Protection settings setup for touch trip units (64 pages)
Summary of Contents for ABB M101
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— DISTRIBUTION SOLUTIONS MNS® Digital with M10x Interface Manual Modbus...
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ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the product specifications for the particular ABB product.
TAB L E O F CO N TE NTS — Table of Contents 1. General ............................1 1.1. Target Group ..........................1 1.2. Use of Warning, Caution, Information and Tip icon ............. 1 1.3. Terminology ..........................2 1.4. Related Documentation......................5 2.
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TAB L E O F CO N TE NTS 8. Function Codes .........................39 8.1. Message Format........................39 8.1.1. Query Messages ...................... 39 8.1.2. Response Messages ....................39 8.2. Function Code 02 – Read Input Status ................. 40 8.3. Function Code 03 – Read Holding Registers ............... 40 8.4.
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L IST O F F IGUR ES — List of Figures Figure 1: MNS Digital Gateway ........................6 Figure 2: MNS Digital System Configuration with M10x ..............6 Figure 3 Master Slave Query Response Cycle ..................8 Figure 4 MNS Digital Gateway front view....................11 Figure 5 Power Supply Connector ......................
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L IST O F TA B LES — List of Tables Table 1 MNS Digital Gateway Modbus Hardware ................... 7 Table 2 MNS Digital Gateway Technical Data ..................7 Table 3 Modbus RTU mode of Transmission ..................10 Table 4 Front View Connectors, LED and Push Buttons ..............12 Table 5 M10x Communication setting ....................
1.1. Target Group This document describes communication and control interfaces used in MNS Digital and MNS Digital Upgrade (upgrade from INSUM 1 / 2) projects utilizing ABB motor controller M10x [M101 / M102]. The manual is primarily intended for those requiring information on how to access infor- mation and data provided from MNS Digital Gateway.
T ER M I N O LO G Y GEN ER A L 1.3. Terminology List of the terms, acronyms, abbreviations and definitions that the document uses. Abbreviation Term Description Alarm Alarm is defined as status transition from any state to abnormal state. Status transition to abnormal state can be data crossing over the pre-defined alarm limit.
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GEN ER A L T ER M I N O LO G Y M10x M101-M A microprocessor-based intelligent motor man- M102-M agement system that provides users with com- plete and specialized low voltage motor con- trol, protection and monitoring. ‘-M’ indicates that the device is equipped with a Modbus RTU fieldbus interface.
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T ER M I N O LO G Y GEN ER A L RS485 Communication interface standard from EIA (Electronics Industries Association, USA), oper- ating on voltages between 0V and +5V. RS-485 is more noise resistant than RS-232C, handles data transmission over longer distances, and can drive more receivers.
M10x-M Control System Integration Guide 1TGC901101M0202 MNS Interface Manual Web Interface · · 1TGC908001M0201 ABB Ability Condition Monitoring for electrical systems user manual · 1TNA810039 Manufacturing Instruction - Installation of MService and MNS Digital Gateway in MNS 1TG C 9 0 8 0 0 4 M 0 2 0 1...
M10x and externally to process control systems as well as to the MNS Digital Edge Gateway which provides condition monitoring features and functions as well as edge connectivity to ABB Ability™ cloud based solutions. Figure 1: MNS Digital Gateway One MNS Digital Gateway can communicate internally to up to 128 M10x / field devices by Modbus RTU .
I NTR O D U CT IO N H ARD WAR E T Y PES A ND T EC H N I CA L DATA 2.1. Hardware Types and Technical Data The configuration of MNS Digital Gateway depends on the selected communication protocol to the DCS.
M O D B U S STA ND A R D I NTR O D U CT IO N 2.2. Modbus Standard MODBUS is a serial data communication protocol and was originally developed as a communication language for MODICON programmable controllers, its rights now reside with the Modbus-IDA organization.
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I NTR O D U CT IO N M O D B U S STA ND A R D The Query The function code (FC) in the query tells the addressed slave device what kind of action to perform. The data bytes contain any additional information that the slave will need to perform the function.
M O D B U S STA ND A R D I NTR O D U CT IO N Characteristic RTU (8-bit) Coding System 8-bit Number of bits per character: Start bits Data bits (least significant first) Parity 1 (1 bit set for even or odd parity, no bits for no parity) Stop bits 1 or 2...
