differential operation M12541-104 v4 Line differential protection is phase-segregated where the operate current is the vector sum of all measured currents taken separately for each phase. The restrain current, on the other hand, is considered the greatest phase current in any line end and it is common for all three phases.
  • Page 89 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection Operate current [ in pu of IBase] Operate unconditionally UnrestrainedLimit Operate IdMinHigh conditionally Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 SlopeSection3 IdMin SlopeSection2 Restrain EndSection1 Restrain current [ in pu of IBase] EndSection2 en05000300.vsd IEC05000300 V1 EN-US Figure 41: Restrained differential function characteristic (reset ratio 0.95)
  • Page 90 Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection × × × (Equation 15) EQUATION1417 V2 EN-US where: is system voltage is capacitive positive sequence reactance of the line is system frequency is positive sequence line capacitance IdMin must be: IdMin ≥ 1.2 × If the charging current compensation is enabled, the setting of ICharge, concidering some margin in the setting.
  • Page 91: The 2Nd And 5Th Harmonic Analysis

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection protection zone, due to long duration of transformer inrush current the parameter should be set to 60 s. Otherwise a setting of 1 s is sufficient. IdUnre M12541-180 v5 IdUnre is set as a multiple of IBase . Values of differential currents above the unrestrained limit generate a trip disregarding all other criteria, that is, irrespective of the internal or external fault discriminator and any presence of harmonics.
  • Page 92: Internal/External Fault Discriminator

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection IBase . • If the bias current is lower than 1.25 times • Under external fault conditions. NegSeqDiffEn = Off (the default is On ) • When the harmonic content is above the set level, the restrained differential operation is blocked.
  • Page 93: Power Transformer In The Protected Zone

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection 90 deg 120 deg If one or the Internal/external other of fault boundary currents is too low, then no measurement NegSeqROA is done, and (Relay 120 degrees Operate is mapped Angle) 180 deg 0 deg IMinNegSeq External...
  • Page 94 Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection Protected zone en04000209.vsd IEC04000209 V1 EN-US Figure 44: One two–winding transformer in the protected zone (example showing 670 device) Another alternative is with one three-winding transformer in the protected zone, shown in figure 45.
  • Page 95 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection ClockNumTransA M12541-285 v3 This is the phase shift from primary to secondary side for power transformer A. The phase shift is given in intervals of 30 degrees, where 1 is -30 degrees, 2 is -60 degrees, and so on. The parameter can be set within the range 0...11.
  • Page 96: Settings Examples

    Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection CurveType M12541-321 v3 This is the setting of type of delay for low differential currents. tMinInv M12541-324 v4 This setting limits the shortest delay when inverse time delay is used. Operation faster than the set value of tMinInv is prevented.
  • Page 97 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection IEC05000534 V1 EN-US Figure 46: Line differential protection with power transformer in protected zone (example showing 670 device) Zsource 1 Zsource 2/3 en05000444.vsd IEC05000444 V1 EN-US Figure 47: System impedances where: Line data is »...
  • Page 98 Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection Table 10: General settings Setting IED 1 IED 2 Remarks Operation Operation Mode: On (active) NoOfTerminals Number of current sources, ends of the circuit IBase (Global base) 600 A 600 A Reference current of the protection in the primary (system) Amperes (Remark IBase is set in the Global...
  • Page 99 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection Setting IED 1 IED 2 Remarks SlopeSection2 Slope of the operate - restrain characteristic in Section 2, in percent SlopeSection3 Slope of the operate - restrain characteristic in Section 3, in percent IBase IBase IdMinHigh...
  • Page 100 Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection Setting IED 1 IED 2 Remarks 0.14 0.14 Not applicable in this case (Default) 1.00 1.00 Not applicable in this case (Default) 1.00 1.00 Not applicable in this case (Default) Remarks: IBase (set in the Global base values function (GBASVAL).) is the reference The parameter current of Line differential protection given in primary Amperes.
  • Page 101 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection A typical example can be as per single line diagram below. 3Id> 3Id> 1700 1280 10MVA ek=10% 138/10kV 3Id> 3Id> IEC12000193-2-en.vsd IEC12000193 V2 EN-US Figure 48: Setting example Input data to the calculation Apparent source power at A side: Ss = 1700 MVA Line impedance from A to tap: Zl...
  • Page 102 Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection IEC14000046-1-en.vsd IEC14000046 V1 EN-US Figure 49: Thevenin equivalent for tap transformer Converting of the sources into impedances gives: 11 2 . Ω 1700 (Equation 23) EQUATION14000034 V1 EN-US 15 9 . Ω 1200 (Equation 24) EQUATION14000035 V1 EN-US...
  • Page 103 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection IdMin × 11 5 Base (Equation 29) EQUATION14000040 V1 EN-US In order to allow the differential protection to be backup protection for internal faults and AddDelay by setting it to On faults on the LV side of the transformer, we activate the function and calculate suitable setting for the parameter Imax AddDelay .
  • Page 104 Section 6 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Differential protection Setting example for two transformers in the zone, Master- Slave differential operation IEC13000295-1-en.vsd IEC13000295 V1 EN-US Figure 51: Master- Slave differential operation (example showing 670 device) Settings Station A Station B Station C PDIF L3TC PDIF NoOfUsedCTs...
  • Page 105 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 6 Differential protection by the LDCM. To inform the differential algorithm that the currents are from the low voltage sides of the transformer, TraAOnInpCh has to be set to 2 and TraBOnInpCh to 3 (channel1 is reserved for local measurement) so that the proper turn ratio and vector group correction can be done.
  • Page 107: Impedance Protection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection Section 7 Impedance protection Distance protection ZMFPDIS GUID-CC4F7338-2281-411D-B55A-67BF03F31681 v3 7.1.1 Identification GUID-8ACD3565-C607-4399-89D2-A05657840E6D v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Distance protection zone ZMFPDIS S00346 V1 EN-US 7.1.2 Application IP14961-1 v2...
  • Page 108 Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection The earth-fault current at single phase-to-earth in phase L1 can be calculated as equation 31: × (Equation 31) EQUATION1267 V3 EN-US Where: is the phase-to-earth voltage (kV) in the faulty phase before fault is the positive sequence impedance (Ω/phase) is the negative sequence impedance (Ω/phase)
  • Page 109 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection is the resistive positive sequence of the source is the reactive positive sequence of the source The magnitude of the earth-fault current in effectively earthed networks is high enough for impedance measuring elements to detect earth faults. However, in the same way as for solidly earthed networks, distance protection has limited possibilities to detect high resistance faults and should therefore always be complemented with other protection function(s) that can carry out the fault clearance in this case.
  • Page 110: Fault Infeed From Remote End

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection IEC05000216 V2 EN-US Figure 54: High impedance earthing network The operation of high impedance earthed networks is different compared to solid earthed networks, where all major faults have to be cleared very fast. In high impedance earthed networks, some system operators do not clear single phase-to-earth faults immediately;...
  • Page 111: Load Encroachment

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection p*ZL (1-p)*ZL Z < Z < IEC09000247-1-en.vsd IEC09000247 V1 EN-US Figure 55: Influence of fault current infeed from remote line end The effect of fault current infeed from the remote line end is one of the most driving factors to justify complementary protection for distance protection.
  • Page 112: Short Line Application

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection Load impedance ArgLd area in forward direction RLdRv RLdFw IEC09000248-2-en.vsd IEC09000248 V2 EN-US Figure 56: Load encroachment phenomena and shaped load encroachment characteristic Short line application GUID-331451C9-EA93-481A-BA2E-D729EDB98828 v4 In short line applications, the major concern is to get sufficient fault resistance coverage. Load encroachment is not such a common problem.
  • Page 113: Parallel Line Application With Mutual Coupling

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection Table 14: Definition of long and very long lines Line category 110 kV 500 kV Long lines 77 km - 99 km 350 km - 450 km Very long lines > 99 km >...
  • Page 114 Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection • The possibility of different setting values that influence the earth-return compensation for different distance zones within the same group of setting parameters. • Different groups of setting parameters for different operating conditions of a protected multi circuit line.
  • Page 115 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection IEC09000253_1_en.vsd IEC09000253 V1 EN-US Figure 58: Equivalent zero sequence impedance circuit of the double-circuit, parallel, operating line with a single phase-to-earth fault at the remote busbar When mutual coupling is introduced, the voltage at the relay point A will be changed according to equation 40.
  • Page 116 Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection Simplification of equation 43, solving it for 3I0 and substitution of the result into equation gives that the voltage can be drawn as:   ⋅ = ⋅ p ZI ⋅ ⋅ ...
  • Page 117 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection (Equation 46) EQUATION2002 V4 EN-US The influence on the distance measurement will be a considerable overreach, which must be considered when calculating the settings. It is recommended to use a separate setting group for this operation condition since it will reduce the reach considerably when the line is in operation.
  • Page 118: Tapped Line Application

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection IEC09000255_1_en.vsd IEC09000255 V1 EN-US Figure 62: Equivalent zero-sequence impedance circuit for a double-circuit line with one circuit disconnected and not earthed The reduction of the reach is equal to equation 49. × ×...
  • Page 119 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection GUID-7AA566A4-B6E9-41A7-9927-4DAB50BE8D1A v1 IEC09000160-3-en.vsd IEC09000160 V3 EN-US Figure 63: Example of tapped line with Auto transformer This application gives rise to similar problem that was highlighted in section "Fault infeed from remote end", that is increased measured impedance due to fault current infeed. For example, for faults between the T point and B station the measured impedance at A and C will ·Z (Equation 54)
  • Page 120: Setting Guidelines

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection fault divided by the IED current. For the IED at C, the impedance on the high voltage side U1 has to be transferred to the measuring voltage level by the transformer ratio. Another complication that might occur depending on the topology is that the current from one end can have a reverse direction for fault on the protected line.
  • Page 121: Setting Of Zone 1

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection • Errors introduced by current and voltage instrument transformers, particularly under transient conditions. • Inaccuracies in the line zero-sequence impedance data, and their effect on the calculated value of the earth-return compensation factor. •...
  • Page 122: Setting Of Reverse Zone

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection     ⋅ ⋅  ⋅  ⋅       (Equation 57) EQUATION302 V5 EN-US Z< IEC09000256-2-en.vsd IEC09000256 V2 EN-US Figure 64: Setting of overreaching zone Setting of reverse zone GUID-B633CF2C-28B2-4FDD-BE0E-D09CA434F01F v1...
  • Page 123 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection zero sequence impedance circuit for this case is equal to the one in figure in section Parallel line in service. The components of the zero sequence impedance for the overreaching zones must be equal to at least: (Equation 59) EQUATION553 V1 EN-US...
  • Page 124: Setting The Reach With Respect To Load

