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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
Section 1 1MRS757582 C Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual The application manual contains descriptions of preconfigurations. The manual can be used as a reference for configuring control, protection, measurement, recording and LED functions. The manual can also be used when creating configurations according to specific application requirements.
ABB Web site 1.3.2 Document revision history Document revision/date Product version History A/2012-08-29 First release B/2014-11-28 Content updated to correspond to the product version C/2019-02-25 Content updated Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site REG630 Application Manual...
Section 1 1MRS757582 C Introduction 1.3.3 Related documentation Name of the document Document ID DNP3 Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS756789 IEC 61850 Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS756793 IEC 60870-5-103 Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS757203 Installation Manual 1MRS755958 Operation Manual 1MRS756509 Technical Manual 1MRS756508 Engineering Manual 1MRS756800 Commissioning Manual...
Section 1 1MRS757582 C Introduction 1.4.2 Document conventions A particular convention may not be used in this manual. • Abbreviations and acronyms are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also contains definitions of important terms. • Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push button icons.
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Section 1 1MRS757582 C Introduction Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Directional earth-fault protection, low stage DEFLPDEF I0> -> 67N-1 Directional earth-fault protection, high stage DEFHPDEF I0>> -> 67N-2 Third harmonic based stator earth-fault dUo(3H)>/ protection H3EFPSEF Uo(3H)< 27/59THD High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection HREFPDIF dI0Hi>...
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Section 1 1MRS757582 C Introduction Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI Circuit breaker/disconnector control GNRLCSWI I <-> O I <-> O CB/DC CB/DC Circuit breaker DAXCBR I <-> O CB I <-> O CB Disconnector DAXSWI I <-> O DC I <->...
AND and OR gates with 20 inputs 2.1.2 PCM600 and IED connectivity package version • Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600 Ver. 2.5 or later • ABB REG630 Connectivity Package Ver. 1.3 or later • Application Configuration • Parameter Setting •...
REG630 overview • IED Compare • Communication Management • Configuration Migration Download connectivity packages from the ABB Web site or directly with Update Manager in PCM600. Operation functionality 2.2.1 Product variants The IED capabilities can be adjusted by selecting a product variant. The IED capabilities can be extended by adding HW and/or SW options to the basic variant.
Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview Table 2: IED contents Content options LHMI Communication and 1 electrical Ethernet connector for the detached LHMI module (the connector CPU module must not be used for any other purpose) 1 Ethernet connector for communication (selectable electrical or optical connector) IRIG-B (external time synchronization) connector 1 fibre-optic connector pair for serial communication (selectable plastic or...
Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview GUID-35EE35A5-E661-4618-8746-6F6044E52DC9 V1 EN Figure 2: LHMI 2.4.1 Display The LHMI includes a graphical monochrome display with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The character size can vary. The amount of characters and rows fitting the view depends on the character size and the view that is shown.
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Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview A071258 V2 EN Figure 3: Display layout 1 Path 2 Content 3 Status 4 Scroll bar (appears when needed) The function button panel shows on request what actions are possible with the function buttons. Each function button has a LED indication that can be used as a feedback signal for the function button control action.
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Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview GUID-6828CE38-2B88-4BB5-8F29-27D2AC27CC18 V1 EN Figure 4: Function button panel The alarm LED panel shows on request the alarm text labels for the alarm LEDs. GUID-3CBCBC36-EFCE-43A0-9D62-8D88AD6B6287 V1 EN Figure 5: Alarm LED panel The function button and alarm LED panels are not visible at the same time. Each panel is shown by pressing one of the function buttons or the Multipage button.
Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview 2.4.2 LEDs The LHMI includes three protection status LEDs above the display: Ready, Start and Trip. There are 15 programmable alarm LEDs on the front of the LHMI. Each LED can indicate three states with the colors: green, yellow and red. The alarm texts related to each three-color LED are divided into three pages.
Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview Web HMI The WHMI enables the user to access the IED via a web browser. The supported Web browser versions are Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0 and 10.0. WHMI is disabled by default. To enable the WHMI, select Main menu/Configuration/HMI/Web HMI/Operation via the LHMI.
Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview • Locally by connecting the user's computer to the IED via the front communication port. • Remotely over LAN/WAN. Authorization At delivery, logging on to the IED is not required to be able to use the LHMI. The IED user has full access to the IED as a SuperUser until users and passwords are created with PCM600 and written into the IED.