I NT ERFA C ES FRO NT VI EW — 3.Interfaces 3.1. Front View M10x serial 4-port connector Redundancy connector – Serial 1 Modbus RTU connector – Serial 2 Figure 4 MNS Digital Gateway front view POWER SUPPLY Button Reset Reset button (Restart of MNS Digital Gate- way) Power Supply +24VDC...
POW ER SU PP LY I NT ERFA C ES LAN 2 – LED left, green Link LAN 2 active LAN 2 – LED right, yellow Communication Ethernet LAN 2 LAN 3 LAN 3 Interface (Not used) LAN 3 – LED left, green Link LAN 3 active LAN 3 –...
CF card shall be inserted with the correct side up and with care as the card is mechanically coded and insertion should not be forced. The following example shows the ABB standard CF card. Figure 7 CF Card Insertion Figure 8 CF Card Insertion Detail...
S W I TC H G E A R BU S N E T W O R K CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N Parameterization of communication setting in M10x can be done either via the MD panel on the MNS module front or with a Laptop with ‘MCUsetup’...
CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N S W I TC HG E AR CO NTR O L NE T WO R K 5.2. Switchgear Control Network MNS Digital Gateway can be connected to a standard 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet network through LAN2 interface (Switchgear Control Network).
CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N Option 2 MNS Digital Gateway connected to Switchgear Control Network providing facility to connect additional MNS Digital Gateway and other system tools and components (e.g. MNS Digital Edge Gateway, Web browser, Time Server, configuration tool, etc.).
Digital Gateway and it may require a time server in the Switchgear Control Network. The protocol used for time synchronization is the standard Network Time Protocol (NTP). Time Sync must be activated through the ABB Engineering Tool. 5.3.1. Option 1 A standard network component is installed which can provide the time signal as NTP Server.
TIM E S Y N C HR O N IZATIO N CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N 5.3.2. Option 2 One MNS Digital Gateway in the network is configured as NTP Server (Time Sync mode = RTC).
CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N F I E L D B U S 5.4. Fieldbus 5.4.1. Modbus RTU Topology There are three options for MODBUS RTU interface (Serial 2 Sub-D connector) available for the MNS Digital Gateway which can be selected by parameter in MNavigate tool: RS 232, RS 422 and RS 485.
F I E L D B U S CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N RS422 Allows simple point to point topology between Master and Slave. The maximum distance ac- cording to the standard is 1000 meters (depending on communication speed).
CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N F I E L D B U S RS485 Allows multi drop topology with a maximum of 31 devices on the link. The maximum distance according to the standard is 1000 meters (depending on communication speed Figure 17 MNS Digital Gateway RS485 connection via Serial 2
F I E L D B U S CO M M U N I CATI O N I N TE R FA CE CO N NE CT IO N 5.4.2. Modbus TCP Topology MODBUS TCP connection is available via the standard RJ45 LAN 1 connector on the MNS Digital Gateway.
R E D U ND A N C Y R E DU ND A N T AR C H I T E C T U R E — 6.Redundancy 6.1. Redundant Architecture A redundant system requires two MNS Digital Gateway connected to the same internal switchgear bus.
R ED U ND A N C Y CO N F IG U R AT IO N R E D U ND A N C Y is then available from the Backup MNS Digital Gateway which will become the Primary MNS Digital Gateway after the switch over.
R E D U ND A N C Y R ED U ND A N C Y CO N F IG U R AT IO N 6.2.2. M10x-M Redundant Configuration The redundant configuration requires M10x redundant communication setting to be enabled either through MD panel on MNS module front or through MNavigate as shown in Table 7.
R ED U ND A N C Y CO N F IG U R AT IO N R E D U ND A N C Y Network addresses must be set for both Primary and Backup MNS Digital Gateway. Table 8 Primary and Backup IP address setting •...
R E D U ND A N C Y H AN D LI NG O F R E DU ND A N C Y FAU LTS 6.3. Handling of redundancy faults Both MNS Digital Gateway supervise at all times the redundancy conditions, detecting faults and problems according following table: Event Action...
