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All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. However, should any errors be detected, SEIKO EPSON would greatly appreciate being informed of them. The above notwithstanding SEIKO EPSON can assume no responsibility for any errors in this manual or the consequence thereof.
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The chapters are organized as follows: CHAPTER 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Provides a general product overview, lists specifications, and illustrates the main components of the printer. CHAPTER 2. OPERATING PRINCIPLES Describes the theory of printer operation.
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Issue Date Revision 18, 1992 Rev. A December Rev. B May 7, 1993 June 11, 1993 Rev. C Rev. D March 10, 1994 Revision Page First issue Added information: Chapter 2 (Page 2-23) Chapter 3 (Page 3-5/6) Chapter 6 (Page 6-1/2) Corrected the figure: Chapter 2 (Page 2-8) Added information:...
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STYLUS 800 Service Manual FEATURES The Stylus 800 is a serial inkjet printer that uses a newly developed inkjet technology to accomplish a superb quality output with high-speed printing. The major features of this printer are: Ll High print quality from a new inkjet technology.
General Description 1.2.2 Paper Handling Specification Friction feed from built-in sheet feeder or manual insertion slot. Feeding system: Notes: The following operation are not al/owed. 1. Reverse feeding within of the paper or 16 mm (0.63 inches) from the bottom edge of the paper.
General Description The adjust lever, attached to the carnage unit, must be set to proper Adjust lever settings: position for the paper thickness, as shown in Table 1-3. Table 1-3. Adjust Lever Settings Lever Position LEFT RIGHT Plain paper, 1.2.4 Ink Cartridge Exclusive cartridge Type: Black...
Humidity Resistance to shock Resistance to vibration Note: 1 = Operating conditions must be in this range. *2= When the printer is in the shipping container. 3 = Without condensation. Humidity (%RH) ..80Y0...
General Description 1.2.7 Reliability 4000 power on hours (POH) at a duty cycle of MTBF: 3 million lines (excluding the printhead) MCBF: 1 billion dots per nozzle Printhead life: pages (with A4 or Letter size paper) Total print volume: 75000 1.2.8 Safety Approval US version: Safety standards:...
This signal indicates whether paper is available in the printer or not. A HIGH level indicates a no paper condition. Pulled up to +5V through a 1.0 KQ resistor in the printer. If this signal is set to LOW, the printer automatically performs one line feed upon receipt of a CR (carriage return) code.
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Pin No. Signal Name CHASSIS-GND 19-30 INIT ERROR Note: The direction of the signal is as viewed from the printer. 1-1o SNLUS 800 Service Description Signal ground. Chassis ground. (Both chassis ground and signal ground are connected in the ptinter.) USed.
1.4 PRINTER OPERATIONS This section describes the basic operations of the printer. 1.4.1 Control Panel The control panel of this printer contains five non-lock type push buttons and nine LED indicators for easy operation of the various printer functions. O PAPER OUT...
1.4.3 Default Setting The printer can memorize certain number of printer setting parameters that defines its functions at the initialization. You can change these parameters with the default setting mode for your specific preference of the printer setting.
Manual 1.4.4 Initial ink Charge When the printer is to be set up for primary use, whole ink supply path of the printer must be filled with a new ink, by performing the initial ink charge operation. Turn the printer on and press the PAUSE button to pause the printer.
The C106 MAIN BOARD is the main conboller of the Stylus 800. It takes charge of interfacing with the host computer and processing of received print data, as well as control of the whole printer mechanism. This board consists of the following components.
Figure 1-10. C106 PSBIPSE BOARD Component Layout 1.5.3 Printer Mechanism (M-481O) This printer mechanism M-481O is specifically designed for the Stylus 800, and it consists of the carriage assembly, which includes the printhead and the ink supply system, the carriage motor, the paper feed motor, the paper feeding mechanism, and the pump mechanism.
STYLUS 800 Service Manual 2.1 OVERVIEW This section describes the operating principles of the printer mechanism and the electrical circuits of the Stylus 800. 2.2 OPERATING PRINCIPLES OF THE PRINTER MECHANISM The Stylus 800 printer mechanism is composed of the printhead unit, paper feed mechanism, carriage drive mechanism, pump mechanism, and various sensors.
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The printer mechanism of this printer uses a drop-on-demand ink jet system similar to the system used on all other Epson ink jet printers. However, the printhead in this system is completely redesigned to make it compact and highly reliable. The figure below shows the structure of the printhead and ink supply system.
