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WARNING • Dangerously high voltages are present inside the TV. • TV operating voltage: 110 – 240 V AC. • Do not plug in the power cord until you have completed making all other connections; otherwise a minimum leakage current might flow through the antenna and other terminals to ground.
Table of Contents Securing the TV ....................... 4 Getting Started ........................ 4 Setting up your TV (“Initial Setup”) ................5 TV top control, front and rear panels ................7 Connecting the TWEETER (KV-HW213F85 only) ............. 8 Connecting optional components ................9 Using the remote control and basic functions ............
x Securing the TV To prevent the TV from falling, use the supplied screws, clamps and band to secure the TV. Use only the supplied screws. Use of other screws may damage the TV. 20 mm 3.8 mm screws clamps band Screw the band to the TV stand and (1) Put a cord or chain through the...
x Setting up your TV (“Initial Setup”) When you turn on your TV for the first time, the “ ” (“Initial Setup”) menu will appear. You may change the menu language, preset the TV channels automatically, sort or edit the channels and adjust the picture position using the buttons on the remote control or TV top control panel.
Page 6
Setting up your TV (“Initial Setup”) (continued) d) If you wish to edit the channels, press to change to edit mode. Press b until the mode that you wish to edit is highlighted: Label, Skip, (block symbol). Then press 1) To label, press V or v to select the alphanumeric characters for the label.
x TV top control, front and rear panels TV top control panel PROG WEGA GATE TV rear panel TV front panel (MONO) (MONO) (MONO) 3 2 1 Button/Terminal Function Page Turn off or turn on the TV. Remote control sensor. –...
x Connecting the TWEETER KV-HW213F85 only You can enjoy high quality sound by connecting the TWEETER as follows: Step 2 Step 1 TWEETER Cable Step 3 clip – – TWEETER (8 ) Plain Striped wire wire Place the TWEETER on top of your TV. Peel off the protective sheet at the bottom of the cable clips, stick the 6 cable clips on the rear of your TV and slide the wires through the cable clips.
x Connecting optional components Connecting to the video input terminal ( t ) TV front panel Audio/Video cable (not supplied) Camcorder (MONO) Antenna cable (not supplied) TV, CATV, Satellite TV rear panel When there is no FM signal Antenna selector FM signal TV signal Antenna cable...
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Connecting optional components (continued) Connecting to the monitor output terminal ( T ) TV rear panel Audio system Audio/Video (MONO) (MONO) cable (not supplied) Connecting to the component video input terminal ( TV rear panel Component video cable ( not supplied) (MONO) (MONO) DVD player...
x Using the remote control and basic functions Button Description Page 1 ?/1 Turn off temporarily or turn on – the TV. Display the TV program. – Jump to last program number – that has been watched for at least five seconds. PROG +/–...
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Using the remote control and basic functions (continued) Button Description Page WEGA GATE menu operations Confirm selected items. WEGA GATE Display or cancel WEGA GATE menu. V, v, B, b Select and adjust items. RETURN Return to the previous level. Timer operations Set TV to turn on automatically according to the –...
x Introducing the WEGA GATE navigator WEGA GATE is a gateway that allows you to access to preset TV channels, connected external inputs, FM Radio mode and “Settings” menu. WEGA GATE External Inputs watch the preset TV “TV” FM Radio channels (see page 5) Settings Select...
x “Settings” Adjustment You are able to change the settings of your TV from “Settings” in WEGA GATE menu. Press WEGA GATE button to display WEGA GATE menu. Press V or v to select “Settings” and press The following is an overview of the items that can be adjusted. “Picture”...
x Changing the “Picture” setting The “Picture” menu allows you to adjust the picture settings. Press WEGA GATE and select “Settings”. Make sure the “Picture” icon ( ) is selected, then press Press V or v to select the desired item (e.g., “Picture Mode”), then press Select “Picture Mode”...
x Changing the “Sound” setting The “Sound” menu allows you to adjust the sound settings. Press WEGA GATE and select “Settings”. Press V or v to select the “Sound” icon ( ), then press Press V or v to select the desired item (e.g., “Sound Mode”), then press Select “Sound Mode”...
x Changing the “Channel Setup” setting The “Channel Setup” menu allows you to preset channels automatically, manually preset channels, sort or edit the channels and preset FM radio stations. Press WEGA GATE and select “Settings”. Press V or v to select the “Channel Setup” icon ( ), then press Press V or v to select the desired item (e.g., “Auto Program”), then press Select...