MV IE W / W EB I N TER FA CE R E D U ND A N C Y 6.4. MView / Web Interface In a dual redundant configuration the MView is connected via the same Ethernet network to both Primary and Backup MNS Digital Gateway . If a changeover takes place, the current Primary will become the Backup (if still functioning) and the Backup will become Primary MNS Digital Gateway.
CO N FI G U R AT IO NS I NI T IA L VA LU E S – I P CO N FIG U R AT IO N — 7. Configurations 7.1. Initial Values – IP Configuration MNS Digital Gateway requires parameter settings as initial values for network operation. The parameters are required depending on MNS Digital Gateway configuration.
S E T T I NG S – IP CO NF I G U R AT I O N CO N FI G U R AT IO NS Default Gateway LAN3 LAN 3 is not used RTC, RTC=internal clock, NTP=if external Time Synchronization NTP server is available Settings according to network...
CO N FI G U R AT IO NS SET TI NGS – S ERI A L S W ITCHGE AR BUS 7.2.1. Definition of IP Addresses An IP Address is a required setting in order to allow data communication in an Ethernet net- work.
SET TI NGS – S ERI A L S W ITCHGE AR BUS CO N FI G U R AT IO NS Baudrate 4 38400 9600, MNS Digital Gateway Serial Inter- face Port 4: Communication Speed 19200, on Modbus RTU link between MNS 38400, Digital Gateway and M10x-M 57600...
CO N FI G U R AT IO NS S E T T I NG S – M O D B U S R T U CO M M U NI C AT I O N 7.4. Settings – Modbus RTU Communication Parameter Default Value Range...
CO N FI G U R AT IO NS FA I LS A FE Configuration of the parameters is done via MNavigate. The parameters must then be downloaded to the MNS Digital Gateway. Figure 31 Parameter Window for MODBUS TCP parameters in MNavigate 7.5.1.
STAR T- U P O F M N S D IG ITA L G AT EWAY A ND AP P LI CAT IO N D O W N LO AD CO N FI G U R AT IO NS 7.7. Start-up of MNS Digital Gateway and application download 7.7.1.
FU N CT IO N CO D ES M E S S AG E FO R M AT — 8. Function Codes The MOBDUS protocol implemented in MNS Digital Gateway is using the MODBUS standard function codes (FC). The standard function codes supported are as follows: Function Code Function Description...
FU N CT IO N CO D E 0 2 – R E A D INPU T STAT US FU N CT IO N CO D ES Function codes and their relevant address range are shown in the table below. Function Codes Address / Mapping Area Starting Address used in Modbus...
FU N CT IO N CO D ES D ATA PR E S E NTAT IO N F OR FU N CT IO N CO D E 03 AN D 0 4 8.5. Data Presentation for Function Code 03 and 04 Function code 03 and 04 using a 16 bit modbus register.
FU N CT IO N CO DE 16 – PR ES ET M ULT IP L E REG I ST ER FU N CT IO N CO D ES 8.8. Function Code 16 – Preset Multiple Register Function code 16 performs the same function as FC06 but allows modifying the contents of multiple output registers.
FU N CT IO N CO D ES EX CE PT IO N CO D E HA ND L I NG 8.10. Exception Code Handling Handling of exception code is supported according to MODBUS specification. The following response telegrams will be sent if a query could not be served: Exception code 1 (Illegal function) A Function Code was received that is not supported.
9.1. User Data Map All available data in a M10x-M can be assigned to the corresponding register addresses by using the MNavigate Mapping Tool. This is a proprietary tool for ABB to program the MODBUS reg- isters according to customer requirements.
DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP 9.2.2. Monitoring with Function Code 02 Monitoring of the life and status bits of each M10x-M via the MNS Digital Gateway is detailed in the following tables. Modbus Modbus Device Description...
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DE FAU LT DATA M AP DATA M A P PI NG Modbus Modbus Device Description Remarks Function Register Number Code 11001 Stopped 1 = Motor Stopped or Tripped or Feeder open 11002 Runs 1 = Motor Runs or Feeder closed 11003 CW or K1 1 = Motor Runs Clock-...
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DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP Modbus Modbus Device Description Remarks Function Register Number Code 11013 1= Digital Input 1 of M10x-M is on 11014 1= Digital Input 2 of M10x-M is on 11015 1= Digital Input 3 of M10x-M is on 11016...
