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Use Congratulations on purchasing this Philips product. We've included everything you need to get started. If you have any problems, Philips Representativescan help you get the most from your new product by explaining: • Hookups. • First Time Setup, and •...
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And we'll do everything in our power to keep you happy with your purchase for many years to come. As a member of the PHILIPS "family," you're entitled to protection by one of the most comprehensive war- ranties and outstanding service networks in the industry.
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IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read before operating equipment Read these instructions. Damage Requiring Service - The appliance should be serviced by qualified service personnel when: Keep these instructions. The power supply cord or the plug has been damaged; Heed all warnings. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled into the appli- Follow...
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INTRODUCTION Using the Lock After Control ....... Welcome/Registration of Your TV ....How to block programming using the TV Ratings Lock Controls ........Safety/Precautions ......Features ........How to block programming using the Movie Ratings Controls ........Editing channels with the Channel Remove Control ..AUDIO/VIDEO INPUT JACKS .lack Panel descriptions and required cables ..
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The number of picture lines are increased along with the As an Energy Star@ Partner, Philips Consumer number of pixels per line, giving normal broadcast signals, DVD reproduction or Digital TV signals, unparalleled sharp-...
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Ttnpe television is equipped with external ut and outputjacks./br use with optional Located on the back of theTV accessol 3, devices such as Home entertainment Receiver.s,, VCRs, DVD Playe_; Gaming Units, Video Cameras, etc. 77wjbllowing gives a bri_ff explanation of the dii_rent types ofiacks avail- able and the type of cables needed to make connectioRs.
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e YVIv audioA4deo input jacks are Jot irect picture and sound connections BACK OF TV between the TV and a VCR (or similar device) that has audio/video output jacks, fbllow ea._y steps below to connect your accessory q i RDB AUDIO AUDIO ®,,®,®...
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TLte )'Viv audio/video input jacks allow you onnect multiple accessol T devices at one time to d![fi, rent sets of input jacks_ fbllow the ea&" steps below to connect an additional accessol T device to the A V 2 Input Jacks locat- ed on the backqf the TE Connect...
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TioiS television has input jacks conveniently cated on the side of the cabinet. "lTwse jack are fbr easy hook-ups (without having to SIDE (AV 3) Input Jacks Located on tlle Side move around to the back of the TV) jbr cam- the Tele\ ision E abinet...
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Note: If the AV3 channel is tuned and no signal A V3 hTput Yacks plvvide Both Component connection present, the screen could jump or flash. nd RGB _'deo hTputs at 1080i, fbr acces- sories like a liD Receiver and Digital DVD RGB (!ABLE Players'.
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Note: If the AV4 channel is tuned and no signal con- T]npe A V4 Input Jucks provide Component _'deo nection present, the screen could .iump or flash. uts at 1080i, jbr accessories like a HD Receiver and Digital DVD Players'. Using the JACK PANEL...
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L'using an accesso O, device that is not high efinition but uses Component Video jacks. 77te AVl jacks on the TV offer the user the rkm CVI connection will be possibility of better video reproduction using domhlate over file AVI Video the Component Video Inputs.
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Tote S(uper)-Video connection on the rear /the TV can provide you with better pic- When using the S-Video Input, do not connect a video signal to tile AV 2 IN ture detail and clarity./br the playback Video Jack¸ Tl_is could cause a ghost accesso O, sources such as DBS (digital image...
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Audio/Video (Monito 0 Output jacks an be used.fbr recording a selected AUDIO AUDIO JACK PANEL (Antenna Input/tuner signal source) Channel. Located on the lhis recording can even be completed while back of the TV MONr[OR o"®'® viewing another external Audio/Video Source VIDEO &...
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External Tile Audio Output jacks are greatjbr con- ® ecting to an external audio system or a Audio System: set qf external ._peakers. ?'his will enhance AUDIO AUOIO Located on file sound comingj?om the television to improve JACK PANEL _,®L +,,®L®...
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TbdlacO'ust your TV picture controls, select a annel and fi_llow these steps. Picture Sound Features Channels Press the MENU button on the remote control to show the onscreen menu. Settings Picture Sound Features Channels Demo Install Contrast Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to highlight PICTURE, Brightness Color...