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Section 2 1MRS757582 C REG630 overview (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) profile. Binary GOOSE messaging can, for example, be employed for protection and interlocking-based protection schemes. The protection relay meets the GOOSE performance requirements for tripping applications in distribution substations, as defined by the IEC 61850 standard. Further, the protection relay supports the sending and receiving of analog values using GOOSE messaging.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Section 3 REG630 variants Presentation of preconfigurations The 630 series protection relays are offered with optional factory-made preconfigurations for various applications. The preconfigurations contribute to faster commissioning and less engineering of the protection relay. The preconfigurations include default functionality typically needed for a specific application.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants 3.1.1 Preconfigurations Table 4: REG630 preconfiguration ordering options Description Preconfiguration Preconfiguration A for generator Number of instances available Table 5: Functions used in preconfigurations Description Protection Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous stage Voltage dependent overcurrent protection Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage...
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Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Description Overfrequency protection Underfrequency protection Low voltage ride through protection function Overexcitation protection Voltage vector shift protection Three-phase underexcitation protection Three-phase underimpedance protection Circuit breaker failure protection Tripping logic Multipurpose analog protection Control Bay control Interlocking interface Circuit breaker/disconnector control Circuit breaker...
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Description Three-phase voltage measurement (phase-to-phase) Residual current measurement Residual voltage measurement Power monitoring with P, Q, S, power factor, frequency Sequence current measurement Sequence voltage measurement Disturbance recorder function Analog channels 1-10 (samples) Analog channels 11-20 (samples) Analog channels 21-30 (calc.
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Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants • Control functions • Stabilized differential protection • Current protection functions • Voltage protection functions • Frequency protection functions • Supervision functions • Disturbance recorders • LED configurations • Measurement functions REG630 Application Manual...
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants 3.2.2 Functions REG630 GENERATOR PROTECTION AND CONTROL IED PRE- For directly connected generator set CONFIGURATION PROTECTION LOCAL HMI * ALSO AVAILABLE - 5 × prog. push buttons on LHMI 1× 1× - Disturbance and fault recorders I→O - IED self-supervision - Local/Remote push button on LHMI...
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Apparatus control SCILO, GNRLCSWI, DAXCBR and DAXSWI Apparatus control initializes and supervises the proper selection and switches on primary apparatus. Each apparatus requires an interlocking function, switch control function and apparatus functions. Circuit-breaker control function The circuit breaker is controlled by a combination of switch interlocking function SCILO, switch controller function GNRLCSWI and circuit breaker controller...
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Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants GUID-C04152E8-B6B0-41D6-83EC-35CA7021F4AA V1 EN Figure 9: Apparatus control REG630 Application Manual...
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants 3.2.6 Protection functions Stabilized three-phase differential protection MPDIF Stabilized three-phase differential protection with low (biased) stage and high (instantaneous) stage is used for protecting a generator against winding failure. The function includes a DC restraint feature. This feature temporarily decreases the sensitivity of the differential protection to avoid unnecessary disconnection of the generator when DC current is detected.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Thermal overload protection T2PTTR The three-phase thermal overload protection function is used for thermal protection of generators. The function has adjustable temperature limits for tripping, alarm and reclose inhibit. The applied thermal model uses two time constants and a true RMS current measuring principle.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Voltage-dependent overcurrent protection PHPVOC Two instances of voltage-dependent overcurrent function are used for protecting generators against overcurrent and short-circuit conditions. The function operates when the current exceeds a limit which is dynamically calculated based on the measured terminal voltage.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Also a separate start and operate signal from both instances is connected to the disturbance recorder. The residual overvoltage function is blocked on detection of fuse failure. Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV The three-phase overvoltage protection function is used for phase-to-phase or phase- to-earth overvoltage protection with DT or IDMT characteristics.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Underfrequency protection DAPTUF Underfrequency protection function is used for detecting deficit of generation compared to load. Two instances of underfrequency functions are used with DT characteristic. The set of three phase voltages, U3P, is connected to the inputs. A common operate and start signal from the both underfrequency protection functions is connected to an OR-gate to form a combined underfrequency operate and start signal, which provides a LED indication on the LHMI.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants GUID-2A5A8599-7C41-4BD3-8F3A-4A900D35F57D V1 EN Figure 14: Frequency protection Underexcitation protection UEXPDIS Underexcitation protection is used for protecting a generator against loss of excitation. The excitation reduction may result into loss of synchronism, and the generator starts REG630 Application Manual...
