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NB-80C Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Drawing, Scrapbook, Addressbook, Planner Book Reader, Text File Editor, Games & Glossary _GEOS ® US ENGLISH...
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€ AbOut this Manual In this manual, Book 2, look for information on these desktop publishing, personal planning, and electronic accessory programs: Creates, • Word Processing. edits, ,and prints documents, such as memos, letters, and reports. • Spreadsheet. Creates and edits Spreadsheet documents, performs calculations,...
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• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help (changes or modifications not expressly approved by Brother International Corporation could void the warranty) RJllC/W This product uses jacks and is designed to connect to the telephone...
Table of Contents THE BASICS 1 Word Processing Word Processing 13ps ..............Starting Word Processing ............. Opening a Document ..............Using the Tool Bars ..............The Basic Functions Tool Bar ............The Advanced Functions Tool Bar ........... The Graphic Bar ..............The Drawing and Bitmap Tool Bars ..........
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Wrapping Text ..............Inserting, Appending, and Deleting Graphic Layouts ......... Finishing Your Document ............Using Footnotes ..............Creating a Table of Contents ............Creating a Bibliography ............Proofing Your Document ............Checking Your Spelling ............Creating a User Dictionary ............
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Creating Notes ..............Changing the Appearance of a Spreadsheet ..........Adjusting Column Width and Row Height .......... "82 Changing Alignment ............. Using Different Text Styles ............Working with Formulas .............. Entering Formulas ..... : ......... Using References in Formulas ............. Using Operators in Formulas ............
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Exporting and Importing Spreadsheets ..........Spreadsheet Error Codes ...................... 3 Drawing Starting Drawing ..............Opening a Document .............. Using the Tools ..............Drawing Tools ..............Bitmap Tools ..............Pointers ............... Creating and Editing Simple Objects ..........Selecting Objects ..............Resizing Objects ..............
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Printing or Faxing Drawing Documents ..........Importing and Exporting Graphics ..........4 Scrapbook ........Starting Scrapbook ..............Using 'Scrapbook Documents ............Placing and Deleting Clip Art and Other Scraps ........Navigating Through Scraps ............: Naming a Page of Scraps ............Creating a New Scrapbook Document ..........
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Copying Event Descriptions ............Scheduling Repeating Events ............. 193 • Changing a Repeating Event ............. Removing a Repeating Event from the Calendar ........Finding Specific Events ............Printing or Faxing Planner Documents ..........Creating New Calendars ............ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES 7 Book Reader ........
Word Processing Before starting, review This chapter explains how to create almost any type of document. It also these basic procedures explains how to write a form letter and merge it with names and addresses from the Getting Started from Addressbook or Spreadsheet.
Starting Word Processing • To create a new document: By default, the Word 1. Click on Word Processing from the Main Menu. The New/Open dia/og box Processing icon is appears. automatically sel_cted 2. Click on New. A new Word Pr_essing document appears.
Using the Tool Bars The tool bars provide quick access to menu functions. In Word Processing, you can open five different tool bars: Basic Functions, Advanced Functions, Graphic Bar, Drawing Tools, and Bitmap Tools. • To open a tool bar: 1.
The Advanced Functions Tool Bar When opened, the Advanced Functions tool bar appears above the Basic Functions tool bar. °.." 0 n.. Zoomin Find andreplace Stylein use Zoom st°reStyle tofit i R_cal,Style Hyphenation Scale ol t I1_1 kZ!l'_l . o,m.,"1 I-I=1=1-1 Alignment Linespacing...
The Drawing and Bitmap Tool Bars In Word Processing, the Drawing tool bar appears on the left of the window When you are working with this tool bar in Word Processing, remember Pointer tool following: I-beamtool I'_ • To select a Word Processing,...
Beginning a Document Before typing, first define the type of document you are creating by setting your page size and page setup options. Setting uP Your Page To select the page size: You can create a 1. Open a new document.
The columnsettingistwo. Thissampledocument is set up with 2 columns,0.25inch spacing between columns,and a vertical rule(line)between columns. The verticalrule is 2 Working with Text This section explains how to enter, move, copy, and edit text. It also describes to insert characters and symbols, change text style and format,...
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!l_ To go to another page: You can also select a Select Go to Page from the View menu. If your document has more than page to go to from the page, tbe page you select appears, lf your document begins on a page other Basic Functions tool...
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• To select text with the keyboard: Press the keys shown below: Press This To Select SHIFT + --* or _- One character in the direction of the arrow; reduces or extends one' character at a time in the same direction. CTRL + The current word;...
Deleting Text When you cut a • To delete text: selection, it is placed 1. Select the text you want to delete. on the cl_board. CUT. 2. Press You can paste the selection from the clipboard to another • To delete text using the keyboard: location as long as you have not cut or With no text is selected,...
To copy a selection: 1. Select the item or text you want to copy. COPY. The 2. Press item remains in your document and aLso goes to the clipboard, replacing other item in the clipboard. 3. Move the insertion point to the location where you want...
Using Undo to Reverse Your Last Action Sometimes you may delete some text or change the way it looks and replaces contents of the clipboard immediately decide that it was not what you wanted. If you have not done so that even Undo wi/I anything else, select Undo from the Edit menu to restore the text.
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Fill in the dialog box: • Character Weight (%). Select the weight of the characters. Select any weight from 75 to 125. • Character Width (%). Select the width of the characters. Select width from 25 to 200. • Character Spacing.
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If all the highlighted • To change the text size: text is the same size, 1. Select the text to change. the currentsize is identifiedby a filled Select Sizes from the Character menu. A submenu appears. radio button in the Select one of the sizes from the list.
Aligning text You can decide how text lines up along a margin: left, centered, right, and iususqear. -- Alignedwith leftside of the margin -- Alignedwith rightside ofthe margin Centeredbetween sides ofthe margin Rushagainstbothsidesof the margin(justified) _ To change text alignment: 1.
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Fill in the dialog box: • % Shade_ Select the percent shading for the text tone. The lower the number, the more faded the tone. A setting of zero (0) causes the text to disappear. By default, this setting is 100. * Tone Tools.
Finding and Replacing Text Use Find and Replace to quickly find a word or phrase in your document and, ff you like, to replace it with a different word or phrase. You can also replace all occurrences of a word or phrase in a document. Searching for text You can search for any sequence of numbers,...
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Replace all occurrences of the search text with the replacement text. To do this, click on Replace All. A dialog box appears asking if you want to rep/ace a/! occurrences. Click on Yes to continue or No to quit. Replace in Selection is the same as Replace All, except that it replaces all occurrences only within selected text.
• Graphic or Special Text. Adds a character to search for any graphic object or any special text character (dates, times, numbers, and so on) to the Find text. Adds Replace • Tab. a tab character to the Find or With text.
Setting Line Spacing Line spacing is the space between lines in a paragraph, also called geadmg. Linespacingis the spacebetween linesin a paragraph... To add more space between the lines of text in a paragraph, select from the following line spacing settings: •...