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection Setting the reach with respect to load GUID-ED84BDE6-16CD-45ED-A45D-5CFB828A9040 v5 RFPP and for the phase- Set separately the expected fault resistance for phase-to-phase faults RFPE for each zone. For each distance zone, set all remaining reach setting to-earth faults parameters independently of each other.
  • Page 125 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection The maximum permissible resistive reach for any zone must be checked to ensure that there is a sufficient setting margin between the boundary and the minimum load impedance. The minimum load impedance (Ω/phase) is calculated with equation 70. ------ - loadmin (Equation 70)
  • Page 126: Zone Reach Setting Higher Than Minimum Load Impedance

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection £ × RFPP 1.6 Z load (Equation 74) EQUATION579 V2 EN-US Equation is applicable only when the loop characteristic angle for the phase-to-phase faults is more than three times as large as the maximum expected load-impedance angle. For other cases a more accurate calculations are necessary according to equation 75.
  • Page 127: Other Settings

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection RLdFw RLdFw ARGLd ARGLd ARGLd ARGLd ArgLd Possible ARGLd load ARGLd RLdRv ARGLd RLdRv IEC12000176-2-en.vsd IEC12000176 V2 EN-US Figure 65: Load impedance limitation with load encroachment During the initial current change for phase-to-phase and for phase-to-earth faults, operation may be allowed also when the apparent impedance of the load encroachment element is located in the load area.
  • Page 128 Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection respective set value is illustrated in figure66, where the positive impedance corresponds to the direction out on the protected line. Non-directional Forward Reverse IEC05000182-2-en.vsdx IEC05000182 V2 EN-US Figure 66: Directional operating modes of the distance measuring zones 3 to 5 tPPZx , tPEZx , TimerModeZx , ZoneLinkStart and TimerLinksZx The logic for the linking of the timer settings can be described with a module diagram.
  • Page 129 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection TimerModeZx = Enable Ph-Ph, Ph-E PPZx tPPZx PEZx tPEZx BLOCK VTSZ BLKZx BLKTRZx TimerLinksZx LoopLink (tPP-tPE) ZoneLinkStart LoopLink & ZoneLink No Links STPHS Phase Selection 1st starting zone LNKZ1 FALSE (0) LNKZ2 LNKZx LNKZRV LNKZ3...
  • Page 130: Automatic Switch Onto Fault Logic Zcvpsof

    Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection leasePE × ³ × (Equation 78) EQUATION2548 V1 EN-US Where: INReleasePE the setting for the minimum residual current needed to enable operation in the phase-to- earth fault loops in % the maximum phase current in any of the three phases phmax By default, this setting is set excessively high to always enable phase-to-phase measurement for phase-to-phase-earth faults.
  • Page 131: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 7 Impedance protection 7.2.3 Setting guidelines M13855-4 v9 The parameters for automatic switch onto fault logic, voltage- and current-based function ZCVPSOF are set via the local HMI or Protection and Control Manager PCM600. The distance protection zone used for instantaneous trip by ZCVPSOF has to be set to cover the entire protected line with a safety margin of minimum 20%.
  • Page 132 Section 7 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Impedance protection Impedance mode gives increased be used from an overreaching zone. The selection of the security. Mode is set to UlLvl&Imp , the condition for tripping is an ORed between UlLevel and When Impedance .
  • Page 133: Current Protection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Section 8 Current protection Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC IP14506-1 v6 8.1.1 Identification M14880-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Instantaneous phase overcurrent PHPIOC protection 3-phase output 3I>>...
  • Page 134: Meshed Network Without Parallel Line

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Only detailed network studies can determine the operating conditions under which the highest possible fault current is expected on the line. In most cases, this current appears during three-phase fault conditions. But also examine single-phase-to-earth and two-phase- to-earth conditions.
  • Page 135 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Fault IEC09000023-1-en.vsd IEC09000023 V1 EN-US Figure 69: Through fault current from B to A: I The IED must not trip for any of the two through-fault currents. Hence the minimum theoretical current setting (Imin) will be: ³...
  • Page 136: Meshed Network With Parallel Line

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Meshed network with parallel line M12915-34 v6 In case of parallel lines, the influence of the induced current from the parallel line to the protected line has to be considered. One example is given in figure where the two lines are connected to the same busbars.
  • Page 137: Four Step Phase Overcurrent Protection Oc4Ptoc

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC SEMOD129998-1 v7 8.2.1 Identification M14885-1 v5 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Four step phase overcurrent OC4PTOC 51_67 protection 3-phase output TOC-REVA V2 EN-US 8.2.2 Application...
  • Page 138: Setting Guidelines

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection to the current pick-up level. This multiplication factor is activated from a binary input signal to the function. Power transformers can have a large inrush current, when being energized. This phenomenon is due to saturation of the transformer magnetic core during parts of the period. There is a risk that inrush current will reach levels above the pick-up current of the phase overcurrent protection.
  • Page 139: Settings For Each Step

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection IEC09000636_1_vsd IEC09000636 V1 EN-US Figure 72: Directional function characteristic RCA = Relay characteristic angle ROA = Relay operating angle Reverse Forward Settings for each step M12982-19 v10.1.1 x means step 1, 2, 3 and 4. DirModex : The directional mode of step x .
  • Page 140 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Curve name ANSI Moderately Inverse ANSI/IEEE Definite time ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse ANSI Long Time Very Inverse ANSI Long Time Inverse IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse IEC Inverse IEC Extremely Inverse IEC Short Time Inverse IEC Long Time Inverse IEC Definite Time...
  • Page 141 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Operate time txMin IMinx Current IEC10000058 IEC10000058 V2 EN-US Figure 73: Minimum operate current and operate time for inverse time characteristics txMin shall be In order to fully comply with the definition of the curve, the setting parameter set to a value equal to the operating time of the selected inverse curve for twenty times the set current pickup value.
  • Page 142: 2Nd Harmonic Restrain

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection æ ö ç ÷ ç ÷ × IxMult ç ÷ æ ö ç ç ÷ ÷ è è ø ø > (Equation 85) EQUATION1261 V2 EN-US tPRCrvx , tTRCrvx , tCRCrvx : These parameters are used by the customer to create the inverse Technical manual .
  • Page 143 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Current I Line phase current Operate current Reset current The IED does not reset Time t IEC05000203-en-2.vsd IEC05000203 V3 EN-US Figure 74: Operate and reset current for an overcurrent protection The lowest setting value can be written according to equation 86. Im ax ³...
  • Page 144 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection £ × 0.7 Isc min (Equation 87) EQUATION1263 V2 EN-US where: is a safety factor Iscmin is the smallest fault current to be detected by the overcurrent protection. As a summary the operating current shall be chosen within the interval stated in equation 88. Im ax ×...
  • Page 145 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection en05000204.wmf IEC05000204 V1 EN-US Figure 75: Fault time with maintained selectivity The operation time can be set individually for each overcurrent protection. To assure selectivity between different protections, in the radial network, there have to be a minimum time difference Dt between the time delays of two protections.
  • Page 146: Instantaneous Residual Overcurrent Protection Efpioc

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Feeder I> I> Time axis The fault Protection Breaker at Protection occurs B1 trips B1 opens A1 resets en05000205.vsd IEC05000205 V1 EN-US Figure 76: Sequence of events during fault where: is when the fault occurs is when the trip signal from the overcurrent protection at IED B1 is sent to the circuit breaker.
  • Page 147: Identification

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection 8.3.1 Identification M14887-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Instantaneous residual overcurrent EFPIOC protection IN>> IEF V1 EN-US 8.3.2 Application M12699-3 v5 In many applications, when fault current is limited to a defined value by the object impedance, an instantaneous earth-fault protection can provide fast and selective tripping.
  • Page 148 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Fault IEC09000023-1-en.vsd IEC09000023 V1 EN-US Figure 78: Through fault current from B to A: I The function shall not operate for any of the calculated currents to the protection. The minimum theoretical current setting (Imin) will be: ³...
  • Page 149: Four Step Residual Overcurrent Protection Ef4Ptoc

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection ³ I m in M A X I (Equation 93) EQUATION287 V1 EN-US Where: and I have been described for the single line case. Considering the safety margins mentioned previously, the minimum setting (Is) is: = 1.3 ×...
  • Page 150 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection In many applications several steps with different current operating levels and time delays are needed. EF4PTOC can have up to four, individual settable steps. The flexibility of each step of EF4PTOC is great. The following options are possible: Non-directional/Directional function: In some applications the non-directional functionality is used.
  • Page 151: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection to the residual current pick-up level. This multiplication factor is activated from a binary input signal ENMULTx to the function. Power transformers can have a large inrush current, when being energized. This inrush current can have residual current components.
  • Page 152 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Protection operate time: 15-60 ms Protection resetting time: 15-60 ms Breaker opening time: 20-120 ms The different characteristics are described in the technical reference manual. tx : Definite time delay for step x . The definite time tx is added to the inverse time when inverse time characteristic is selected.
  • Page 153: Common Settings For All Steps

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection tResetx : Constant reset time delay in s for step x. HarmBlockx : This is used to enable block of step x from 2 harmonic restrain function. tPCrvx, tACrvx, tBCrvx, tCCrvx : Parameters for user programmable of inverse time characteristic curve.
  • Page 154: 2Nd Harmonic Restrain

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Voltage (3U • or U Current (3I • · ZNpol or 3I ·ZNpol where ZNpol is RNpol + jXNpol), or Dual (dual polarizing, (3U • both currents and voltage, + 3I · ZNpol) or (U ·...
  • Page 155: Switch Onto Fault Logic

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection of the two transformers will be in phase opposition. The summation of the two currents will thus give a small 2 harmonic current. The residual fundamental current will however be significant. The inrush current of the transformer in service before the parallel transformer energizing, will be a little delayed compared to the first transformer.
  • Page 156: Line Application Example

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection ActivationSOTF : This setting will select the signal to activate SOTF function; CB position open/CB position closed/CB close command . tSOTF : Time delay for operation of the SOTF function. The setting range is 0.000 - 60.000 s in step of 0.001 s.
  • Page 157 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Step 1 M15282-123 v5 This step has directional instantaneous function. The requirement is that overreaching of the protected line is not allowed. One- or two-phase earth-fault or unsymmetric short circuit without earth connection IEC05000150-3-en.vsd IEC05000150 V4 EN-US Figure 84: Step 1, first calculation...
  • Page 158 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection A higher value of step 1 might be necessary if a big power transformer (Y0/D) at remote bus bar is disconnected. A special case occurs at double circuit lines, with mutual zero-sequence impedance between the parallel lines, see figure 86.
  • Page 159 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection The residual current, out on the line, is calculated at an operational case with minimal earth- fault current. The requirement that the whole line shall be covered by step 2 can be formulated according to equation 99.
  • Page 160: Sensitive Directional Residual Overcurrent And Power Protection Sdepsde