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STYLUS 800 Service Manual Principles of the Printing Operation The operation of the printhead to inject ink from each nozzle is: (1) Normal state No electrical charge is applied to the MLP (Multi-Layer Piezoelectric) element attached to the back of the cavity, and pressure inside the cavity is kept at constant level. Nozzl (2) Injecting state The head data signal is applied to the specific nozzle control line to select the active nozzle for...
4-phase, 200-pole, hybrid-type stepping printer to stop the carriage or change the carriage movement at any position. The position of the carriage is recognized by the home position sensor and position information is fed back to the carriage drive control circuit to determine the motor phase switching mode.
Paper Feed Mechanism 2.2.3 This printer’s paper feed mechanism can feed paper either from the built-in ASF (auto sheet feeder) or the manual feed slot. The paper feed drive motor is a 4-phase, 4t3-pole, PM-type stepping motor that directly drives the paper feed mechanism (paper advancing operation, paper pick-up operation).
Operating Principles 2.2.4 Ink System This printer’s ink system is composed of the following mechanisms: Ink cartridge Pump mechanism E Cap mechanism H Printhead cleaning mechanism Waste ink drain tank The figure below shows a diagram of the ink system.
STYLUS 800 Service Manual 2.2.5 Pump Mechanism The paper feed motor drives the pump mechanism when the transmission gear is moved to the position where the paper feed motor engages the pump mechanism gear trains, when the carriage unit is at the ink system home Pump system operation depends on the rotational direction of the paper feed drive motor, as shown in table below.
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The pump draws ink from the printhead nozzles and drains it into the waste ink drain tank. The printer performs this operation to eliminate dust or bubbles within the nozzles. Figure 2-9 illustrates the pump operation. When the paper feed drive motor rotates CW (forward), the pulley pumps in the wheel pump unit rotate in the direction of the arrow while squeezing the ink tube to push the ink inside the tube out to the waste ink drain tank.
The printhead capping operation is performed automatically nozzle while the printer is not so that a cap closely contacts the printhead surface when the carriage unit is moved to the ink system home position.
2.3.1 Operating Principles of the Power Supply Circuit The power supply circuitry for this printer is provided either by the C106 PSB BOARD (120 VAC) or the C106 PSE BOARD (220-240 VAC). Both boards are identical in design and functionality, except for components in the primary circuit that accommodate the specified input voltage.
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STYLUS 800 Service Manual The figure below shows a block diagram of the power supply circuit (C106 PSB/PSE). This power supply circuit employs the RCC (ringing choke converter) switching control system. The input AC voltage supplied from the external AC source is first input to the filter circuit for higher harmonics absorption.
2.3.2 Operating Principles of the Main Control Circuit The main control circuit of this printer is the C106 MAIN BOARD. This circuit is controlled by the 8-bit CPU TMP96C141F (ICI), running at 19.6608 MHz. This CPU has a unique architecture capable of handling data on the data bus at either an 8-bit bus width or a 16-bit bus width.
HIGH level from the signal indicates that the carriage is in home position. 2) PE sensor A mechanical switch PE (paper end) sensor is built into the printer mechanism to determine whether there is paper in the printer or not.
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L*-, r--+ Figure 2-16. Ink End Detection Sequence When the ink end detection operation has determined ink status, the printer indicates the status on below: the control panel, as described If Mode D (ink end) or Mode A or E (no I/C) is detected, the 1) During printing: pnnthead is capped and the control panel indicates an “INK END”...
STYLUS Carriage Motor Drive Circuit Carriage motor drive IC SLA7024 (IC13) drives the carriage motor for the printer mechanism by a constant current, unipolar drive system. Gate array E05A85EB (IC3) selects the motor phase drive current level using the output signals from ports CRO to CR3 (pins 75 to 78). The phase switching operation is directly controlled by the phase control signals output from ports P600 to P603 (pins 1 to 4) of the CPU.
Operating Principles Paper Feed Motor Drive Circuit The paper feed motor for this printer drives the following mechanisms: 9 Paper feed mechanism Paper pickup mechanism Pump mechanism Driver IC SMA6501 (QM1) drives the paper feed motor by a constant voltage, unipolar drive system.
Manual Printhead Drive Circuit The printhead drive circuit for this printer is composed of the following two parts: Common drive circuit (trapezoidal drive pulse generation) Head drive circuit (nozzle control built on the printhead) The 64-bit thermal head driver SED5620D in the head drive circuit on the printhead is used as a nozzle selector to drive the printhead nozzles selectively.