• To change spacing between paragraphs: 1. Select one or more paragraphs to change. 2. Select Paragraph Spacing from the Paragraph menu. A dialog box appears. 3. Fill in the dialog box, selecting the options you want: • Space On Top. Select the spacing above a paragraph. •...
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3. Fill in the dialog box, selecting the options you want: • Left Indent of Fu'st Line. Select the distance of the first line from the left margin of the page. • Hanging Left Indent. Select the distance of the text from the left Hanging indent margin of the page.
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• Tab Type. Select the alignment of the text at the tab setting (Left, Center, Right, or Decimal). For example, use a decimal tab to align. columns of numbers along the decimal point. Tab Leader. Select the character that precedes the tab setting (None, Dot, Line, or Bullet).
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Using rulers When you open a new document, the margins are set for a 6-1/2 inch text area and the tabs are 1/2 inch apart. Use the ruler to change right and left indentations and to insert different tabs. Ruler changes do not The indentations and tabs on the ruler affect the paragraph containing...
Adding Borders You can place a border (lines or a box) around a paragraph to add emphas_. The border extends to the edge of the left and right indentation marker. You can also set the border tone to set it apart from other text. •...
4. Fill in the dialog box, selecting the options you want: • % Shaded. Select the percent shading for the border tone. The lower the number, the more faded the tone. A setting of zero (0) causes the border to disappear. By default, this setting is 100.
Using Headers and Footers A header contains anything (text, graphics, or both) that you want to appear at the top of every page. Likewise, a.footer contains anything you want to appear at the bottom. Here are some of the things you can put in headers and footers: •...
• Date of Printing. Click to put the date of printing at the insertion point. Crick on Close. The document page reappeews with the beader or footer you created. l_ To change the size of a header, footer, or body text region: Layout 1.
I_ To delete the title page: 1. Select Title Page from the Layout menu. A submenu appears. 2. Select Delete Tide Page from the submenu. A dialog box appears asking if you are sure you want to delete the title page. 3.
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To set up multiple columns, specify column options in the Page Setup dialog box (from the File menu). When you set multiple columns, specify number of columns, the gutter (or spacing) between columns, and the width of any vertical rule(s) (the lines in between the columns).
4. Click on Apply. 5. Click on Close. Using column breaks To force Word Processing to move text to the top of the next column, press CTRL + ENTER to insert a hard page break and create a new column. Using Text Style Sheets A style is a collection...
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4. Select the style, scrolling the list if necessary. Word Processing applies style formatting to selected paragrapbs. 5. Click on the window control button in the top left comer to close dialog box. Storing and recalling text attributes tempor=;rily You can temporarily store the text and paragraph attributes...
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You can also define l_ To define a new style: a new style without 1. Select a paragraph for which you would like to change the style. Word using a base style. Processing uses the attn'butes in the selected (or base) style to define Word Processing uses _e default initial...
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• To update a style: 1. Select a paragraph in the style you want to change. 2. Set any character and paragraph attributes you want for this style. 3. Select Text Style Sheets from the Paragraph menu. A submenu appears. 4.
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Click on Delete. Word Processing deletes the selected style. Word Processing attaches the base style to any paragraphs in the style you just deleted. of those paragrapbs Houmm_, Word Processing does not apply the attributes with the attributes in the base style. Click on Delete and Revert."...
Using Master Pages to Design Documents Use master pages to specify information that repeats on each page of a document. For example, you might want a logo to appear on every page. Header......... region The maatarpage is a prototype of how text and graphics appear on every...
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• Redraw I)ooanent. Click on this button to refresh the screen implement any changes you have made. Make your changes to the master page. The changesyou can make include: • Adding any text or graphics you want to the header or the footer.
• To move a text region: 1. Select the text region you want to move. 2. Point to the move handle in the center, hold clown the Drag button, drag the text region to where you want it to appear. You can also select 3.
Using Frames for Graphics and Text A graphic frame is a rectangle that frames text or graphics. You can fill a graphic frame with tone and paRems, change the tone and thickness of its border, and make text wrap around it, wrap inside it, or even flow right through it.
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• To create a graphic frame for text: 1. If the Drawing tool bar is not open, select it from the Show Tools Texttool submenu of the Options menu. Select the Text tool from the Drawing tool bar. l-Beam _ Place the insertion point in the document and drag to size the frame.
delete a graphic frame: 1. Select the graphic frame you want to delete. Press DELETE. To_na graphic f rarno.,To set area attributes for a frame: set the area attributes. 1. Select the graphic frame. To a_ust the border of a frame, set He line Select Area Attributes from the Graphics...
l!_ To set the grid spacing: 1. Select Grids from the Layout menu. A d_gg box appears. When you change the 2. Select the units of measure (Inches, Centimeters, Points, or Picas). By units of measure for the default, the units of measure are the same as the ruler setting. grid, you vwII find it 3.
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I_ To change the size of a graphic object: 1. Select one or more graphic objects you want to resize. You can also 2. Point to any handle, press hold down the Select button, and drag the change Ihe size by handle until the graphic object becomes...
Press PASTE. You are asked if you want the graphic on the text layer or graphics lays. Wrapping Text Wrapping text means that text'can go outside or inside the borders of a graphic object. The following illustration shows examples: This text is wrapped tight .
Inserting, Appending, and Deleting Graphic Layouts To keep graphics and text together on the same page, use Insert, Append, and Delete. These functions allow you to insert or delete pages in between existing pages without changing the layout of the graphics and text on the existing pages.
Finishing Your Document This section explains how to put the finishing touches on your document: footnotes, a table of contents, and a bibliography. usingFootnotes A footnote is a reference or explanation that appears at the bottom of the page or in a footnote section at the end.
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l_ To create a footnote at the bottom of a page: 1. Select Show Tools from the Options menu; then select Drawing Tools. Drawing tool bar appears on the left of the screen. 2. Select the Text tool from the Drawing tool bar.
Creating a Table of Contents Style sheets can help you create a table of contents for a document, which typically looks like this: ._11 R ..t • • )6 . • IS . • • t • ff • Dot tab leader iTabl_ oJ' C¢_t4ram PEt 1 Frtedomof Corm:t_nce m<lExpro_oct.
For example, create a style (such as Biblio) that is a hanging indented paragraph. Once you create this style, type the bibliography entry and apply the style to it. See page 31 for more information on creating and applying styles. Proofing Your Document Word Processing provides...
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• Check Selection. Checks only selected text. The first misspelled word (or word that is not in the dictionary) appears in the Change To box. 4. Select the action you want to take on this word: • Skip. Click on this button to ignore this spelling. •...
Creating a User Dictionary Use this feature when your document contains correctly spelled words not found in the dictionary, such as proper names or special terminology. can also delete words in the user dictionary. l_ To create the user dictionary: Open a Word Processing...
I_ To use the Thesaurus: 1. Select Thesaurus from the Edit menu. A dialog box appears. 2. If you select a word in your text, its definition and synonym will automatically appear. Type the word and click on Lookup. If more than one definition for the current word...
• To fax: 1. Select Send from the File menu. A subraenu appears. 2. Select Fax.A dialog box appears. 3. Select the Fax options and click on Fax. Merging Information from Other Programs When you print a Word Processing document, you can merge (combine) information...
