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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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(EMC Directive 2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2014/35/EU). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
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Safety information Dangerous voltages can occur on the connectors, even though the auxiliary voltage has been disconnected. Non-observance can result in death, personal injury or substantial property damage. Only a competent electrician is allowed to carry out the electrical installation. National and local electrical safety regulations must always be followed.
Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction...............5 This manual..................5 Intended audience................5 Product documentation...............6 Product documentation set............6 Document revision history............. 6 Related documentation..............7 Symbols and conventions..............7 Symbols..................7 Document conventions..............7 Functions, codes and symbols............8 Section 2 Relay engineering process..........13 Monitoring and control system structure...........14 Standard configuration concept............15 Workflow...................16...
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Table of contents Inserting an IED in offline mode..........44 Inserting an IED from the template directory....... 46 Inserting an IED by importing a .pcmi file........48 Setting the IED IP address in a project..........49 COM600S project................51 Selecting communication port for configuration......51 Importing a 611 series protection relay in a COM600S project...
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Table of contents Exporting ICD or CID files............79 Engineering vertical and horizontal communication....80 Importing SCL files to PCM600........... 82 Importing SCD files..............83 Importing ICD or CID files............84 Writing communication configuration to the IED......85 IEC 61850 version change while writing configuration to the IED....................86 Section 8 Configuration migration..........
Section 1 1MRS241255 B Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual Intended audience This manual addresses system and project engineers involved in the engineering process of a project, and installation and commissioning personnel, who use technical data during engineering, installation and commissioning, and in normal service. The system engineer must have a thorough knowledge of the application, protection and control equipment and the configured functional logic in the relays.
Product series- and product-specific manuals can be downloaded from the ABB Web site 1.3.2 Document revision history Document revision/date Product series version History A/2016-02-22 First release B/2019-04-10 Content updated Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site 611 series Engineering Manual...
Section 1 1MRS241255 B Introduction 1.3.3 Related documentation Product series- and product-specific manuals can be downloaded from the ABB Web site Symbols and conventions 1.4.1 Symbols The caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to equipment or property.
Section 1 1MRS241255 B Introduction When the function starts, the START output is set to TRUE. • This document assumes that the parameter setting visibility is "Advanced". 1.4.3 Functions, codes and symbols All available functions are listed in the table. All of them may not be applicable to all products.
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Section 1 1MRS241255 B Introduction Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI Master trip, instance 2 TRPPTRC2 Master Trip (2) 94/86 (2) High-impedance differential HIAPDIF1 dHi>(1) 87(1) protection for phase A, instance 1 High-impedance differential HIBPDIF1 dHi>(2) 87(2) protection for phase B, instance 2 High-impedance differential HICPDIF1 dHi>(3)
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Section 1 1MRS241255 B Introduction Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI Sequence voltage measurement, VSMSQI1 U1, U2, U0 U1, U2, U0 instance 1 Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU1 Frequency measurement, instance 1 FMMXU1 Three-phase power and energy PEMMXU1 P, E P, E measurement, instance 1 1) In REB611, CMMXU is used for measuring differential phase currents 611 series...
Section 2 1MRS241255 B Relay engineering process Section 2 Relay engineering process PCM600 is used for various tasks in the protection relay engineering process. • Relay engineering management • Organizing the bay protection relays in the structure of the substation by defining voltage levels and bays below the substation.
Section 2 1MRS241255 B Relay engineering process There are also additional functions for managing projects and organizing user rights. • PCM600 user management • Organizing users regarding their rights, profiles and passwords to use different tools and functions in the tools. •...
Section 2 1MRS241255 B Relay engineering process All three parts require specific engineering and configuration. A plant structure is used to identify each device in its location within the substation organization. The plant structure is a logical image of the substation and the bays within the substation.
Section 2 1MRS241255 B Relay engineering process Workflow Start Create plant structure and Project Insert IED objects Configure IED functionality Parameterization Modbus IEC 61850 IEC 61850 Configuration Tool Export SCL files Export From PCM600 Import SCL file to IET 600 and to Signal engineering Signal engineering IET 600...
