L-l. Bucking Out C a pac itive Component General A rrangement of Model 456A 2-6. of Plate Current Model 456A AC Current Probe ..1 -2. Typical Change in F requency Response 1-3. 3-1 . with Load Capacitanc e . . .
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Section 1 Model 456A Table 1-1 Table 1 -l. Specifications SENSITIVITY: 1 rna/rna ± 1% at 1 kc ± 2%. 1 00 cps to 3 me; ±5%. 60 cps to 4 mc; FREQ UENCY RESPONSE: -3 db at 25 cps and greater tha n 20 mc .
Section Model 456A Paragraph 1-1 SECTION I G ENER AL INF OR MATION The probe ope rates w ith an ac companying small ampli 1 -1. GE N ERAL DES CRIP TIO N. fier to convert th e ac c urrent being measured to a pro...
IOMC 30Me Wh en the 456A is u s e d with th e ac power supply the fREQUENCY chassis is automatically grounded th rough the third prong in the power plug. The three conduc tor �ower c able s u pplied with the i nstru ment is terminated in F igure 1-3.
This action is a limi 1-2 for a list o f Hewlett-Packard instruments s uitable tation of the m eter and not a fault of the Mcxlel 456A. for use with the Model 456A.
EOUIPMENT UNDER TEST INSULATED CONDUCTOR BEING MEASURED 1. Connect output of 456A ro a voltmeter or oscil 4. Re d c u rrent being m ea s ured on m eter or oscil loscope. loscope ( read livol milliampe res).
..---- -- <:... ured w ire to the grounded s h ield inside the 456A probe ..when the probe is clamped around the wire. This capac itance typically has a value anywhere from 1 pf pf, depending upon wire size, insula tion and location w ith in the probe aperture .
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-hp- 456A PROBE HEAD" Figu re 2-6. Bucking OUt Capacitive...
Model 456A Section 1l I Pa ragraphs 3- 1 to 3-3 SECTI ON I I I THEOR Y OF OPER ATION 3 -1 . INTRODU C TIO N . The equivalen t circuit can be thought of as shown in figure 3- 1, where is the current ga in of the tran ...
Model 456A Section Figure 4-1 SERVICI N G ET CHED CIRCUIT BOARD S Exc es s iv e heat or pressure can lift th e copper s trip from the boa rd . Av oid da mage by us ing a low power soldering iron (5 0 watts ma ximum) and following these instruc tions.
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Turn (he ins trument OFF. Remove the cabinet as instructed in paragraph The Model 456A is normally wired for 1 15 volt oper Remove and disca rd all ba tteries. Replac e the 4-2. a tion unless otherwise specified.
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Since the calibration and frequency response of to the the Mo d e is usua ll y much b e 400D/H/L 470C. l 456A ter than the input of th e in place of the Leave the wires still connected to the 470C.
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WITH THE SAME P OLA RITIES AS MARKED ON 2) Turn on the 456A with no input to the probe. The THE BATTERY HOLDER. Note that the s mall termi nal on the battery is negative not positive a s with noise as read on the meter or oscilloscope should be dry c ells .
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WHEN TROU B LESHOOTING. EVEN A MO � s tock # 456A - 2 1 A - 8, a new probe cable as sembly, MENT A RY S HORT MAY BURN OUT A TRAN be installed instead becaus e of difficulties encountered OR mODE.
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Model Section IV 4!'i fIA F igure 4 - 3 P R O B E CABLE A S S E M B LY ( C OM P LE TELY ASSE MBLED) 4 5 6A - 2 IA- B CROD OT CO N N E CTO R ( S E E TEXT ) 2 1 9 0 - 0 0 1 2...
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Section IV Model 456A Figure 4-4 BATTEAY �.� 2���f -611 PROBE '-R'-A2 -, . _ __ _ _ _ 2N1516 Output 3300 Amplifier 2400 O.OI�f j '\ WIRE CARIIYING CU/III I E NT TO 11£ M£ASIJII£O CLIP LeAD GROUND O.OI�F...
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Thi s s ection contains i n fo rmation for orde ring re To order a replac ement pa rt, a ddres s order or in ® 456A quiry placeme n t pa rts for the AC Cur rent P robe .
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S e c ti on V Model 4 5 6A R epla c e abl e Table 5 - 1 . Parts Sheet 2 of 4 ) Ckt R ef. D e s c r iption 9 609 5 0 1 50-0008 Capacito r : f ixed, c e ramiC , ±...
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Se c tion Mode l 4 56A Ta ble 5 - 1 . Repla ceable Parts (Sh e et 3 of 4 ) Ref. Descr iotion Stock No. ' Q � RS· R e s i sto r : fixed, composition, 0 1 1 2 1 0 69 9 - 0 00 1 2 .
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Section V Model 4 5 6A P a r t s R epla c e a ble S h e et 4 o f 4) Table 5 - 1 . 'F£; �kt Ref. R S " D e s c r iption r Q ' Stock No .
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