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Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
Overview 2YHUYLHZ $ERXW WKLV PDQXDO This manual contains procedures for calibrating a robot, using the tool calibration pendulum. Both the Calibration Pendulum II and Reference Calibration routine are described. 8VDJH This manual should be used during calibration with the calibration pendulum. :KR VKRXOG UHDG WKLV PDQXDO"...
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Overview &RQWLQXHG 5HYLVLRQ 'HVFULSWLRQ Robot model IRB 1600ID added to the calibration procedure. 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
IRB 2400 M2000 24-23050 and on. Robots with serial numbers 24-23051, 24-23052, 24-23054, 24-23055, 24-23056 and 24-23061 were not calibrated using the calibrations pendulum method before delivery from ABB, but these robots are fully compatible with this method. IRB 260 All robots.
*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.2. When to calibrate :KHQ WR FDOLEUDWH :KHQ WR FDOLEUDWH The system must be calibrated if one or more of the listed failures below occurs. Changed resolver values &DOLEUDWLRQ RQ SDJH Calibrate the measurement system carefully as detailed in chapter any of the resolver values has been changed.
*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.3. Types of calibration procedures 7\SHV RI FDOLEUDWLRQ SURFHGXUHV &DOLEUDWLRQ 3HQGXOXP ,, URERW KRPH FDOLEUDWLRQ The routine Calibration Pendulum II (CalPend) is used to move the robot to zero position for fine calibration of motor calibration offset. The calibration is fully automatic and will move the robot to the position read from the sensors.
*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV DQG FRUUHFW D[LV SRVLWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ This section specifies the calibration scale positions and/or correct axis position for all robot models. &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% The illustration below shows the calibration scale positions on IRB 140: xx0200000157 &RQWLQXHV RQ QH[W SDJH 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% The illustration below shows the calibration scale positions on IRB 1400: en0200000272 &RQWLQXHV RQ QH[W SDJH 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ PDUNV ,5% The illustration below shows the calibration marks and correct positions of the six axes of the robot. The marks shown in the figure are numbered according to the number of the axes. xx0500001423 &RQWLQXHV RQ QH[W SDJH 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% ,' The illustration below shows the calibration marks and correct positions of the six axes of the robot. The marks shown in the figure are numbered according to the number of the axes. xx0700000095 &RQWLQXHV RQ QH[W SDJH 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% The illustration below shows the calibration marks on all axes of the robot. en0200000273 &RQWLQXHV RQ QH[W SDJH 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% When axis 3 is put in calibration position, the mark on the calibration plate is visible above the mechanical stop, as shown in the figure below. xx0500002485 Mechanical stop of axis 3 Calibration mark on calibration plate, axis 3...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% 6 The illustration below shows the calibration scale positions on IRB 4450S. The calibration marks for axes 2, 3, 4 and 5 are marked using punch mark tools. xx0500002239 Punch axis 2, 3HAB 1521-1 Punch axis 3, 3HAB 1522-1...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% The illustration below shows the calibration scale positions on IRB 4400. The calibration marks for axes 2, 3, 4 and 5 are marked using punch mark tools. xx0300000209 Punch, axis 2, 3HAB 1521-1 Punch, axis 3, 3HAB 1522-1...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHVPDUNV ,5% The illustration below shows the positions of the calibration marks on the robot. xx0500002487 Calibration plate, axis 1 Calibration tab on robot Calibration mark, axis 2 Calibration mark, axis 3 Calibration plate and marking, axis 6 Calibration marks at axes 2 and 3...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHVPDUNV ,5% ,5% ,5% 6 ,5% The illustration below shows the location of the calibration scales on specific plates and the calibration marks directly in the casting at axes 2 and 3. The figure shows IRB 6600, but the scales and their positions are the same for IRB 6650S and IRB 7600.
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV PDUNV ,5% ,' DQG ,5% ,' The illustration below shows the location of the calibration scales on specific plates and the calibration marks directly in the casting at axes 2 and 3. xx0500002016 Calibration scale, axis 1 Calibration mark, axis 2...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV ,5% The illustration below shows the positions of the calibration marks on all axes of the robot. xx0600003096 Calibration scale, axis 1 Calibration scale, axis 2 Calibration scale, axis 3 Calibration scale, axis 4 Calibration scale, axis 5...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHVPDUNV ,5% The figure below shows the positions of the calibration marks on the robot. xx0700000148 Calibration plate, axis 1 Calibration tab on robot Calibration mark, axis 2 Calibration mark, axis 3 Calibration mark, axis 4 Calibration mark, axis 5...
