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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction...............5 This manual..................5 Intended audience................5 Product documentation...............6 Product documentation set............6 Document revision history............. 6 Related documentation..............7 Symbols and conventions..............7 Symbols..................7 Document conventions..............8 Functions, codes and symbols............8 Section 2 REG615 overview............13 Overview...................13 Product version history..............
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Table of contents Default I/O connections............38 Default disturbance recorder settings........40 Functional diagrams..............42 Functional diagrams for protection......... 43 Functional diagrams for disturbance recorder......53 Functional diagrams for condition monitoring......54 Functional diagrams for control and interlocking....56 Functional diagram for measurement functions..... 59 Functional diagrams for IOs and alarm LEDs......
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Table of contents Current transformer accuracy class and accuracy limit factor..................133 Non-directional overcurrent protection......... 134 Example for non-directional overcurrent protection....135 Section 5 Protection relay's physical connections......137 Inputs....................137 Energizing inputs............... 137 Phase currents..............137 Residual current..............137 Phase voltages..............137 Residual voltage..............138 Auxiliary supply voltage input............
Section 1 1MRS758272 B Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used. The manual can also be used when calculating settings.
Product series- and product-specific manuals can be downloaded from the ABB Web site 1.3.2 Document revision history Document revision/date Product version History A/2016-05-20 5.0 FP1 First release B/2018-12-20 5.0 FP1 Content updated Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site REG615 Application Manual...
Section 1 1MRS758272 B Introduction 1.3.3 Related documentation Name of the document Document ID Modbus Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS756468 DNP3 Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS756709 IEC 60870-5-103 Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS756710 IEC 61850 Engineering Guide 1MRS756475 Engineering Manual 1MRS757121 Installation Manual 1MRS756375 Operation Manual 1MRS756708...
Section 1 1MRS758272 B Introduction in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with all warning and caution notices. 1.4.2 Document conventions A particular convention may not be used in this manual. • Abbreviations and acronyms are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also contains definitions of important terms.
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Section 1 1MRS758272 B Introduction Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI Voltage total harmonic distortion VMHAI1 PQM3U (1) PQM3V (1) Voltage variation PHQVVR1 PQMU (1) PQMV (1) Voltage unbalance VSQVUB1 PQUUB (1) PQVUB (1) Control Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 I <-> O CB (1) I <->...
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Section 1 1MRS758272 B Introduction Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI IEC 61850-9-2 LE sampled value SMVSENDER SMVSENDER SMVSENDER sending IEC 61850-9-2 LE sampled value SMVRCV SMVRCV SMVRCV receiving (voltage sharing) Other Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs) TPGAPC1 TP (1) TP (1) TPGAPC2 TP (2)
(CHP), and steam power plants. REG615 is a member of ® ABB’s Relion product family and part of its 615 protection and control product series. The 615 series protection relays are characterized by their compactness and withdrawable unit design.
Lifecycle Traceability • Configuration Wizard • Label Printing • IEC 61850 Configuration • IED Configuration Migration Download connectivity packages from the ABB Web site or directly with Update Manager in PCM600. Operation functionality 2.2.1 Optional functions • Arc protection •...
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Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview Table 2: Plug-in unit and case Main Slot ID Content options Plug-in Small (5 lines, 20 characters) unit Large (10 lines, 20 characters) with SLD Small Chinese (3 lines, 8 or more characters) Large Chinese (7 lines, 8 or more characters) with X100 Auxiliary power/BO 48...250V DC/100...240 V AC;...
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview See the installation manual for more information about the case and the plug-in unit. Table 3: Input/output overview Std. conf. Order code digit Analog channels Binary channels 4 PO + 6 AE / AF 4 PO + 2 SO + 3 4 PO + 6...
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview REF615 Overcurrent Dir. earth-fault Voltage protection Phase unbalance Thermal overload Breaker failure Disturb. rec. Triggered CB condition monitoring Supervision Arc detected Autoreclose shot in progr. A070704 V4 EN Figure 2: Example of the LHMI 2.4.1 Display The LHMI includes a graphical display that supports two character sizes.
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview The display view is divided into four basic areas. A070705 V3 EN Figure 3: Display layout 1 Header 2 Icon 3 Content 4 Scroll bar (displayed when needed) 2.4.2 LEDs The LHMI includes three protection indicators above the display: Ready, Start and Trip.