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TLl/e Digital Processing control gives you a hoice between two d!ffLn'ent picture scan- ning modes: Progressive Scan or Pixel Plus, Progressive Scan doubles the nmnber q/]vic- tare lines, eliminating line flicker and provid- ing a jitterffi'ee picture. Picture Sound FeaturesChannels Pixel Plus improw_s the picture quality and appearance...
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Dynamic Contrast control allows you o shmTen the picture quality by making dark portions of the picture darker and light portions q/the picture more noticeable. Normall2; you will probably want to select MEDIUMI In certain circumstance.s,, howevec you may prefer MINIMUM or MAX1MUMI Picture _ound...
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MAXIMUM. Press the MENU button to remme the onscreen menu from the TV screen. Picture The DNR Control can also be accessed _I_ enhar_ent by simply pressing the DNR button on the remote control. Autn picture Picmre f g® PHILIPS...
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Color Enhancement control can dra- matically improve the pictmw quality pictures with a high saturation of colol: 771is control works in /hur ways; Dynamic Blue Stretch corrects the white col- ors toward a more bhdsh colored white with- out changing the other colors, hnproves Picture _3und...
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_/_ether you're watching a movie or a ideo game, your TV has automatic video control settings that will match with yollr current progra_#l SOllrce contenL AutoPicture quickly resets your TV's video controls fbr a number of d!ffL,rent OTes o1 Auto picture @ Personat programs and viewing...
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can change the screen.f!)rmat size to *atch the tA,pe oj]vrogram you're watch- ing. Select the normal 4.'3 a.spect ratio o1"a vaHetA, /or wide screen /brmats. J'Autornatie Movie expand 149 Press the MENU button on the [P_ore forma_ _14:3s°P ..Movie expand Picture format (_ 1619 Automatic...
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Byesides the normal volume level control, our TV also has a headphone volume control, This control can be adjusted when using headphones without having to adjust the main volume contro! /br the TV cabinet TELEVISION VOLUME ._peakers, HEADPHONE VOLUME 'lb control the television volume: Picture _ofJnd l:eatures Channels Press the VOL + button on the remote...
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u can change the dynamics o/the sound eing heard through the TV by using the Equalizer control, 771e Equalizer control con- tains slider controls to adjust or change only the Personal settings, [[any (_[the other.fbc- tory pre-defined settings are changed, they wil! become the new Personal...
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Sound Mode control allows you to lace the TV sound into one *?/i/ive modes; Stereo, 3 Stereo, 3D Surround, Hall, or Pro Logic. Picture Seund Seatures Channels 171e./bllowing instructions show how to place Settings the TV into one of these sound modes. l)emo Sound I:eatures...
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_Tor broadcasts that contain SAP (Secondcu_, Audio Program) #_formation tl_e A It Audio Control can be set to ON. SAP is an additional part of the stereo broadcast sys- tem. Sent as a third audio channel, SAP can be heard apartj?om the current TV program sound.
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yogu can receive broadcast stereo TV pro- rams, 77ze TV has both an ampl!fier twin ._peakers through which the stereo sound can be heard, Press the MENU button on the Picture Vound l:eatures Channels remote to display the onscreen menu. Settings Demo Press the CURSOR...
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7he 3D Surround E[]bct Control helps to widen the effect being heard through the television _speakers, 7Iris control is only availoble i[ the television has been placed in the 3D Surround mode. Picture ]ound I:eatores Channels _ttlng_ Demo IV T Press the MENU button on the...
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If/l?omost cases, the volume levels coming m broadcast programming or commer- cials are never the same. With the A VL (Audio Volume Levele 0 control turned ON, you can have the TV level out sound that is being heard. 771is makesjbr a more consis- Picture _ound...
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T_cle vohtme level coming f!'om channel hannel and broadcast to broadcast vary widely, The Delta Volume Control will allow the volume to be increased fbr channels with weaker audio signaLv while allowing other channeLv with stronger signals to be reduced some, When the Delta Volume Control is adjusted...
