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HP A5120 HI Switch Series Compliance and Safety Manual 59982449 BOM: 3122A0AS Part number: 5998-2449 Document version: 5PW100-20110715...
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The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.
Contents Safety Information/Sicherheitsinformationen/安全信息/安全情報/안전 정보/Informations relatives à la sécurité/Informazioni di sicurezza/ Información de seguridad/Informações de segurança ································· 1 Overview/Überblick/概述/概要/개요/Présentation/Panoramica/ Descripción general/Visão geral ··································································· 1 Conventions Used/Erläuterung der Symbole/应用惯例/本書で使用さ れている規約/사용되는 규칙/Conventions utilisées/Convenzioni utilizzate/Convenciones empleadas/Convenções utilizadas ··················· 10 Important Safety Information/Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise/重要安全 信息/重要な安全情報/중요한 안전 정보/Informations importantes relatives à...
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List of Tables Table 1 Safety symbol and description/Sicherheitssymbole und Beschreibung/安全标识和描述/安全記号と説明/안전 기호 및 설명/Symboles de sécurité et description/Simboli di sicurezza e descrizioni/Símbolo de seguridad y descripción/Símbolo de segurança e descrição ..............1 1 Table 2 Regulatory compliance standards ........39...
Safety Information/ Sicherheitsinformationen/安全信息/ 安全情報/안전 정보/Informations relatives à la sécurité/Informazioni di sicurezza/Información de seguridad/ Informações de segurança Overview/Überblick/ 概述 / 概要 / 개요 / Présentation/Panoramica/Descripción general/Visão geral Warning Installation and removal of the unit and its accessories must be carried out by qualified personnel. You must read all of the Safety Instructions supplied with your equipment before installation and operation.
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警告 ユニットとその付属品の設置と取り外しは、資格のある担当者が行う必要 があります。設置と操作を行う前に、装置に同梱の安全の手引きすべて に目を通してください。 경고 장치와 해당 액세서리의 설치 및 제거는 자격을 갖춘 사람이 수행해야 합니다. 설치 및 작동 전에 장치와 함께 제공된 안전 지침을 꼼꼼히 읽어 보시기 바랍니다. Avertissement L'installation et le retrait de l'unité et de ses accessoires doivent être confiés à...
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Note Before any operation is performed, please read the operation instructions and precautions carefully to minimize the possibility of accidents. The Note, Caution, Warning and Danger items in other manuals do not cover all safety precautions that should be followed. They are only the supplements to the safety precautions for operations as a whole.
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Anmerkung Lesen Sie bitte alle Arbeitsanweisungen und Sicherheits- vorschriften sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie die Arbeit aufnehmen. Nur durch Beachtung dieser Hinweise lässt sich das Unfallrisiko minimieren. Die in anderen Handbüchern aufgeführten Symbole Anmerkung, Achtung, Warnung und Gefahr beinhalten nicht alle zu beachtenden Sicherheitsvorschriften. Sie dienen lediglich der Ergänzung.
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メモ 操作を始める前は常に、操作指示書と注意事項によく目を通し、事故の 可能性を最小限にしてください。その他のマニュアルにあるメモ、注意、 警告、危険の各項目は、従うべき安全上の注意事項をすべて網羅してい るわけではありません。これらは、操作全般に対する安全上の注意事項を 補足するものに過ぎませんしたがって、製品の設置とメンテナンスに責任を 持つ担当者は、安全な操作のためのこれらの基礎を理解しておく必要が あります。 さまざまな操作を行う際において、現地の安全規制に従ってください。製 品マニュアルで紹介されている安全上の注意は補足的なものであり、現 地の安全規制により変わる場合があります。 製品に対しさまざまな操作を実行する際において、製品に付属の注意事 項と安全に関する特記事項を完全に厳守する必要があります。 製品の設置とメンテナンスを行う担当者は、専門のトレーニングを受け、 正しい操作方法と安全上の注意事項をすべて習熟しておく必要がありま す。トレーニングを受け、認定された担当者だけが、装置の設置やメンテ ナンスなどの運用を行うことができます。 참고 작업을 시작하기 전에 작업 지침 및 예방책을 자세히 살펴보고 사고 발생 가능성을 최소화하십시오. 다른 설명서의 참고, 주의, 경고 및 위험 항목에서는 준수해야 하는 일부 안전 예방책을 다루지 않습니다. 이러한...
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Remarque Afin de réduire le risque d'accident, prenez connaissance des instructions et des précautions d'utilisation avant toute opération. Les sections Remarque, Mise en garde, Avertissement et Danger figurant dans les autres manuels ne couvrent pas la totalité des précautions de sécurité devant être respectées.