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection ³ × × step3 step2 (Equation 101) EQUATION1204 V4 EN-US where: is the chosen current setting for step 2 on the faulted line. step2 Step 4 M15282-177 v4 This step normally has non-directional function and a relatively long time delay. The task for step 4 is to detect and initiate trip for earth faults with large fault resistance, for example tree faults.
  • Page 161 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection A normal non-directional residual current function can also be used with definite or inverse time delay. A backup neutral point voltage function is also available for non-directional residual overvoltage protection. In an isolated network, that is, the network is only coupled to earth via the capacitances between the phase conductors and earth, the residual current always has -90º...
  • Page 162: Setting Guidelines

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection 8.5.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD171961-4 v9 The sensitive earth fault protection is intended to be used in high impedance earthed systems, or in systems with resistive earthing where the neutral point resistor gives an earth fault current larger than what normal high impedance gives but smaller than the phase-to-phase short circuit current.
  • Page 163 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection × jX 3R (Equation 105) EQUATION1946 V1 EN-US Where is the resistance of the neutral point resistor In many systems there is also a neutral point reactor (Petersen coil) connected to one or more transformer neutral points.
  • Page 164 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection phase × + × (Equation 107) EQUATION1948 V1 EN-US Where is the phase voltage in the fault point before the fault phase is the total positive sequence impedance to the fault point. Z lineAB,1 lineBC,1 is the total zero sequence impedance to the fault point.
  • Page 165 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection × × × kSN (3I 3U cos (reference)) × × 3I 3U cos (measured) (Equation 114) EQUATION1942 V2 EN-US On/Off with the setting of Operation . The function can be set Common base IED values for primary current (IBase), primary voltage (UBase) and primary power (SBase) are set in a Global base values for settings function GBASVAL.
  • Page 166 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection   RCADir = − 90 , ROADir 3 ⋅ ϕ ϕ = ang I (3 ) − ang U − IEC06000649_3_en.vsd IEC06000649 V3 EN-US Figure 93: Characteristic for RCADir equal to -90° When OpMode is set to 3U03I0cosfi the apparent residual power component in the direction is measured.
  • Page 167 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection UNRel> which All the directional protection modes have a residual voltage release level setting is set in % of UBase . This setting should be chosen smaller than or equal to the lowest fault residual voltage to be detected.
  • Page 168: Breaker Failure Protection Ccrbrf

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Table 18: Inverse time characteristics Curve name ANSI Extremely Inverse ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normal Inverse ANSI Moderately Inverse ANSI/IEEE Definite time ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse ANSI Long Time Very Inverse ANSI Long Time Inverse IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse...
  • Page 169: Identification

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection 8.6.1 Identification M14878-1 v5 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Breaker failure protection, 3-phase CCRBRF 50BF activation and output 3I>BF SYMBOL-U V1 EN-US 8.6.2 Application M13916-3 v6 In the design of the fault clearance system the N-1 criterion is often used.
  • Page 170 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Table 19: Dependencies between parameters RetripMode and FunctionMode RetripMode FunctionMode Description Retrip Off the re-trip function is not activated CB Pos Check Current re-trip is done if phase current is larger than the operate level after re-trip time has elapsed Contact re-trip is done when auxiliary...
  • Page 171 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection The minimum time delay for the re-trip can be estimated as: ³ cbopen BFP reset margin (Equation 117) EQUATION1430 V1 EN-US where: is the maximum opening time for the circuit breaker cbopen is the maximum time for breaker failure protection to detect correct breaker function BFP_reset (the current criteria reset)
  • Page 172: Stub Protection Stbptoc

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection tPulse : Trip pulse duration. This setting must be larger than the critical impulse time of circuit breakers to be tripped from the breaker failure protection. Typical setting is 200 ms. Stub protection STBPTOC IP14515-1 v3 8.7.1 Identification...
  • Page 173: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection IEC05000465 V2 EN-US Figure 96: Typical connection for STBPTOC in 1½-breaker arrangement. 8.7.3 Setting guidelines M12909-3 v5 The parameters for Stub protection STBPTOC are set via the local HMI or PCM600. The following settings can be done for the stub protection. GlobalBaseSel : Selects the global base value group used by the function to define ( IBase ), UBase ) and ( SBase ).
  • Page 174: Identification

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection 8.8.1 Identification M14888-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Pole discordance protection CCPDSC 52PD SYMBOL-S V1 EN-US 8.8.2 Application M13270-3 v6 There is a risk that a circuit breaker will get discordance between the poles at circuit breaker operation: closing or opening.
  • Page 175: Directional Underpower Protection Guppdup

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection CurrSel : Operation of the current based pole discordance protection. Can be set: Off / CB oper monitor / Continuous monitor . In the alternative CB oper monitor the function is activated only directly in connection to breaker open or close command (during 200 ms).
  • Page 176 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection When the steam ceases to flow through a turbine, the cooling of the turbine blades will disappear. Now, it is not possible to remove all heat generated by the windage losses. Instead, the heat will increase the temperature in the steam turbine and especially of the blades.
  • Page 177: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Underpower protection Overpower protection Operate Operate Line Line Margin Margin Operating point Operating point without without turbine torque turbine torque IEC09000019-2-en.vsd IEC09000019 V2 EN-US Figure 97: Reverse power protection with underpower or overpower protection 8.9.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD172134-4 v7...
  • Page 178 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection The function has two stages that can be set independently. OpMode1(2) the function can be set On / Off . With the parameter The function gives trip if the power component in the direction defined by the setting Angle1(2) is smaller than the set pick up power value Power1(2) Power1(2) Angle1(2)
  • Page 179 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Operate ° Angle1(2) = 0 Power1(2) en06000556.vsd IEC06000556 V1 EN-US Figure 99: For low forward power the set angle should be 0° in the underpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. Hysteresis1(2) is given in p.u.
  • Page 180: Directional Overpower Protection Goppdop

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection UAmpComp5, UAmpComp30, UAmpComp100 IAngComp5, IAngComp30, IAngComp100 The angle compensation is given as difference between current and voltage angle errors. The values are given for operating points 5, 30 and 100% of rated current/voltage. The values should be available from instrument transformer test protocols.
  • Page 181 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection 2% of rated power. Even if the turbine rotates in vacuum, it will soon become overheated and damaged. The turbine overheats within minutes if the turbine loses the vacuum. The critical time to overheating of a steam turbine varies from about 0.5 to 30 minutes depending on the type of turbine.
  • Page 182: Setting Guidelines

    Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection 8.10.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD172150-4 v7 GlobalBaseSel : Selects the global base value group used by the function to define ( IBase ), UBase ) and ( SBase ). Operation : With the parameter Operation the function can be set On / Off . Mode : The voltage and current used for the power measurement.
  • Page 183 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection Operate Power1(2) Angle1(2) en06000440.vsd IEC06000440 V1 EN-US Figure 101: Overpower mode Power1(2) gives the power component pick up value in the Angle1(2) direction. The The setting setting is given in p.u. of the generator rated power, see equation 141. Minimum recommended setting is 0.2% of S when metering class CT inputs into the IED are used.
  • Page 184 Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Current protection Angle1(2 ) = 180 Operate Power 1(2) IEC06000557-2-en.vsd IEC06000557 V2 EN-US Figure 102: For reverse power the set angle should be 180° in the overpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. Hysteresis1(2) is given in p.u.
  • Page 185: Broken Conductor Check Brcptoc

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 8 Current protection IAmpComp5, IAmpComp30, IAmpComp100 UAmpComp5, UAmpComp30, UAmpComp100 IAngComp5, IAngComp30, IAngComp100 The angle compensation is given as difference between current and voltage angle errors. The values are given for operating points 5, 30 and 100% of rated current/voltage. The values should be available from instrument transformer test protocols.
  • Page 187: Voltage Protection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 9 Voltage protection Section 9 Voltage protection Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV IP14544-1 v3 9.1.1 Identification M16876-1 v6 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV 3U<...
  • Page 188: Equipment Protection, Such As For Motors And Generators

    Section 9 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Voltage protection There is a very wide application area where general undervoltage functions are used. All voltage related settings are made as a percentage of the global settings base voltage UBase , which normally is set to the primary rated voltage level (phase-to-phase) of the power system or the high voltage equipment under consideration.
  • Page 189 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 9 Voltage protection < × UBase kV (Equation 144) EQUATION1447 V1 EN-US and operation for phase-to-phase voltage under: < × (%) UBase(kV) (Equation 145) EQUATION1990 V1 EN-US n = 1 or 2). Therefore, The below described setting parameters are identical for the two steps ( the setting parameters are described only once.
  • Page 190 Section 9 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Voltage protection CrvSatn × > (Equation 146) EQUATION1448 V1 EN-US IntBlkSeln : This parameter can be set to Off , Block of trip , Block all . In case of a low voltage the undervoltage function can be blocked.
  • Page 191: Section 10 Multipurpose Protection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 10 Multipurpose protection Section 10 Multipurpose protection 10.1 General current and voltage protection CVGAPC IP14552-1 v2 10.1.1 Identification M14886-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number General current and voltage CVGAPC 2(I>/U<) protection...
  • Page 192: Current And Voltage Selection For Cvgapc Function

    Section 10 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Multipurpose protection • Definite time delay for both steps Two overvoltage steps with the following built-in features • Definite time delay or Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT delay for both steps Two undervoltage steps with the following built-in features •...
  • Page 193 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 10 Multipurpose protection Set value for parameter Comment "CurrentInput” phase3 - phase1 CVGAPC function will measure the current phasor internally calculated as the vector difference between the phase L3 current phasor and phase L1 current phasor ( IL3-IL1) MaxPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph current phasor with the maximum magnitude...
  • Page 194: Base Quantities For Cvgapc Function

    Section 10 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Multipurpose protection Set value for parameter Comment "VoltageInput" MaxPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph voltage phasor with the maximum magnitude MinPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph voltage phasor with the minimum magnitude UnbalancePh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure magnitude of unbalance voltage, which is internally calculated as the algebraic magnitude difference between the ph-ph voltage phasor with maximum magnitude and ph-ph voltage phasor with minimum magnitude.
  • Page 195: Inadvertent Generator Energization

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 10 Multipurpose protection • Special thermal overload protection • Open Phase protection • Unbalance protection Generator protection • 80-95% Stator earth fault protection (measured or calculated 3Uo) • Rotor earth fault protection (with external COMBIFLEX RXTTE4 injection unit) •...
  • Page 196: Setting Guidelines