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Section 2 1MRS241255 B Relay engineering process recommended to divide one big project into multiple smaller PCM600 projects. • To add a protection relay to a project, a suitable Connectivity package is needed. Protection relays can be added either while connected or disconnected or through other means such as an IED template.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool Section 3 PCM600 tool Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600 offers all the necessary functionality to work throughout all stages of the protection relay life cycle. • Planning • Engineering • Commissioning • Operation and disturbance handling •...
REF611 Connectivity Package Ver.2.0 or later • REM611 Connectivity Package Ver.2.0 or later • REU611 Connectivity Package Ver.2.0 or later Download connectivity packages from the ABB Web site or directly with Update Manager in PCM600. 611 series Engineering Manual...
Installing connectivity packages • Install connectivity packages either by running the installer which can be downloaded on the ABB Website or by using Update Manager when a network connection is available. Download connectivity packages from the ABB Web site or directly with Update Manager in PCM600.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool GUID-CD8A9C2A-0CF0-451F-A820-82482C646EB3 V1 EN Figure 5: Selecting the connectivity packages 3.2.2 Activating connectivity packages The relay connectivity package has to be installed before it can be activated in Update Manager. Select Manage Connectivity Packages from the menu on the left column to access the installed connectivity packages.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool Several projects can be created and managed by PCM600, but only one project can be active at a time. Regardless the protocol used in installation for each project, the IEC 61850 version must be selected when adding the first IED to plant structure. After the initial selection, all IEDs in plant structure use the selected version, either Edition 1 or Edition 2.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool updated to PCM600, or the PCM600 technical key can be written to the protection relay. Alternatively, a user-defined technical key can be defined. When writing a configuration to the protection relay, PCM600 checks for a mismatch between the IED object and the physical IED technical key.
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Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool PCM600 takes care of these two possibilities. The two possible signal designations are available per object in the Object Properties for all the hierarchical levels beginning with the station as the highest level. The technical key is automatically generated based on the rules and type specifications of IEC 61346 and the extended definitions assigned for substations by a technical committee.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool 3.4.2 Setting the technical key The maximum length of technical key is 28 characters for Edition 1 and 60 characters for Edition 2. In the Plant Structure view, right-click the IED and select Set Technical Key in IED.
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Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool GUID-0B2A768F-7EFE-46A9-853F-DF66F4A8A5F2 V1 EN Figure 9: Technical key information Click OK. The technical key is read from the IED and the Set Technical Key dialog box opens. GUID-6DC3DE88-93F3-474E-8CCD-326B278A7210 V1 EN Figure 10: Setting the technical key In Set Technical Key dialog box, select the technical key to be used.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool It is not possible to set a user-defined name or select the Technical key in IED if the value is the same as already given to another IED object in the PCM600 project. An error message is displayed if this happens.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool Protocol TCP port Web server HTTPS Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Modbus TCP 3.5.1 Setting up IP addresses The IP address and the corresponding subnet mask can be set via LHMI for the rear Ethernet interface in the protection relay.
Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool menu in PCM600. The user needs to be authorized before using the tool. User credentials are asked if the default administrator password has been changed. Administrator or engineer credentials are needed for authorization. 3.6.1 Prerequisites for local and remote updates Local update •...
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Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool GUID-38FCC28A-421D-4497-8B02-41D8C244874B V1 EN Figure 11: Choosing the update mode and package Select the network interface controller, for example, the PC's integrated Ethernet communication card or an external Ethernet adapter, connected to the IED and click OK.
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Section 3 1MRS241255 B PCM600 tool GUID-9C1D5A32-D3B4-4D6A-9BFE-E00D755A0BEE V1 EN Figure 13: Waiting for local user confirmation with remote update GUID-5CE1AED8-1E36-43F6-8201-77418A0C3E20 V1 EN Figure 14: Completing the update 611 series Engineering Manual...