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview A071176 V1 EN Figure 4: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command push buttons and RJ-45 communication port Web HMI The WHMI allows secure access to the protection relay via a Web browser. When the Secure Communication parameter in the protection relay is activated, the Web server is forced to take a secured (HTTPS) connection to WHMI using TLS encryption.The WHMI is verified with Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 and 11.0.
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview A070754 V6 EN Figure 5: Example view of the WHMI The WHMI can be accessed locally and remotely. • Locally by connecting the laptop to the protection relay via the front communication port. • Remotely over LAN/WAN.
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview Table 6: Predefined user categories Username User rights VIEWER Read only access OPERATOR • Selecting remote or local state with (only locally) • Changing setting groups • Controlling • Clearing indications ENGINEER • Changing settings •...
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Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview Table 7: Audit trail events Audit trail event Description Configuration change Configuration files changed Firmware change Firmware changed Firmware change fail Firmware change failed Attached to retrofit test case Unit has been attached to retrofit case Removed from retrofit test case Removed from retrofit test case Setting group remote...
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview (so-called horizontal communication) using the IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE profile, where the highest performance class with a total transmission time of 3 ms is supported. Furthermore, the protection relay supports sending and receiving of analog values using GOOSE messaging.
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview The Ethernet ring solution supports the connection of up to 30 protection relays. If more than 30 protection relays are to be connected, it is recommended that the network is split into several rings with no more than 30 protection relays per ring. Each protection relay has a 50-μs store-and-forward delay, and to fulfil the performance requirements for fast horizontal communication, the ring size is limited to 30 protection relays.
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Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview COM600 SCADA Ethernet switch Ethernet switch IEC 61850 PRP GUID-334D26B1-C3BD-47B6-BD9D-2301190A5E9D V2 EN Figure 7: PRP solution In case a laptop or a PC workstation is connected as a non-PRP node to one of the PRP networks, LAN A or LAN B, it is recommended to use a redundancy box device or an Ethernet switch with similar functionality between the PRP network and SAN to remove additional PRP information from the Ethernet frames.
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview GUID-207430A7-3AEC-42B2-BC4D-3083B3225990 V2 EN Figure 8: HSR solution 2.7.3 Process bus Process bus IEC 61850-9-2 defines the transmission of Sampled Measured Values within the substation automation system. International Users Group created a guideline IEC 61850-9-2 LE that defines an application profile of IEC 61850-9-2 to facilitate implementation and enable interoperability.
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Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview Common Ethernet Station bus (IEC 61850-8-1), process bus (IEC 61850-9-2 LE) and IEEE 1588 v2 time synchronization GUID-2371EFA7-4369-4F1A-A23F-CF0CE2D474D3 V5 EN Figure 9: Process bus application of voltage sharing and synchrocheck The 615 series supports IEC 61850 process bus with sampled values of analog currents and voltages.
Section 2 1MRS758272 B REG615 overview Primary Secondary IEEE 1588 v2 IEEE 1588 v2 master clock master clock (optional) Managed HSR Managed HSR Ethernet Ethernet switch switch IEC 61850 Backup 1588 master clock GUID-7C56BC1F-F1B2-4E74-AB8E-05001A88D53D V5 EN Figure 10: Example network topology with process bus, redundancy and IEEE 1588 v2 time synchronization The process bus option is available for all 615 series protection relays equipped with phase voltage inputs.
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Section 3 REG615 standard configurations Standard configurations REG615 is available with three alternative standard configurations. The standard signal configuration can be altered by means of the signal matrix or the graphical application functionality of the Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600. Further, the application configuration functionality of PCM600 supports the creation of multi-layer logic functions using various logical elements, including timers and flip-flops.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Function IEC 61850 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV Positive-sequence undervoltage protection PSPTUV Negative-sequence overvoltage protection NSPTOV Frequency protection FRPFRQ Overexcitation protection OEPVPH Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution T1PTTR transformers Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time constants...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Function IEC 61850 Sequence voltage measurement VSMSQI Three-phase power and energy measurement PEMMXU RTD/mA measurement XRGGIO130 Frequency measurement FMMXU SMVSENDER 5)6) IEC 61850-9-2 LE sampled value sending SMVRCV 5)6) IEC 61850-9-2 LE sampled value receiving (voltage sharing) Other Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs) TPGAPC...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations breaking capacity. If the requirements for the primary device control circuit are not met, using external auxiliary relays should be considered. Connection diagrams GUID-98367A80-8367-4836-ADD8-5EBBF8A256F4 V1 EN Figure 11: Connection diagram for the A configuration REG615 Application Manual...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations GUID-7CB6E1B4-6F0D-4E22-82C7-CD9C1CECFA58 V1 EN Figure 12: Connection diagram for the C configuration REG615 Application Manual...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations GUID-353BD8E6-D70E-4B5F-A48D-61FAD7450715 V1 EN Figure 13: Connection diagram for the D configuration REG615 Application Manual...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Standard configuration A 3.3.1 Applications The standard configuration with directional reactive power undervoltage and low- voltage ride-through protection, voltage vector shift and frequency-based protection is intended as interconnection protection for common point of coupling distributed power generation into the utility network.