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG :$51,1* Axis 4 has no mechanical limitation! Cabling inside the manipulator may be damaged if axis 4 is oriented incorrectly when performing calibration of the robot! &DOLEUDWLRQ VFDOHV DQG SRVLWLRQV ,5% The figure below shows the calibration marks of the axes 4-5-6 and the correct position of the spiral cable.
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.4. Calibration scales and correct axis position &RQWLQXHG &RUUHFW SRVLWLRQ RI D[HV The axes 1-2-3 should be positioned with an approximate distance of 26 mm between the actuator and the calibration spacer above the lower joint, shown in the figure above. This distance is set exactly during the fine calibration procedure.
1RWH Calibration pendulum set 3HAC 15716-1 The content is specified in the table below. The set may only be rented from ABB, please contact the Service Department. Reference adapter 3HAC 025397-001 Used as reference surface on the tool when calibrating the robot system with Reference Calibration.
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*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.5. Equipment for calibration pendulum &RQWLQXHG 4W\ &RQWHQWV $UW QR 1RWH Locating pin 3HAC 14137-2 68 mm long For axis 1 calibration of IRB 140, IRB 1400, IRB 2400, IRB 260, IRB 4400 and IRB 4450S. Calibration bar 3HAC 024702- For axis 6 calibration of IRB 260 and IRB 660.
*HQHUDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 1.6. Storage and warm up 6WRUDJH DQG ZDUP XS 127( Always store the pendulum sensor in its carrying bag laying down or mounted on the calibration plate in a horizontal position. 6WRUDJH LQ D QRQ KRUL]RQWDO SRVLWLRQ PD\ FDXVH ORQJ WHUP GULIW DQG HUURUV LQ WKH :\OHU VHQVRUV 6WRUDJH DQG ZDUP XS After storage the pendulum tool must be mounted in a horizontal position and be warmed up...
3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW 2.1. Introduction 3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW ,QWURGXFWLRQ *HQHUDO This chapter details the required procedures for preparing the calibration equipment prior to calibration of the robot. 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW 2.2. Start up of Levelmeter 2000 6WDUW XS RI /HYHOPHWHU /D\RXW DQG FRQQHFWLRQ RI /HYHOPHWHU The figure below shows the layout and connection of the Levelmeter 2000. xx0200000126 Connection sensor A Connection sensor B Connection SIO 1 Selection pointer Measuring unit...
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3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW 2.2. Start up of Levelmeter 2000 &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 4. 0 connect the Levelmeter 2000 to the /D\RXW DQG Shown in the figure FRQQHFWLRQ RI /HYHOPHWHU RQ SDJH COM2 port in the control cabinet through the connector marked 287 FRQQHFWLRQ 6,2.
3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW 2.3. Calibration of sensors (calibration pendulum) and Levelmeter 2000 &DOLEUDWLRQ RI VHQVRUV FDOLEUDWLRQ SHQGXOXP DQG /HYHOPHWHU *HQHUDO The tool calibration pendulum is used as both a calibration and a reference sensor. The sensor needs to be calibrated in order to give proper calibration result. Calibration of the sensors is only required for RobotWare 4.0.100 and earlier as well as for RobotWare 5.04 and earlier.
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3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW 2.3. Calibration of sensors (calibration pendulum) and Levelmeter 2000 &RQWLQXHG &DOLEUDWLRQ RI VHQVRUV The procedure below details how to calibrate the sensors. From RobotWare 4.0.110 (M2000) and 5.05 (M2004) calibration of the sensors is included in the service routine.
3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW 2.4. Checking of sensors &KHFNLQJ RI VHQVRUV *HQHUDO This section details how to check the sensors if they have been manually calibrated according &DOLEUDWLRQ RI VHQVRUV FDOLEUDWLRQ SHQGXOXP DQG /HYHOPHWHU RQ SDJH to section No check is necessary if the sensors have not been calibrated manually.