Setting up the Merge Fields The merge document is created in Word Processing, and it contains text, graphics, formatting, and page layout. It also contains merge fields (for names, addresses, etc.) that correspond to the information in the data document. The merge fields have field names, which must match exactly the field names used in the source data document.
I!_To copy all records to the clipboard: 1. In Addressbook, select Other from the File menu. A submenu appears. Select Export Document from the submenu. A dialog box appears. Select Comma Separated Values format from the right. Give the file a name and click on Export to Clipboard.
• Field names must be contiguous. (You cannot have an empty cell between field names.) Fill in the rows beneath the field names. (Each row will be used one at a time to create individual documents when merging.) l_ To copy the Spreadsheet merge data to the clipboard: Do not look the _lles 1.
Special Effects Displaying Invisible Characters Youcan_day invisJ_le Imgsib_ c/_ur_ are characters that you type but do not normally see characters to see and on-screen, such as spaces, tabs, paragraph marks (carriage returns), page and e(ft whatyouhave column break marks, and section break marks. typed Forexample, y ou mightwant!olmowff This table shows the on-screen symbols that represent invisible characters:...
Using Abbreviated Phrases Use Abbreviated Phrase to quickly insert long phrases into your Woed Processing documents. For example, if you commonly use the phrase Chief Executive Officer, put it in the abbreviated phrase list with the abbreviation ceo. Then, whenever you want to inse_ the long phrase...
Inserting Special Characters You can insert special characters in a document that display dates, times, numbers. Special characters are useful because they save you from typing calculating information. For example, if you want the current date in a letter template to be updated each day, use a special...
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Inserting a number (counter) Once you insert Word Processing keeps track of certain information in a document, such as • special numbers, you the current page number, or the number of pages. "[b display any of these cannot change their numbers, insert the appropriate special...
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Once you insort J_ To insert a special date: special dates you 1. Place the insertion point where you want to insert the date. cannol change their value; bSevalue 2. Select Insert Special from the Edit menu. A submenu appear_ depends on internal 3.
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Inserting special times Word Processing keeps track of time information, such as the current time the time a document was created, revised, or printed. To display any of these times, insert the appropriate special time character in your document, the format you want.
Importing and Exporting Documents You can open documents created with other word processing programs importing them into Word Processing. Likewise, you can export a document from Word Processing to another word processing program. You can import from and export to the following word processing programs: Import and Export Programs ASCII or plain text...
Spreadsheet Before starting, review Spr_beet makes calculations quickly and efficiently. You can use these basic procedures spreadsheets for keeping track of a budget or for creating presentations with from the Getting StaRed charts. chapter in Book 1: • Working with Documents •...
Edit Bar Activecell address. • \ • Thecelladdress oftheacbve cell. candickheretoenterthecontents oftheEditareaintotheactivecell. let, _ Ilxg._ca 4- D7 - E8 -1t" Editarea. • ="f-'=--'=" This,shows t hecontents o ftheactive Restorebutton.._.._ cell. Clickheretocancel t he changes youare currently e ntering inthe Editarea. Opening a Document I_ To open a new spreadsheet document:...
Using the Tool Bars The tool bars in Spreadsheet provide quick access to menu functions. Like Word Processing, Spreadsheet contains five tool bars: Basic Functions, Advanced Functions, Graphic Bar, Drawing Tools, Bitmap Tools. I_ To open a tool bar: 1. Select Show Tools from the Options menu.
The Advanced Functions Tool Bar Use the Advanced Functions tool bar for more advanced menu functions like creating charts from spreadsheet data. Textalignment Zoomout Rnd andReplace ] Centered Right ] Zoomin Full N°rmalsize I (100%) cdum. I High_ow Delete Bar l I I Pie %:,nt I Charttypes...
Moving around in a Spreadsheet You can scroll through a spreadsheet by clicking on the scroll bars at the right of the screen or by using the keyboard. I_ To scroll using the keYboard: Use any of the following keystrokes to scroll through a spreadsheet:...
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Like individual cells, ranges have addresses. A range address consists of the address of the upper left cell, followed by a colon (:), followed by the address of the lower right cell. In the illustration on the previous page, the address for the selected range is B3:D13.
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• To select a cell using the keyboard: Use any of the following keystrokes to select a cell: • ARROW KEYS (t x _ x _ x ---). Selects the next cell in the direction of the arrow. • HOME. Selects the f'_t cell in the current row. •...
Working with Values and Labels Build a spreadsheet by entering values, labels, andformu/as. Values. Values are numbers, for example, sales figures for the past four quarters. Dates can be entered /abe/.,. Labels are text; they are the titles or descriptive text that describe the as labels or as formulas, contents of rows and columns, for example, First Quarter, Second Quarter,...
Notes on Entering Labels If you enter a label wider than the cell, it spills over into the next cell to the right as long as that cell is empty. If the cell to the right is full, the text appears cut off.
Changing the Number Format for Values When you enter a value, Spreadsheet automatically shows it in a standard format; however, you can change the format to suit your needs. following table shows the available formats for values: Format You Type... Spreadsheet Displays 1234567...
• To change the format of values: 1. Select the cell(s) containing the value(s) whose format you want change. 2, Select Number Format from the Properties menu, A dialog box appears: NumdberFormat Sel_taformathem. Spreadsheet d isplaysan exampleof theselected formathere. 3. Select the format you want from the Formats list, An example...
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Entering dates and times as formulas Dates entered as formulas are stored as serial numbers representing number of days since January 1, 1900. For example, January 1, 1993 would stored as the number 33969. When a date is stored as a serial number, you can use Spreadsheet to change its format automatically.
Format Formulas When you enter a date or time value as a formula, Spreadsheet initially displays a number;, however, you can change the format to suit your needs. The following table shows the available date and time formats: Format i Example Date : Long 23456 = Saturday,...
Formatting Spreadsheets Formatting options do not affect calculations; instead, they allow you to change the appearance of a spreadsheet. This section describes how to do the following: * Show and prim grid line_ • Display cell borders • Create headers footers •...
Using Headers and Footers Headers and footers are the text that pdnts at the top or bottom of each page. They can be as simple as the page number, or they can include more descriptive information, such as the following: Enter header and •...
Using Tones To add interest to your spreadsheet presentation, use tones or shades of gray for the following elements in a spreadsheet: • Text • Background • Cell borders • To change the text tones: 1. Select the cells that contain the text to which you want to apply...
Fill in the dialog box: • % Shaded. Select the percent shading for the text tone. The lower the number, the more faded the tone. By default, this setting is 100. If Unfdled is selected, this attribute is set to zero (0). •...
Changing the Appearance of a Spreadsheet You may want to change the appearance of a spreadsheet to improve its presentation. For example, you might want to emphasize certain aspects with a different text style or alignment. This section explains how to do the following: •...
I_ To set a column width exactly: 1. Select the column for which you want to set the width. To do so, you can' either click on the column header or select a cell in the column. 2. Select Column Width from the Cell menu.
