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Sharp R-210B Operation Manual And Cooking Manual
Sharp R-210B Operation Manual And Cooking Manual

Sharp R-210B Operation Manual And Cooking Manual

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Table of Contents
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    • Table of Contents
    • Bzajhvfwby J Cthnbabrfwbb Ghjlerwbb
    • Vths Ghtljcnjhjözjcnb
    • Jcj<St Erfpfzby
    • Bzcnherwby Gj Ecnfzjdrt
    • J<Obq Dbl Gtxb
    • Gfztkm Eghfdktzby
    • Hf<Jnf C Gfztkm+ Eghfdktzby
    • Lheubt Elj<Zst Aezrwbb
    • Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq Htöbv
    • Eüjl Pf Gtxm
    • Gthtl Ntv Rfr Dspdfnm Vfcnthf
    • Ntüzbxtcrbt Üfhfrnthbcnbrb
    • Herjdjlcndj Gj Rekbzfhbb
      • Gjktpzst Cjdtns
      • Gjcelf Lky Vbrhjdjkzjdjuj Ghbujnjdktzby
      • Herjdjlcndj Gj Hfpvjhföbdfzb
      • Nf<Kbws
      • Cdtöbt Jdjob
        • Pfvjhjötzzst Jdjob
      • Gjljuhtd Ghjlernjd
      • Htwtgns
      • Pfrecrb, Cegs
        • >K*Lf Bp Ghjlernjd Vjhy
      • Gnbwf
      • Vycj
      • Jdjob
      • Ltcthns
    • Warning
    • Special Notes
    • Installation Instructions
    • Oven Diagram
    • Control Panel
    • Operation of Control Panel
    • Other Convenient Feature
    • Demonstration Mode
    • Care and Cleaning
    • Service Call Check
    • Specifications


Vths ghtljcnjhjözjcnb .................................. 1
Jcj<st erfpfzby ................................................ 2
Bzcnherwby gj ecnfzjdrt ................................. 3
J<obq dbl gtxb ................................................. 3
Gfztkm eghfdktzby ............................................. 4
Hf<jnf c gfztkm+ eghfdktzby .......................... 5
Lheubt elj<zst aezrwbb ................................. 6
Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv ............................. 6
Eüjl pf gtxm+ ..................................................... 7
Gthtl ntv rfr dspdfnm vfcnthf ...................... 7
Ntüzbxtcrbt üfhfrnthbcnbrb ........................... 7
Herjdjlcndj gj rekbzfhbb ............................... 8
Downloaded from:
Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb b rekbzfhbb
Warning ...................................................... E-1
Special Notes ............................................. E-2
Installation Instructions ............................. E-3
Oven Diagram ............................................ E-3
Control Panel ............................................. E-4
Operation of Control Panel ....................... E-5
Other Convenient Feature ......................... E-6
Dem onstration M ode .............................. E-6
Care and Cleaning ..................................... E-7
Service Call Check ..................................... E-7
Specifications ............................................. E-7
Cooking Guide ........................................... E-8



Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Sharp R-210B

  • Page 1: Table Of Contents

    VBRHJDJKZJDFY GTXM M ICROWAVE OVEN R-210B M ODEL Herjdjlcndj gj ärcgkefnfwbb b rekbzfhbb OPERATION M ANUAL AND COOKING GUIDE CJLTHÖFZBT CONTENTS Bzajhvfwby j cthnbabrfwbb ghjlerwbb Warning ............E-1 Vths ghtljcnjhjözjcnb ........1 Special Notes ..........E-2 Jcj<st erfpfzby ..........2 Installation Instructions ......
  • Page 2: Bzajhvfwby J Cthnbabrfwbb Ghjlerwbb

    BZAJHVFWBY J CTHNBABRFWBB GHJLERWBB VBRHJDJKZJDFY GTXM VJLTKM R-210B IFHG cthnbabwbhjdfzf Rjvgfzbtq HJCNTCN – VJCRDF, jabwbfkmzsv ghtlcnfdbntktv UJCCNFZLFHNF Hjccbb VJLTKM R-210B IFHG gj <tpjgfczjcnb — cjjndtncndetn nht<jdfzbyv UJCN H VÄR 335-2-25-1994 zjhvfnbdzsü ljrevtznjd: gj ÄVC — UJCN 23450-83, zjhvs URHX 5>-80 Dj bcgjkztzbt Cnfnmb 5 Pfrjzf Hjccbqcrjq Atlthfwbb ≤J pfobnt ghfd gjnht<bntktq≥, f nfröt Erfpf...
  • Page 3: Vths Ghtljcnjhjözjcnb