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations 3.3.2 Functions REG615 INTERCONNECTION PROTECTION RELAY STANDARD CONFIGURATION PROTECTION LOCAL HMI ALSO AVAILABLE 2× 3× - Disturbance and fault recorders Master Trip Master Trip - Event log and recorded data Lockout relay Lockout relay - High-Speed Output module (optional) Configuration System...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Table 11: Default connections for binary inputs Binary input Description X110-BI1 Terminal VT secondary MCB open X110-BI2 Busbar VT secondary MCB open X110-BI3 Circuit breaker truck in (service position) indication X110-BI4 Circuit breaker truck out (test position) indication X110-BI5 Earthing switch closed indication X110-BI6...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations fixed Boolean signals TRUE and FALSE which can be used according to the application needs. Functional diagrams for protection The functional diagrams describe the relay protection functionality in detail and according to the factory set default connections. Four overcurrent stages are offered for overcurrent and short-circuit protection.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations INRPHAR1(3I2f>( BLOCK BLK2H INRPHAR1_BLK2H GUID-0C2E754B-1654-4783-8592-114295C871A5 V2 EN Figure 17: Inrush detector function Two negative-sequence overcurrent stages NSPTOC1 and NSPTOC2 are provided for phase unbalance protection. These functions are used to protect the feeder against phase unbalance.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations The circuit breaker failure protection function has two operating outputs: TRRET and TRBU. The TRRET operating output is used for retripping its own breaker through TRPPTRC2_TRIP. The output TRBU gives a backup trip to the breaker feeding upstream.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations SEQSPVC1(FUSEF( BLOCK FUSEF_3PH CB_CLOSED FUSEF_U X110_BI7_CB_CLOSED SEQSPVC1_FUSEF_U DISCON_OPEN MINCB_OPEN X110_BI1_TERMINAL_VT_MCB_OPEN GUID-A0F587B8-B110-4436-9D76-27C917536D72 V2 EN Figure 39: Fuse failure supervision function Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR1 supervises the switch status based on the connected binary input information and the measured current levels. SSCBR1 introduces various supervision methods.
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations It is assumed that there is no external resistor in the circuit-breaker tripping coil circuit connected in parallel with the circuit breaker normally open auxiliary contact. Set the parameters for TCSSCBR1 properly. TCSSCBR1(TCS(1) BLOCK ALARM TCSSCBR_BLOCKING...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations SECRSYN1(SYNC(1 BLOCK SYNC_INPRO BLOCK_SECRSYN1 CL_COMMAND SYNC_OK SECRSYN1_SYNC_OK BYPASS CL_FAIL_AL CMD_FAIL_AL LLDB LLLB DLLB DLDB X110_BI1_TERMINAL_VT_MCB_OPEN BLOCK_SECRSYN1 X110_BI2_BUSBARL_VT_MCB_OPEN GUID-9704EA86-855D-42AC-8907-3CC6A0E118FC V2 EN Figure 45: Synchrocheck function Two types of disconnector and earthing switch function blocks are available. DCSXSWI1...3 and ESSXSWI1...2 are status only type and DCXSWI1...2 and ESXSWI1 are controllable type.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations SYNC_ITL_BYP overrides, for example, active interlocking conditions when the circuit breaker truck is closed in service position. Connect the additional signals required for the application for closing and opening of circuit breaker. CBXCBR1(I<->O C POSOPEN SELECTED X110_BI8_CB_OPENED...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations T1PTTR1_BLK_CLOSE CBXCBR1_BLK_CLOSE GUID-A05280B3-2B7C-4931-9FE2-0695789A3340 V2 EN Figure 52: Circuit breaker 1 close blocking logic The configuration includes logic for generating circuit breaker external closing and opening command with the relay in local or remote mode. Check the logic for the external circuit breaker closing command and modify it according to the application.