5) Performs pressure release operation and micro absorbing operation. 6) Cleaner blade -II operation. (including the flashing operation) 7) Move the carnage to the stand-by position, and change the printer state to the PAUSE state. 1) If the carriage is out of home position, return it to the home position, CL2 (Intensive) 2) Cleaner blade - I operation.
Operating Principles Standby Operation The standby operation prevents an increase in the viscosity of the ink held inside the printhead nozzles. This operation is performed automatically if no data is received for more than three seconds from the last print data. 1) Counts the number of flushing operations from the last standby operation, using the combined print counter N.
STYLUS 800 Service Manual Cleaner Blade Operation The cleaner blade operation eliminates any dust or ink attached to the nozzle plate surface. This operation consists of the following separate operational modes. This operation eliminates any dust attached to the nozzle plate surface before Cleaner blade - I the ink absorbing operation is performed.
This counter indicates the amount of ink that exists in the cap, in proportion to the number of flushing operations. When the counter value exceeds or equals 5600 (R 2 5600), the printer performs the false absorbing operation. This counter is used to: 1) keep a wet condition inside the cap, 2)
Rev. B This counter is used to manage the total amount of drained ink. If the counter value is equal to or exceeds 25000 (A 2 25000), the printer indicates the error on the contiol panel and maintenance is required.
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Table of Contents 3.1 OVERVIEW 3.1.1 Precautions for Disassembling the Printer ......3-1 3.2 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY 3.2.1 CASE, UPPER Removal ......3-3 3.2.2 Power Supply Unit (C106 PSB/PSE BOARD) Removal .
STYLUS 800 Service Manual 3.1 OVERVIEW This section describes procedures for disassembling the main components of this printer. Unless otherwise specified, the disassembled unit or components can be reassembled simply by reversing the disassembly procedure. The assembly procedure is, therefore, omitted. Precautions for any disassemble or assemblv Procedure are titles “~sassemblY/As*mblY points”.
Disassembly and Assembly 3.2 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Follow the instruction in Section of the subheads shown in the diagram below. Refer to the exploded view of This section consists the printer in the Appendix, if necessary. START CASE, UPPER & 3.2.1...
STYLUS 800 Service Manual CASE, UPPER Removal 3.2.1 Remove the COVER, PRINTER by releasing the tabs holding it to the CASE, UPPER. [Step 1] [Step 2] Remove the SUPPORT, PAPER by releasing the tabs holding it to the CASE, LOWER.
Push in the locking tab and take out the power supply unit by sliding it toward the back [Step of the printer. Figure 3-3. POWER SUPPLY UNIT Removal STYLUS 800 Service Manual...
When you replace the main board, initialize the EEPROM contents as follows: Reassemble the printer. Turn the printer ON while hold down IALTI, IECONOMYICONDENSED1, fLOADIEJECll and [PAUSEI buttons on the control panel. When you replace the main boani to new one, you must take out the block resistor attached at the location RM22 of old main board, and this block n%stor should be attachsd to the new board in hrder to maintain proper printhead drive voltage control.
Figure 3-5. PRINTER MECHANISM (M-481O) Removal ‘ When the printhead or the printer mechanism is replaced, the block msistormust be replaced at location RM22 on the main controller board. (Eve~ spare printhead or spare printer mechanism is come with a block resistor that specifically selected to each printheadt to ensuw opti”mal control of the dn”ver...
[Step 1] Remove the printer mechanism. (Refer to section 3.2.4.) [Step 2] Move the carriage to the middle of the printer. The carriage is located between first and second paper guide roller, as illustrated in figure below. Pull the ink cartridge towards you and remove the ink cartridge.
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STYLUS 800 Service Manual Disassembly and Assembly Ink Cartridge 0“ ..:-. f ,. Printhead Unit a -. =’5” Figure 3-7. PRINTHEAD UNIT Removal (Continued) Rev. A... Remove the PRINTER MECHANISM. (Refer to section 3.2.4.) [Step 1] Move the carriage to the middle of the printer. The carriage is located between first and [Step 2] second paper guide roller, as illustrated in figure below. Remove 2 screws (CBB screw (M3 x 10) x 2) fixing the front paper guide assembly to the [Step 3] mechanism.
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STYLUS 800 Sewice Manual Disassembly and Assembly Pump Unit Figure 3-9. PUMP Unit Removal (Continued) Rev. A 3-1o...