    Section 10 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Multipurpose protection will, with a delay for example 10 s, detect the situation when the generator is not connected to the grid (standstill) and activate the overcurrent function. The overvoltage function will detect the situation when the generator is taken into operation and will disable the overcurrent function.
  • Page 197: Negative Sequence Overcurrent Protection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 10 Multipurpose protection Enable one overcurrent stage (for example, OC1) 10. By parameter CurveType_OC1 select appropriate TOC/IDMT or definite time delayed curve in accordance with your network protection philosophy StartCurr_OC1 to value between 3-10% (typical values) 11.
  • Page 198 Section 10 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Multipurpose protection æ ö ç ÷ è ø (Equation 147) EQUATION1372 V1 EN-US where: is the operating time in seconds of the negative sequence overcurrent IED is the generator capability constant in seconds is the measured negative sequence current is the generator rated current By defining parameter x equal to maximum continuous negative sequence rating of the generator in accordance with the following formula...
  • Page 199: Generator Stator Overload Protection In Accordance With Iec Or Ansi Standards

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 10 Multipurpose protection When the equation is compared with the equation for the inverse time characteristic of the OC1 it is obvious that if the following rules are followed: set k equal to the generator negative sequence capability value A_OC1 equal to the value 1/x2 B_OC1 = 0.0, C_OC1 =0.0 and P_OC1 =2.0 StartCurr_OC1 equal to the value x...
  • Page 200 Section 10 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Multipurpose protection This formula is applicable only when measured current (for example, positive sequence current) exceeds a pre-set value (typically in the range from 105 to 125% of the generator rated current). By defining parameter x equal to the per unit value for the desired pickup for the overload IED in accordance with the following formula: x = 116% = 1.16 pu (Equation 152)
  • Page 201: Open Phase Protection For Transformer, Lines Or Generators And Circuit Breaker Head Flashover Protection For Generators

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 10 Multipurpose protection select positive sequence current as measuring quantity for this CVGAPC function make sure that the base current value for CVGAPC function is equal to the generator rated current set k = 37.5 for the IEC standard or k = 41.4 for the ANSI standard A_OC1 = 1/1.162 = 0.7432 C_OC1 = 1/1.162 = 0.7432 B_OC1 = 0.0 and P_OC1 = 2.0...
  • Page 202: Voltage Restrained Overcurrent Protection For Generator And Step-Up Transformer

    Section 10 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Multipurpose protection Voltage restrained overcurrent protection for generator and step-up transformer M13088-158 v4 Example will be given how to use one CVGAPC function to provide voltage restrained overcurrent protection for a generator. Let us assume that the time coordination study gives the following required settings: •...
  • Page 203 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 10 Multipurpose protection ROADir to value 90 degree Set parameter Set parameter LowVolt_VM to value 5% Enable one overcurrent step (for example, OC1) CurveType_OC1 to value IEC Def. Time 10. Select parameter StartCurr_OC1 to value 38% 11.
  • Page 205: Section 11 Secondary System Supervision

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 11 Secondary system supervision Section 11 Secondary system supervision 11.1 Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC IP14555-1 v5 11.1.1 Identification M14870-1 v5 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC 11.1.2 Application...
  • Page 206: Fuse Failure Supervision Fufspvc

    Section 11 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Secondary system supervision Ip>Block is normally set at 150% to block the function during transient The parameter conditions. The FAIL output is connected to the blocking input of the protection function to be blocked at faulty CT secondary circuits.
  • Page 207: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 11 Secondary system supervision 11.2.3 Setting guidelines IP15000-1 v1 General M13683-3 v5 The negative and zero sequence voltages and currents always exist due to different non- symmetries in the primary system and differences in the current and voltage instrument transformers.
  • Page 208: Zero Sequence Based

    Section 11 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Secondary system supervision   UBase (Equation 155) EQUATION1519 V5 EN-US where: is the maximal negative sequence voltage during normal operation conditions, plus a margin of 10...20% UBase GlobalBaseSel is the base voltage for the function according to the setting 3I2<...
  • Page 209: Delta U And Delta I

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 11 Secondary system supervision Delta U and delta I GUID-02336F26-98C0-419D-8759-45F5F12580DE v7 OpDUDI to On if the delta function shall be in operation. Set the operation mode selector The setting of DU> should be set high (approximately 60% of UBase ) and the current threshold DI<...
  • Page 211: Section 12 Control

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control Section 12 Control 12.1 Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN IP14558-1 v4 12.1.1 Identification M14889-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Synchrocheck, energizing check, and SESRSYN synchronizing sc/vc SYMBOL-M V1 EN-US...
  • Page 212: Synchrocheck

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control The synchronizing function compensates for the measured slip frequency as well as the circuit breaker closing delay. The phase angle advance is calculated continuously. The calculation of SlipFrequency and the set tBreaker the operation pulse sent in advance is using the measured time.
  • Page 213 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control need for a check of synchronization increases if the meshed system decreases since the risk of the two networks being out of synchronization at manual or automatic closing is greater. The synchrocheck function measures the conditions across the circuit breaker and compares them to set limits.
  • Page 214: Energizing Check

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control Energizing check M12310-3 v11 The main purpose of the energizing check function is to facilitate the controlled re-connection of disconnected lines and buses to energized lines and buses. The energizing check function measures the bus and line voltages and compares them to both high and low threshold values.
  • Page 215: External Fuse Failure

    (B16I). If the PSTO input is used, connected to the Local-Remote switch on the local HMI, the choice can also be from the station HMI system, typically ABB Microscada through IEC 61850–8–1 communication.
  • Page 216: Application Examples

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control 12.1.3 Application examples M12323-3 v6 The synchronizing function block can also be used in some switchyard arrangements, but with different parameter settings. Below are some examples of how different arrangements are connected to the IED analogue inputs and to the function block SESRSYN. One function block is used per circuit breaker.
  • Page 217: Single Circuit Breaker With Double Busbar, External Voltage Selection

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control Single circuit breaker with double busbar, external voltage selection M12325-3 v8 WA1_VT/ SESRSYN WA2_VT U3PBB1* GRP_OFF U3PBB2* LINE_VT U3PLN1* WA2_MCB WA1_MCB U3PLN2* WA1_MCB/ WA1_MCB / WA2_MCB WA2_MCB UB1OK UB1FF LINE_MCB ULN1OK WA1_VT / WA2_VT ULN1FF LINE_MCB LINE_VT...
  • Page 218: Setting Guidelines

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control 12.1.4 Setting guidelines M12550-3 v13 The setting parameters for the Synchronizing, synchrocheck and energizing check function SESRSYN are set via the local HMI (LHMI) or PCM600. This setting guidelines describes the settings of the SESRSYN function via the LHMI. Common base IED value for primary voltage ( UBase ) is set in a Global base value function, GBASVAL, found under Main menu//Configuration/Power system/GlobalBaseValue/ GBASVAL_X/UBase.
  • Page 219 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control The set value is added to the measured line phase angle. The bus voltage is reference voltage. Synchronizing settings OperationSynch The setting Off disables the Synchronizing function. With the setting On , the function is in the service mode and the output signal depends on the input conditions.
  • Page 220 Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control tMaxSynch is set to reset the operation of the synchronizing function if the The setting operation does not take place within this time. The setting must allow for the setting of FreqDiffMin , which will decide how long it will take maximum to reach phase equality. At the setting of 10 mHz, the beat time is 100 seconds and the setting would thus need to be at least tMinSynch plus 100 seconds.
  • Page 221 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control Energizingcheck settings AutoEnerg and ManEnerg Two different settings can be used for automatic and manual closing of the circuit breaker. The settings for each of them are: Off , the energizing function is disabled. •...
  • Page 222: Autorecloser For 1 Phase, 2 Phase And/Or 3 Phase Operation Smbrrec

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control 12.2 Autorecloser for 1 phase, 2 phase and/or 3 phase operation SMBRREC IP14559-1 v6 12.2.1 Identification M14890-1 v6 Function Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Autorecloser for 1 phase, 2 phase and/or 3 SMBRREC phase O->I...
  • Page 223 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control Line protection Operate time Operate time Closed Circuit breaker Open Break time Closing time Break time Fault duration Fault duration AR open time for breaker Set AR open time Reclaim time Auto-reclosing function IEC04000146.vsd IEC04000146 V2 EN-US Figure 111: Single-shot automatic reclosing at a permanent fault...
  • Page 224 Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control the line dead time. Otherwise these two times may differ as one line end might have a slower trip than the other end which means that the line will not be dead until both ends have opened. If the fault is permanent, the line protection will trip again when reclosing is attempted in order to clear the fault.
  • Page 225: Auto-Reclosing Operation Off And On

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control • Evolving fault where the fault during the dead-time spreads to another phase. The other two phases must then be tripped and a three phase dead-time and auto-reclose initiated • Permanent fault • Fault during three phase dead-time •...
  • Page 226: Start Auto-Reclosing From Cb Open Information

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control • CBREADY, CB ready for a reclosing cycle, for example, charged operating gear. • CBPOS to ensure that the CB was closed when the line fault occurred and start was applied. • No signal at input INHIBIT that is, no blocking or inhibit signal present. After the start has been accepted, it is latched in and an internal signal “Started”...
  • Page 227: Long Trip Signal

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control Long trip signal M12391-117 v3 In normal circumstances the trip command resets quickly because of fault clearance. The user tTrip .If Extended t1=Off , a long trip signal interrupts can set a maximum trip pulse duration Extend t1 = On the long the reclosing sequence in the same way as a signal to input INHIBIT.
  • Page 228: Armode = 1/2Ph , 1-Phase Or 2-Phase Reclosing In The First Shot

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control ARMode = 1/2ph , 1-phase or 2-phase reclosing in the first shot. M12391-136 v4 In 1-phase or 2-phase tripping, the operation is as in the above described example, program 1/2/3ph . If the first reclosing shot fails, a 3-phase trip will be issued and 3-phase mode reclosing can follow, if selected.
  • Page 229: External Selection Of Auto-Reclose Mode

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control MODEINT (integer) ARMode Type of fault 1st shot 2nd-5th shot 1ph + 1*2ph ....1/2ph + 1*3ph ..1ph + 1*2/3ph ..A start of a new reclosing cycle is blocked during the set “reclaim time” after the selected number of reclosing shots have been made.
  • Page 230: Transient Fault

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control Transient fault M12391-208 v3 After the Reclosing command the reclaim timer keeps running for the set time. If no tripping tReclaim , the Auto-Reclosing will reset. The CB remains closed and the occurs within this time, operating gear recharges.
  • Page 231: Evolving Fault

  • Page 232: Automatic Continuation Of The Reclosing Sequence

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control Automatic continuation of the reclosing sequence M12391-223 v4 SMBRREC function can be programmed to proceed to the following reclosing shots (if multiple shots are selected) even if start signals are not received from the protection functions, but the AutoCont = On and breaker is still not closed.
  • Page 233 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control CBPOS and CBREADY These should be connected to binary inputs to pick-up information from the CB. The CBPOS CBAuxContType is set NormOpen , which is the input is interpreted as CB Closed, if parameter default setting.
  • Page 234 Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control Recommendations for output signals M12399-46 v8 Please see figure and default factory configuration for examples. SETON Indicates that Autorecloser for 1/2/3-phase operation (SMBRREC) function is switched on and operative. BLOCKED Indicates that SMRREC function is temporarily or permanently blocked. ACTIVE Indicates that SMBRREC is active, from start until end of Reclaim time.
  • Page 235: Auto-Recloser Parameter Settings