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Changing the “Channel Setup” setting (continued) Presetting channels manually After selecting “Manual Program”, select the program number to which you want to preset a channel. (1) Make sure “Program” is selected, then press (2) Press V or v until the program number you want to preset appears on the menu, then press Select the desired channel.
x Changing the “Setup” setting The “Setup” menu allows you to change the menu language, adjust the picture position, label the connected equipment, select the color system, set the wake up timer beep and reset your TV to factory settings. Press WEGA GATE and select “Settings”.
x Viewing Teletext Some TV stations broadcast an information service called Teletext which allows you to receive various information, such as stock market reports and news. You can use the buttons on the remote to view Teletext. Do this display a Teletext Press .
x Listening to the FM Radio KV-HW213F85 only You are able to listen to the FM radio stations using your TV. To access to FM Radio mode: Press WEGA GATE button and select “FM Radio” (see page 13). Press FM button on the top control panel (see page 7). To exit from FM Radio mode: Press WEGA GATE button, select the desired items: “TV”...
• Check the antenna cable and connection on the TV, VCR and at the wall noisy sound (see page 9). • Check the antenna setup. Contact a Sony dealer for advice. • Display the “Channel Setup” menu and select “Manual Program” to preset the channel again (see page 18).
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(KV-HW213F85 only). The 1 (standby) • Count the number of times the 1 (standby) indicator flashes. indicator on your Press ! (main power) to turn off your TV. Contact your nearest Sony TV flashes red service center. several times after every three seconds.
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• Æb —«œ œu Ë Êu e uK q «œ —œ „U dD Ë ôU ÈU ˛U ÃË • XÃË ≤¥∞≠±±∞ Êu e uK Èœd —U ˛U ÃË • U 7 ¬ —œ vHOF{ ÊU d X « sJ2 t«dÇ ¨bO e e dÄ t «— ‚d rO b « ÁœdJ qÄU «— ôUB « ÂU9 tJO UÄ“ U Æb U t «œ...
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Êœd rJ Ä È«d Áb tLOL{ bM ¨U ÁdOÖ ¨UNâOÄ “« ¨Êu e uK ◊uI “« Êœd ÈdOÖuK È«d sJ2 d~ œ ÈUNâOÄ “« ÁœUH « ÆbOM ÁœUH « tLOL{ ÈUNâOÄ “« jI ÆbOM ÁœUH « Êu e uK Æb U d VO ¬ Êu e uK t X « Æb “«b UO U ÁdOÖ...
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(" ") " " Æœu vÄ d Uÿ tOÃË« ULOEM ÈuMÄ ¨bOM vÄ s Ë— «— œu Êu e uK —U 5ÃË« È«d tJOÄU~M U ÈbM t œ «— UNÃU U ¨Áœd rOEM —UÂœu —uD «— UNÃU U ¨Áœ«œ dOOG «— ÊU “ ÈuMÄ bO «u vÄ ‰d MÂ...
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" " ¨bO U/ ÈbM t œ «— UNÃU U t b —«œ q U9 dÖ« ÆbO œ —UA ÈbM t œ XÃU dOOG È«d «— tLÂœ È«d dE œ—uÄ XÃU U bO œ —UA «— tLÂœ ¨Êœd œ— ¨V Çd ∫œu v «—u Êœd ÈbM t œ ÆbO œ...