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations The three-phase line side phase voltage inputs to the relay are measured by the three- phase voltage measurement function VMMXU1 whereas the bus side voltage input to the relay is measured by the three-phase voltage measurement function VMMXU2. The three-phase voltage input is connected to the X130 card in the back panel.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations VMMXU2 BLOCK HIGH_ALARM HIGH_WARN LOW_WARN LOW_ALARM GUID-864991D4-B7CF-4444-94CA-B1C513ECD70B V2 EN Figure 59: Voltage measurement: Three-phase voltage measurement (Bus side) VSMSQI1 GUID-CD9595C7-7643-4733-9D97-D9CC6AC26F70 V2 EN Figure 60: Voltage measurement: Sequence voltage measurement RESVMMXU1 BLOCK HIGH_ALARM HIGH_WARN GUID-8505E78F-C298-4EA1-B0E2-288A9BE3356E V2 EN Figure 61: Voltage measurement: Residual voltage measurement...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations further adapted to different primary circuit layouts and the related functionality needs by modifying the internal functionality using PCM600. 3.4.2 Functions REG615 GENERATOR PROTECTION RELAY STANDARD CONFIGURATION PROTECTION LOCAL HMI ALSO AVAILABLE 2× 3×...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Default I/O connections Connector pins for each input and output are presented in the IED physical connections section. Table 16: Default connections for binary inputs Binary input Description X110-BI1 Terminal VT secondary MCB open X110-BI2 Neutral VT secondary MCB open X110-BI3...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Table 18: Default connections for LEDs Description Under impedance protection operated Power protection operated Overcurrent protection operated Earth-fault protection operated Under excitation protection operated Voltage or frequency protection operated Thermal overload of NPS protection operated Disturbance recorder triggered Supervision alarms Arc fault detected...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Channel ID text Level trigger mode EFHPTOC1 - start Positive or Rising MNSPTOC1 - start Positive or Rising MNSPTOC2 - start Positive or Rising PHPTUV1 - start Positive or Rising PHPTUV2 - start Positive or Rising H3EFPSEF1 - start Positive or Rising...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Channel ID text Level trigger mode PHPTUV1 - operate Level trigger off PHPTUV2 - operate H3EFPSEF1 - operate Level trigger off PHPTOV1 - operate Level trigger off PHPTOV2 - operate FRPFRQ1 - operate Level trigger off FRPFRQ2 - operate FRPFRQ3 - operate...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations 3.4.3 Functional diagrams The functional diagrams describe the default input, output, alarm LED and function- to-function connections. The default connections can be viewed and changed with PCM600 according to the application requirements. The analog channels have fixed connections to the different function blocks inside the protection relay’s standard configuration.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations MNSPTOC1 BLOCK OPERATE MNSPTOC1_OPERATE START MNSPTOC1_START BLK_RESTART MNSPTOC2 BLOCK OPERATE MNSPTOC2_OPERATE START MNSPTOC2_START BLK_RESTART MNSPTOC1_OPERATE MNSPTOC_OPERATE MNSPTOC2_OPERATE GUID-D4F3CED7-66B6-4925-8598-0CE20854D91E V2 EN Figure 77: Negative sequence overcurrent protection function One non-directional sensitive earth-fault stage EFHPTOC1 and three directional earth-fault stages DEFxPDEF are offered for providing primary and backup protection for generator earth-fault protection.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations EFHPTOC1 BLOCK OPERATE EFHPTOC1_OPERATE ENA_MULT START EFHPTOC1_START DEFHPDEF1_OPERATE EF_OPERATE DEFLPDEF2_OPERATE DEFLPDEF1_OPERATE EFHPTOC1_OPERATE GUID-C7981340-D7D1-4F19-9A89-08343F9C8022 V2 EN Figure 79: Earth-fault protection function Third harmonic-based stator earth-fault protection is provided to give 100% stator winding protection. The protection is blocked by MCB open from neutral side VT. H3EFPSEF1 BLOCK OPERATE...