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3UHSDULQJ WKH HTXLSPHQW 2.4. Checking of sensors &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH,OOXVWUDWLRQ 4. Remove the sensor, turn it 180° and refit it in the corresponding hole pattern. wait a couple of seconds until the sensor has been stabilized. 1RWH 'R QRW FKDQJH WKH SRVLWLRQ RI WKH FDOLEUDWLRQ SODWH xx0300000261 &DOLEUDWLRQ RI...
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.1. Different functions in the calibration service routine &DOLEUDWLRQ 'LIIHUHQW IXQFWLRQV LQ WKH FDOLEUDWLRQ VHUYLFH URXWLQH 7\SHV RI FDOLEUDWLRQ The calibration service routine consists of two different parts: • Calibration Pendulum II (robot home position, CalPend) •...
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.1. About Calibration Pendulum II &DOLEUDWLRQ 3HQGXOXP ,, $ERXW &DOLEUDWLRQ 3HQGXOXP ,, 8VDJH RI &DOLEUDWLRQ 3HQGXOXP ,, The Calibration Pendulum II is used in field, to restore the robot home position, eg. after service activities. (Calibration Pendulum II is a function included in the service routine Calibration Pendulum.) 7KH SULQFLSOH RI &DOLEUDWLRQ 3HQGXOXP ,, In the calibration procedure the position of the sensor is first measured at the reference plane.
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.3. Calibration, all axes, CalPend &DOLEUDWLRQ DOO D[HV &DO3HQG *HQHUDO This section details how to perform the actual fine calibration of each axis using the (TXLSPHQW IRU FDOLEUDWLRQ SHQGXOXP RQ SDJH calibration pendulum tools, specified in section 6HQVRU PRXQWLQJ SRVLWLRQV The positions where to fit the calibration pendulum (sensor) differ between different models &DOLEUDWLRQ VHQVRU PRXQWLQJ SRVLWLRQV...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.3. Calibration, all axes, CalPend &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 6. Click 2. . A number of menus will flash by briefly on the teach pendant unit, but no action is required on behalf of the operator until a specific action is displayed. 3RVW FDOLEUDWLRQ SURFHGXUH 7.
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.4. Updating revolution counters 8SGDWLQJ UHYROXWLRQ FRXQWHUV *HQHUDO This section details how to perform a rough calibration of each robot axis, i.e. updating the revolution counter value for each axis, using the pendant. 6WHS 0DQXDOO\ UXQQLQJ WKH URERW WR WKH FDOLEUDWLRQ SRVLWLRQ This procedure details the first step when updating the revolution counter;...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.4. Updating revolution counters &RQWLQXHG 5RERW YDULDQW $[LV $[LV IRB 6600/6650 / others IRB 6600ID/6650ID IRB 6620 IRB 6660 IRB 7600 If the calibration marks seem to be wrong (even if the motor calibration data is correct), try to rotate the axis one turn, update the revolution counter and check the calibration marks again (try both directions, if needed).
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.4. Updating revolution counters &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 3. Select the desired unit and choose Rev Counter Update from the Calib menu. The Revolution Counter Update window appears. xx0100000202 4. Select the desired axis and press Incl to include it (it will be marked with an x) or press All to select all axes.
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.4. Updating revolution counters &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 2. Tap the mechanical unit in question. A screen is displayed: tap 5HY &RXQWHUV. en0400000771 3. Tap 8SGDWH 5HYROXWLRQ &RXQWHUV. A dialog box is displayed, warning that updating the revolution counters may change programmed robot positions: Tap <HV to update the revolution counters.
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &DOLEUDWLRQ VHQVRU PRXQWLQJ SRVLWLRQV &DO3HQG ,QWURGXFWLRQ This section specifies the mounting positions and directions of all calibration sensors on all robot systems using Calibration Pendulum II. 5HPRYDO RI HTXLSPHQW Before fitting sensors to the robot: •...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG Reference position, IRB 1600 xx0500002490 Calibration pendulum as reference sensor in reference position at base Axis 1 IRB 140 \xx0200000245 Calibration pendulum as calibration sensor, axis 1 Locating pin Calibration pendulum attachment screw &RQWLQXHV RQ QH[W SDJH 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG ,5% The illustrations below show the mounting positions and directions for both the reference sensor and axis sensors on the robot. Notice that the pendulum is only fitted in one position at a time (the same pendulum is used as both a reference and a calibration sensor).