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PROG WEGA GATE (MONO) (MONO) (MONO) ¥ ÆbM vÄ s Ë— U ‘uÄU «— Êu e uK ≠ Æ—Ëœ Á«— “« ‰d M ±± Æ‘U —«bO d~ UA ¥ ÆÊœu ÁœUĬ ‰U —œ d~ UA ≠ ÆÊu b gO π Æ...
Page 30
TWEETER KV-HW213F85 TWEETER ∫b d cà d “ —uB ‰UB « tKO u «b ÈôU XOHO “« bO «u vÄ UL TWEETER – – TWEETER (8 ) TWEETER TWEETER ’ ‘ TWEETER • ÆbMO VO ¬ Êu e uK X « sJ2 —uBM « dO —œ ¨bOM q Ë «— œu uÄ TWEETER •...
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Æ ≠ Êu e uK Êœd s Ë— U XÁuÄ Êœd ‘uÄU ≠ ÆÊu e uK ÈU tÄU d g U/ ≠ qÁ« b t ȫ tÄU d Á—UL s d ¬ t Ɯ˗ vÄ X « Áb Áb œ tO U ZMÄ PROG +/–...
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WEGA GATE ±≥ Æv U « ÈUN u{uÄ bOzU WEGA GATE WEGA GATE ÆbOM uGà U Áœ«œ g U/ «— ÈuMÄ XOF{Ë ÆUN u{uÄ rOEM Ë »U « ¨ ¨ ¨ RETURN Æb œdÖ“U vK Á `D t ≠ rOEM Á«u) œ ÊUÄ“ —œ —UÂœu —uD Êb s Ë— È«d «— Êu e uK tJO UÄ“...
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WEGA GATE WEGA GATE Áb rOEM q Á “« ÈUNÃU U t b œ wÄ Á“U « UL t t X « vK bÄ XOF{Ë " " ÆbO U v d œ ULOEM ÈuMÄ Ë u œ«— XÃU ¨Áb qB Ä v U ÈUN U~ œ ÈUN œË—Ë ¨Êu e uK WEGA GATE Áb rOEM q Á...
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" " WEGA GATE " " ÈuMÄ —œ ULOEM tM eÖ “« «— œu Êu e uK ULOEM t œu bO «u —œUÁ UL WEGA GATE WEGA GATE tLÂœ ÆbO œ —UA ÈuMÄ g U/ È«d «— tLÂœ ÆbO œ dOOG "...
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" " " " «— UN ¬ ¨Áœd rOEM v œ U —UÂœu —uD «— UNÃU U t b œ vÄ ÊUJÄ« UL t ‰U U rOEM ÈuMÄ ÆbOzU/ rOEM «— v u œ«— ÈUN U~ « Ë bOM V dÄ U ÈbM t œ "...
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" " " " " " fá ¨X « Áb »U « tÄU d t b u s LDÄ ÆbO œ —UA «— rOEM bO «u vÄ t «— È« tÄU d Á—UL U bO œ —UA «— ÆbO œ —UA «— fá...
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" " " " ¨Áœd rOEM «— d uB XOFÁuÄ ¨Áœ«œ dOOG «— ÊU “ ÈuMÄ t b œ vÄ ÊUJÄ« UL t rOEM ÈuMÄ «— È—«bO dL U éO È«b Ë Áœd »U « «— @ — r O ¨bOM h AÄ «— Áb qB Ä q U Ë ÆbO U/ rOEM «œb Ä...
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t t bMM vÄ dA MÄ X J tK ÂUM «— v U ö « f Ëd p v u e uK ÈUN U~ « “« v d ÆbOM X U —œ «— —U «Ë ”—u —«“U ÈUN —«eÖ qO Á “« U ö « Ÿ«u « t b œ vÄ Á“U « UL ¯...
x Specifications KV-HW218M81 Note KV-HW213F85 KV-HW213M81 110-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Power requirements Power consumption (W) Indicated on the rear of the TV Television system B/G, I, D/K, M Color system PAL, PAL 60, SECAM, NTSC3.58, NTSC4.43 English, Farsi (Persian) Teletext language Channel coverage VHF : E2 to E12 /UHF : E21 to E69 /...
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