STYLUS 800 Service Manual CLEANER, HEAD Replacement [Step 1] Remove the PUMP UNIT. (Refer tosection3.2.5.2.) [Step 2] Remove the CLEANER, HEAD from the pump unit. Keeping the CLEANE& HEAD clean is extremely important to keep the ink injection system working properly in the printhead, and it directly afiects printing quality. Therefore, handle the CLEANER, HEAD vey carejidly, and observe the following instructions.
Rotate the HOLDER, SHAFT that holds both ends of the carriage guide shaft, and push [Step the ends inward to disengage them from the left and the right frame of the printer mechanism. Remove the FPC cables that go through the base frame assembly.
CR MOTOR Removal [Step 1] Remove the printer mechanism. (Refer to section 3.2.4.) [Step 2] Remove the tension spring and take thetimingbeltout of the CRmotordrive pulley. [Step3] Remove 3 screws (CP(P2) screw (M3 x 10) x 3) that fixing the CR motor to the CR motor holder plate, and remove the CR motor.
Disassembly and Assembly PF MOTOR Removal [Step 1] Remove theprinter mechanism. [Step 2] Remove3 screws (CBB screw (M3x 10) x3), and remove theholdingplate. Since the holding plate retains the pressure springs under it, be sure not to loose them when removing the holding plate.
STYLUS 800 Service Manual PAPER FEED ROLLER ASSEMBLY Removal [Step 1] Remove the printer mechanism. (Refer to section 3.2.4.) [Step 2] Remove the carriage unit. (Refer to section Remove 2 screws (CBB screw (M3 [Step 3] [Step Remove the PAPER FEED ROLLER ASSEMBLY.
Adjustments Chapter 4 Table of Contents 4.1 OVERVIEW 4.1.1 Precautions for Adjustment ..... . . 4.2 BI-DIRECTIONAL PRINTING ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT 4.3 DEFAULT SEITING PARAMETER REGISTRATION 4.4 PAPER GAP ADJUSTMENT Figure 4-1.
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The printer stores the compensation data in the EEPROM on the main board (C106 MAIN), and referring to this data when the bi-directional printing is performed.
(C106 MAIN). Therefore, this set up value must be written in EEPROM when the main board or the EEPROM chip is replaced. [Step 1] Comect the PC to the target printer and turn the printer on. Execute BASIC on the PC and run the program “DNxxx.BAS”. [Step 2] When the main menu appeared, choose “Default Setting Parameter Registration”...
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STYLUS 800 Service Manual Shaft holder ..6’ .. ;...: Adjust position Shaft holder Figure 4-1. PG Adjustment Rev. A Carriage guide shaft PG Gauge RIGHT Adjust position arriaga ............Pnnthead PG Gauge Cut section (A-A’)
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5.2.3 Failure occurs during printing ......5-6 5.2.4 Printer does not feed the paper correctly ......5-7 5.2.5 Control panel operation is abnormal .
800 Service STYLUS Manual 5.1 OVERVIEW The printer may exhibit different symptoms for the same problem, which makes troubleshooting more difficult. This however, provides simple and effective ways to facilitate section, troubleshooting. The following flowchart illustrates the main steps of the troubleshooting process.
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0.1 second beep Notes: V : 0.1 second interval + : *1: This is not treated as an error. *2: It is not necessary to replace the ink cartridge until the printer detects the ‘Ink End’ error. Table 5-3. Error Codes PAUSE...
The table below lists the svrrmtom of certain defects, and you can easily identify what the problem. Once the problem is identif&i, refer to the flowchart corresponding to each problem. Table 5-4. Symptom and Problem Symptom Printer does not operate at power on Error is detected Failure occurs during printing...
Troubleshooting 5.2.1 Printer does not operate at power on Check the output voltage of Ihe C1C6 PWPSEal CN2. STYLUS 800 Service Manual Use the comxt Replace the fuse discmwt C106 cN70n the MAIN board.. Replaca the CIOS PSSJPSE board. Replace the printer mechanism.
5.2.2 Error is detected START Identify the type of enor indicated. (SaeTable 5-3.) Waste ink drain tank over-fbw Replace the waste ink absorbing material, and raset the protect counter. (S88 Chapter Rev. A Turn the printer Replamthe printer mechanism. TmuMeshootjng...
STYLUS 800 Service Manual Printer does not feed the paper correctly 5.2.4 Replace the C1G6 MAIN board. Rev. A Set the paper Ccmcfly. Verify that nothing abnormal within the paper path. Also confirm that there is nci any foreign objects...