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utoSound allows you to select f?om /bur fbctoo,-set controls and a personal control that you set according to your own pre/brences through the onscreen Sound menu. Thejbur fitctory-set controls (Speech, Auto sound Personal Music, Movie, or Multimedia) enable you to Speech tailor the TV sound so as to enhance the par-...
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Cltosed Captioning (CC) allows you to read Picture Sound Features Channels he voice content qf television programs IV c;;_ 13/i .e [peakers G_qeral _urce on the TV screen. Designed to help the hear- Settings ing impaired, this./eature uses onscreen "text Oemo Derno _ettings T...
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ve you everjbllen asleep in./?ont ojthe V, only" to have it wake you up at two in the morning with a testpattern sound screeching in your ears? Well, your TV can enable you to avoid that discomfbrt by auto- matically turning itselJoff.
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7re On-77mer Control allows you to set a if_ time to power the TV on automatically a certain time oj'da)_ 771e On-Timer can be set to work once, o1"daily at the same time. Picture _ound Features Channels Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen...
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Channel List Control shows all the avail- ble channels that the Auto Programming placed in the TV memor)a The channels can be selected fi_om this list, Picture Sound _tures Channels Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu. _ttings 0emo Channels...
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various reasons you might want to block he programming on a spec!fic channel series of channels, The Channel Lock Control will allow individual channels to be "locked", Picture _aund Features Channels blocking the programming on that channel, Settings Demo _hannels Install Press the MENU button on the remote...
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T;ere may come a time when you will need to lock programming after a certain time o/ day, Tkis is a great /L_ature to limit the time your children watch TV or to lock all channels Picture Sound FeaturesChannels at night when material not suited fbr children Settings might be brnadcast,...
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u can select ._7)ec!fic TV Ratings to block roadcast signal with unsuitable inf!)rma- tion. Picture Sound I:eatures Channels Sottlngs I)erao Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu. Channels Install Channel list Channel Io:_k Press the CURSOR RIGHT button repeatedly...
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Mo4e rati also.) onscreen menu from the TV screen. Press the MENU button to remove the ®®@ _h_nnels rati PHILIPS (7."GeneralAudienee - All ages admitted. Most parents would find this programming stdtable for all ages. This type of programming contains...
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l%_l_IOV(_ yteu spec{fic'om levision s memory by using the Channel Picture Sound Features Channels Remove Control. FV(_) Settings Demo Channels Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu. Imtag Channel list Channet lock Press the CURSOR RIGHT button repeatedly to highlight CHANNELS, Lock alter IV ratln...
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times the signal being received ma), be weak due to various reasons. This television is equipped with a control (Antenna Attenuator) that will help to improve or strengthen the sig- nal being received. Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu, Picture _ound...
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e Test Zbne and Speaker 7?ira Controls will Picture Sound Features Channels llow you to adjust and balance the sound I]/_.e Speakers General _ur_ coming _i'om al! available ._peakers. _ettings Demo Demo Settings T Ir_taiE InstaB Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu.
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Ttnere are simple controls to set the television Center Mode (center speaker mode) or to turn the Surrozlnd Speakers 'lb turn the Center Mode Control ON: Picture Sound Features Channels _ttlngs I)emo Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu, install...
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help view the onscreen menu better when d_ it is activated, the Menu Background Control will place a light transparent green jield behind the onscreen menu. This field reduce.s, the Picture Sound I:eatures Channds contrast in the TV picture allowing the text qf TV_.e Speakers General...
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list or series of previously viewed channels can be selected with the SURF button on your remote control. With this./eature, you can easily switch between di{]erent TV channels that currently interest you. 77w SURF Control Picture _und l:eatures Channels allows you to set up the television to toggle 2 IV_Lm Speakers general...
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Tithe Dual Screen, o1"sometimes called Picture Picture (PIP), ./eature will allow you to choose the size o/Dual Screen window to be di.Lvluyed when the Dual Screen (or PIP) button Picture Sound FeaturesChannels is pressed on the remote control, 77w window IV_i;_ = IV_.o Speakers General Source...