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG ,5% ,5% The illustrations below show the mounting positions and directions for both the reference sensor and axis sensors on the robot. Notice that the pendulum is only fitted in one position at a time (the pendulum is used as both a reference and a calibration sensor)! Reference position IRB 2400, IRB 260 xx0200000250...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG Axis 6, IRB 260 xx0500002481 Calibration sensor, axis 6 Calibration bar, attached between the sensor and a ballplug on the robot Tapered attachment hole on the turning disk Ballplug where to attach the calibration bar 1RWH Make sure to fit the calibration bar at the extreme right of the sensor pin.
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG ,5% ,5% 6 The illustrations below show the mounting positions and directions for both the reference sensor and axis sensors on the robot. Notice that the pendulum is only fitted in one position at a time (the pendulum is used as both a reference and a calibration sensor)! Reference position IRB 4400, IRB 4450S xx0200000252...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG Axis 3, 4, 5 and 6 IRB 4400, IRB 4450S xx0200000266 Calibration sensor Turning disk adapter Locking screw Sensor cable, sensor B Sensor cable, sensor A ,5% The illustrations below show the mounting positions and directions for both the reference sensor and axis sensors on the robot Reference position IRB 6600/6650, IRB 7600, IRB 660 xx0200000183...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG Axis 3-6 IRB 6600/6650, IRB 7600 xx0300000274 Fit the Calibration Pendulum, screw home the attachment screw (by hand) Compress the spring and rotate the Calibration Pendulum counter clockwise At the end of the counter clockwise movement drop the Calibration Pendulum into its calibration position 127( 7R HQVXUH WKH UHVXOW RI WKH SURFHGXUH WR EH DFFXUDWH LW LV YLWDO WKDW LW LV SHUIRUPHG LGHQWLFDOO\ HDFK WLPH...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.5. Calibration sensor mounting positions, CalPend &RQWLQXHG Axis 6, IRB 660 xx0500002474 Calibration sensor, axis 6 Calibration bar, attached between the sensor and a ballplug on the robot Tapered attachment hole on the turning disk 1RWH Make sure to fit the calibration bar at the extreme right of the sensor pin. 3HAC 16578-1 Revision: E...
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.6. Preparation for using sensor on axes 1 and 6, CalPend 3UHSDUDWLRQ IRU XVLQJ VHQVRU RQ D[HV DQG &DO3HQG 3UHSDUDWLRQ RI FDOLEUDWLRQ SHQGXOXP The procedure below details the preparation of the calibration pendulum before calibration of axis 1 on all robots and axis 1 and 6 on IRB 260 and IRB 660.
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.7. Calibration Pendulum II procedure on TPU, S4Cplus &DOLEUDWLRQ 3HQGXOXP ,, SURFHGXUH RQ 738 6&SOXV *HQHUDO This section details how to use the Teach Pendant Unit (TPU) when calibrating the robot using the Calibration Pendulum II (CalPend).
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.7. Calibration Pendulum II procedure on TPU, S4Cplus &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ ,OOXVWUDWLRQ 5. Enter the value of your choice, of which robot axes to be calibrated. Press 2. . xx0200000190 Default value: All axes In this example, axis 1 was selected.
The procedure below details how to use the FlexPendant when calibrating the robot using the Calibration pendulum method. $FWLRQ 1RWH 1. On the ABB menu tap Program Editor. 2. Tap on routines. 3. Select the Calpendulum routine. 4. Start the program by pressing “START”.
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.9. Post calibration procedure 3RVW FDOLEUDWLRQ SURFHGXUH *HQHUDO Perform the following procedure after calibrating DQ\ robot axis. The procedure is intended to verify that all calibration positions are correct. &KHFNLQJ WKH FDOLEUDWLRQ The procedure below details how to verify the calibration result. $FWLRQ 1RWH &KHFNLQJ...
This section describes how to create a program, which runs all the robot axes to their zero position. $FWLRQ 1RWH 1. On ABB menu tap Program Editor. 2. Create a new program. 3. Use MoveAbsJ in the Motion&Proc menu. 4. Create the following program: MoveAbsJ...