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project Section 4 Setting up a project Creating a new project Start PCM600. To see the projects that are currently available in the PCM databases, select File/ Open/Manage Project on the menu bar. The Open/Manage Project window is displayed.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project IEC09000375 V2 EN Figure 16: Creating a new project In the Project Name box, give a name for the project. The project name must be unique. Optionally, write a description of the project in the Description box. Click Create.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project • Right-click the Plant Structure view, point to New and select Create from Template. • Right-click the Plant Structure view, point to New and select General and select the element either IED Group or Substation. On the View menu, select Object Types.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project PCM600 uses two kinds of IED files: .pcmt and .pcmi. Both files include the complete IED configuration but their usage differs. The .pcmt files are always accessed through the PCM600 template manager while the .pcmi files are meant for sharing the IED instances between different PCM600 users enabling quick import/export directly from the plant structure context menu.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-FED26745-6710-403D-B7E5-EBC85EF58992 V1 EN Figure 18: Selecting the protection relay type On the Configuration mode selection page, select Online Configuration and click Next. 611 series Engineering Manual...
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-883C3CBC-BA7F-437D-9E4F-A51006E03862 V1 EN Figure 19: Configuration mode selection On the Communication protocol selection page, select the communication protocol from the IED protocol list and click Next. 611 series Engineering Manual...
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-131566E2-BEDA-4023-A8D0-EB752AFC418E V1 EN Figure 20: Communication protocol selection On the IEC61850 communication protocol page, select the port from the Port list. • If the rear port is selected, type the correct IP address (of the physical protection relay to be configured) to the IP address box.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-552FADB4-C987-4806-AB6C-43658C81E072 V1 EN Figure 21: Communication port and IP address Communication configuration is now defined. 611 series Engineering Manual...
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-2AC9C61D-0B09-47D8-9040-4888A1C7B323 V1 EN Figure 22: Communication configuration defined Click Next to scan/read the order code of the protection relay. On the Order code detection page, click Next. 611 series Engineering Manual...
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-736AB7AF-1BA3-4FB1-96F8-0E4F485C25D0 V1 EN Figure 23: Order code detection On the Configuration selection page, select the configuration type and click Next. • Select Empty Configuration to create an empty configuration. • Select Example Configuration to import any existing example configuration.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-68C932A8-8A28-454D-AA22-9101135972A4 V1 EN Figure 24: Version selection page Regardless of the protocol used in the installation for each project, the IEC 61850 version must be selected when adding the first protection relay to the plant structure. After the initial selection all protection relays in the plant structure use the selected version, either Edition 1 or Edition 2.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-CF7095A1-76B7-490D-84C9-8DF11DEF62C9 V1 EN Figure 25: Setup complete To cancel the insertion, click Cancel. If an error is found on the Setup Complete Page, it is not possible to go back and make modifications. If an error is detected, cancel the insertion by clicking Cancel and insert the IED again.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project Working in the offline mode has an advantage compared to online mode in that the preparation for the configuration can be started even though the protection relay is not available. In the Plant Structure view, right-click the bay, point to New, point to the relay application area such as Feeder IEDs and select the protection relay type to be inserted.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project Ensure that the order code is correct. PCM600 verifies later that the order code matches with the relay. If the order code digits related to the configuration, I/O or version do not match with the relay, PCM600 does not allow writing the configuration to the device.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project A template IED can be inserted only when the bay is selected in the plant structure. In the Plant structure view, select the bay, right-click, point to New and select Create from template. The Create New Object from Template dialog box opens.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-29E035EE-3531-4891-95AD-0E02CE3ABF52 V1 EN Figure 29: PCM600: Template information Check and verify the template information and click Close to close the dialog box. The Create New Object from Template dialog box is displayed. Delete, import or create a template by clicking the corresponding button.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project A .pcmi file can be imported only when the bay is selected in the plant structure. GUID-B1EC4574-7D16-420B-85A3-C2C9AFAE750E V1 EN Figure 30: Importing IED configuration In the Import dialog box, select the .pcmi file to be imported and click Open. After importing, the IED object is created in the plant structure.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project There are two alternatives to set the IP address of an IED object in PCM600. • On the first page of the wizard when including a new IED into a project. • In the IP address box of the IED's Object Properties dialog box.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-515B4125-7B57-472D-9F18-7744DD0DB483 V1 EN Figure 32: Alternative 2: Setting the IP address in IED's Object Properties dialog Choosing between the two ways depends on when the IP address is set. Typing the IP address via the IED's Object Properties dialog box is possible at any time while entering it via the configuration wizard can only be done when adding the IED object.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project When using the front port, DHCP server functionality must be activated in the computer network adapter settings to get the IP address from the relay. Alternatively, the computer network adapter IP address can be set manually to the same subnet range as the front port.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-6326DD17-30CE-4265-ADCC-9124983AEE9A V1 EN Figure 34: Creating a PCM600 project including several IEDs Export the SCD file from PCM600. In the Plant structure view, select the substation, right-click and select Export. IEC09000687 V2 EN Figure 35: Exporting SCD file from PCM600 and importing it to SAB600 Import the SCD configuration into the SAB600 project.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-70E8B187-FADA-4657-9BC7-223FDA7374ED V2 EN Figure 36: Importing the SCD configuration into the SAB600 project In the SCL Import view, click Select File to select the SCD file exported from PCM600. GUID-6F47B4AD-B956-4F77-A6A2-DE6F4A71D607 V2 EN Figure 37: Creating a new IED into SAB600 project 611 series...