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Nota Prima di eseguire qualsiasi operazione, leggere attentamente le relative istruzioni e precauzioni per ridurre al minimo la possibilità di incidenti. Gli elementi Nota, Avvertenza, Attenzione e Pericolo in altri manuali non trattano tutte le precauzioni di sicurezza che è necessario adottare. Si tratta esclusivamente di integrazioni alle precauzioni di sicurezza sul funzionamento nel suo complesso.
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Nota Antes de cualquier operación, lea las precauciones y las instrucciones de operación atentamente para reducir la posibilidad de accidentes. Las secciones Nota, Precaución, Advertencia y Peligro de otros manuales no cubren todas las precauciones de seguridad que deberían tenerse. Son sólo complementos para las precauciones de seguridad de la operación general.
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Observação Antes de executar qualquer operação, leia as instruções e precauções de operação atentamente, para minimizar as chances de acidentes. Os itens Observação, Cuidado, Aviso e Perigo nos outros manuais não cobrem todas as precauções de segurança que devem ser seguidas. Eles são apenas complementos para as precauções de segurança para as operações, como um todo.
Conventions Used/Erläuterung der Symbole/ 应用惯例 / 本書で使用されてい る規約 / 사용되는 규칙 /Conventions utilisées/Convenzioni utilizzate/ Convenciones empleadas/Convenções utilizadas The symbols in this manual are shown in the following table. They are used to remind the reader of the safety precautions during equipment installation and maintenance.
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Table 1 Safety symbol and description/Sicherheitssymbole und Beschreibung/安全标识和描述/安全記号と説明/안전 기호 및 설명/ Symboles de sécurité et description/Simboli di sicurezza e descrizioni/ Símbolo de seguridad y descripción/Símbolo de segurança e descrição Safety Symbol Symbole Description 安全标识 Beschreibung 安全記号 描述 안전 기호 説明 Symbole de 설명...
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Safety Symbol Symbole Description 安全标识 Beschreibung 安全記号 描述 안전 기호 説明 Symbole de 설명 sécurité Description Simbolo di sicurezza Descrizione Símbolo de Descripción seguridad Descrição Símbolo de segurança ESD protection symbol: To suggest electrostatic-sensitive equipment. ESD-Schutz: Hinweis auf mögliche elektrostatische Entladung 防静电标识:用于表示静电敏感的设备...
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Safety Symbol Symbole Description 安全标识 Beschreibung 安全記号 描述 안전 기호 説明 Symbole de 설명 sécurité Description Simbolo di sicurezza Descrizione Símbolo de Descripción seguridad Descrição Símbolo de segurança Electric shock symbol: To suggest a danger of high voltage Elektrischer Schlag: Hinweis auf Gefährdung durch Hochspannung 电击防护标识:用于表示高压危险...
Important Safety Information/Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise/ 重要安全信息 / 重要な安全情報 / 중요한 안전 정보 / Informations importantes relatives à la sécurité/Informazioni di sicurezza importanti/Información importante de seguridad/Informações de segurança importantes WARNING: You must read all of the installation instructions in the Installation Guide supplied with your equipment and the following safety instructions before installation or operation.
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AVISO: Você deve ler todas as instruções de instalação no Guia de Instalação que acompanha o equipamento e estas instruções de segurança, antes de instalar ou operar o equipamento. WARNING: Installation and removal of the unit and it’s accessories must be carried out by qualified personnel. WARNUNG: Installation und Ausbau der Einheit und ihrer Zubehörteile müssen von qualifiziertem Personal durchgeführt werden.
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Mise en garde : n'obstruez pas les ouvertures de ventilation lorsque le système est sous tension et maintenez une distance d'au moins 5 cm entre les ouvertures de ventilation et la paroi murale ou d'autres objets susceptibles de les bloquer. Avvertenza: non bloccare le aperture di ventilazione mentre il sistema è...
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WARNING: Never defeat the ground conductor or operate the equipment in the absence of a suitably installed ground conductor. Check installation before operation. Warnung: Verwenden Sie das System niemals ohne Erdung, und trennen Sie es nicht von der Erdung. Prüfen Sie das installierte System vor der Inbetriebnahme.