Using Different Text Styles Using different text styles can highlight important information and improve the overall appearance of a spreadsheet. You can change the text style for You can apply more any cell or range of cells in your spreadsheet, whether they contain labels, than one style to your values, or formulas.
Working with Formulas Spreadsheet uses Formulas describe calculations you want Spreadsheet to perform. When you floating point math, start to use formulas, you see the power of a spreadsheeL Each time you which has benefits such change the contents of a cell anywhere in your spreadsheet, Spreadsheet as speed.
)_ To enter a formula: 1. Select the cell in which you want to enter the formula. equal sign appears 2. Type - to begin the formula. in the Edit Area_ Click on the first cell you want to use in the calculation. Tbe cell address appears in the Edit Area.
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Absolute references An absolute reference tells Spreadsheet the specific address of a ceg. An absolute reference is like telling someone your exact address: 3628 Sixteenth Avenue. When you copy a formula from one location to another, Spreadsheet O.OS does not adjust absolute references. Use an absolute reference when you want to refer to the same cell, regardless of where you may copy the formula...
Using Operators in Formulas type of Notice that percentage Operators describe calculation you want to perform, is a form of example, addition or subtraction. The following table shows the operators muttip/ication, you can use in formulas. To use the Operator Description Example exponentiation...
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To specify arguments, use a list of values, separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. If the values are in cells, you can list those cells as the arguments. For example, to sum the numbers 2, 3, 5, and 6 enter SUM(2,3,5,6).
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3. Select the function from the Functions list on the fight. You can select function type from the list on the left so that the Functions list shows only functions of the type you select. 4, Select Paste Arguments (the default) ff you want to insert placeholder arguments...
Spreadsheet's Functions Spreadsheet provides the following built-in function types: • Financial • Information • Logical • Math • Print • Statistical • String • Time and Date • Trigonometric When you select Insert Function from the Formula menu, a dialog box appears with a list of these function types on the left and the built-in functions...
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Logical functions The logical functions evaluate relationships and return true or false results. For example, the IF function looks at a condition, such as whether the contents of B13 = 500, and returns a true or false answer (true=l, false=0). Mathematical functions Mathematical...
Editing the Spreadsheet After you have created a spreadsheet, you may want to make some changes. This section describes how to do the following: Edit the contents of a cell • Copy and move information in a spreadsheet • Insert and remove rows and columns •...
You may want to l_ To delete the contents of cells: delete information 1. Select the cell or range of cells whose contents you want to delete. using Cut from the Edit menu; that way, if DELETE. The Press coments of the cell or range are permanently deleted.
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Copying to adjacent cells Fill Right and Fill Down provide a handy shortcut when you want to copy contents of the active cell across a row or down a column. This is useful when you want to copy formulas. When copying formulas, Spreadsheet automatically adjusts the relative references.
Using Drag and Drop You can over, de the Use drag and drop to move or copy cells in your spreadsheet. Drag and drop default drag and drop by works the same way in Spreadsheet as it does in other programs.
Filling a Range of Cells with Incremental Values Using Fill Series from the Cell menu, you can automatically fill a range of ceils with a series of incremental values. Select the range of cells and specify starting value and the increment. Spreadsheet does the rest.
Options for Spreadsheet Formulas This section describes to do the following: • Show and hide formulas • Assign names to cells for'formulas • Turn automatic recalculation on and off • Use circular references and iteration in calculations Showing and Hiding Formulas To see a formula for a single cell, select...
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Define a name that refers to a specific cell or range. For example, you might define RATE as A3; then, when entering formulas, you can type RATE instead of typing A3. To define a name: 1. Select Define Name from,the Formula menu. A dialog box appears with a list of any names you bare previously defined.
Once you have l_ To insert a name in a formula: defined a name, 1. Select a cell and begin entering a formula. you can usa it in any formulas you 2. When the insertion point in the Edit Bar is in the position for the name create.
l_ To turn automatic recalculation on or off: 1. Select Calculation from the Options menu. A dialog box appears. 2. Select Automatic or Manual to specify the type of calculation you want. 3. Click on OK. 4. Click on Close. You can also !_ To recalculate manually:...
Click on OK. Click on Close. Create the formula with a circular reference. Spreadsbeet recalculates formula the specified number of times or stops when the stated value for maximum change is calculated. Charting in Spreadsheet Spreadsheet lets you create a variety of charts that represent numeric...
If you must use a Chart Tide. The tide of the chart. This label is optional. If you do not place number for the chart any text in this cell, the chart will not be tided. You can tide it later using the- title, sedes name, or Titles and Legends choice on the Chart menu.
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Stacked Percentage. The columns in each category are stacked that the total height represents 100%. The height of each value shown as that value's percentage of the whole category. This is like a vertical pie chart. One Tone With Values. Columns all have the same tone and are labeled with their numcric values.
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Matkea-s Only. Draws only the markers for each point; does not connect the markers with lines. Drop Lines. Draws the markers for each point, and then connects the points in each category with a vertical line; does not draw lines connecting the values.
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X-Y Plot chart An X-Ypiot chart, sometimes called a scauerp/ot, looks similar to a line chart, but there is a significant difference between the two. Une charts plot a value against a label (see the line chart on page 104), whereas X-Y plot charts plot one value against another.
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High/Low chart A high/low chart is useful for tracking pairs of data that mark a high and low or a start and end value, such as the price of stocks or the day's temperature range. Each pair of data points is plotted as a single vertical...
Creating Charts Once your labels and _1_TO create _1 chart- data are in place on the spreadsheet, spreadsheet, you can 1. From a select the cells that contain the data you want chart. create charts using either the ChWts menu Open the Chart menu and select a chart type from the Create submenu.
Manipulating Charts The procedures in this When you create a chart, it appears with small black boxes around the section explain how to perimeter and a diamond-shaped spot in the center. These band/_s indicate perform basic the chart is the currently selected object. operations with graphic objects.
Changing Chart Properties and Attributes Attributes are visual elements such as tone, line thickness, and fill pattern. If you select a chart and then click one part of it, such as a wedge of a pie chart, you can change the attributes of that part of the chart.
Adding Titles and a Legend • To add titles and legend to a chart: Select the chart. Select Titles & Legend from. the Chart menu. A dialog box appears. Fill in the dialog box, selecting the options you want: • Chart Title.
Enter the new text. When you are finished with the Text tool, select the Pointer tool from the Pointertool Drawing tool bar and click on an empty area of the chart to remove Open the Drawing tool bar outline around the text (so that other changes are not accidentally...
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• To add axis markings to a chart: 1. With the chart selected, choose Axis from the Chart menu. The Axis dialog. box appears. 2. Select the type of axis markings you want and click on Apply. The markings appear in your chart. The following illustration shows a chart with tick marks along the X Axis: 1i¢kmarks Click on Close.
Changing Marker Shapes Marker Markers show the data points on a chart. They are found only on X-Y plot and line charts. Changing the shape of the markers can help make the chart easier to read. I_ To change the marker shape: 1.