800 Sewice STYLUS Manual 5.3 UNIT REPAIR - CI06 PSB/PSE BOARD This section describes the problems related to the power supply board (C106 PSB/PSE). The table below provides various symptoms, likely causes, and checkpoints. The checkpoints refer to waveforms, resistance, and values to be checked to evaluate the operation of each component.
STYLUS 800 Service Manual Troubleshooting 5.4 UNIT REPAIR - CI06 MAIN BOARD ‘ a This section describes the problems related to the main controller board (C106 MAIN). The table below provides various symptoms, likely causes, and checkpoints. The checkpoints refer to waveforms, resistance, and other values to be checked to evaluate the operation of each component.
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800 Service Troubleshooting STYLUS Manual Table 5-6. Repair of the C106 MAIN (Continued) 5-11 Rev. A...
Troubleshooting 5.5 UNIT REPAIR - PRINTER MECHANISM (M-4810) Troubles related to the printer mechanism should be repaired according to the troubleshooting procedures in Table 5-7. Table 5-7. Condition Symptom PF motor The pump fails to rotate at mechanism time of power does not operate.
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SNLUS 800 Service Manual Table 5-7. Repair of Printer Mechanism (Continued) Condition Symptom The carriage moves, but no Printing is not printing is performed. performed. A particular dot is not printed. A dot is not printed occasionally. Abnormal printing. Printhead characters are not aligned.
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Maintenance Chapter 6 Table of Contents 6.1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 6.2 SERVICE MAINTENANCE 6.2.1 Printhead Cleaning .......... .6-1 6.2.2 Waste Ink Drain Tank Replacement.
MAINTENANCE 6.1 PREVENTIVE Altough this printer is designed that no specific maintenance is required in regular basis, it is good idea to clean the printer throughly whenever you get a chance to do so. You can clean : Outer case If it is dirty, clean it with a soft, clean cloth, dampened with mild detergent if necessary.
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The printer must be lubricated properly when the printer is disassembled for component replacement, or if the mechanical noise exceeds a certain level. EPSON only recommends the lubricants listed in table below for this printer, both of which have been tested extensively and found to comply with the requirements of this printer mechanism.
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........... . . Iw-1 — ~ . z ..I CN6 ] ICN5 ~ I - Ap’”o’or CR Motor Printer Mechanism (“-4810) Appendix Printhead Unit Sensor Sensor...
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PF motor CR motor PSB/PSE) PS line (to C106 Panel control (to Cl 06 PNL) AC Input (UN) DC output (to Cl 06 MAIN/Printer mechanism) (to Cl 06 MAIN) Pin Assignment - Description STROBE signal Parallel data (DATA1 - DATA8)
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STYLUS 800 Service Manual Table A-4. Connector Pin Assignment - CN3 Name HCLK Table A-5. Connector Pin Assignment - CN4 Name Table A-6. Connector Pin Assignment - CN5 Name PFCOM PFCOM PF-A PF-B Table A-7. Connector Pin Assignment - CN6 Name CR-A CR-B...
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Appendix Table A-9. Connector Pin Assignment - CN8 Name +!FN LEDO PAUSE LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6 LED7 LED8 STYLUS 800 Service Manual Description +5V DC LEDO driie signal (“L”=LED on) SW1 input signal (“L”=Button pressed) input signal SW3 input signal SW4 input signal PAUSE input signal LED1 driie signal...
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STYLUS 81M Service Manual (’;’:, ‘ + Rev.D Append& c .- A-7’...
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Appendix =~ . ‘al II-l & A-a’ I I I STYLUS 800 Service Manual Rev.D...
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STYLUS S00 Sarvice BJ?lu-q- % 7 ( E M U 0! Al 2010435 & <. ,.-,,>J Figure A-2’. C106 MAIN-B Control Board Rev.D Manual s----l ‘-’k-’, ‘IC10 Ki ! ! l Appandix n - ‘ r - l “+3 —-” 8 ‘Y ’...
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Appendix l.--J\ d’+=- 2 0 1 3 0 3 0 ASSY C 106 PSB-B~ A ‘~ CMK-P2X ~ .- -- —z- Figure A-3’. CI06 PSB-B/PSE-B Power Supply Board A-1o’ C A U T 1 0 N ..,.rr...oru.u. ‘ 01--1 l-Jm- MODEL ---@-...
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STYLUS 800 Service Manual . . \ Figure A-4. CI06 PNL Control Panel Rev.A @ LED8 (ORG) Swln @ LEDO ( R E D ) LED1 (RED) J8 A @ LED2 (GRN) S W 2 • @=LE#3@( GRN ) Whlw ,CN 1 18 u Appendix...
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