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project Check the default settings in the SCL Import view and change the settings if they are not suitable. The default settings in the SCL Import dialog should be correct in most cases. Click Import to import the SCD file.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project Local passwords can be changed only via the LHMI. Remote passwords can be changed via the LHMI or WHMI or with PCM600. Enable IED user authorization at Main Menu/Configuration/Authorization/ Passwords in LHMI or WHMI. Use the IED Users tool in PCM600 to change the passwords.
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Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project GUID-D0853D4E-D594-454A-9299-997ADF3E0896 V1 EN Figure 39: Object properties When communicating with the protection relay with PCM600 tools and with the relay authentication enabled, the relay username and password must be given when prompted. When setting the technical key, the username and password must be given twice.
Section 4 1MRS241255 B Setting up a project PCM600 project's IEC 61850 version identification The IEC 61850 version of a PCM600 project can be identified from the Object Properties pane of the project. GUID-22343893-3DF6-4CE1-9650-A9E930295ECA V1 EN Figure 41: Project's IEC 61850 version To change the IEC 61850 version Edition 1 of an IED to Edition 2, the configuration has to be written to the IED from a PCM600 project that has the IEC 61850 version Edition 2.
Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering Section 5 Protection and control engineering Parameter Setting tool Configuration parameters and settings parameters can be changed with LHMI, WHMI or with the Parameter Setting tool in PCM600. Some parameters are only visible in the Parameter Setting tool and some only in LHMI.
Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering 5.1.4 Parameter import and export The parameter export and import function can be utilized, for example, when the protection relay's parameters are set using the WHMI instead of PCM600. The relay settings engineered with PCM600 can be exported to XRIO files and imported to the WHMI.
Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering There are 20 GOOSERCV_BINs in 611 series protection relays. For 611 series application, only GOOSE binary inputs can be connected. A maximum of 20 GOOSE binary inputs can be taken into use. For details of GOOSERCV_BIN applications and related switch group functions, see the application manual.
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Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering GUID-84DFD3AB-D751-4712-8FF1-A985AF93FB08 V1 EN Figure 45: Opening the Fault Record tool • To close the Fault Record tool, click the Close button in the tool. 611 series Engineering Manual...
Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering The Fault Record tool runs in the same process as PCM600 but in a separate window. Multiple instances of the tool can be run at the same time. Any open tool instances are closed without confirmation when PCM600 is closed. The Fault Record tool is a connectivity package tool.
Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering Action Description Close Clicking the Close button closes this instance of the Fault Record tool. Any open instance is finally closed when the whole PCM600 is closed. File File menu for Save and Exit actions. Edit Copy All in the Edit menu allows to copy all the fault records which can then be pasted to a word processor and saved on the local machine without having to save...
Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering 5.4.2 IED Compare tool interface The comparison report shows differences in the configuration of two IEDs. Hardware, application, display, GOOSE and parameter configuration differences are grouped and listed under the corresponding headings. GUID-D6257BC0-9A17-407C-BE27-19DFC7A7C7B4 V1 EN Figure 47: Compare options...
Section 5 1MRS241255 B Protection and control engineering Protection and control blocking examples All of the relay’s logical nodes are set with Test mode. Test mode is selected through one common parameter via the HMI path Tests/IED test. By default, Test mode can only be set locally through LHMI.