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* SHIFT + ENTER. Moves the active cell up one row. • TAB. Moves the active cell fight one column. • SHIFT + TAB. Moves the active cell left one column. Spreadsheet sorts all selected cells by the Select Sort from the Edit menu. A dim_g box appem's. row or column containingthe active Fill in the dialog box:...
Creating Number and Date Formats While Spreadsheet offers a wide variety of standard number and date formats, you can create additional number and date formats to suit your needs. example, if you want to show values with six decimal places, you can create a special format.
• To delete a number or date format that you created: 1. Select Number Format from the Properties menu. A dialog box appears. 2. Select the format to delete and click on Delete. You are asked if you really want to delete the format.
Locking Titles Lock Tides in the View menu locks specific rows or columns of a page on-screen as tides. When you scroll the page, the tides remain fixed on-screen while the rows below (or to the right) scroll as usual. •...
Information you paste into other programs is not automatically updated. Therefore, if you change the spreadsheet, you must recopy it into the Word Processing document if you want to keep the information in both documents" the same. • To use spreadsheet data in another program: 1.
Select reduce Scale to Fit on One Page. this option if you want your spreadsheet to fit on a single page. If your spreadsheet is too large, it may be reduced so much that you cannot read it. Continuous Printing. Use this option ff you want your spreadsheet print...
• To fax: 1. Press PRINT. A submenu appears. 2. Select Fax. The Fax Document dt2dog box appears. 3. Select your fax options and click on Fax. • To print a chart: 1. Make a note of the cells that the chart either completely or partially covers (you will use this note in step 5).
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For more information 5. Select the folder where you want to save the exported f'tle; then enter a about DOS file name for the exported tile. The correct extension already appears in this names, see Naming a box, so you do not need to enter it.
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10. Click on Done. The dialog box disappeam. 1"beExport Document dialog box remains. 11. Click on Export. 12. Name the document and press ENTER. After a few seconds, the information mcpom. l_ To import a Spreadsheet document from Lotus 1-2-3 or Comma Separated Value forrnat:...
Spreadsheet Error Codes The following describes the error codes in Spreadsheet. These appear inside a cell when an error occurs. Explanation Error Codes #OVRFLW# Formula has a division by zero or division by an empty cell. Correct formula entries. Cell too narrow to accommodate entry or formula results.
Drawing Before starting, review Drawing allows you to cream many types of designs, pictures, these basic procedures illustrations. After you create a.drawing, you can copy it into a Word from the Getting Started Processing or Spreadsheet document. You can also import and export chapter in Book 1: Drawing...
Opening a Document • To open an existing drawing document: For information on 1. Click on Drawing from the Main Menu. 1"beNew/Open dialog box appears. templates, see Using 2. Click on Open: Open an existing document. The Open dt2dog box appears. Templatesin Getting 3.
object tooL Cuts a selected from your drawing. Copy tool. Copies an object to the clipboard. Paste tool. Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point. Select All tool. Selects all graphics and text in a documenL Black handles appear around...
Pointers Select a drawing tool by clicking on it in the tool bar. When you move the on-screen pointer into the drawing area, it changes shape. This shape depends on the tool you are using and the location of the pointer. Pointer.
Creating and Editing Simple Objects With Drawing, you can create objects from shapes or lines. Once created, can select, edit, and manipulate individual objects. You can also change (tone or pattern) or the _ (outline). Drawing offers two ways to create objects: with the drawing tools...
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ll_To create an unfilled object: Pressing CTRL as you Press CTRL while you hold the Select button and drag to create a shape. draw creates an unfilled When you release the Select button, the unfilled object appears: object when the defaultis set to filled, and it creates a filled object when the defaultis set to unfilled.
3. Hold the Drag button and drag the line to a new location. I_ To add an arrowhead at the end of a line: Press CTRL while drawing a line. An arrowhead appears at tbepoint where you ended the line. 1.
• To select all objects: To select all but a Press CTRL + I. Hand/esappeararound a!/the objects. couple of objects in your drav#ng,choose Select All from the Edit menu, then press CTRL, and clickon only those objectsyou want to deselect. Resizing Objects You can enlarge and reduce objects by dragging the resize handles.
Changing the On-screen View You may find it easier to draw by adjusting the on-screen view. For example, you can enlarge the view of an object (zoom in) to focus on free details. can also hide scroll bars or redraw the screen to clean it up.
Advanced Work with Objects In Drawing, you can change the appearance of objects in many ways. You can: • draw lines, arcs, and complex objects with the Create submenu; • set attributes to change the appearance of each object. • Drawmg Objects, Arcs, and Straight Lines shapes To create simple shapes like triangles or more complex...
Page 147
• To create a polygon: 1. Select Create from the Edit menu. 2. Select Polygons from the Create submenu. A dialog box appears: IPOItJIgOn_l_st:flg_. IlOept IIIP_II_I IlOOpt I[l_'_ The radii for a polygon Fill in the dialog box: represent the •...
• Inner Radius. The inner radii of the star represent the radii of an ellipse that touches each of the star's inverted angles. The left box specifies the horizontal measure, and the right box specifies vertical measure, in point increments. The default is 40 points (about...
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Use these tools to change the attributes of selected objects. If no object is selected, use the tools to set the attributes of future objects you draw. Setting area attributes Area attributes apply to the area inside ellipses, rectangles, rounded rectangles, and arcs.
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• To shade an object: 1. Select one or more graphic objects to shade. 2. Click on the Area Shading tool. A horizontalpop-up menu appears. The option fim'tbest to the lej_ is 100% shading while the option farthest to the night is 0%, the same as an unfilled object.
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Changing arc attributes To create an arc, use the An arc is a portion of a circle (ellipse). Since a full ellipse is 360 degrees am tool from the Dra_ng around, a 90 degree arc is exactly one quarter of an ellipse; a 180 degree too/bat, is half of an ellipse.
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To shade a line: [I\=J 1. Select one or more lines or graphic objects. Click on the Line Shading tool. A borizonta/pop-up menu appe¢_. option farthest to the left is 100% sbading_ while the option farthest to the right is 0%. Select the shading you want.
Transforming Objects You can transform an object to give it special visual effects such as flipping, scaling, rotating, and skewing (slanting). You can also undo transformation. Flipping Objects Use the Transform menu to flip objects left-to-right or top-to-bottom. This is useful for creating interesting...
Rotating Objects To rotate an object, use the Rotate tool or select Rotate from the Transform menu, where you can select the exact degree of rotation. The selected object rotates around its center point You can also select multiple objects, and they will rotate around their respective center points.
Skewing Objects vertically You can skew an object to make it slant horizontally at a precise angle. Select one or more objects that you want to skew. Select Skew from the Transform menu. The dialog box at the left appears. Skew Select the skew...
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I_ To duplicate an object: Shortcut: Press D to 1. Select the object you want to duplicate. Handles appear around the object. duplicate the selected 2. Select Duplicate from the Edit menu. The copo_d object appears with object(s); press P to bandies around it.
Converting to a Graphic You can also group Converting to a Graphic is helpful when you want to manipulate text or a graphic objects and graphic to create special visual effects. For example, you could convert a text transformthem. object with numbers to a graphic;...