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations CCBRBRF1 BLOCK CB_FAULT_AL START TRBU PHLPTOC1_OPERATE CCBRBRF1_TRBU POSCLOSE TRRET PHHPTOC1_OPERATE CCBRBRF1_TRRET CB_FAULT PHIPTOC1_OPERATE PHPVOC1_OPERATE DEFLPDEF2_OPERATE DEFLPDEF1_OPERATE X110_BI7_CB_CLOSED DEFHPDEF1_OPERATE EFHPTOC1_OPERATE ARCSARC1_OPERATE ARCSARC2_OPERATE ARCSARC3_OPERATE GUID-B1503522-475D-4569-9612-0A2F1A155418 V2 EN Figure 82: Circuit breaker failure protection function Three arc protection ARCSARC1...3 stages are included as an optional function. The arc protection offers individual function blocks for three arc sensors that can be connected to the relay.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations TRPPTRC3 BLOCK TRIP TRPPTRC3_TRIP OPERATE CL_LKOUT ARCSARC1_OPERATE RST_LKOUT X130_BI3_RST_LOCKOUT TRPPTRC4 BLOCK TRIP TRPPTRC4_TRIP OPERATE CL_LKOUT ARCSARC2_OPERATE RST_LKOUT X130_BI3_RST_LOCKOUT TRPPTRC5 BLOCK TRIP TRPPTRC5_TRIP OPERATE CL_LKOUT ARCSARC3_OPERATE RST_LKOUT X130_BI3_RST_LOCKOUT GUID-A21CD488-6B6A-47C7-AD6F-94C046BD1B2B V2 EN Figure 84: Arc protection with dedicated HSO Two three-phase overvoltage protection stages PHPTOV offer protection against abnormal overvoltage conditions that arise due to load rejection or transient surges in the network or when a generator is running but not connected to a system due to a fault...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations PHPTUV1 BLOCK OPERATE BLOCK_UV PHPTUV1_OPERATE START PHPTUV1_START PHPTUV2 BLOCK OPERATE BLOCK_UV PHPTUV2_OPERATE START PHPTUV2_START PHPTUV1_OPERATE PHPTUV_OPERATE PHPTUV2_OPERATE GUID-2D4EE8AA-C017-43A7-BE49-6569FF7BC09A V2 EN Figure 86: Undervoltage protection function Two stages of each positive-sequence undervoltage PSPTUV and negative-sequence overvoltage NSPTOV protection functions are also provided.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations PSPTUV1 BLOCK OPERATE BLOCK_UV PSPTUV1_OPERATE START PSPTUV1_START PSPTUV2 BLOCK OPERATE BLOCK_UV PSPTUV2_OPERATE START PSPTUV2_START PSPTUV1_OPERATE PSPTUV_OPERATE PSPTUV2_OPERATE GUID-BA97F786-296F-4A90-B583-113018D9592E V2 EN Figure 88: Positive sequence undervoltage protection function Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV provides protection against stator earth faults from 5% to 100% of winding from neutral.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations UEXPDIS1 BLOCK OPERATE SEQSPVC1_FUSEF_U UEXPDIS1_OPERATE EXT_LOS_DET START X130_BI4_FIELD_EXCITATION_OPEN UEXPDIS1_START GUID-9ED0D1CE-BE9A-49A4-8D10-7C6F9256D607 V2 EN Figure 93: Underexcitation protection function Three-phase underimpedance protection UZPDIS can be used as a backup protection against phase faults by calculating impedance at the generator terminals. UZPDIS1 BLOCK OPERATE...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations TCSSCBR1 BLOCK ALARM TCSSCBR1_BLOCKING TCSSCBR1_ALARM TCSSCBR2 BLOCK ALARM TCSSCBR2_BLOCKING TCSSCBR2_ALARM TCSSCBR1_ALARM TCSSCBR_ALARM TCSSCBR2_ALARM GUID-202136AA-1650-4285-812F-9331A28B90EB V2 EN Figure 105: Trip circuit supervision function TRPPTRC1_TRIP TCSSCBR1_BLOCKING TRPPTRC2_TRIP X110_BI8_CB_OPENED GUID-905F85C5-4D92-4162-AFD2-6FD2035FF732 V2 EN Figure 106: Logic for blocking of trip circuit supervision Runtime counter for machines and devices MDSOPT provides history data since the last commissioning.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations ESSXSWI1 POSOPEN OPENPOS X110_BI6_ES1_OPENED POSCLOSE CLOSEPOS X110_BI5_ES1_CLOSED OKPOS GUID-DEACDD18-8FBF-4AE8-80B1-EF93821D8E51 V2 EN Figure 109: Earth switch control logic The circuit breaker closing is disabled by default, as in case of generator, the closing of the circuit breaker is done by a special synchronizer device. The OKPOS output from DCSXSWI defines whether the disconnector or breaker truck is open (in test position) or closed (in service position).