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants to operate like an induction machine. Two instances of underexcitation protection functions are used with DT characteristics. A set of three phase currents and voltages, I3P and U3P, is connected to the inputs. A common operate and start signal from the both underexcitation protection functions is connected to an OR-gate to form a combined underexcitation operate and start signal, which provides a LED indication on the LHMI.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Underpower protection DUPPDPR Underpower protection is used for protecting the generator from very low power output conditions. Two instances of the underpower protection functions are used with DT characteristics. A set of three phase currents and voltages, I3P and U3P, is connected to the inputs.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants The start and operate signals from the both underpower protection instances are used only for alarm purposes, not for tripping the generator circuit breaker. Circuit-breaker failure protection CCBRBRF The function is activated by the common operate command from the protection functions.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Other outputs and alarm signal • Directional overpower operate signal available at binary output PSM PO4. • Operate signal from differential protection is available at binary output PSM PO5. • Combined overfrequency, underfrequency and rate of change of frequency protection operate signal available at binary output PSM PO6.
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants GUID-85906713-A734-4EAC-AF35-0E40BA55AA72 V1 EN Figure 18: Supervision 3.2.8 Measurement and analog recording functions The measured quantities in this configuration are: • Current • Voltage • Current sequence component • Voltage sequence component • Residual current •...
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Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Table 9: Signals connected to analog recorder Channel ID Description Channel 1 Line-side current for phase A Channel 2 Line-side current for phase B Channel 3 Line-side current for phase C Channel 4 Differential neutral current ∆Io Channel 5 Neutral-side current for phase A Channel 6...
Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants 3.2.9 Binary recording and LED configuration All the start and operate outputs from the respective protection functions, various alarms from supervision functions, and important signals from control and protective functions are connected to a binary recorder. In case of a fault, the binary recorder is triggered and all the signals connected to the recorder are recorded.
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Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Channel ID Description Channel 33 Operate of residual overvoltage protection stage 2 Channel 34 Start of underfrequency protection stage 1 Channel 35 Start of underfrequency protection stage 2 Channel 36 Combined operate of underfrequency protection Channel 37 Start of overfrequency protection stage 1 Channel 38...
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Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Table 11: LEDs configured on LHMI LED page 1 LED No LED color Description LED 1 Combined operate from OC LED 2 Combined operate from NSOC LED 3 Combined operate from EF LED 4 Combined operate from VCOC LED 5 Combined operate from overvoltage...
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Section 3 1MRS757582 C REG630 variants Table 13: LEDs configured on LHMI LED page 3 LED No LED color Description LED 1 Protection function blocked (GCB open and truck close) REG630 Application Manual...
Section 4 1MRS757582 C Requirements for measurement transformers Section 4 Requirements for measurement transformers Current transformers 4.1.1 Current transformer requirements for overcurrent protection For reliable and correct operation of the overcurrent protection, the CT has to be chosen carefully. The distortion of the secondary current of a saturated CT may endanger the operation, selectivity, and co-ordination of protection.
Section 4 1MRS757582 C Requirements for measurement transformers of the CT is distorted and it might have severe effects on the performance of the protection relay. In practise, the actual accuracy limit factor (F ) differs from the rated accuracy limit factor (F ) and is proportional to the ratio of the rated CT burden and the actual CT burden.
Section 4 1MRS757582 C Requirements for measurement transformers The adequate performance of the CT should be checked when the setting of the high set stage overcurrent protection is defined. The operate time delay caused by the CT saturation is typically small enough when the overcurrent setting is noticeably lower than F When defining the setting values for the low set stages, the saturation of the CT does not need to be taken into account and the start current setting is simply according to the...
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Section 4 1MRS757582 C Requirements for measurement transformers A071142 V1 EN Figure 20: Example of three-stage overcurrent protection The maximum three-phase fault current is 41.7 kA and the minimum three-phase short circuit current is 22.8 kA. The actual accuracy limit factor of the CT is calculated to be 59.
Section 5 1MRS757582 C Glossary Section 5 Glossary 100BASE-FX A physical medium defined in the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard for local area networks (LANs) that uses fiber optic cabling ANSI American National Standards Institute Automatic voltage regulator BI/O Binary input/output Binary input and output Circuit breaker COMTRADE...
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Section 5 1MRS757582 C Glossary IDMT Inverse definite minimum time International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 60870-5-103 1. Communication standard for protective equipment 2. A serial master/slave protocol for point-to-point communication IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication and modeling IEC 61850-8-1 A communication protocol based on the IEC 61850 standard series Intelligent electronic device...
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