Arranging Objects The Arrange menu provides several ways of controlling placement of objects in your drawing. Moving objects to the Front or Back Whenever two or more objects ovedap, you can place one of the objects behind the others or you can place it in front. I_ To move an object to the front or back: Select the object you want to move to the front or back.
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Moving one object !_ To move several objects: moves all the selected 1. Select the Pointer tool from the Drawing tool bar. objects.As you drag, an outlineof the objects 2. Place the on-screen arrow near the objects, hold the Select button, and followsyour motion, drag across the screen to make a box around the objects.
Nudge means to To nudge objects: move a small 1. Select the object or objects. amount. To nudge object(s) using the Select Move from Arrange menu. A submenu appears. keyboard, press 3. Select Nudge Left, Nudge Right, Nudge Up, or Nudge Down.
Pasting Inside When you paste an object inside another object, Drawing combines them into a single object that you can manipulate as you would any other Drawing object. The boundaries of the outside object become the boundaries of the inside object.
• To nudge inside: 1. Select the object that contains the object or objects you want to nudge inside, 2. Select Paste Inside from the Edit menu. A submenu appears. 3. Select Nudge Inside. A submenu appears. 4. Select Nudge Left, Right, Up, or Down.
Using Grids Drawing can position objects using the grids, snapping objects into place for you automatically. The grid is a pattern of evenly-spaced vertical and horizontal lines that help you align and size objects in a drawing. You can also change the spacing of the grid. You can also automatically snap (or position) objects...
Press X or period (.) l_ To snap objects to the grid: to turngrid snapping 1. Select Grids from the Options menu. A dialog box appears. on or off onlyfor the next create, move, or 2. Select Snap to Grids. resize operation.
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• To enter and edit text in a text object: Use the basic text editing techniques available in all programs, including BACKSPACE and DELETE keys, and Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste from the Edit menu. • To create text in different sizes: Select the Text tool.
Changin_ Text Style, Size Text sty/e refers to the way the type in each font appears: • Plain Text , • Bold • Italic You can combinestyles to create • Underlined Undedined. Bold Underlined./taiic Underlined.Bold Italic, and Bold Italic Underlined. and Subscript (e.g.
2. Click on the Text Shading tool. A hcrdzontalpop-up menu appears. • option farthest to the lej_ is 100% soading, while the option farthest to the right is 0%. 3. Select the shading you want. Drawing applies the shading to the selected text or text objects.
Working with Bitmap Objects ,, , In Drawing, you can use three types of objects to compose a drawing: text objects, graphic objects, and bitmap objects. • A text objea is an object you create using the Text tool on the Attributes tool bar.
Creating a Bitmap Frame bitmapframe defines the outer bounds of a bitmap. Create a bitmap frame using the Frame tool or by drawing a bitmap shape using other bitmap tools. Use the Bitmap tools to change pixels in the object and manipulate bitmap by moving, resizing, or transforming it as desired.
You can also create a bitmap frame by using the Bitmap tools to draw a bitmap shape (straight line, freehand symbol, rectangle, or ellipse) in a blank part of the drawing area. When you do this, Drawing creates a rectangular bitmap frame around...
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• To draw a straight line: 1. Select Line Attributes from the Attributes menu. A dialog box appears. 2. Select the line tone, shading, width you want. 3. Select the Bitmap Line tool from the tool bar. Thepointer changes crosshairs when you move it over the drawing area.
Editing Bitmap Objects Once you create a bitmap, you can use the Bitmap tools to change pixels in the object, erase portions of it, and select all or part of the object to cut, copy, and paste. Whenever you use a bitmap tool in a bitmap object, the bitmap object becomes the selected object.
Using Tone or Fill Pattern in a Selected Area It is a good idea to You can change the tone of a contiguous group of pixels using the Bitmap save your drawings Fill tool. Unlike the Fill tool for graphic objects, which fills the entire...
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• To display the Pixel View: 1. Select the Pixel View tool from the Bitmap tool bar. Thepointer changes to" a magnifying glass when you move it over the drawing area. 2. Move the on-screen pointer to where you want to change pixels;...
Changing the Bitmap Color and Resolution (monochrome and resolution can change the color format or color) number of dots, or pixels, per inch) of a bitmap. (the For example, if you want to reduce the storage and memory size of the object, change a 16-color...
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• To print a document: PRINT. A submenu appears. 1. Save your document; then press 2. Select Print. The Print d_/og box appears. 3. Select your print options; then click on Print. • To fax: PRINT. A submenu appears. 1. Save your document; then press 2.
Importing and Exporting Graphics You can import graphics into Drawing that were created with other drawing programs or are stored in other file formats. You can also export drawings When you import a you have created in Drawing. biffnap graphic, Drawing places it in the center of the of a series of dots...
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Select 0S/2 Device Independent Bitmap if you plan to use the exported file in an OS/2 program. Select Windows 2.x Device Dependent Bitmap if you plan to use the exported file in a Windows program with a version of Microsoft Windows earlier than 3.0. Select Windows 3.x'D1B if you plan to use the exported file in a program running with Microsoft Windows...
Scrapbook Before starting, review they Scrapbook is a place to store graphic objects and bits of text so that these basic procedures available for pasting into documents. It also allows you to place the clip art from the Getting Started that is supplied on diskette in a"...
Using Scrapbook Documents Scrapbook is a place to store graphic objects and bits of text so that they are available for pasting into documents. You can also delete graphic objects text from your default scrapbook or any other scrapbook document. You can also navigate through a scrapbook...
II_ To copy from Scrapbook to other programs: 1. Go to the scrapbook page that has the scrap you want to cut or copy. 2. Press CUT or COPY from the function keys. 3. Exit Scrapbook by pressing EXIT. 4. Open the document in the program to which you are copying the scrap. 5.
Retrieving a deleted !_ To retrieve a deleted page: page restores the 1. Select Other from the File menu. A submenu appears. document to the way it was when 2. Select Discard Changes from the submenu. appe_zrs. you last saved it. All Click on Yes.
Creating a New Scrapbook Document Before you create a l_ To create a new scrapbook document: new scrapbook 1. If you have a Scrapbook document open, select Close from the File menu. documen_ you must firstsave and close If you have unsaved changes in the current...
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• To import graphics or text from another program: 1. Open the scrapbook in which you want to place the image. 2. Insert the diskette containing the scrap (graphic or text) that you want to import. 3. Go to the page that you want to follow the imported page. 4.
5 Addressbook Bo[om startir_, rmaew Addressbook is your electronic address and telephone directory. Use it to these bask: pmcE_uros store addresses and telephone numbers, as well as notes and email addresses. from the Getting Started You can also create multiple Ad_-essbook documents, for example,...
Working with Cards Addressbook documents are referred to as Addr_ssbooks, which contain a series of cards, or records, much like the cards in a real card file. Each card contains the name, address, phone numbers, and notes you enter for each person.
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I_ To add cards to your Addressbook: CTRL + TAB moves the 1. Click on New. Addressbook shows a blank card with the insertion point in" cursor from field to field. the index field. 2. If you are adding a card for a person, type the person's name in the index...