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DE FAU LT DATA M AP DATA M A P PI NG Modbus Modbus Device Description Remarks Function Register Number Code 13671 CCW or K2 1 = Motor Runs Coun- ter Clockwise 13672 Ready 1 = Off and Ready for Operation.
DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP Modbus Modbus Device Description Remarks Function Register Number Code 13684 1= Digital Input 8 of M10x-M is on 13685 1= Digital Input 9 of M10x-M is on 13686 DI10 1= Digital Input 10 of M10x-M is on...
DE FAU LT DATA M AP DATA M A P PI NG 9.2.3. Monitoring with Function Code 03 and 04 Monitoring of the measured (analogue) values from the individual M10x-M is detailed in the following table. Modbus Modbus Device Modbus Register Format Remarks Function...
DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP 9.2.4. Extended Status Description In addition to the above within the Default Modbus Map, the following ‘Extended Status’ is also supported in 4 bytes of data. Modbus Modbus- Device Modbus Register Format...
DE FAU LT DATA M AP DATA M A P PI NG The content of the Extended Status ‘Byte 2’ contains the Events and Alarm Repository Log (EARO). This is general information for each M10x-M. BYTE 2 Description Remark Bit 0 Any Alarm Set when any Alarm is present Bit 1...
DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP The content of the Extended Status ‘Byte 4’ is related to the Control Access function, for more information please refer to the Control Access section within this document. BYTE 4 Description Remark...
DE FAU LT DATA M AP DATA M A P PI NG 9.2.5. Control Commands Control commands written to the M10x-M handled by the MNS Digital Gateway is possible utilizing the following function codes and address ranges. FC06, FC 16 40001 ….
DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP 9.2.6. Switching Commands The following table details the commands that are required from the Master (DCS / PLC) to be sent to the M10x-M in order to control the motor or feeder module. Operation Description Modbus...
DE FAU LT DATA M AP DATA M A P PI NG 9.2.7. Switching Commands – Bit Control The bit control command gives the possibility to control a starter by setting of a single bit. (In addition to control a starter by command codes as described in previous chapter.) 16 single command bits are located in one Modbus word register.
DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 09 Bit 08 Register 45001 Device Number Bit Function Reset Reset Local Bypass Table 31 Default Bit Map Control Commands High Byte 9.2.8.
DE FAU LT DATA M AP DATA M A P PI NG 9.2.9. Control Access Control Access (CA) is a mechanism within MNS Digital to define and determine which user interface has control rights to operate the M10x-M modules. These interfaces are defined be- low in command handling.
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DATA M A P PI NG DE FAU LT DATA M AP CA BusLocal will be active if Auto Mode is not set and the Bus Local command bit goes from 0 to 1. Hardware-Local overrides all other CA Levels. It is not possible for the DCS or MView to take control when the M10x-M is set to HW-Local.
M NS D I G ITA L G ATEWAY LED I ND I CATI O N TR OU B LES HO OT I NG A N D M AI N TE N A N C E — 10. Troubleshooting and Maintenance 10.1.MNS Digital Gateway LED Indication LED indication Description...
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TR OU B LES HO OT I NG A N D M AI N TE N A N C E M NS D I G ITA L G ATEWAY LED I ND I CATI O N Additional Information / Actions LED indication Description Possible cause could be a interrupted or...
M NS D I G ITA L G ATEWAY LED I ND I CATI O N TR OU B LES HO OT I NG A N D M AI N TE N A N C E Description Additional Information / Actions LED indication General DCS fault Please check if MNS Digital Gateway...
TR OU B LES HO OT I NG A N D M AI N TE N A N C E TR O U B LES HO OT I NG 10.2. Troubleshooting Problem Solution No access to Check if the correct IP address in the address bar of the web browser has MNS Digital Gate- been entered.
TR O U B LES HO OT I NG TR OU B LES HO OT I NG A N D M AI N TE N A N C E Problem Solution No Communica- Check if the correct Modbus RTU Cable connection and termination are all in tion between DCS line with the requirements detailed in the Serial Link connections section.
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Revision History Rev. Page Change Description Date / Initial Initial release 2018-05-09 EPDS/HE...
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