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations CONTROL_LOCAL FALSE CBXCBR1_AU_OPEN CONTROL_REMOTE FALSE GUID-39E32323-F206-41CB-9140-3C148E75CD09 V2 EN Figure 112: External opening command for circuit breaker 1 Functional diagram for measurement functions The phase current inputs to the relay are measured by the three-phase current measurement function CMMXU1.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations RESCMMXU1 BLOCK HIGH_ALARM HIGH_WARN GUID-9963B5D7-2FD2-4805-9030-0939238C1244 V2 EN Figure 115: Current measurement: Residual current measurement VMMXU1 BLOCK HIGH_ALARM HIGH_WARN LOW_WARN LOW_ALARM GUID-97F2D59A-5336-4998-BEBC-4B6D8FA414FB V2 EN Figure 116: Voltage measurement: Three-phase voltage measurement VSMSQI1 GUID-A11531DF-4DB4-400E-9C74-FF6DC3EF5C31 V2 EN Figure 117: Voltage measurement: Sequence voltage measurement RESVMMXU1...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations FLTRFRC1 BLOCK CB_CLRD GUID-1168DAAD-A764-4B36-9C6D-B7727E56CC7A V2 EN Figure 122: Other measurement: Data monitoring LDPRLRC1 RSTMEM MEM_WARN MEM_ALARM GUID-98F5BB14-5D85-4061-83F8-71D79D53ED71 V2 EN Figure 123: Other measurement: Load profile record REG615 Application Manual...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations X110_BI7_CB_CLOSED CB_NOT_CLOSED GUID-4249C362-88DE-4281-9DD8-3633E2294F15 V2 EN Figure 135: Disable logic for directional underpower protection Other functions The configuration includes 18 instances of multipurpose protection MAPGAPC, power quality functions, two more instances of frequency protection and different types of timers and control functions.
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations 3.5.2 Functions REG615 GENERATOR PROTECTION RELAY STANDARD CONFIGURATION PROTECTION LOCAL HMI ALSO AVAILABLE 2× 3× - Disturbance and fault recorders Master Trip Master Trip - Event log and recorded data Lockout relay Lockout relay - High-Speed Output module (optional) Configuration System...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Table 21: Default connections for binary inputs Binary input Description X110-BI1 Terminal VT secondary MCB open X110-BI2 Neutral VT secondary MCB open X110-BI3 Circuit breaker truck in (service position) indication X110-BI4 Circuit breaker truck out (test position) indication X110-BI5 Earthing switch closed indication X110-BI6...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Channel ID text Level trigger mode X130BI1 - Ext trip1 Positive or Rising X130BI2 - Ext trip2 Positive or Rising X130BI4 - Field excitation open Positive or Rising X110BI7 - CB closed Level trigger off X110BI8 - CB open Level trigger off ARCSARC1 - ARC flt det...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Functional diagrams for protection The functional diagrams describe the protection functionality of the relay in detail and according to the factory set default connections. Three non-directional and two directional overcurrent stages are offered for detecting phase faults in generators.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations INRPHAR1 BLOCK BLK2H INRPHAR1_BLK2H GUID-6F446DFB-110D-4271-A44E-4CC01FE8AEBE V2 EN Figure 139: Inrush detector function Two negative-sequence overcurrent protection stages MNSPTOC1 and MNSPTOC2 are provided for phase unbalance protection. These functions are used to protect against unbalance conditions due to unbalance load or unsymmetrical faults. MNSPTOC1 BLOCK OPERATE...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations EFHPTOC1 BLOCK OPERATE EFHPTOC1_OPERATE ENA_MULT START EFHPTOC1_START DEFHPDEF1_OPERATE EF_OPERATE DEFLPDEF2_OPERATE DEFLPDEF1_OPERATE EFHPTOC1_OPERATE GUID-675CC226-1A1F-4706-B718-9E94A3D9CD1A V2 EN Figure 142: Earth-fault protection function Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time constants, T2PTTR1 detects continuous overloading conditions preventing excessive insulation damage in the long run.