And we'll do everything in our power to keep you happy with your purchase for many years to come. As a member of the PHILIPS "family," you're entitled to protection by one of the most comprehensive warranties and outstanding service networks in the industry.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - Readbeforeoperatingequipment 11. Power-Cord Protection - Powersupply cordsshould he routed so Thisproduct w as designed andmanufactured to meetstrictquality and thattheyare notlikelyto be walkedon or pinched byltemspiaead safety standards, Thereare, however, s omeinstallation and operation upon or against them, payingparticular attention to cordsand precautions whichyoushould beparticularly aware of.
Page 4
..iiiil General Information if Something Isn t Work'ng ......55 Cleaning and Care ............ Index ................ Regulat0ry Notices . ..,..;;..56 _!ossary 0_ D_,Terms ......,_,r:,: ... _ 7 ..Copyright 0 1999 Philips Consumer Elecironics. All rights reserved.
ATSC Certified - for fu'll compliance with analog NTSC and all 18 digital ATSC formats as specified Use the Set-Up Guide (supplied with your the Federal Conununications Commission (FCC). DPTV information packet) for details on: Iligh Definition Digital - with rift} 1920 x 1080 interlaced image resolution capal',ility...
Page 6
FcrSt Time Setup automatically takes are of some basic control feature ANAL_ MAIN _NU. settings for you. Follow the steps in this section to quickly add area channel numbers blip the DPTV's scan system DP7V for memory, set tile your sigrml (Anterrna or Cable.) connected also...
Page 7
pfilease remember, SETUP is a rst-use, one-time operatiotz System is looking for brae on channel and will not have to be repeated Time found Time was not found on channel after initial adjusmtents are made, on channel Note: Press the "exit" button The Lime r, 12 OOPM ENTERANOTHERCHANNEL...
Page 8
Select the adjust your DPTV color and NEXT control and M_mLO_ Mt_¢ tqa. NU. icture controls, select a TV then press MENU channel and follow the steps shown (or ok) button on the below: remote to view _, additional controls Select BRIGtlTNESS, grouped...
Page 9
_llinvergence is the correct ning up of the red and blue light paths on the DPTV screen. . ANALOG MENU NOTE: If no color frit_gittg (see Smart Help) shmvs, then no Convergence adjustment._ R£ MENU It('('essary. Select CONVERGENCE control. =, 1 'OP'2 I, ':L'_ With PICrURE MENU (2 of 2) on-screen, move the I_ED highlighl...
Page 10
_tth Smart Picture you can set a _umber of video and audio controls to your own personal preference. Once the individual controls have been adjusted to the levels you desire, use the list of Smart Picture feature category titles to , _, ANALO G pAAI_J M[NLJ...
Page 11
F_allowing your initial setup djustments (see previotts page), select the desired Smart Picture ' in order to place the DPTV to the personalized set of audio and SMAR video control settings for that title. Select the SMART PICTURF •- SMART PIG -_-_= control.
ClyOSed Captioning (CC) allows NOTE: Not all TV programs and product commercials are made for otl to read the voice content broadcast wilh Closed Caption (CC) information included. Neither are all NTSC television programs on the Closed Caption modes (CAPTION I-4;...
Page 13
u need to make sure the PTV is set to pick up either Cable TV or Antenna signals, other words, the DPTV needs to know if you connected a Cable TV signal or a tzornzal allletttlO loils ANTENNA plug. _ ANALO G MAIN M[t_U ..
yiour DPTV can automatically tself for local area (or Cable TV) channels. This makes it easy for you to select only the TV stations in your area when the CIIANNEL • • bullons are pressed. . ANALO G MAIN MENU •...
Auto-Programming (see previous page) adds all the channels it can find (on your Antenna or Cable 73/system) into the DPTV s memorT. Add/D_lete Channels makes it easy for you to _;_i_ ¸ _i_ i_ ¸? '_:i:,_i_i_:. add other channels, or drop ANALO G MAIN MENU...
• . FOur DPTV is able to deliver the lifelike, widescreen picture _i'!iii(i ii!i! I_SpL_y FORMAT_= ----_ ..(or "home cinema" viewing iii _ ¸iii experience) that is promised with High Definition TV programming. The Display Format control CF_/_/klEL PARENTAL be used to expand conventional 4:3 aspect ratio (width-to-height)
Page 17
V V control you can change size and location of the on-screetl _/ith the Channel Display channel and clock information. • I Select CHANNEl. DISPLAY control. With FEATURES MENU (2 of 3) on-screen, move the RED highlight with the MENU t_' buttons.
Page 18
you ever have trouble remembering on which channel a particular station network is located? The Channel Labels Control is a quick way to view and select chatozels from a list of Labeled channels. A Label is a four letter callout you can set to appear with the Oil- screen channel...