    VTHS GHTLJCNJHJÖZJCNB Jpzfrjvmntcm cj dctvb erfpfzbyvb lj zfxfkf bcgjkmpjdfzby ghb<jhf. 1. Lky evtzmitzby dthjynzjcnb djpujhfzby d gtxb: f. zt gthtuhtdfqnt ghjlerns; <. elfkbnt egfrjdjxze+ ghjdjkjre c <evfözsü bkb gkfcnbrjdsü gfrtnjd lj njuj, rfr gjvtcnbnm bü d gtxm; d. zt gthtuhtdfqnt vfckj bkb öbh; ntvgthfnehe vfckf rjznhjkbhjdfnm ztdjpvjözj; u.
  • Page 4: Jcj

    JCJ>ST ERFPFZBY Xnj ztj<üjlbvj ltkfnm Xtuj ltkfnm ztkmpy Yqwf, cjcbcrb, * Ghjrfksdfnm ötknrb b <tkrb ybw, f nfröt * Dfhbnm yqwf d crjhkegt — lky hfrjdbzs ecnhbw gthtl ghbujnjdktzbtv. Ntv jdjob, ghtljndhfotzby ”dphsdf“, cfvsv ds bp<töbnt ”dphsdf“. aherns b rjnjhsq vjötn gjdhtlbnm gtxm * Ghjnsrfnm rjöehe rfhnjatky, y<kjr, ecnhbws b zfztcnb nhfdve.
  • Page 5: Bzcnherwby Gj Ecnfzjdrt

    BZCNHERWBY GJ ECNFZJDRT 1. Elfkbnt dct egfrjdjxzst vfnthbfks bp gtxb. E<tlbntcm d njv, xnj gtxm zt bvttn gjdhtöltzbq, f bvtzzj: ldthwf zt gthtrjitzf, ghjrkflrf zf ldthwt zt bvttn gjdhtöltzbq, f zf dzenhtzzbü gjdthüzjcnyü gtxb b zf ldthwt jncencnde+n dvynbzs. Tckb ds j<zfheöbkb jlzj bp änbü gjdhtöltzbq, zt gjkmpeqntcm gtxm+ lj ntü...
  • Page 6: Gfztkm Eghfdktzby

    GFZTKM EGHFDKTZBY COOKING CONTROL HFPVJHJPRF Chtlzbq Chtlzbq Chtlzbq Zbprbq Chtlzbq Zbprbq Chtlzbq Dscjrbq Chtlzbq Dscjrbq MED LOW MED HIGH HTUEKBHJDFZBT VJOZJCNB GHB Zbprbq Zbprbq Dscjrbq Dscjrbq HIGH GHBUJNJDKTZBB Bvttncy gynm hfpkbxzsü ehjdztq vjozjcnb. Ghbvthzfy bzntzcbdzjcnm vbrhjdjkzjdjuj bpkextzby lky rföljuj ehjdzy: DSCJRBQ 100% CHTLZBQ DSCJRBQ...
  • Page 7: Hf

    HF>JNF C GFZTKM* EGHFDKTZBY Gtxm gjpdjkytn ddjl ghjuhfvvs ghjljköbntkmzjcnm+ lj 30 vbzen. Tlbzbwf ddjlf dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby (hfpvjhföbdfzby) vtzytncy jn 15 ctrezl lj 5 vbzen d pfdbcbvjcnb jn j<otq ghjljköbntkmzjcnb ghbujnjdktzby (hfpvjhföbdfzby) d cjjndtncndbb c zbötghbdtltzzjq nf<kbwtq. Dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby Dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby Tlbzbwf ghbhfotzby Tlbzbwf ghbhfotzby Dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby...
  • Page 8: Lheubt Elj

    LHEUBT ELJ>ZST AEZRWBB Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Ltvjzcnhfwbjzzsq htöbv Änf aezrwby hfccxbnfzf, d jczjdzjv, zf bcgjkmpjdfzbt hjpzbxzsvb njhujdwfvb, f nfröt gjpdjkytn hfpdbdfnm zfdsrb hf<jns c wbath<kfnjv. * Drk+xtzbt ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf Jnrhsnm ldthwe. Gjdthzenm wbahjdjq wbath<kfn zf ”30“ b dthzenm zf ”0“. Gjdnjhbnm änj ltqcndbt.
  • Page 9: Eüjl Pf Gtxm