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations TRPPTRC3 BLOCK TRIP TRPPTRC3_TRIP OPERATE CL_LKOUT ARCSARC1_OPERATE RST_LKOUT X130_BI3_RST_LOCKOUT TRPPTRC4 BLOCK TRIP TRPPTRC4_TRIP OPERATE CL_LKOUT ARCSARC2_OPERATE RST_LKOUT X130_BI3_RST_LOCKOUT TRPPTRC5 BLOCK TRIP TRPPTRC5_TRIP OPERATE CL_LKOUT ARCSARC3_OPERATE RST_LKOUT X130_BI3_RST_LOCKOUT GUID-00D88773-7C5C-4DE6-8A2C-2B5E85454E96 V2 EN Figure 147: Arc protection with dedicated HSO Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV provides protection against stator earth faults from 5% to 100% of winding from neutral.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations DOPPDPR1 BLOCK OPERATE SEQSPVC1_FUSEF_U DOPPDPR1_OPERATE START DOPPDPR1_START DOPPDPR2 BLOCK OPERATE SEQSPVC1_FUSEF_U DOPPDPR2_OPERATE START DOPPDPR2_START DOPPDPR1_OPERATE DOPPDPR_OPERATE DOPPDPR2_OPERATE GUID-3446AB4B-0D02-4A64-A5DE-C53F29930B2C V2 EN Figure 150: Directional overpower protection function Two instances of underpower protection DUPPDPR are provided. Normally these are used in coordination with reverse active power protection.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Overexcitation protection OEPVPH is provided to protect the generator against overexcitation. Due to overexcitation, saturation of the magnetic core of generator and connected transformer may occur, and stray flux may be induced in nonlaminated components that are not designed to carry flux.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations In addition, trip logic TRPPTRC6 is available to trip the circuit breaker of filed excitation. The protection function which should trip the field excitations are connected to TRPPTRC6. TRPPTRC1(Master BLOCK TRIP PHLPTOC1_OPERATE TRPPTRC1_TRIP OPERATE CL_LKOUT PHHPTOC1_OPERATE...
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations TCSSCBR1 BLOCK ALARM TCSSCBR1_BLOCKING TCSSCBR1_ALARM TCSSCBR2 BLOCK ALARM TCSSCBR2_BLOCKING TCSSCBR2_ALARM TCSSCBR1_ALARM TCSSCBR_ALARM TCSSCBR2_ALARM GUID-A12C8E2E-059C-4F5B-84FB-FC015D943EB8 V2 EN Figure 162: Trip circuit supervision function TRPPTRC1_TRIP TCSSCBR1_BLOCKING TRPPTRC2_TRIP X110_BI8_CB_OPENED TRPPTRC6_TRIP_FIELD_EXCITATION TCSSCBR2_BLOCKING X130_BI4_FIELD_EXCITATION_OPEN GUID-8E5934D3-3BAB-45FD-AEC6-63A9CE01815B V2 EN Figure 163: Logic for blocking of trip circuit supervision Runtime counter for machines and devices MDSOPT provides history data since the last commissioning.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations activated for closing the circuit breaker or allowing the closing. The SECRSYN1_SYNC_OK output signal of SECRSYN is connected to SYNC_OK input of CBXCBR through control logic. The function is blocked in case of terminal side or bus side MCB is open.
Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations Connect the additional signals required for the application for opening of circuit breaker. CBXCBR1 POSOPEN SELECTED X110_BI8_CB_OPENED POSCLOSE EXE_OP X110_BI7_CB_CLOSED CBXCBR1_EXE_OP ENA_OPEN EXE_CL TRUE ENA_CLOSE OP_REQ FALSE BLK_OPEN CL_REQ FALSE BLK_CLOSE OPENPOS AU_OPEN CLOSEPOS CBXCBR1_AU_OPEN AU_CLOSE...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations The three-phase terminal side voltage inputs to the relay are measured by three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU1 whereas the bus side voltage input to the relay is measured by three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU2. In addition to phase voltage, terminal side residual voltage is measured by residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU1.