Page 19
NOTE:Your TV left the factory with the Parental Code set to "0000". If you are using your TV and the Parental Control for the first time, and don't want to SETUP a new Access code number, you can parental Control allows parents use Ihe "0000"...
Page 20
tier your personal Parental namber has been set (see ,_ j Select the PARENTAL CONTROL. With FEATUI_.ES MENU (2 of 3) on screen, move the RED highlight with the MENU (M] ,[_, buttons. Then press the MENU button. Press the MENU AY and MENU (or ok) buttons to highlight and select the BLOCK CHANNELS item;...
Page 21
I Note: Please remember that a valid and current Access Codenumber will be reqmred m the setup and use of tbe TV's "Content Advisory system. Review the previous SETUP CODE section on how to obtain a valid Parental Access Code number before attempting to make adjustments...
Page 22
bvie Ratings set viewing levels progrmnming according to current Motion Picture Association America (MPAA) ratings, These _ MOVIE 0LOCKING ratings are sintilar to the categories used with the rated CONTENT ADVISORY _,_r movies appearing in cinema theaters with video rental [_Jx _c'7 material.
Page 23
p_erental Guidelines can be yen more defined and specific in the degree and extent of ii!iiiiii ¸ material parents may allow for 73/ program viewing Sub-settings - _ _ pAF_ENTAL GUIIXLINES ._,_. l.tmguage, Violence. mzd other l_/ _ 'q _" TO Select. R_ng blocking factors can be manually...
Page 24
e Content Advisory systent [so has "Blocking _L0CKING I_PTIONS ..Option "controls wh&h can be nsed to deny viewing access DISAB'_ 0 ebck_ _en_ channel programs attd movies 8e_+,*rTC Block 0_, et'en when they "unrated", Lf_AT_O pROOA A_ contain "no ratbtg" itlformatio/t as broadcasted.
Page 25
il_,Ik"k"l_ I1',IDIllI__ |?_! I?d_[ol _-_ Vour DPTV also has individual 1_ sound adjustment controls. 77u" BASS (low frequency), TREBLE i"1 (high frequency), and Speaker BALANCE may all be used to [ adjust the sound playback of NTS( ? • ANALQG MAIN MENU •...
Page 26
y:ur DPTV is able to receive roadcast stereo TV programs. If a stereo signal is The DPTV is equipped with an not available and internal amplifier and speaker the DPTV is placed systenz through which the stereo in STEREO, the sound can be heard.
Page 27
the DISPLAY VOLUME ontrol to see program volume level settings on the DPTV screen. Once set, the Volume Display will be seen each time the VOLUME buttons (on the DPTV i'__ :ii: i_I_/_ ill i_.._i_ii_ii_i local keyboard or Pronto rentote) ..
Page 28
you tired of the sound of commercials following into the next room or all through the house? The Atttomatic Volume Limiter (A VL) control allows you to preset a desired volunte level = -_ ANALOG MAIN MENU ..that the DPTV sound will not go MENU ..
Page 29
alternate audio Pronto remote contains hree display screens feature, this button can also be used Primari[y used for "all audio" ATSC mode quickly select the NTSC Second Audio "Analog TV" related controls. Program (SAP) feature (when available) the touchscreen conlrols access and adjust NTSC featares for Input...
Page 30
Zjhe Analog Audio/Video Input acks are for direct NTSC PI('I'URL SOtlNI) II_OM Pl AYI]A(?K I'APK _icfttre arid sottpld conplectiotls betweett t]te I)P7V attxilial RKAROI I)lqV eqtlipment (VCR, D VD Player, etc-.) that htz,_ Attdlo/Video Outpltt jacks. To view the playback _f a VCR tape by using...
Page 31
PICTURE SOUND FROM PLAYBACK CAMCORDER TAPE r more convenient Direct layback connections FRONI AUDIO/VIDEO JACKS hJput DPTV's Front Audio/Video AUX3 Inputs located on fight panel (located right front side panel of DPTV. DPTV's front side panel). These Inputs allow for quick easy access, particularly...
Page 32
_-Video connections on the rear of the DPTV offer PICTURE AND SOUND FROM PLAYBACK OF S- improved picture detail and clarity VHS VER ]'APE PLAYBACK for the playback of S- VHS VCR tapes or D VDs over a standard composite video input cotlnecliotL REAR OFDIrlV Note: The VCR (or DVD Player)
Page 33
_ppmpOnent Video Inputs rovide for the highest possible color and picture resolution in the playback REAR OF Dlrl_ PICI URE AND SOUND FROM PI*AYBACK digital signal source material such I)VD SOURCE MA [ERIAI. as with DVI) players. The color difference signals (Pn, PR) and the luminance...
Page 34
System Audio Out(pul)jacks send th_ DPTV's currem audio (ATSC. NTSC. or Monitor) to an e_temal amplifier for oulput Zohe DPTV's System Audio advantage of such an additional System Audio Out connection utputjacks can be used for shown in tha diagram) is Ihal it could continue to route...