    EÜJL PF GTXM* Dztizyy cnjhjzf: Dztizbq rjöeü rjhgecf cktletn vsnm vyurbv vskjv b ntgkjq djljq, f pfntv zfxbcnj dsnbhfnm dkfözjq vfnthbtq. Bp<tufqnt bcgjkmpjdfzby ötcnrbü f<hfpbdzsü vj+obü chtlcnd. Ldthwf: Lky elfktzby gyntz b uhypb cktletn xfcnj dsnbhfnm dkfözjq vfnthbtq c j<tbü cnjhjz ldthwe b jrzf, f nfröt ldthze+ bpjkywb+.
  • Page 10: Herjdjlcndj Gj Rekbzfhbb

    HERJDJLCNDJ GJ REKBZFHBB Gjktpzst cjdtns Gjcelf lky vbrhjdjkzjdjuj ghbujnjdktzby Herjdjlcndj gj hfpvjhföbdfzb+ Nf<kbws •Cdtöbt jdjob •Pfvjhjötzzst jdjob 13 •Gjljuhtd ghjlernjd 13 Htwtgns •Pfrecrb, cegs •>k+lf bp ghjlernjd vjhy 15 •Gnbwf •Vycj •Jdjob •Ltcthns Downloaded from: http://www.usersmanualguide.com/...
  • Page 11: Gjktpzst Cjdtns

    GJKTPZST CJDTNS Ghfdbkmzjt hfcgjkjötzbt ghjlernf Hfcgjkfufqnt ghjlern zf nfhtkrt zfb<jktt njkcnjq xfcnm+ ddthü. Cktlbnt pf dhtvtztv ghbujnjdktzby Ujnjdmnt ghjlern vbzbvfkmzj erfpfzzjt dhtvy. Edtkbxbdfqnt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby d ckexft ztj<üjlbvjcnb. Cbkmzj gthtöfhtzzsq ghjlern vjötn pflsvbnmcy bkb pfujhtnmcy. Zfrhsdfqnt ghjlerns Lky njuj, xnj<s ds<hfnm xtv zfrhsnm ghjlern: <evfözsv dj dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby gjkjntzwtv, djotzjq <evfujq, gkëzrjq lky vbrhjdjkzjdjuj ghbujnjdktzby bkb rhsirjq, djcgjkmpeqntcm nf<kbwtq zf cnh.
  • Page 12: Gjcelf Lky Vbrhjdjkzjdjuj Ghbujnjdktzby

    GJCELF LKY VBRHJDJKZJDJUJ GHBUJNJDKTZBY Cntrkyzzfy gjcelf / rthfvbxtcrfy (öfhjghjxzfy) Vtnfkkbxtcrfy gjcelf Cntrkyzzfy gjcelf lky gtxb Gfrtns lky gtxb J<tltzzfy gjcelf Ajkmuf (öfhjghjxzfy) J<tltzzfy gjcelf (ztöfhjghjxzfy) Fk+vbzbtdfy ajkmuf lky pfobns >evfözst gjkjntzwf >evfuf c ztgjlujhf+obv gjrhsnbtv Öbhjztghjzbwftvfy <evfuf Gjcelf lky vbrhjdjkzjdjuj Djotzfy <evfuf ghbujnjdktzby c wtznhfkmzsv jndthcnbtv...
  • Page 13: Herjdjlcndj Gj Hfpvjhföbdfzb

    Herjdjlcndj gj hfpvjhföbdfzb+ Ehjdtzm vjozjcnb — chtlzbq zbprbq (30%) Ghjlern Ghjlern Ghjlern Ghjlern Ghjlern Ghbvthzjt dhtvy hfpvjhföbdfzby Ghbvthzjt dhtvy hfpvjhföbdfzby Ghbvthzjt dhtvy hfpvjhföbdfzby Gjhyljr ltqcndbq Gjhyljr ltqcndbq Gjhyljr ltqcndbq Ghbvthzjt dhtvy hfpvjhföbdfzby Ghbvthzjt dhtvy hfpvjhföbdfzby Gjhyljr ltqcndbq Gjhyljr ltqcndbq Recjr vycf 15—17 vbz., 500 u.
  • Page 14: Nf