Section 6 1MRS241255 B LHMI engineering Section 6 LHMI engineering For information on LED operation modes supported by the protection relay, see the technical manual. HMI event filtering HMI Event Filtering is a tool that helps in configuring visibility of events shown on the LHMI and WHMI of the IED.
Section 6 1MRS241255 B LHMI engineering 6.1.1 Starting HMI event filtering Start HMI event filtering in one of the alternative ways. • Right-click an IED and select HMI Event Filtering. • On the Tools menu, click HMI Event Filtering. 6.1.2 Setting visibility of HMI events Browse the event tree for the event.
Section 6 1MRS241255 B LHMI engineering Click the search text box shown on top of the event tree view. Type a custom search string in the search text box. The event tree is filtered to all matching events. Search functionality tries to match the given custom search string to the event name and description.
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering Section 7 IEC 61850 communication engineering IEC 61850 protocol references and pre-conditions To engineer the IEC 61850 protocol interface for the protection relay, the following additional manuals or knowledge of their contents is required. •...
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Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering Function IEC 61850 Logical device Logical nodes in Logical nodes in Ver.2.0 Ver.1.0 Directional earth-fault protection, high stage DEFHPDEF DEFHPTOC DEFHPTOC DEFHRDIR DEFHRDIR Transient/intermittent earth-fault protection INTRPTEF INTRPTEF INTRPTEF Non-directional (cross-country) earth-fault protection, EFHPTOC EFHPTOC EFHPTOC...
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Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering Function IEC 61850 Logical device Logical nodes in Logical nodes in Ver.2.0 Ver.1.0 Circuit breaker control CBXCBR CTRL CBCSWI CBCSWI CBCILO CBCILO CBXCBR CBXCBR Emergency start-up ESMGAPC ESMGAPC ESMGAPC Autoreclosing DARREC DARREC DARREC Condition monitoring Trip circuit supervision...
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering 7.2.1 IEC 61850 interface in the protection relay GOOSE GOOSE GOOSE Receive Receive Receive GOOSE GOOSE GOOSE Send Send Send with monitoring only part Commands with part Event monitoring handler commands Event queue part GUID-8CF30CC1-BB1E-41E8-8AA8-88CDDA6BA066 V1 EN...
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering IEC 61850 Subnetwork Data-set Data-set Data-set IED 1 IED 2 IED 3 en05000830.vsd GUID-8368FB2E-406D-4C05-B34B-9BAF4D655340 V1 EN Figure 51: IEC 61850: Horizontal communication principle, an example of three IEDs where each IED communicates with all others When a GOOSE message is to be sent, it is defined by configuring the data set with the defined trigger option and GoCB.
• An IED is already extended by default data sets and report control blocks. They are predefined by ABB. Changes or additional data sets, for example, have to be done with IEC 61850 Configuration tool or IET600. • SCD = Station configuration description •...
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering When exporting an SCL file from PCM600, the tool builds a default substation structure and creates default data sets and control blocks for vertical communication between the substation client and IEDs. For more information, see the IEC 61850 standards.
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Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering Station IEC08000415.vsd GUID-8D2548BF-9081-45CE-83C3-9AE23B26D958 V1 EN Figure 53: IEC 61850: selecting the station Right-click the station and select Export. From the open standard Windows dialog box, select the location to store the file and name it.
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering GUID-FD84C31F-93F5-4F2A-BC40-646CE604F8D7 V1 EN Figure 55: Export options of SCL Click Export to generate the SCD file. A progress window shows the ongoing export of the station. Exporting ICD or CID files Select the IED in the Plant Structure view.
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering GUID-F58BB3D3-745B-4997-8CBD-023244CD840B V1 EN Figure 57: IEC 61850: export options for ICD files Change the SCL file version by clicking the Advanced button, if required by the receiving configuration tool. GUID-DA9E7D95-2EA6-4861-9D40-4A2CDFA33F58 V1 EN Figure 58: SCL export options Click Export.
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Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering later the recommended tool for smaller projects is the IEC 61850 Configuration tool. For larger projects it is recommended to use IET600, which is available as a standalone tool. Create a project in IET600. Import the SCD file created by PCM600.