  • Page 236 Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control Auto-reclosing open times, dead times t1 1Ph = 800ms . Due to the influence of Single-phase auto-reclosing time: A typical setting is energized phases the arc extinction may not be instantaneous. In long lines with high voltage the use of shunt reactors in the form of a star with a neutral reactor improves the arc extinction.
  • Page 237 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control FollowCB Follow CB = Off . The setting On can be used for delayed reclosing with The usual setting is long delay, to cover the case when a CB is being manually closed during the “auto-reclosing open time”...
  • Page 238: Apparatus Control Apc

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control AutoCont and tAutoContWait , Automatic continuation to the next shot if the CB is not closed within the set time AutoCont = Off . The tAutoContWait is the length of time SMBRREC waits The normal setting is AutoCont is set to On .
  • Page 239 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control • Operation of primary apparatuses • Select-Execute principle to give high security • Selection and reservation function to prevent simultaneous operation • Selection and supervision of operator place • Command supervision • Block/deblock of operation •...
  • Page 240 Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control IEC 61850 -QB1 QCBAY SXCBR SCSWI SXCBR -QA1 SXCBR SCILO -QB9 SXSWI SCSWI SCILO en05000116.vsd IEC05000116 V1 EN-US Figure 117: Signal flow between apparatus control function blocks Accepted originator categories for PSTO If the requested command is accepted by the authority, the value will change. Otherwise the blocked-by-switching-hierarchy is set in the cause signal.
  • Page 241: Bay Control (Qcbay)

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control PSTO = All, then it is no priority between operator places. All operator places are allowed to operate. orCat attribute in originator category are defined in According to IEC 61850 standard the Table 27 Table 27: orCat attribute according to IE C61850 Value...
  • Page 242: Switch Controller (Scswi)

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control IEC13000016-2-en.vsd IEC13000016 V2 EN-US Figure 118: APC - Local remote function block Switch controller (SCSWI) M16596-3 v4 SCSWI may handle and operate on one three-phase device or three one-phase switching devices. After the selection of an apparatus and before the execution, the switch controller performs the following checks and actions: •...
  • Page 243: Switches (Sxcbr/Sxswi)

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control In the case when there are three one-phase switches (SXCBR) connected to the switch controller function, the switch controller will "merge" the position of the three switches to the resulting three-phase position. In case of a pole discordance situation, that is, the positions of the one-phase switches are not equal for a time longer than a settable time;...
  • Page 244 Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control transferred over the station bus for evaluation in the IED. After the evaluation the operation can be executed with high security. This functionality is realized over the station bus by means of the function blocks QCRSV and RESIN.
  • Page 245: Interaction Between Modules

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control The solution in Figure can also be realized over the station bus according to the application example in Figure 121. The solutions in Figure and Figure do not have the same high security compared to the solution in Figure 119, but instead have a higher availability, since no acknowledgment is required.
  • Page 246: Setting Guidelines

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control SMPPTRC SESRSYN Synchronizing (Trip logic) (Synchrocheck & Synchronizer) in progress Trip Synchrocheck QCBAY Operator place (Bay control) selection Open cmd Close cmd Res. req. SCSWI SXCBR (Switching control) Res. granted (Circuit breaker) QCRSV (Reservation) Res.
  • Page 247: Switch Controller (Scswi)

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control LocSta is true, only commands from station level are accepted, otherwise only commands from remote level are accepted. RemoteIncStation has only effect on the IEC 61850-8-1 The parameter communication. Further, when using IEC 61850 edition 1 communication, the Yes , since the command LocSta is not defined in parameter should be set to IEC 61850-8-1 edition 1.
  • Page 248: Switch (Sxcbr/Sxswi)

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control Switch (SXCBR/SXSWI) M16675-3 v7 tStartMove is the supervision time for the apparatus to start moving after a command execution. When the time has expired, the switch function is reset, and a cause-code is given. tIntermediate time the position indication is allowed to be in an intermediate (00) During the state.
  • Page 249: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control Hardware selector switches are used extensively by utilities, in order to have different functions operating on pre-set values. Hardware switches are however sources for maintenance issues, lower system reliability and extended purchase portfolio. The virtual selector switches eliminate all these problems.
  • Page 250: Setting Guidelines

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control represent it through the single line diagram symbols (or use it in the configuration through the outputs POS1 and POS2) as well as, a command function (controlled by the PSTO input), giving switching commands through the CMDPOS12 and CMDPOS21 outputs. The output POSITION is an integer output, showing the actual position as an integer number 0 –...
  • Page 251: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control manual, and define which function block in which systems, equipment or functions should receive this information. More specifically, DPGAPC function reports a combined double point position indication output POSITION, by evaluating the value and the timestamp attributes of the inputs OPEN and CLOSE, together with the logical input signal VALID.
  • Page 252: Setting Guidelines

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control PSTO is the universal operator place selector for all control functions. Even if PSTO can be configured to allow LOCAL or ALL operator positions, the only functional position usable with the SPC8GAPC function block is REMOTE. 12.7.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD176518-4 v5...
  • Page 253: Identification

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control 12.9.1 Identification GUID-2217CCC2-5581-407F-A4BC-266CD6808984 v1 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Single command, 16 signals SINGLECMD 12.9.2 Application M12445-3 v3 Single command, 16 signals (SINGLECMD) is a common function and always included in the IED.
  • Page 254: Setting Guidelines

    Section 12 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Control Single command function Function n SINGLECMD Function n CMDOUTy OUTy en04000207.vsd IEC04000207 V2 EN-US Figure 125: Application example showing a logic diagram for control of built-in functions Single command function Configuration logic circuits SINGLESMD Device 1 CMDOUTy...
  • Page 255 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 12 Control • Off, sets all outputs to 0, independent of the values sent from the station level, that is, the operator station or remote-control gateway. • Steady, sets the outputs to a steady signal 0 or 1, depending on the values sent from the station level.
  • Page 257: Section 13 Scheme Communication

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 13 Scheme communication Section 13 Scheme communication 13.1 Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent protection ZCPSCH IP15749-1 v3 13.1.1 Identification M14854-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Scheme communication logic for ZCPSCH distance or overcurrent protection...
  • Page 258: Delta Blocking Scheme

    Section 13 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Scheme communication The blocking scheme is very dependable because it will operate for faults anywhere on the protected line if the communication channel is out of service. On the other hand, it is less secure than permissive schemes because it will trip for external faults within the reach of the tripping function if the communication channel is out of service.
  • Page 259: Permissive Schemes

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 13 Scheme communication Inadequate speed or dependability can cause spurious tripping for external faults. Inadequate security can cause delayed tripping for internal faults. Since the blocking signal is initiated by the delta based detection which is very fast the time tCoord can be set to zero seconds, except in cases where the transmission channel is delay slow.
  • Page 260 Section 13 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Scheme communication the fault. There is a certain risk that in case of a trip from an independent tripping zone, the zone issuing the send signal (CS) resets before the overreaching zone has operated at the remote terminal.
  • Page 261: Intertrip Scheme

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 13 Scheme communication At the permissive overreaching scheme, the send signal (CS) might be issued in parallel both from an overreaching zone and an underreaching, independent tripping zone. The CS signal from the overreaching zone must not be prolonged while the CS signal from zone 1 can be prolonged.
  • Page 262: Setting Guidelines

    Section 13 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Scheme communication tCoord should be set to 10-30 ms dependant on type of sending of signals, the timer communication channel. The general requirement for teleprotection equipment operating in intertripping applications is that it should be very secure and very dependable, since both inadequate security and dependability may cause unwanted operation.
  • Page 263: Permissive Underreaching Scheme

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 13 Scheme communication Permissive underreaching scheme M13869-25 v4 Operation SchemeType Permissive UR tCoord = 0 ms tSendMin = 0.1 s Unblock tSecurity = 0.035 s Permissive overreaching scheme M13869-34 v4 Operation Scheme type Permissive OR tCoord = 0 ms...
  • Page 264: Application

    Section 13 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Scheme communication 13.2.2 Application IP15023-1 v1 Current reversal logic M13895-4 v5 If parallel lines are connected to common buses at both terminals, overreaching permissive communication schemes can trip unselectable due to current reversal. The unwanted tripping affects the healthy line when a fault is cleared on the parallel line.
  • Page 265: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 13 Scheme communication tripping is achieved. This requires a detection of the fault by an independent tripping zone 1. To avoid sequential tripping as described, and when zone 1 is not available, weak-end infeed tripping logic is used. The weak end infeed function only works together with permissive overreach communication schemes as the carrier send signal must cover the hole line length.
  • Page 266: Current Reversal And Weak-End Infeed Logic For Phase Segregated Communication Zc1Wpsch

    Section 13 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Scheme communication tPickUpWEI to 10 ms, a short delay is recommended to avoid that spurious carrier received signals will activate WEI and cause unwanted carrier send (ECHO) signals. UPP< and UPN< for the weak-end trip to 70% of the system base Set the voltage criterion UBase .
  • Page 267: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 13 Scheme communication used in the teleprotection scheme has switched on to forward direction, we will have an unwanted operation of breaker B2 at B side. IEC14000003-1-en.vsd IEC14000003 V1 EN-US Figure 134: Current distribution for a fault close to B side when breaker B1 is opened To handle this, the send signal CS or CSLx from B2 is held back until the reverse zone IRVLx has reset and the tDelayRev time has elapsed.
  • Page 268: Local Acceleration Logic Zclcpsch

    Section 13 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Scheme communication Current reversal logic OperCurrRev to On to activate the function. tDelayRev timer at the maximum reset time for the communication equipment that gives 40ms is recommended, the carrier receive (CRLx) signal plus 30ms. A minimum setting of 60ms .
  • Page 269: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 13 Scheme communication The loss-of-load acceleration gives selected overreach zone permission to operate instantaneously after check of the different current criteria. It can not operate for three-phase faults. 13.4.3 Setting guidelines M13854-4 v3 The parameters for the local acceleration logic functions are set via the local HMI or PCM600. ZoneExtension to On when the first trip from selected overreaching zone shall be instantaneous and the definitive trip after autoreclosure a normal time-delayed trip.
  • Page 271: Section 14 Logic

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic Section 14 Logic 14.1 Tripping logic SMPPTRC IP14576-1 v4 14.1.1 Identification SEMOD56226-2 v6 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Tripping logic SMPPTRC I->O SYMBOL-K V1 EN-US 14.1.2 Application M12252-3 v8 All trip signals from the different protection functions shall be routed through the trip logic.
  • Page 272: Three-Phase Tripping