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警告:供电系统 - 设备适合 TN 供电系统,不能在 IT 供电系统下操 作。如果您使用 IT 供电系统,设备必须通过 230V (2P+T) 系统结合 1:1 的隔离变压器供电,并且二次侧中线必须直接接地。 警告:主電源供給 – このデバイスは TN 配電システムに適しています。 IT 配電システムでの供給はできません。もし配電方式が IT タイプであ る場合、このユニットの電力は、変圧比 1:1 の絶縁トランスを介して 230V (2P + T) で供給するとともに、中性というラベルの付いた二次側 の接点を直接接地 ( アース ) する必要があります。 경고 : 주 전원 공급 장치 – 본 장치는 TN 전원 시스템에 적합하게 설계되었습니다...
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WARNING: For DC supplied model: Reinforced insulation must be provided between DC power source and the AC mains supply. Warnung: Bei Modellen mit Gleichstromversorgung muss zwischen Gleichstromquelle und Wechselstromnetzteil für eine verstärkte Isolierung gesorgt werden. 警告: DC 电源输入:设备的 DC 输入和 AC 电网之间的绝缘等级必 须提供加强绝缘。...
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ATTENZIONE: per il modello con c.c.: il dispositivo va collegato alla fonte di corrente c.c. conforme ai requisiti per i circuiti a bassissima tensione di sicurezza (SELV) presenti negli standard di sicurezza basati su IEC 60950-1. ADVERTENCIA: Para el modelo de alimentación de CC: El dispositivo se aplica en una fuente de alimentación de CC que cumple con los requisitos de voltaje muy bajo de seguridad (SELV) indicados en las normas de seguridad basadas en IEC 60950-1.
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WARNING: Before the power cable is installed or removed, the power switch must be turned off. Warnung: Das System muss stets ausgeschaltet werden, bevor das Netzkabel angeschlossen oder herausgezogen wird. 警告:在安装、移动线缆之前,请切断电源。 警告:電源ケーブルを取り付ける、または取り外す前に、電源スイッチを 切る必要があります。 경고 : 전원 케이블을 설치하거나 제거하기 전에 전원 스위치를 꺼야 합니다...
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AVISO: Antes de o cabo de alimentação ser conectado, verifique se o cabo e a etiqueta estão em conformidade com os requisitos da instalação real. WARNING: To avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits to telephone network voltage (TNV) circuits. Warnung: Zur Vermeidung von Stromschlägen dürfen keine SELV-Schaltkreise (Safety Extra-Low Voltage) an TNV-Schaltkreise (Telephone Network Voltage) angeschlossen werden.
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WARNING: The unit must be permanently connected to the protective ground before operation. The cross-sectional area of the protective earthing / grounding conductor shall be at least 0.75mm WARNUNG: Die Einheit muss vor der Inbetriebnahme dauer- haft geerdet werden. Die Querschnittsfläche des Schutz- erdungsleiters muss mindestens 0,75 mm betragen.
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WARNING Power Cord Set: The power cord set must be approved for the country where it is used: 電源コード セットについての警告: 電源コード セットは使用する国で承認を受ける必要があります: 전원 코드 세트 경고 : 전원 코드 세트는 사용되는 국가에서 승인된 것이어야 합니다 . AVERTISSEMENT – Caractéristiques des cordons d'alimentation : les cordons d'alimentation doivent être approuvés par un organisme agréé...
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コード セットには少なくとも 10A の定格通電容量 • が必要です 差し込みプラグはアース接地型で NEMA 5- 1 5P • (15A、125V) または NEMA 6- 1 5P (15A、250V) 構成である必要があります 코드 세트는 UL 승인 및 CSA 인증을 받아야 • 합니다 • 플렉시블 코드의 최소 사양은 다음과 같습니다 No. 18 AWG •...
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La especificación mínima para el cable flexible es: • 18 AWG • Tipo SV / SVT o SJ / SJT • Conductor 3 • El juego debe tener una capacidad de transmisión • de corriente nominal de al menos 10A •...
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Le câble secteur doit porter la mention <HAR> ou • <BASEC> et être de type H03VVF3G1.0 (minimum) La spina di alimentazione di corrente deve essere • conforme allo standard BS1363 (3 poli, 13 A) ed essere dotata di un fusibile a 13 A conforme a BS1362 Il cavo di alimentazione deve essere •...
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La prise d'alimentation doit être de type CEE 7/7 • (« SCHUKO ») Le câble secteur doit porter la mention <HAR> ou • <BASEC> et être de type H03VVF3G1.0 (minimum) La spina di alimentazione deve essere conforme • allo standard CEE 7/7 (“SCHUKO”) Il cavo di alimentazione deve essere •...
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La prise d'alimentation doit être conforme à la • Svizzera norme SEV/ASE 101 1 Suiza La spina di alimentazione deve essere conforme • Suíça allo standard SEV/ASE 101 1 El enchufe de la fuente debe cumplir con • SEV/ASE 101 1 O plugue da fonte deve estar em conformidade •...