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This section describes how to jog the robot to all axes zero position. $FWLRQ 1RWH 1. Tap Jogging in the ABB menu. 2. Tap Motion mode to choose group of axes to jog. 3. Tap axes 1-3 to jog axes 1, 2 or 3.
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.2.10. Checking the calibration position &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 5. Check that the calibration marks for the axes align The calibration marks are &DOLEUDWLRQ correctly. If they do not, update the revolution counters! shown in section VFDOHV DQG FRUUHFW D[LV SRVLWLRQ RQ SDJH How to update the counters is detailed in section...
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.1. About Reference Calibration 5HIHUHQFH &DOLEUDWLRQ $ERXW 5HIHUHQFH &DOLEUDWLRQ 8VDJH RI 5HIHUHQFH &DOLEUDWLRQ The Reference Calibration is used in field, to restore the robot home position, eg. after service activities. (Reference Calibration is a function included in the service routine Calibration Pendulum.) 7KH SULQFLSOH RI 5HIHUHQFH &DOLEUDWLRQ The calibration procedure is based on reference values that are defined once and then used...
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.2. Preparation of reference surface at tool 3UHSDUDWLRQ RI UHIHUHQFH VXUIDFH DW WRRO *HQHUDO In order to perform Reference Calibration the robot needs to be prepared with a reference surface (adapter) for fitting the calibration pendulum housing on the tool. This section details how to prepare the reference surface.
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.2. Preparation of reference surface at tool &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 5. Drill the two remaining holes (Ø 6 mm) to a depth of minimum 5 mm. 6. Fit the reference adapter using the two M8 screws and the two guiding pins included with the adapter.
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.3. Defining reference values for calibration of axes 2-6 'HILQLQJ UHIHUHQFH YDOXHV IRU FDOLEUDWLRQ RI D[HV *HQHUDO In order to perform Reference Calibration, reference values must first be defined and stored to the robot system. This must be done before recalibration is required. This section details how to define these reference values for the robot system.
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.3. Defining reference values for calibration of axes 2-6 &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 6. Prepare and clean the reference Reference surfaces for bending backward surfaces to be used. robots (IRB 1600, 6600, 6650, 6650S, 7600): Clean with isopropanol. xx0500002470 Reference surfaces for parallel rod robots (IRB 140, 1400, 2400, 260, 4400, 4450S, 660):...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.3. Defining reference values for calibration of axes 2-6 &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 8. Make notes or take pictures that shows following conditions under which the reference values were taken: • position and alignment of the calibration pendulum housing at the reference surface on the tool (allowed to be fitted in one of four directions, in steps of 90º)
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.4. Preparing the calibration procedure, RefCal 3UHSDULQJ WKH FDOLEUDWLRQ SURFHGXUH 5HI&DO *HQHUDO This section details all required preparations for performing Reference Calibration (RefCal). 3UHSDUH WKH FDOLEUDWLRQ SURFHGXUH The procedure below details how to prepare the calibration procedure. $FWLRQ 1RWH 127(...
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&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.4. Preparing the calibration procedure, RefCal &RQWLQXHG $FWLRQ 1RWH 7. Remove all the covers from the reference Reference surfaces for bending surfaces and clean them with isopropanol. backward robots (IRB 1600, 6600, 6650, 6650S, 7600): xx0500002471 Reference surfaces for parallel rod robots (IRB 140, 1400, 2400, 4400, 4450S): xx0500002471...
&DOLEUDWLRQ 3.3.5. Calibration of axes 2-6 using predefined reference values &DOLEUDWLRQ RI D[HV XVLQJ SUHGHILQHG UHIHUHQFH YDOXHV *HQHUDO The calibration procedure requires previously defined reference values. If there are no reference values stored in the robot system at the occassion of the calibration, Reference Calibration is not possible.
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,QGH[ & preparing Calibration Pendulum II procedure 39 calibrating Reference Calibration procedure 78 roughly 42 reference surface at tool 73 sensors 32 sensor axes 1 and 6 64 with Calibration Pendulum II 40 with Reference Calibration 80 calibration Reference Calibration Calibration Pendulum II 9 defining values 75 marks/scales 10...
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