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MultiPIP Control will allow you to hoose belween showing 3 o1"6 PIP win- dows while still dL_p!uying the main video pic- tllre onscreen, Picture Sound J:eatures Channels TVj_m Speakers Generat Source Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu, Settings Settings_ I)ema...
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t?ee reeze Control wil! allow you to set the eze option to one o/'three d!{]L, r ent choic- es, Choose./i*om the Freeze, Repla); o1"Photo f'inish options, Below are the steps describing Picture Sound l:eamres Channels the process to set the Freeze Format Control.
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_Fae Audio/Video control can be reset to the Picmr_ Sound Features Q1ann_[s ctolT set modes using the Reset A V IV_._ Sp_akgls goneral Sourc_ Setting Control. _ttings Settings Demo D_mo Instal[ Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu, Press the CURSOR DOWN button to highlight SETTINGS, G_noral Sour_...
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television Picmr_ Sound Feamres ChannNs ntrol can b_ s_t two wa)s. OSD Minimiz_ [_A_¢ Spaakers General _urce limits the TV display to current channel number _ttJngs Settings status. Normal shows additional TV operating 9emo D_mo modes and other status screen iq/brmation. [nstaH [nst_ll Press the MENU...
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Press the MENU button on the remote from the TV screen, PHILIPS Remember, if you ever forge1 you current four digit PIN, the default four digit PIN is: Please enter your 0, 7, 1, 1 This default PIN will still work as a backup number even if you creale a new PIN.
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_Athin the Source Control, all the external udio/Video input Jacks can be given a channel label that wil! appear along side the channel indicator when the A V Input channels Picture Sound FeaturesChannels are tuned, IVA_o Seeakers General Seurce Settings Oemo Derno Press the MENU button on the remote...
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Active Contro! monitors and adjusts ncoming video signals to help provide bestpicture quality, When you choose to turn the Active Control ON, the control can be set to i_m+I I Aetiue_ntr°l • Itinim_m Minimum, Medium, o1"Maximum effect. Ilaximura Press the ACTIVE CONTROL button on the remote control to display the Active Control menu, Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN but-...
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Tree remote control that is supplied with your levision may also work with a variety o/' iq/?ared controlled accessory devices such as VCRs, Cable Boxes, DVD Players, Satellite Receivers, etc. Codes fi-om Press the CBL, VCR, AMP, HD, SA'I, DVD, or CD button depending on the type of accessory device you want to age 56-57 operate.
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The backlight buttons and selected mode button will m, c r_l_ blink twice to indicate the Auto Search code setup is complete. PHILIPS Note: if any other buttons are pressed during the procedure, the Auto Search will end,...
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Wven using the TV remote control with a CR, .first make certain it is set to con- trol your VCR (by the CODE ENTRY SEARCH method), Press the VCR mode button, Be sure the button lights green. Point the top of the remote toward the front of the VCR (remote sensor win- dow) when pressing the buttons.
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No Power Remote Does Not Work (Continued) • Clean the remote control and the remote control sensor win- • Check the TV power cord. Unplug the TV, wait 10 seconds, dow on the TV. then reinsert the plug into the outlet and push the POWER button again.
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Active Control * Active Control continuously measures and cor- NTSC (analog video signals) • National Television Standards rects the incoming signals to provide the best picture possible. Committee format devised to TV broadcasting signals in the 1940s (525 lines: 60Hz). Alternate Channel °...
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3D Surround Effect Control ......Freeze Control ........Aclive Control ........Glossary of Terms ......... Alternale Audio Control ......Headphone Volume Control ......Antenna Aitenuator Control ......Index .......... Lock After Control ........ Audio/Video input/Ouq_ut Jacks Audio Outputs ........Menu Background Control ......
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Service NOTE:If you reside in one of our Philips Factory Service Branch areas (see directory on back), you can contact the nearest Service Branch to obtain efficient and expedient repair for your producL If your product is In-Warranty, you should have proof-of-purchase to ensure No ChargeService, For Out-of-Warranty service, call the location nearest you.
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OR U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... or repair of all parts, and for all labor charges. Contact a Philips factory service center (see enclosed list) or author- All parts, including repaired and replaced parts, are covered only for ized service center to arrange repair.
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