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering 7.3.3 Importing SCL files to PCM600 The IED engineering tool must be able to receive an SCD file or an ICD file as an import to receive the engineered communication extensions, for example, for the different IEDs.
SCD file matches the IED object(s) in PCM600. This option can be used, for example, when third party IEDs are included in the system and the SCD file sends GOOSE messages to ABB IEDs included in the project. • Click Ignore Substation Section to not import the SSD file part of the SCD file.
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering GUID-7DB8B442-0120-4D7D-A5E6-3414E47C3445 V1 EN Figure 62: Common write menu The engineered data is written to the IED when executing a common Write to IED operation. Importing ICD or CID files Select an existing IED to import IEC 61850 files. From the Files of type list, select the file type of IEC 61850 to be imported (ICD or CID).
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering GUID-ADF60975-2AD7-47CF-AD26-37094ACEA4F0 V1 EN Figure 63: SCL Import Options • Don't import protects the existing IEDs in case the SCD file does not match the original configuration in PCM600. • Replace unknown can be used when it is known that the file includes additional IEDs that are needed.
Section 7 1MRS241255 B IEC 61850 communication engineering is written to the protection relay, the horizontal communication configuration needs to be updated. Select GOOSE to update the GOOSE configuration part in the IED. Select whether or not to update the configuration. •...
Section 8 1MRS241255 B Configuration migration Section 8 Configuration migration Configuration migration workflow IED Configuration Migration (ICM) migrates the configuration from an old relay product version into the latest product version with the corresponding functionality. The configuration migration is done by the Migrate Configuration functionality in PCM600.
Section 8 1MRS241255 B Configuration migration Preconditions for configuration migration The source IED configuration can be migrated to the target version using the latest versions of PCM600 and the connectivity package. Manual reengineering may also be required as some interface changes can exist between the functions in different product versions.
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Section 8 1MRS241255 B Configuration migration GUID-5EF13384-89AA-4FAA-A98D-2398C26C7139 V1 EN Figure 67: Selecting the IED to be migrated Select the target version in the dialog box and click Continue. GUID-09616555-F150-4700-A3A5-1CAC4F3CF51D V1 EN Figure 68: Target version selection The Configuration Migration Details dialog box is displayed giving the summary of the migration process.
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Section 8 1MRS241255 B Configuration migration GUID-40362D00-DD9C-4A5B-B694-71CCF5D2A9B2 V1 EN Figure 69: IED Configuration Migration window GUID-62E6D4F1-799E-43C8-AE6E-10156B112DE9 V1 EN Figure 70: IED Configuration Migration Report pane in PCM600 While open, the migration report can be saved or printed from the PCM600 tool bar.
Section 8 1MRS241255 B Configuration migration Save the IED configuration migration report for later use as PCM600 does not save it automatically. Reengineering the migrated configuration 8.5.1 Reengineering in the Parameter Setting tool Review the configuration migration report and update the function parameters accordingly.
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Section 8 1MRS241255 B Configuration migration • 0X – Readable coils • 1X – Discrete inputs • 3X – Input registers • 4X - Readable holding registers • Fault record data If some points have different attributes, adjust them in the Communication Management tool.
Section 9 1MRS241255 B Glossary Section 9 Glossary 611 series Series of numerical protection and control relays for low- end protection and supervision applications of utility substations, and industrial switchgear and equipment 1. Application Configuration tool in PCM600 2. Trip status in IEC 61850 Address Resolution Protocol Configured IED description Communication Management tool in PCM600...
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Section 9 1MRS241255 B Glossary HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure IED capability description IED configuration migration International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication and modeling Intelligent electronic device IET600 Integrated Engineering Toolbox Instantiated IED description Instance Identical protection function blocks available in a standard configuration.
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Section 9 1MRS241255 B Glossary REU611 Voltage protection and control relay SAB600 Substation automation builder tool Substation configuration description XML-based substation description configuration language defined by IEC 61850 Signal Matrix tool in PCM600 SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol Subnet mask A set of four numbers used to create IP address numbers that are used only within a particular network, subnet...
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