Adding and Changing Phone Types Each address card can have up to seven phone numbers in six standard categories: HOME, OFFICE, CAR, FAX, EMAIL, and ALIAS. Each card also contains a blank field so you can add one phone type. )_To add a phone type in the empty category:...
Editing Cards • To make changes in cards: 1. To make changes in cards, locate the card you want to change by clicking on the appropriate index tab; then clicking on Next until the card you want appears. 2. Select the text and replace it with new text, the same...
Deleting Cards From time to time, you may want to clean up your Addressbooks by deleting cards you no longer need. • To delete a card from your Addressbook: 1. Flip through your cards until you find the card you want to delete. 2.
Searching through Cards Addressbook allows you to search all the cards. For example, you can search the cards to fred those containing a spedfic address. l_ To search for information on the cards: 1. Select Find from the Utilities menu. A dia/og box appez_: Selector deselectthese Find optionsto specifyfieldsin...
Making New Addressbooks You may want to create other Addressbooks. For instance, you may find it easier to keep business contacts in one Addressbook and keep friends and family in another. Beforeyou create a II_To create a new Addressbook document: new Addressbook, 1.
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Curreat record - Address only. This option prints the address currently on screen for labels and envelopes. All records - Addresses and phone numbers. This option prints a list of the index fields, addresses, and phone numbers from all cards in your Addressbook.
4. Select fax options and click on Fax. Importing a Document You can import documents, such as mailing lists, from some database Spreadsheet programs and turn them into Addressbooks. You can import following: • CSV (Comma Separated Values) • Lotus 1-2-3 •...
In the SourceList,clickon a fieldnameto mapfrom a file. In the Destination List,clickon the Addressbook Thislist showsthepairsof fieldsyou havemapped. nameto whichyouwantto map. List= IC,ck here i ryou make an stake. Clickhere for eachfieldsyou haveselectedto map. 5. Select one field in the Source List and one corresponding field in the Destination List and click on Map.
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i_ To export an Addressbook: 1. With the Addressbook document open, select Other from the File menu. A • submenu appears. 2. Select Export Document from the submenu. A dialog box appears. Select the format for export. The file _xtension appears in the File Mask box, and...
Planner Before starting, review Planner is an automated appointment book that combines a yearly calendar these basic procedures and scheduler in one program. You can create multiple Planner documents, from the Getting Started for example, to keep track of business appointments and another to keep...
Viewing the Calendar The Calendar window always contains a whole year, January through December. Normally you see only one month at a time, which is the single month view. You can scroll the window to see the other months in the year, and you can change the year over which you are scrolling, but you never see more than one month at a time, The current day of the month is highlighted.
Selecting and Viewing Events Like an appointment book, Planner keeps track of weekly meetings, importam appointments, and special dates. All of these are called events. Use events Planner to track important dates in your daily schedule and to schedule dates far in advance, like birthdays and vacations.
Switching between the Calendar Window and the Events Window You can view the Calendar window and the Events window side-by-side On the View menu, when both windows at a time. Showing only one window at a time lets you work with either are showing, the without...
Selecting a Range of Days and Viewing Their Events You can view a summary of events over a range of days. The following illustration shows an example: These arethedatesoverwhich. Clickto see events in the events are beingsummadzed. previousand next rangeof days. ,.,.., [r_-l rt'z _b41 1996...
• This Quarter. Selects all days in this calendar quarter. The quaffers run January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December. • This Year. Selects all days in this year. The selected range is bighh'gbted in the Calendar window, its events...
Changing a Scheduled Event You can change the scheduled time for an event or the details in its description. I_ To change a scheduled event: When you change the time of a scheduled 1. In the Events window, locate the event you want to change.
3. Edit the time if the one shown is not correct. Be sure the time you type is in the HH:MM format. For example, type 8:15 _a_ for a new time. 4. Press TAB or click in the description area, and then type a description. Adding an Event at a Particular Time You may want...
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Scheduling Repeating Events You might have events that happen regularly, such as a meeting every Thursday at 4:00. In Planner, you can schedule the event once. Planner then remembers to schedule these meetings for you every Thursday at 4:00. You can schedule an event that repeats in one of the following ways: Weekly.
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2. Click on New. Another dialog box appears: Chun_ aepeeU. 0 Ewt Type of [_ent- • Neekkj @ HunUdy O Veeritj [requenctj, @omj of _ek @nero s_pec_ry t_, Event 141flOccur Select _Detj(s)_ n Sun • Plon n Tuns • Ned [] Thu 0 Frl 17Set _ LaSt...
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6. If you are scheduling a yearly event, use the up or down arrows to select the month your event occurs. (Skip this step if you are scheduling monthly event.) 7. If you know the time of the event, type it in the Time box.
Changing a Repeating Event If your scheduled repeating event changes at any time, you can modify the event to reflect the new changes. • To change a scheduled repeating event: Select Repeating Events from the Utilities menu. A dialog box appears. Only unaltered Select the event you want to change from the list, and then click on occurrences of the...
2. Type the text for which you are searching. Click on Find Next. The search starts on the current day and goes forward. • If no matches are found, you are asked if you want to search past events. 4. Click on OK. The first event that matcbes the search text appears highlighted...
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• To change Page Size options: 1. Select Page Size from the File menu. A dialog box appears: 2. Fill in the dialog box: • Type. Select paper, envelope, or label. • Size. Select the page size from the lisL •...
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From the drop-down list, select Month; then click on the up or down arrow to select a month. Select Year;, then click on the up or down arrow to select a year. You can also edit the number in the Year box. Select Events window.
Creating New Calendars Planner provides a standard document called My Schedule. Whenever you start Planner, this document opens, making it easy to keep all of your appointments in one place. If you keep just one calendar, you should use this document. You can create other calendars.
Book Reader With Book Reader, you can open books supplied on diskette, such as Before starting, review directories of zip codes and area codes. these basic procedures from the Getting Started chapter in Book 1: When you open a book on diskette, you can scroll through it and move from •...
Send. This tool opens a dialog box allowing you to send selected text to the clipboard or to the printer. lF'mdLThis tool OlXmSa dialog box with options about the information you want to find and how you want to find it. I_ To close a book: Select Exit from the Book menu.
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• To find information in a book: 1. Click on the Find icon at the bottom of the screen. The Find dfi2/og box appears: r- lrl 2. Enter the search term. Click on Find Next, Find Previous, Close, or Help. •...
Printing from Book Reader The Print option is in the Send dialog box. You can send selected text to the prints print clipboard or printer. Selecting option the selected text or the current page if no text is selected. Be sure you have set up your printer (see Setting...
Text File Editor Text File Editor is a simple editing program that allows you to create, read, DOS is Disk Operating write, and edit DOS text files, also called ASCII text fries. Text File Editor is System. supplied on diskette. Starting Text File Editor Before starting, review Text File Editor...
What Text File Editor Can and Cannot Do Word Processing The following table lists the tasks that Text File Editor can and cannot perform. can perfom all of Text File Editor shares basic capabilities with Word Processing, such as spell the tasks listed in check.