    Nf<kbws NF>KBWF LKY CDTÖBÜ JDJOTQ Jdjob Rjk-dj Ghjwtlehf ghbujnjdktzby Dhtvy ghbujnjd- ktzby ghb 100% Fhnbijr 2 chtlzbü J<htpfnm. Üjhjij ghjvsnm. Gjkjöbnm d 3—4 VBZ uke<jre+ nfhtkre. Pfrhsnm gkfcnbrjdjq gktzrjq. Dsvsnm b gjkjöbnm d vjhjpbkmzsq vtijr. Cgfhöf 250 uh 2—3 Afcjkm 250 uh Zfhtpfnm zf 4-cv recjxrb.
  • Page 15: Pfvjhjötzzst Jdjob

    NF>KBWF LKY PFVJHJÖTZZSÜ JDJOTQ 1. Jdjob ujnjdbnm d <k+lt lky gbhjujd. Zfrhsnm rhsirjq bkb gkfcnbrjdjq gktzrjq. 2. Dj dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby gjvtibdfnm. 3. Lfnm gjcnjynm 1–2 vbzens gthtl ntv, rfr gjlfdfnm. Dhtvy ghbujnjd- Jdjob Cgtwbfkmzst ltqcndby ktzby ghb 100% Afcjkm ptk. (htpfzfy) 250 u.
  • Page 16: Htwtgns

    Htwtgns PFRECRB, CEGS Gbrfznzst uhb<s Njvfnzsq ceg cj ckbdrfvb 24 uhb<f c vfktzmrbvb ikygrfvb; 1 vfktzmrfy kerjdbwf, jxbotzzfy b gjhtpfzzfy; 6 kjvnbrjd ükt<f; 1 kjvnbr dtnxbzs, jxbcnbnm jn j<jkjxrb b 4 recjxrf dtnxbzs; gjhtpfnm; 4 kerjdbws-ifkjn vtkrj zfhtpfzzsü; 30 uh vfckf; 1/2 xfirb nthnjuj cshf;...
  • Page 17: >K*Lf Bp Ghjlernjd Vjhy

    >K*LF BP GHJLERNJD VJHY Rhf< Vjhzä Hektn bp kjcjcy c cshjv Hektn 60 uh vfckf; 1/3 xfirb verb; 12 in. kfgib Kfpfzmt (cfvfy ibhjrfy bp dbljd 1/2 x. k. ceüjq ujhxbws; kfgib gkjcrjq ajhvs) (200-uh gfrtn); 2 xfirb vjkjrf; 250 uh cshf Hbrjnnf (bnfkmyzcrbq cdtöbq 1 kerjdbwf, vtkrj gjhtpfnm;...
  • Page 18: Gnbwf

    GNBWF Wsgktzjr d ujhijxrt Wsgktzjr c f<hbrjcfvb 4 zjörb wsgktzrf; 4 zjörb wsgktzrf; 1/4 xfirb j<sxzjq verb; 1 gfrtnbr ahfzwepcrjuj kerjdjuj cegf; 2 njzrbü kjvnbrf dtnxbzs, vtkrj gjhtpfnm; 1 cnjkjdfy k. ghjcnjq verb; 1 cnhexjr ptktzjuj gthwf, zfhtpfnm re<brfvb; 250 vk f<hbrjcjdjuj ztrnfhf; 825 uh rjzcthdbhjdfzzsü...
  • Page 19: Vycj

    VYCJ Gfcneibq gbhju Dtctzzyy pfgtrfzrf bp <fhfzbzs 2 <jkmibt rfhnjatkbzs; 1 gfrtn (30 uh) ahfzwepcrjuj kerjdjuj cegf; 1 cn. k. vfckf; 1/4 xfirb j<sxzjq verb; 1 cn. k. vjkjrf; 750 uh <fhfzbzs re<brfvb; cjkm b gthtw; 4 dtctzzbü kerjdbws, hfphtpfnm zf 4 xfcnb; 500 uh ghjdthzenjq ujdylbzs;...
  • Page 20: Jdjob