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic The two instances of the SMPPTRC function are identical except, for the name of the function block (SMPPTRC1 and SMPPTRC2). References will therefore only be made to SMPPTRC1 in the following description, but they also apply to SMPPTRC2. Three-phase tripping M14828-7 v8...
  • Page 273: Single-, Two- Or Three-Phase Tripping

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic and activated independent of which phase is involved. Depending on which phases are involved the outputs TR1P, TR2P and TR3P will be activated as well. When single-phase tripping schemes are used a single-phase autoreclosing attempt is expected to follow.
  • Page 274: Lock-Out

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic The functionality is very similar to the single-phase scheme described above. However SESRSYN must in addition to the connections for single phase above be informed that the trip is two phase by connecting the trip logic output TR2P to the respective input in SESRSYN. Lock-out M14828-18 v4...
  • Page 275: Identification

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic 14.2.1 Identification SEMOD167882-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC 14.2.2 Application M15321-3 v11 The trip matrix logic TMAGAPC function is used to route trip signals and other logical output signals to different output contacts on the IED.
  • Page 276: Setting Guidelines

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic 14.3.3 Setting guidelines GUID-0BDD898A-360B-4443-A5CF-7619C80A17F4 v2 Operation : On or Off 14.4 Logic for group alarm WRNCALH 14.4.1 Identification GUID-3EBD3D5B-F506-4557-88D7-DFC0BD21C690 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Logic for group warning WRNCALH Application...
  • Page 277: Application

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic • Configurable logic blocks that do not propagate the time stamp and the quality of signals. They do not have the suffix QT at the end of their function block name, for example, SRMEMORY.
  • Page 278: Fixed Signal Function Block Fxdsign

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic IEC09000310-2-en.vsd IEC09000310 V2 EN-US Figure 138: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function that also propagates timestamp and quality of input signals The execution of different function blocks within the same cycle is determined by the order of their serial execution numbers.
  • Page 279: Boolean 16 To Integer Conversion B16I

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic REFPDIF I3PW1CT1 I3PW2CT1 IEC09000619_3_en.vsd IEC09000619 V3 EN-US Figure 139: REFPDIF function inputs for autotransformer application For normal transformers only one winding and the neutral point is available. This means that only two inputs are used. Since all group connections are mandatory to be connected, the third input needs to be connected to something, which is the GRP_OFF signal in FXDSIGN function block.
  • Page 280: Boolean To Integer Conversion With Logical Node Representation, 16 Bit Btigapc

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic OUT. B16I function is designed for receiving up to 16 booleans input locally. If the BLOCK input is activated, it will freeze the output at the last value. Values of each of the different OUTx from function block B16I for 1≤x≤16. The sum of the value on each INx corresponds to the integer presented on the output OUT on the function block B16I.
  • Page 281: Integer To Boolean 16 Conversion Ib16

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic when you want to generate logical commands (for selector switches or voltage controllers) by inputting an integer number. BTIGAPC has a logical node mapping in IEC 61850. The Boolean 16 to integer conversion function (BTIGAPC) will transfer a combination of up to 16 binary inputs INx where 1≤x≤16 to an integer.
  • Page 282: Application

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic 14.10.2 Application SEMOD158499-5 v4 Integer to boolean 16 conversion function (IB16) is used to transform an integer into a set of 16 binary (logical) signals. It can be used – for example, to connect integer output signals from one function to binary (logical) inputs to another function.
  • Page 283: Identification

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic 14.11.1 Identification SEMOD167944-2 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Integer to boolean 16 conversion ITBGAPC with logic node representation 14.11.2 Application SEMOD158512-5 v7 Integer to boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation function (ITBGAPC) is used to transform an integer into a set of 16 boolean signals.
  • Page 284: Elapsed Time Integrator With Limit Transgression And Overflow Supervision Teigapc

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic 14.12 Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGAPC 14.12.1 Identification GUID-1913E066-37D1-4689-9178-5B3C8B029815 v3 Function Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device identificatio identificatio number Elapsed time integrator TEIGAPC 14.12.2 Application GUID-B4B47167-C8DE-4496-AEF1-5F0FD1768A87 v2 The function TEIGAPC is used for user-defined logics and it can also be used for different purposes internally in the IED.
  • Page 285: Application

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic 14.13.2 Application GUID-4C6D730D-BB1C-45F1-A719-1267234BF1B9 v1 The function gives the possibility to monitor the level of integer values in the system relative to each other or to a fixed value. It is a basic arithmetic function that can be used for monitoring, supervision, interlocking and other logics.
  • Page 286: Comparator For Real Inputs - Realcomp

    Section 14 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Logic 14.14 Comparator for real inputs - REALCOMP 14.14.1 Identification GUID-0D68E846-5A15-4C2C-91A2-F81A74034E81 v1 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Comparator for real inputs REALCOMP Real<=> 14.14.2 Application GUID-5F7B1683-9799-4D27-B333-B184F8861A5B v1 The function gives the possibility to monitor the level of real values in the system relative to each other or to a fixed value.
  • Page 287 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 14 Logic EnaAbs = Absolute RefSource = SetValue SetValue = 100 RefPrefix = Kilo EqualBandHigh = 5.0 % of reference value EqualBandLow = 5.0 % of reference value Operation The function will set the outputs for the following conditions, INEQUAL will set when the INPUT is between the ranges of 95 to 105 kA.
  • Page 289: Section 15 Monitoring

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring Section 15 Monitoring 15.1 Measurement GUID-9D2D47A0-FE62-4FE3-82EE-034BED82682A v1 15.1.1 Identification SEMOD56123-2 v7 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Measurements CVMMXN P, Q, S, I, U, f SYMBOL-RR V1 EN-US Phase current measurement CMMXU SYMBOL-SS V1 EN-US...
  • Page 290: Zero Clamping

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring The available measured values of an IED are depending on the actual hardware (TRM) and the logic configuration made in PCM600. All measured values can be supervised with four settable limits that is, low-low limit, low limit, high limit and high-high limit.
  • Page 291: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring Example how CVMMXN is operating: The following outputs can be observed on the local HMI under Measurements/Monitoring/ Servicevalues(P_Q)/CVMMXN(P_Q) Apparent three-phase power Active three-phase power Reactive three-phase power Power factor ILAG I lagging U ILEAD I leading U System mean voltage, calculated according to selected mode...
  • Page 292 Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring UGenZeroDb : Minimum level of voltage in % of UBase used as indication of zero voltage (zero point clamping). If measured value is below UGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF will be zero. IGenZeroDb : Minimum level of current in % of IBase used as indication of zero current (zero IGenZeroDb calculated S, P, Q and PF will be zero.
  • Page 293: Setting Examples

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring XLimHyst : Hysteresis value in % of range and is common for all limits. All phase angles are presented in relation to defined reference channel. The parameter PhaseAngleRef defines the reference, see section "Introduction". Calibration curves It is possible to calibrate the functions (CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU) to get class 0.5 presentations of currents, voltages and powers.
  • Page 294 Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring Measurement function application for a 110kV OHL SEMOD54481-12 v10 Single line diagram for this application is given in figure 142: 110kV Busbar 600/1 A 110 0,1 110kV OHL IEC09000039-2-en.vsd IEC09000039-1-EN V2 EN-US Figure 142: Single line diagram for 110kV OHL application In order to monitor, supervise and calibrate the active and reactive power as indicated in figure it is necessary to do the following:...
  • Page 295 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring Table 31: Settings parameters for level supervision Setting Short Description Selected Comments value PMin Minimum value -100 Minimum expected load PMax Minimum value Maximum expected load PZeroDb Zero point clamping in 0.001% 3000 Set zero point clamping to 45 MW that is, 3% of range of 200 MW...
  • Page 296 Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring 110kV Busbar 200/1 31,5 MVA 110/36,75/(10,5) kV Yy0(d5) 500/5 L1L2 35 / 0,1kV 35kV Busbar IEC09000040-1-en.vsd IEC09000040-1-EN V1 EN-US Figure 143: Single line diagram for transformer application In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in figure 143, it is necessary to do the following: PhaseAngleRef (see section Set correctly all CT and VT and phase angle reference channel...
  • Page 297: Gas Medium Supervision Ssimg

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring Table 33: General settings parameters for the Measurement function Setting Short description Selected Comment value Operation Operation Off / On Function must be PowAmpFact Amplitude factor to scale 1.000 Typically no scaling is required power calculations PowAngComp Angle compensation for phase...
  • Page 298: Liquid Medium Supervision Ssiml

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring TempLOLimit : Temperature lockout level of the gas medium • • tPresAlarm : Time delay for pressure alarm of the gas medium tPresLockOut : Time delay for level lockout indication of the gas medium •...
  • Page 299: Application

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Breaker monitoring SSCBR 15.4.2 Application GUID-45572680-3A39-4B3C-8639-4E4C5A95AA26 v9 The circuit breaker maintenance is usually based on regular time intervals or the number of operations performed.
  • Page 300 Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring 100000 50000 20000 10000 5000 2000 1000 Interrupted current (kA) IEC12000623_1_en.vsd IEC12000623 V1 EN-US Figure 144: An example for estimating the remaining life of a circuit breaker Calculation for estimating the remaining life The graph shows that there are 10000 possible operations at the rated operating current and 900 operations at 10 kA and 50 operations at rated fault current.
  • Page 301: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring depends on the type of circuit breaker. The energy values were accumulated using the current value and exponent factor for CB contact opening duration. When the next CB opening operation is started, the energy is accumulated from the previous value. The accumulated energy value can be reset to initial accumulation energy value by using the Reset accumulating energy input, RSTIPOW.
  • Page 302: Event Function Event

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring tTrCloseAlm : Setting of alarm level for closing travel time. OperAlmLevel : Alarm limit for number of mechanical operations. OperLOLevel : Lockout limit for number of mechanical operations. CurrExponent : Current exponent setting for energy calculation. It varies for different types of 0.5 to 3.0 .
  • Page 303: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring created from any available signal in the IED that is connected to the Event function (EVENT). The EVENT function block is used for LON and SPA communication. Analog and double indication values are also transferred through the EVENT function. 15.5.3 Setting guidelines IP14841-1 v1...
  • Page 304: Application

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring 15.6.2 Application M12152-3 v8 To get fast, complete and reliable information about disturbances in the primary and/or in the secondary system it is very important to gather information on fault currents, voltages and events.
  • Page 305 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring the analog input function blocks (AxRADR), which is used by Fault locator (FL) after estimation by Trip Value Recorder (TVR). Disturbance report function acquires information from both AxRADR and BxRBDR. Disturbance Report AxRADR DRPRDRE Analog signals Trip value rec...
  • Page 306: Recording Times

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring Operation M12179-82 v6 The operation of Disturbance report function DRPRDRE has to be set On or Off . If Off is selected, note that no disturbance report is registered, and none sub-function will operate (the only general parameter that influences Event list (EL)).
  • Page 307: Binary Input Signals