Printing or Faxing a DOS Text File Before printing a Drawing document for the first time, review Setting Printer Options in Getting Started (Book 1). Also select page size options to reflect the actual size, layout, and _ that you want to prinL Before faxing...
Naming a DOS Text File, DOS File Names. All documents created in Text File Editor are DOS text files. Give them names that follow the DOS rules for naming files: up to eight characters long, no spaces, followed by a period and three more characters.
Games Before starting, review Two games are available: Turnabout, a game of strategy, and Solitaire, these basic procedures popular international card game for one player. Games are supplied from the Ge_ng Started diskette. chapter in Book 1: • Working with Menus •...
6. The system then places its next piece. Watch the board carefully because the action moves very quickly. 7. It is your turn again to place your next piece. Play continues until no more of the pieces can be capture_ The system keeps a running score of how many pieces each player has during the game.
Starting Solitaire 1. Insert the diskette labelled Solitaire in the disk drive. Click on File Manager from the Main Menu. File Manager appears. Click on the drive A icon at the bottom of the screen. The contents of the diskette appear 4.
_ To undo a mistake: Select Undo from the Game menu. The card returns to its original iocmion. Finishing a Game You win Solitaire when you have flipped over all of the face-down cards, and played all of the cards in the deck. When this happens, the Auto Finish button changes from gray to black.
Changing the Scoring Solitaire has the following scoring options: Standard ('rimed) and Standard (LMtimed). In Standard (Timed), you lose points for the time you spend deciding where to move a card. In Standard (Untimed), you are not penalized for taking time to make decisions.
I_ To change the scoring: 1. Select Scoring from the Options menu. A submenu appears. Select an option from the Scoring submenu. Changing the Number of Cards Drawn You can draw either one, two, Or three dards at.a time from the deck. choice you make affects...
. Appendix: • Spreadsheet Built-in Functions Bui/t-kzfunaions are prewritten formulas that take a value, perform a Spreadsheet uses floating point math, mathematical operation, and _turn a result. For example, you can use a which has benefits such built-in function to total a grotlp of fiumbers. as speed But floating point math produces...
Financial Functions The arguments for financial functions are either numbers or addresses of cells When the argument is the interest rate, enter its actual that contain numbers. value (for example, enter .07 or 7% rather than 7). Be sure to specify the same units for the term and the interest.
Function Description SIN (cost;salvage,h'fe) Straight-line depreciation. Cost is the initial cost of the asset. Sa/vaooe is the value of the asset at the end of the time period. Life is the useful life of the asset, the number of time periods the asset is being depreciated.
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Function Description Returns a value from a horizontal lookup table, allowing you to use a spreadsheet HLOOKI_ (value, table like a database. HLOOKUPextracts from the horizontal rows, and VLOOKUP range, offset) extracts information from vertical columns. HI.OOKUPassumes the entries in the Fast row are sorted in ascending order.
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Information Function example: HLOOKUP HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP allow you to search for a value that is within a range of values. The table below is an example of a simple lookup table. This table tracks a discount rate, which is based on the number of units sold.
Logical Functions, The logical functions evaluate relationships and return true or false results. True= 1 (or nonzero values) and false = 0. A logical function uses a conditional statement; for example, if this is true then do that. An example of a lo[_ical function would be this conditional statement: if the value in B12 is larger than 10,000, then display 50 in this cell.
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BONUS= IF(SALES<IOOOO,.O2*SALES,.O4*SALES) For sales over $10,000, the bonus is 4%. The formula for such an IF statement shown in the box above is =IF(C4<10,000, 0.2 * C4, .04"C4) where the sales figure is located in cell C4. In this example, SALES<10000 is the condition you want to test, .0Z*SALF_ is the result you want ff the condition is true, and .04*SALESis the result you...
Mathematical Functions The arguments for mathematical functions are either numbers or addresses cells that contain numbers. The results of these calculations are always numbers. Function Description ABS (value) Absolute value of a number. Value can be a cell. For example, ABS(-12) returns £XP (mluO...
Print Functions The print functions return the name of the file, the current page, and the number of pages with headers and footers when printing documents. Function Description FII.ENAME ( ) Returns the mename of the current file for inclusion in a Spreadsheet header or footer.
Function Description Standard deviation of a population. You can use as many t_dues as you want. STDP (valuel, value2,..) Simple variance of a sample population. You can use as many arguments as you VAR (valuel, want. value2, . .) Population variance of the values in a list.
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Function Description Returns the characters in the leftmost position in a string. Num is the number LEFT (string, hum) characters to return. The first character in the string is in position O. A reference cells containing values produces an error. The RIGHT function extracts characters beginning with the rightmost character,...
Time and Date Functions Spreadsheet uses serial numbers to represent times and dates. The serial numbers begin with 1 = January 1, 1900. The DATE and DATEVALUE functions return the serial number for a given date. Function Description DATE (year, month, Converts a numeric date (day,...
Function Description Returns the current date (month, day, and year) in the serial number format TODAYO WEEKDAY (date Returns the number for the from the serial number format for date va/ue. The WEEKDAY returns a number representing the day of the week: 1 for Sunday, 2 for value) •...
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Function Description COS (angle) Returns the cosine of an angle, expressed in radians. If you know an angle degrees, can use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. COSH (value) Returns the hyperix_lic cosine of a value. DEGREES Converts radials to degrees.
Glossary absolute reference - in Spreadsheet, a reference to a cen address based on its column and row number argument - in Spreadsheet, a piece of information you enter into a formula ASCH - American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a common exchange format...
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continuous printing - a Spreadsheet printing option that allows you to print a spreadsheet one continuous page control keys - the keyboard keys that modify the effect of the other keys. CODE, MENU & SHIFT are control keys. - Comma Separated Values format used in database and spreadsheet programs...
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file selector - the New Disk button and the scrolling list in dialog boxes for selecting a file, folder, or diskette fixed notation - a format option for numbers in which you set the number of decimal places that you want to appear, such as two decimal places:...
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header - a page element that appears at the top of each page. See footer. highlight - to select text or graphics to be able to work with that chosen item. Highlighted text has a black background, and highlighted graphics have square handles around them.
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legend- the part of a graph that uses text for explanation llne chart - a chart that represents values with points on an x-y axis, connecting the values with • straight lines line status - in Communication, the quality of the phone connection linear progression - a progression of numbers...
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pica - 1/6 of an inch or 12 points pie chart - a round chart that represents values as pieces of a pie pinning a menu - keeping a pull-down menu on the screen pixd - the smallest dot on the monitor screen pixd view...
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scrolling list - a box listing various items used in conjunction with a scroll bar such that you are able to see all the selections from which to choose select highlight an item using the on-screen pointer or keyboard. Selected items will darken - to Select button - the top button on a glidepad or left button on a mouse used to select an item on the screen.
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transform - a submenu item that contains the options flip, rotate, skew, and scale tmformatted diskette - a diskette that has not been prepared for saving documents. uniform resource locator (url) - the address of a document (web page) on the Intemet's World Wide Web user...
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