    JDJOB Hbcjdjt hbpjnnj (kturj ghbujnjdbnm ljvf) Wdtnzfy rfgecnf ”j-uhfntz“ 500 uh wdtnrjd wdtnzjq rfgecns; 1 kerjdbwf, zfhtpfnm re<brfvb; 30 uh vfckf; 60 uh vfckf; 2 cn. k. verb; 4 kjvnbrf dtnxbzs, zfhtpfnm re<brfvb (bkb 1 1 xfirf vjkjrf; xfirf dfhtzjuj vycf wsgktzrf bkb jrjhjrf); 1 x.
  • Page 21: Ltcthns

    LTCTHNS Ühecnyobt y<kjrb gj-rfkbajhzbqcrb Gtxtzst y<kjrb 800 uh rjzcthdbhjdfzzsü y<kjr lky gbhjujd; 3/4 xfirb uhtwrbü jhtüjd; 340 uh cvtcb lky gbhjözsü (cv. zböt $); 1/4 xfirb cfüfhf; 125 uh ndthljuj vfckf zfhtpfnm njzrbvb 2 x. k. cvtcb ghyzjcntq; kjvnbrfvb; 4 <jkmibü y<kjrf; 3 cn.
  • Page 22: Warning

    11.M ake sure that the pow er supply cord is undam aged, and that it does not run under the oven or over any hot surfaces or sharp edges. 12.If the oven lam p fails please consult your dealer or a qualified service technician trained by SHARP. 13.To prevent the turntable from breaking: a.Before cleaning the turntable w ith w ater, leave the turntable to cool.
  • Page 23: Special Notes

    SPECIAL NOTES DON’T Eggs, fruits, * Puncture egg yolks and whites and * Cook eggs in shells to prevent vegetables, oysters before cooking to prevent "explosion". which may damage the sausages and "explosion". oven or injure yourself. oysters * Pierce skins of potatoes, apples, * Reheat whole eggs.
  • Page 24: Installation Instructions

    If there is any dam age, please do not operate the oven until it has been checked by a SERVICE CENTRE APPROVED BY SHARP and repaired, if necessary. 2. Accessories provided...
  • Page 25: Control Panel

    CONTROL PANEL COOKING CONTROL HFPVJHJPRF Chtlzbq Chtlzbq Chtlzbq Zbprbq Chtlzbq Zbprbq Chtlzbq Dscjrbq Chtlzbq Dscjrbq MED LOW MED HIGH VARIABLE COOKING CONTROL Zbprbq Zbprbq Dscjrbq Dscjrbq There are five pow er levels. The approxi- HIGH m ate percentage of m icrow ave pow er for each setting is: HIGH 100%...
  • Page 26: Operation Of Control Panel

    OPERATION OF CONTROL PANEL Your oven can be programmed up to 30 minutes. The input unit of cooking (defrosting) time varies from 15 seconds to 5 minutes. It depends on the total length of the cooking (defrosting) time as shown on the table below.
  • Page 27: Other Convenient Feature

    OTHER CONVENIENT FEATURE Demonstration Mode This feature is mainly for use by retail outlets, and also allows you to practice the dial operation. * To set the demonstration mode. Open the door. Turn the LIGHT UP DIAL to 30 and then back to 0. And repeat that again.
  • Page 28: Care And Cleaning

    If “NO” is the answer to any of the above questions, please check your wall socket and the fuse in your meter box. If both the wall socket and the fuse are functioning properly, CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SERVICE CENTRE APPROVED BY SHARP. NOTE: If time in the display is counting down rapidly, check Demonstration Mode. (See page E-6 for detail.) SPECIFICATIONS...
  • Page 29: Cooking Guide

    COOKING GUIDE Microwave Cooking Techniques M icrow ave E-10 Safe Cookw are Defrosting Guide E-11 Charts •Fresh Vegetables E-12 •Frozen Vegetables E-13 •Reheating Foods E-13 Recipes •Appetizers/Soup E-14 •Seafood E-15 •Poultry E-16 •M eat E-17 •Vegetables E-18 •Desserts E-19 E – 8 Downloaded from: http://www.usersmanualguide.com/...
  • Page 30: Microwave Cooking Techniques

    M ICROWAVE COOKING TECHNIQUES Place thickest areas tow ard outside of dish. Arrange food carefully Cook for the shortest am ount of tim e indicated and add m ore tim e as needed. Watch cooking time Food severely over-cooked can sm oke or ignite. Check recipe for suggestions: paper tow els, m icrow ave plastic w rap or a lid.
  • Page 31: M Icrowave Safe Cookware