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations VMMXU1 BLOCK HIGH_ALARM HIGH_WARN LOW_WARN LOW_ALARM GUID-3238D828-753A-43E8-99D8-234B9EA3DC59 V2 EN Figure 175: Voltage measurement: Three-phase voltage measurement (terminal side) VMMXU2 BLOCK HIGH_ALARM HIGH_WARN LOW_WARN LOW_ALARM GUID-7DED808E-615A-4D3D-A49F-32D48A861775 V2 EN Figure 176: Voltage measurement: Three-phase voltage measurement (bus side) VSMSQI1 GUID-A8DE0078-324F-419E-92F5-2111E649C995 V2 EN...
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Section 3 1MRS758272 B REG615 standard configurations included in the application configuration but they can be added based on the system requirements. REG615 Application Manual...
Section 4 1MRS758272 B Requirements for measurement transformers Section 4 Requirements for measurement transformers Current transformers 4.1.1 Current transformer requirements for overcurrent protection For reliable and correct operation of the overcurrent protection, the CT has to be chosen carefully. The distortion of the secondary current of a saturated CT may endanger the operation, selectivity, and co-ordination of protection.
Section 4 1MRS758272 B Requirements for measurement transformers of the CT is distorted and it might have severe effects on the performance of the protection relay. In practise, the actual accuracy limit factor (F ) differs from the rated accuracy limit factor (F ) and is proportional to the ratio of the rated CT burden and the actual CT burden.
Section 4 1MRS758272 B Requirements for measurement transformers The adequate performance of the CT should be checked when the setting of the high set stage overcurrent protection is defined. The operate time delay caused by the CT saturation is typically small enough when the overcurrent setting is noticeably lower than F When defining the setting values for the low set stages, the saturation of the CT does not need to be taken into account and the start current setting is simply according to the...
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Section 4 1MRS758272 B Requirements for measurement transformers A071142 V1 EN Figure 193: Example of three-stage overcurrent protection The maximum three-phase fault current is 41.7 kA and the minimum three-phase short circuit current is 22.8 kA. The actual accuracy limit factor of the CT is calculated to be 59.
Section 5 1MRS758272 B Protection relay's physical connections Section 5 Protection relay's physical connections Inputs 5.1.1 Energizing inputs Phase currents Table 27: Phase current inputs included in configurations A and C Terminal Description X120:7-8 X120:9-10 X120:11-12 Table 28: Phase current inputs included in configuration D Terminal Description X120:1-2...
Section 5 1MRS758272 B Protection relay's physical connections Table 31: Reference voltage input for SECRSYN1 included in configurations A and D Terminal Description X130:9-10 U12B Residual voltage Table 32: Additional residual voltage input included in configurations A, C and D Terminal Description X130:9-10...
Section 5 1MRS758272 B Protection relay's physical connections Table 39: Output contacts Terminal Description X100:6 PO1, NO X100:7 PO1, NO X100:8 PO2, NO X100:9 PO2, NO X100:15 PO3, NO (TCS resistor) X100:16 PO3, NO X100:17 PO3, NO X100:18 PO3 (TCS1 input), NO X100:19 PO3 (TCS1 input), NO X100:20...
Section 6 1MRS758272 B Glossary Section 6 Glossary 615 series Series of numerical protection and control relays for protection and supervision applications of utility substations, and industrial switchgear and equipment Alternating current Analog input ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange Binary input Binary input and output Binary output...
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Section 6 1MRS758272 B Glossary IEC 60870-5-103 1. Communication standard for protective equipment 2. A serial master/slave protocol for point-to-point communication IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication and modeling IEC 61850-8-1 A communication protocol based on the IEC 61850 standard series IEC 61850-9-2 A communication protocol based on the IEC 61850...
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Section 6 1MRS758272 B Glossary Precision Time Protocol RIO600 Remote I/O unit RJ-45 Galvanic connector type RSTP Rapid spanning tree protocol Resistance temperature detector Remote terminal unit Single attached node Single-line diagram Simplified notation for representing a three-phase power system. Instead of representing each of three phases with a separate line or terminal, only one conductor is represented.
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