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring PostRetrig = Off The function is insensitive for new trig signals during post fault time. PostRetrig = On The function completes current report and starts a new complete report that is, the latter will include: •...
  • Page 308: Sub-Function Parameters

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring OperationM = On , waveform (samples) will also be recorded and reported in graph. NomValueM : Nominal value for input M. OverTrigOpM , UnderTrigOpM : Over or Under trig operation, Disturbance report may trig for On ) or not ( Off ).
  • Page 309: Logical Signal Status Report Binstatrep

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring Minimize the number of recordings: • Binary signals: Use only relevant signals to start the recording that is, protection trip, carrier receive and/or start signals. • Analog signals: The level triggering should be used with great care, since unfortunate settings will cause enormously number of recordings.
  • Page 310: Fault Locator Lmbrflo

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring 15.8 Fault locator LMBRFLO IP14592-1 v2 15.8.1 Identification M14892-1 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Fault locator LMBRFLO 15.8.2 Application M13752-3 v6 The main objective of line protection and monitoring IEDs is fast, selective and reliable operation for faults on a protected line section.
  • Page 311: Connection Of Analog Currents

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring analog inputs are currents and next three are voltages in the observed bay (no parallel line expected since chosen input is set to zero). Use the Parameter Setting tool within PCM600 for changing analog configuration. UL1Gain , UL2Gain and The measured phase voltages can be fine tuned with the parameters UL3Gain to further increase the accuracy of the fault locator.
  • Page 312: Limit Counter L4Ufcnt

    Section 15 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Monitoring en07000113-1.vsd IEC07000113 V2 EN-US Figure 148: Example of connection of parallel line IN for Fault locator LMBRFLO 15.9 Limit counter L4UFCNT GUID-22E141DB-38B3-462C-B031-73F7466DD135 v1 15.9.1 Identification GUID-F3FB7B33-B189-4819-A1F0-8AC7762E9B7E v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification...
  • Page 313: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 15 Monitoring after reaching the maximum count value. It is also possible to set the counter to rollover and indicate the overflow as a pulse, which lasts up to the first count after rolling over to zero. In this case, periodic pulses will be generated at multiple overflow of the function.
  • Page 315: Section 16 Metering

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 16 Metering Section 16 Metering 16.1 Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT IP14600-1 v3 16.1.1 Identification M14879-1 v4 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT S00947 V1 EN-US 16.1.2 Application M13395-3 v6 Pulse-counter logic (PCFCNT) function counts externally generated binary pulses, for instance pulses coming from an external energy meter, for calculation of energy consumption values.
  • Page 316: Function For Energy Calculation And Demand Handling Etpmmtr

    Section 16 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Metering The setting is common for all input channels on BIM, that is, if limit changes are made for inputs not connected to the pulse counter, the setting also influences the inputs on the same board used for pulse counting. 16.2 Function for energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR...
  • Page 317: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 16 Metering EAFAccPlsQty , EARAccPlsQty , ERFAccPlsQty and ERVAccPlsQty of the energy metering function and then the pulse counter can be set-up to present the correct values by scaling in this function. Pulse counter values can then be presented on the local HMI in the same way and/or sent to the SA (Substation Automation) system through communication where the total energy then is calculated by summation of the energy pulses.
  • Page 319: Section 17 Station Communication

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication Section 17 Station communication 17.1 Communication protocols M14815-3 v12 Each IED is provided with a communication interface, enabling it to connect to one or many substation level systems or equipment, either on the Substation Automation (SA) bus or Substation Monitoring (SM) bus.
  • Page 320 Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication Engineering Station HSI Workstation Gateway Base System Printer KIOSK 3 KIOSK 1 KIOSK 2 IEC09000135_en.v IEC09000135 V1 EN-US Figure 150: SA system with IEC 61850–8–1 M16925-3 v4 Figure151 shows the GOOSE peer-to-peer communication. Station HSI MicroSCADA Gateway...
  • Page 321: Horizontal Communication Via Goose For Interlocking Gooseintlkrcv

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication 17.2.2 Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking GOOSEINTLKRCV SEMOD173197-1 v2 PID-415-SETTINGS v5 Table 34: GOOSEINTLKRCV Non group settings (basic) Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description Operation Operation Off/On 17.2.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD55317-5 v6 There are two settings related to the IEC 61850–8–1 protocol: Operation User can set IEC 61850 communication to On or Off .
  • Page 322: Iec 61850-8-1 Redundant Station Bus Communication - Prp

    Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication is connected to the range output, the logical outputs of the RANGE_XP are changed accordingly. 17.2.6 IEC 61850-8-1 redundant station bus communication - PRP GUID-FF43A130-7D2D-4BA3-B51C-80398D73228F v3 Identification GUID-00C469E6-00D4-4780-BD0D-426647AB8E0F v3.1.1 Function description LHMI and ACT IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2...
  • Page 323: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication Setting guidelines GUID-6AD04F29-9B52-40E7-AA07-6D248EF99FC6 v2 Redundant communication (PRP) is configured in the local HMI under Main menu/ Configuration/Communication/Ethernet configuration/PRP The settings are found in the Parameter Setting tool in PCM600 under IED Configuration/ Communication/Ethernet configuration/PRP.
  • Page 324: Lon Communication Protocol

    Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication 17.3 LON communication protocol IP14420-1 v1 17.3.1 Application IP14863-1 v1 M14804-3 v4 Control Center Station HSI MicroSCADA Gateway Star coupler RER 111 IEC05000663-1-en.vsd IEC05000663 V2 EN-US Figure 154: Example of LON communication structure for a station automation system An optical network can be used within the station automation system.
  • Page 325: Multicmdrcv And Multicmdsnd

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication Hardware and software modules M14804-35 v4 The hardware needed for applying LON communication depends on the application, but one very central unit needed is the LON Star Coupler and optical fibers connecting the star coupler to the IEDs.
  • Page 326: Setting Guidelines

    Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication Setting guidelines SEMOD119915-1 v1 Settings M14789-4 v3 The parameters for the multiple command function are set via PCM600. Mode setting sets the outputs to either a Steady or Pulsed mode. 17.4 SPA communication protocol IP14614-1 v1 17.4.1...
  • Page 327: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication For the specification of the SPA protocol V2.5, refer to SPA-bus Communication Protocol V2.5. 17.4.2 Setting guidelines M11876-3 v4.1.1 The setting parameters for the SPA communication are set via the local HMI. SPA, IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3 uses the same rear communication port.
  • Page 328: Iec 60870-5-103 Communication Protocol

    Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication 17.5 IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol IP14615-1 v2 17.5.1 Application IP14864-1 v1 M17109-3 v6 TCP/IP Control Center Station HSI Gateway Star coupler IEC05000660-4-en.vsd IEC05000660 V4 EN-US Figure 156: Example of IEC 60870-5-103 communication structure for a substation automation system IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol is mainly used when a protection IED communicates with a third party control or monitoring system.
  • Page 329 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication • Autorecloser ON/OFF • Teleprotection ON/OFF • Protection ON/OFF • LED reset • Characteristics 1 - 4 (Setting groups) • File transfer (disturbance files) • Time synchronization Hardware M17109-59 v1 When communicating locally with a Personal Computer (PC) or a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) in the station, using the SPA/IEC port, the only hardware needed is:·...
  • Page 330 Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication • Earth fault indications in monitor direction Function block with defined functions for earth fault indications in monitor direction, I103EF. This block includes the FUNCTION TYPE parameter, and the INFORMATION NUMBER parameter is defined for each output signal. •...
  • Page 331 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication Settings for RS485 and optical serial communication M17109-118 v11 General settings SPA, DNP and IEC 60870-5-103 can be configured to operate on the SLM optical serial port while DNP and IEC 60870-5-103 only can utilize the RS485 port. A single protocol can be active on a given physical port at any time.
  • Page 332 Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication The slave number can be set to any value between 1 and 254. The communication speed, can be set either to 9600 bits/s or 19200 bits/s. RevPolarity : Setting for inverting the light (or not). Standard IEC 60870-5-103 setting is •...
  • Page 333 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 17 Station communication DRA#-Input IEC 60870-5-103 meaning Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range...
  • Page 334: Dnp3 Communication Protocol

    Section 17 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Station communication REB 207 Private range REQ 245 Private range Refer to the tables in the Technical reference manual /Station communication, specifying the information types supported by the communication protocol IEC 60870-5-103. To support the information, corresponding functions must be included in the protection IED. There is no representation for the following parts: •...
  • Page 335: Section 18 Remote Communication

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 18 Remote communication Section 18 Remote communication 18.1 Binary signal transfer IP12423-1 v2 18.1.1 Identification M14849-1 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Binary signal transfer BinSignReceive Binary signal transfer BinSignTransm 18.1.2 Application...
  • Page 336: Setting Guidelines

    Section 18 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Remote communication The LDCM can also be used together with an external optical to galvanic G.703 converter as shown in figure 159. These solutions are aimed for connections to a multiplexer, which in turn is connected to a telecommunications transmission network (for example, SDH or PDH).
  • Page 337 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 18 Remote communication The redundant channel is always configured in the lower position, for example • Slot 302: Main channel • Slot 303: Redundant channel The same is applicable for slot 312-313. DiffSync : Here the method of time synchronization, Echo for the line differential function is selected.
  • Page 338 Section 18 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Remote communication Table 38: Example of input data for calculating the optical budget (maximum distance) Type of LDCM Short range (SR) Short range (SR) Medium range (MR) Type of fibre Multi-mode fiber glass Multi-mode fiber glass Single-mode fiber glass 50/125 μm 62.5/125 μm...
  • Page 339 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 18 Remote communication AsymDelay : The asymmetry is defined as transmission delay minus receive delay. If a fixed asymmetry is known, the Echo synchronization method can be used if the parameter AsymDelay is properly set. From the definition follows that the asymmetry will always be positive in one end, and negative in the other end.
  • Page 341: Section 19 Security

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 19 Security Section 19 Security 19.1 Authority status ATHSTAT SEMOD158575-1 v2 19.1.1 Application SEMOD158527-5 v3 Authority status (ATHSTAT) function is an indication function block, which informs about two events related to the IED and the user authorization: •...
  • Page 342: Change Lock Chnglck

    CHNGLCK input. If such a situation would occur in spite of these precautions, then please contact the local ABB representative for remedial action. 19.4 Denial of service DOS 19.4.1...
  • Page 343: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 19 Security controlled. Heavy network load might for instance be the result of malfunctioning equipment connected to the network. DOSFRNT, DOSLANAB and DOSLANCD measure the IED load from communication and, if necessary, limit it for not jeopardizing the IEDs control and protection functionality due to high CPU load.
  • Page 345: Section 20 Basic Ied Functions