    M ICROWAVE SAFE COOKWARE Glassw are/ceram ic (heat resistant) M etalcookw are Oven-proof glassw are Oven bags Dinner w are (heat resistant) Alm inum foil Dinner w are (not heat resistant) Alum inium foil For shielding Paper tow els Noninflam m able paper Grease-proof paper Wax paper M icrow ave safe cookw are w ith...
  • Page 32: Defrosting Guide

    DEFROSTING GUIDE Pow er : M ED LOW(30%) Food Approx. Cooking Tim e Procedure Steak 15–17m in./500g • Shield thin end of chops or steaks w ith Chops foil. • Position the food w ith thinner parts in the centre in a single layer on a defrost rack.
  • Page 33: Charts

    CHARTS FRESH VEGETABLE CHART M ICROWAVE VEGETABLE AM OUNT COOKING PROCEDURE TIM E AT 100% Artichokes 2 m edium Trim . Rinse w ell. Place onto a dinner plate. Cover 3-4 m inutes w ith plastic w rap. Asparagus 250 g Wash and place in a freezer bag.
  • Page 34 FROZEN VEGETABLE CHART 1. Cook vegetables in a flan dish. Cover w ith a lid or plastic w rap. 2. Stir halfw ay through cooking. 3. Allow to stand 1-2 m inutes before serving. M ICROWAVE VEGETABLE WEIGHT SPECIAL PROCEDURES TIM E AT 100% Beans (green, cut) 250 g...
  • Page 35: Recipes

    RECIPES APPETIZERS/SOUP SAVOURY MUSHROOMS CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP 24 sm all cup m ushroom s 1 sm all onion, peeled and chopped 6 slices m ultigrain bread 1 rasher bacon, rind rem oved, and chopped 4 rashers bacon, chopped 30 g butter 4 shallots, finely chopped 1 carrot, peeled and sliced 1/2 cup grated cheese...
  • Page 36: Seafood

    SEAFOOD CRAB MORNAY CHEESY SALMON ROLLS 60 g butter ROLLS 1/3 cup plain flour 12 lasagne noodles 1/2 teaspoon dry m ustard (The broadest of the ribbon pasta)(200 g packet) 2 cups m ilk 250 g ricotta cheese (An Italian fresh,unripened 1 onion, finely chopped cheese w ith sm ooth and m ild-tasting) 2 x 170 g cans crab m eat, drained...
  • Page 37: Poultry

    20 g butter, m elted, extra bow l. 1. Com bine all stuffing ingredients. 2. Using a sharp knife, lift skin back from the 2. Fill cavity of chicken w ith stuffing and secure chicken drum sticks. w ith a toothpick.
  • Page 38: Meat

    MEAT SHEPHERD’S PIE LASAGNE 2 large potatoes MEAT SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter 30 g butter 1 tablespoon m ilk 1 onion, chopped salt and pepper 1 kg topside m ince 500 g m inced beef 1/4 cup tom ato paste 1 onion, chopped 240 g jar bolognese sauce 1 tablespoon gravy pow der...
  • Page 39: Vegetables

    VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN EASY HOME-MADE RICE RISOTTO 500 g cauliflow er florets 1 onion, diced 30 g butter 60 g butter 2 tablespoons flour 4 rashers bacon, diced 1 cup m ilk (or 1 cup cooked chicken or ham ) 1 teaspoon m ustard 3 chicken or beef stock cubes 1/2 cup grated cheese...
  • Page 40: Desserts

    * You can also use the m ixture of the follow ing Serves 4 instead of the cake m ix; 1 1/2 cup flour 3 teaspoons suger 3 teaspoons skim m ilk pow der salt SHARP CORPORATION OSAKA, JAPAN TINS-A651WRR0-HR82 E – 19 Downloaded from: http://www.usersmanualguide.com/...
  • Page 41 This file has been downloaded from: www.UsersManualGuide.com User Manual and User Guide for many equipments like mobile phones, photo cameras, monther board, monitors, software, tv, dvd, and othes.. Manual users, user manuals, user guide manual, owners manual, instruction manual, manual owner, manual owner's, manual guide, manual operation, operating manual, user's manual, operating instructions, manual operators, manual operator, manual product, documentation manual, user maintenance, brochure, user reference, pdf manual Downloaded from:...

Table of Contents