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WARNING: For DC power supplied equipment, please use 1.0 mm or 16 AWG minimum power supply cord. Warnung: Verwenden Sie bei Modellen mit Gleichstromversorgung ein Netzkabel mit einer Quer- schnittsfläche von mindestens 1,0 mm oder 16 AWG. 警告: DC 电源设备,请使用 1.0 mm 或...
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WARNING: When a module is fitted to your equipment, the 2 captive thumbscrews securing the module must be tightened with a suitable tool. Keep the blanking plate and the fixings in a safe place. If you remove the module at any time, you must then replace the blanking plate.
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Caution: Fiber optic ports – optical safety Achtung: Glasfaseranschlüsse – optische Sicherheit 注意:光纤接口 - 光口安全 注意:光ファイバーのポート - 光学上の安全 주의 : 광 섬유 포트 – 광학적 안전 Mise en garde : ports en fibre optique – sécurité optique Avvertenza: porte fibre ottiche – sicurezza ottica Precaución: Puertos de fibra óptica –...
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Nunca olhe para o laser de transmissão com a alimentação ligada. Nunca olhe diretamente nas portas de fibra e nas extremidades dos cabos de fibra, quando estiverem ligados. Caution: Use of controls or adjustments of the performance or procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous laser emissions.
WARNING: The separate earthing terminal must be permanently connected to earth. Warnung: Die separate Erdungsschiene muss dauerhaft geerdet sein. 警告:单独的接地端子必须永久连接到地。 : 警告 分離した接地端子は恒久的に接地しておく必要があります。 경고: 별도의 접지 단자를 접지에 영구적으로 연결해야 합니다. AVERTISSEMENT : la mise à la masse isolée doit rester connectée à la terre en permanence.
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必须按照当地安全规定进行 AC 交流供电设备的安装。 负责电源安装的 • 人员必须是通过高压和电源操作专业培训的专业人员。 AC 電源装置の設置作業中は、現地の安全規制に従う必要があります。 • AC 電源装置を設置する担当者は、高電圧および交流電流の取り扱いに おける資格を持っている必要があります。 AC 전원 공급 장치를 설치하는 동안에는 현지 안전 규정을 따라야 • 합니다. AC 설비를 설치하는 담당자는 고전압 및 AC 작업에 대한 자격을 갖춘 사람이어야 합니다. Veillez à respecter la réglementation locale en matière de sécurité lors •...
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Durante l’installazione, rimuovere eventuali articoli conduttori di elettricità, • come orologi, catene, bracciali o anelli. Durante la instalación, el personal debe quitarse los artículos de • conducción, como relojes, cadenas, pulseras o anillos. Objetos condutores, como relógios, correntes, braceletes ou anéis •...
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Warning Non-standard and improper high voltage operations may result in fire and electric shock. Therefore, AC cable bridging and wiring through a certain area must follow the local rules and regulations. The personnel who perform high voltage operations should be qualified for high voltage and AC operations.
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Avertissement La conduite d'opérations sous haute tension non conformes ou inappropriées risque de provoquer des incendies et des chocs électriques. Par conséquent, les installations de câblage doivent être strictement conformes à la réglementation locale en la matière. Le personnel en charge d'opérations sous haute tension doit être qualifié...
Regulatory Compliance Information Regulatory compliance standards Table 2 Regulatory compliance standards Discipline Standards FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) CLASS A ICES-003 CLASS A VCCI-3 CLASS A VCCI-4 CLASS A CISPR 22 CLASS A EN 55022 CLASS A AS/NZS CISPR22 CLASS A CISPR 24 EN 55024 EN 61000-3-2...
European Union Declaration of Conformity. A copy of the signed Declaration of Conformity can be downloaded from: WEEE Directive–2002/96/EC The products this manual refers to are covered by the Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive and must be disposed of in a...
USA regulatory compliance FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
Japan regulatory compliance VCCI The products comply with the requirements of VCCI Class A Information Technology Equipment (ITE). Caution If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions.
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Appendix A Regulatory compliance notices Recycling notices English recycling notice Bulgarian recycling notice...
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Romanian recycling notice Slovak recycling notice...
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Spanish recycling notice Swedish recycling notice BSMI Class A Warning Statement This is a Class A Information product. When used in a residential environment, it may cause radio frequency interference. Under such circumstances, the user may be requested to take appropriate countermeasures. 警告使用者:這是甲類資訊產品,在居住的環境中使用時,可能會造成射頻...
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