    IEDProdType The settings are visible on the local HMI , under Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiers and under Main menu/Diagnostics/IED Status/IED identifiers This information is very helpful when interacting with ABB product support (e.g. during repair and maintenance). 20.2.2 Factory defined settings...
  • Page 346: Measured Value Expander Block Range_Xp

    Section 20 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Basic IED functions • Describes the firmware version. • The firmware version can be checked from Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/ Product identifiers • Firmware version numbers run independently from the release production numbers. For every release number there can be one or more firmware versions depending on the small issues corrected in between releases.
  • Page 347: Parameter Setting Groups

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 20 Basic IED functions 20.4 Parameter setting groups IP1745-1 v1 20.4.1 Application M12007-6 v9 Six sets of settings are available to optimize IED operation for different power system conditions. By creating and switching between fine tuned setting sets, either from the local HMI or configurable binary inputs, results in a highly adaptable IED that can cope with a variety of power system scenarios.
  • Page 348: Setting Guidelines

    Section 20 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Basic IED functions 20.5.3 Setting guidelines M15292-3 v2 Set the system rated frequency. Refer to section "Signal matrix for analog inputs SMAI" description on frequency tracking. 20.6 Summation block 3 phase 3PHSUM SEMOD55968-1 v2 20.6.1 Application SEMOD56004-4 v3...
  • Page 349: Application

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 20 Basic IED functions 20.7.2 Application GUID-D58ECA9A-9771-443D-BF84-8EF582A346BF v4 Global base values function (GBASVAL) is used to provide global values, common for all applicable functions within the IED. One set of global values consists of values for current, voltage and apparent power and it is possible to have twelve different sets.
  • Page 350: Setting Guidelines

    Section 20 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Basic IED functions 20.9.2 Setting guidelines SEMOD55228-5 v2 There are no setting parameters for the Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO available to the user in Parameter Setting tool. However, the user must give a name to SMBO instance and SMBO outputs, directly in the Application Configuration tool.
  • Page 351: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 20 Basic IED functions SMAI1 SPFCOUT BLOCK SAPTOF DFTSPFC G1AI3P U3P* TRIP SAPTOF(1)_TRIP UL1L2 START BLOCK REVROT G1AI1 BLKTRIP BLKDMAGN PHASEL1 G1AI2 FREQ ^GRP1L1 G1AI4 TRM_40.CH7(U) PHASEL2 ^GRP1L2 PHASEL3 ^GRP1L3 NEUTRAL ^GRP1N EC10000060-3-en.vsdx IEC10000060 V3 EN-US Figure 160: Connection example ConnectionType is The above described scenario does not work if SMAI setting...
  • Page 352 Section 20 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Basic IED functions L2 and L3 will be calculated for use in symmetrical situations. If N component should be used respectively the phase component during faults I must be connected to input 4. Negation : If the user wants to negate the 3ph signal, it is possible to choose to negate only the Negate3Ph , only the neutral signal NegateN or both Negate3Ph+N .
  • Page 353 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 20 Basic IED functions Task time group 1 SMAI instance 3 phase group SMAI1:1 SMAI2:2 SMAI3:3 AdDFTRefCh7 SMAI4:4 SMAI5:5 SMAI6:6 SMAI7:7 SMAI8:8 SMAI9:9 SMAI10:10 SMAI11:11 SMAI12:12 Task time group 2 SMAI instance 3 phase group SMAI1:13 AdDFTRefCh4 SMAI2:14...
  • Page 354 Section 20 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Basic IED functions SMAI1:13 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 SMAI1:1 ^GRP1N BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N SMAI1:25 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N IEC07000198-2-en.vsd IEC07000198 V3 EN-US Figure 162: Configuration for using an instance in task time group 1 as DFT reference Assume instance SMAI7:7 in task time group 1 has been selected in the configuration to control the frequency tracking .
  • Page 355: Test Mode Functionality Testmode

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 20 Basic IED functions SMAI1:1 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 SMAI1:13 ^GRP1N BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N SMAI1:25 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1L1 ^GRP1L2 ^GRP1L3 ^GRP1N IEC07000199-2-en.vsd IEC07000199 V3 EN-US Figure 163: Configuration for using an instance in task time group 2 as DFT reference.
  • Page 356: Iec 61850 Protocol Test Mode

    Section 20 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Basic IED functions IEC 61850 protocol test mode GUID-82998715-6F23-4CAF-92E4-05E1A863CF33 v5 The function block TESTMODE has implemented the extended testing mode capabilities for IEC 61850 Ed2 systems. Operator commands sent to the function block TESTMODE determine the behavior of the functions.
  • Page 357: Setting Guidelines

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 20 Basic IED functions the Main menu/Test/Function status/Function group/Function block descriptive name/LN name/Outputs. Beh of a function block is set to Test , the function block is not blocked and all • When the control commands with a test bit are accepted. Beh of a function block is set to Test/blocked , all control commands with a test •...
  • Page 358: Setting Guidelines

    Section 20 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Basic IED functions For time synchronization of line differential protection RED670 with diff communication in GPS-mode, a GPS-based time synchronization is needed. This can be optical IRIG-B with 1344 from an external GPS-clock or an internal GPS-receiver. For time synchronization of line differential protection with diff communication in GPS-mode, a GPS-based time synchronization is needed.
  • Page 359 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 20 Basic IED functions • • • • IEC 60870-5-103 • The function input to be used for minute-pulse synchronization is called BININPUT. For a Technical Manual . description of the BININPUT settings, see the The system time can be set manually, either via the local HMI or via any of the communication ports.
  • Page 361: Section 21 Requirements

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 21 Requirements Section 21 Requirements 21.1 Current transformer requirements IP15171-1 v2 M11609-3 v2 The performance of a protection function will depend on the quality of the measured current signal. Saturation of the current transformers (CTs) will cause distortion of the current signals and can result in a failure to operate or cause unwanted operations of some functions.
  • Page 362: Fault Current

    Section 21 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Requirements and low remanence type. The results may not always be valid for non remanence type CTs (TPZ). The performances of the protection functions have been checked in the range from symmetrical to fully asymmetrical fault currents. Primary time constants of at least 120 ms have been considered at the tests.
  • Page 363: General Current Transformer Requirements

    CT (TPZ) is not well defined as far as the phase angle error is concerned. If no explicit recommendation is given for a specific function we therefore recommend contacting ABB to confirm that the non remanence type can be used.
  • Page 364: Distance Protection

    Section 21 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Requirements where: Maximum primary fundamental frequency fault current for internal close-in kmax faults (A) Maximum primary fundamental frequency fault current for through fault tmax current for external faults (A) The rated primary CT current (A) The rated secondary CT current (A) The rated current of the protection IED (A) The secondary resistance of the CT (W)
  • Page 365 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 21 Requirements æ ö ³ × × × k max sr ç ÷ alreq è ø (Equation 166) EQUATION1080 V2 EN-US æ ö × ³ × × kzone1 sr ç ÷ alreq è ø (Equation 167) EQUATION1081 V2 EN-US where: Maximum primary fundamental frequency current for close-in forward and...
  • Page 366: Breaker Failure Protection

    Section 21 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Requirements Breaker failure protection M11621-3 v5 The CTs must have a rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E that is larger than or equal to the required rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E below: alreq æ...
  • Page 367 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 21 Requirements The rated current of the protection IED (A) The secondary resistance of the CT ( ) The resistance of the secondary wire and additional load (Ω). The loop resistance containing the phase and neutral wires shall be used. The burden of a REx670 current input channel (VA).
  • Page 368: Current Transformer Requirements For Cts According To Other Standards

    Section 21 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Requirements The three individual phase CTs must have a rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E that is larger than or equal to the maximum of the required rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E below: alreq æ...
  • Page 369: Current Transformers According To Iec 61869-2, Class P, Pr

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 21 Requirements Current transformers according to IEC 61869-2, class P, PR M11623-6 v3 A CT according to IEC 61869-2 is specified by the secondary limiting e.m.f. E . The value of the is approximately equal to the corresponding E .
  • Page 370: Voltage Transformer Requirements

    Section 21 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Requirements A CT according to ANSI/IEEE is also specified by the knee point voltage U that is kneeANSI graphically defined from an excitation curve. The knee point voltage U normally has a kneeANSI lower value than the knee-point e.m.f. according to IEC and BS. U can approximately be kneeANSI estimated to 75 % of the corresponding E...
  • Page 371 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 21 Requirements During disturbed conditions, the trip security function in can cope with high bit error rates up to 10 or even up to 10 . The trip security can be configured to be independent of COMFAIL from the differential protection communication supervision, or blocked when COMFAIL is issued after receive error >100ms.
  • Page 373: Section 22 Glossary

    1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 22 Glossary Section 22 Glossary M14893-1 v15 Alternating current Actual channel Application configuration tool within PCM600 A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision Analog digital conversion module, with time synchronization Analog input ANSI American National Standards Institute Autoreclosing ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer...
  • Page 374 Section 22 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Glossary CO cycle Close-open cycle Codirectional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves two twisted pairs making it possible to transmit information in both directions Command COMTRADE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange format for Disturbance recorder according to IEEE/ANSI C37.111, 1999 / IEC 60255-24 Contra-directional...
  • Page 375 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 22 Glossary EnFP End fault protection Enhanced performance architecture Electrostatic discharge F-SMA Type of optical fiber connector Fault number Flow control bit; Frame count bit FOX 20 Modular 20 channel telecommunication system for speech, data and protection signals FOX 512/515 Access multiplexer...
  • Page 376 Section 22 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Glossary standard for the mechanics and the PCI specifications from the PCI SIG (Special Interest Group) for the electrical EMF (Electromotive force). IEEE 1686 Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Cyber Security Capabilities Intelligent electronic device I-GIS Intelligent gas-insulated switchgear...
  • Page 377 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 22 Glossary OLTC On-load tap changer OTEV Disturbance data recording initiated by other event than start/pick-up Overvoltage Overreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault condition. For example, a distance relay is overreaching when the impedance presented to it is smaller than the apparent impedance to the fault applied to the balance point, that is, the set reach.
  • Page 378 Section 22 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Glossary SNTP Simple network time protocol – is used to synchronize computer clocks on local area networks. This reduces the requirement to have accurate hardware clocks in every embedded system in a network. Each embedded node can instead synchronize with a remote clock, providing the required accuracy.
  • Page 379 1MRK 505 363-UEN A Section 22 Glossary sometimes known by the military name, "Zulu time." "Zulu" in the phonetic alphabet stands for "Z", which stands for longitude zero. Undervoltage Weak end infeed logic Voltage transformer Three times zero-sequence current.Often referred to as the residual or the earth-fault current Three times the zero sequence voltage.
  • Page 382 ABB AB Substation Automation Products SE-721 59 Västerås, Sweden Phone +46 (0) 21 32 50 00 Scan this QR code to visit our website www.abb.com/protection-control © Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.

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