Page 35
Once connected to receive digital A TSC broadcast the ATSC operating m keyboad_t signals, available area channels Press the Pronto bulton (or the "'Source" remote'm butlon "DTV" on ihc DPTV's_local Command mod_dmode can be added into the DPTV's PlCU_ro ehatttlel scan ttlentol 3, by tile...
Page 36
adjust your ATSC color and icture controls, select a digital channel and follow the steps shown below." <_ Select ATSC Picture L3TV Main Menu Menu. ° F_tur_s With the DTV Main Menu on- screen, move the highlight with IC_o¢ PjPlcture_[Mer_u the MENU AV buttons.
Page 37
Cinvergence is the correct ining up of the red and blue light paths on the DPTV screen. NOTE: If no color fringing (see Smart Help) shows, then no Convergence adjustnlents necessat3,. 7". Select tim ATSC Convergence control. With Picture Menu on-screcn, move the highlight with the MENU buttons.
Page 38
adding optional external REAR OF DPTV speakers to the DPTV's sound REAR SURROUND SOUND SPEAKER TERMINALS system, you can create the feeling (Opcratlonal only in ATSC of reflected sound that surrounds Monitor Display modes) you at a movie theater or concert hall.
Page 39
Subwoofer i)P'rV for either powered, or non-powered, types o[ optional Speaker on Dolby Digital Surround Sound system speakers and their use S_bwoofer speakers Contact your Philips dealer for [urther details - (nonpowered). 2SW_ 8Q Min. • Ask your dealer about...
Page 40
• HI] I_|]l'l l] (tl IIF_ ll-_l IJ{i t(llll_l REAR OF DPTV Center Channel Input terminal is also located on the rear of the DPTV for additional Dolby -(50W Max. Inpul) Digital Surrottnd sound connection options. This input can he used to connect an external Dolby Digital,...
Page 41
_so e DPTV also has individual i+_ i!_i !!!i_!ii!ili!!+i_ i!!i_i ¸¸ und adjustment controls for the ATSC system audio. The BASS (low frequency) and TREBLE ..(high frequency) controls may be used to adjust the sound of ATSC TV programs, or other external DI%' S=tu_ playback...
Page 42
e Speakers Menu involves arious setup and fimction EK._ aspects of multichannel speaker configurations possible within Dolby Digital Surround Sound DTV Mann Menu S eaker Menu system playback. Basically, _J_iJn(I Speakers Menu controls deal with VeaU_rP_; Cln/_ T kJn_n!_ Pruqr_'!3 distinct "one-time"...
Page 43
e Test Tone Speaker Menu onlrol generates a sound test signal adjust that used speakers individual DPTV desired volume levels. Test i?i: +:+iiiiili iiii ¸+! • signal Tone will directed each Speaker Meou speaker channel separately attdio C,_T I_zkp F_noqt ..
Captions Format control sed to set tile DPTV to receive the ATSC mode Closed Caption (CC) feature. ATSC Closed Caption presents the viewer with program dialogue i ¸ conversations wrilletl screen DTV Main Menu box" "text windows. _out_d _ lP_CWf <_ Select the ATSC Features Features Mentl...
Page 45
_(se DTV Setup Menu control ee page 35) autoprograms available signal A TSC digital channels into the DPTV's scan memory. Use tile Add/Delete Channel control to eliminate EK-r,_ add to the specific list of "major" channels contained within the OTM Main Menu DPTV's scan memory.
Page 46
NOTE:Your TV Left the factory with the Parental Code set to "0000". If you are using your _and the Parental Control for the first time, and don't want to SETUP a new Access code number, you can parental Control allows parents use the "0000"...
Page 47
After your personal Parental Code number has been set (see previous page), you are now ready to select the chatmels want _'aTed_ block out or censor. cgggrm Select the PARENTAL With FEATURES MENU L_,:k screen, move the RED highlight with tile MENU I_) buttons.
Page 48
Note: Please remember that a valid and current Access Code,number will be Another new area available required in )he setup and use of the "l'V's Cc, ntent Advisory system. Review parents for the censoring program material is through previous SETUP CODE section on how to obtain a valid Parental Access...
Page 49
Movie Ratings set viewing ccess levels for "IV programming according to current Motion Picture Association MOTION _CTUn( BLOCKING America (MPAA) ratings. These ratings are similar to the categories used with the rated movies appearing in cinema theaters and with video rental ×...
Page 50
p_erental Guidelines can be yen more defined attd specific in the degree and extent of material parents may allow for TV ;;_;H _ _i)!i!ii program viewing. Sub-settings TV PARENTAL GUI[_LINES Language, Violence, and other tO select rating blocking factors can be manually to select bloc_ng switched On or Off for use within...
Page 51
riga e Content Advisory system Iso has "Blocking Option "controls which can be used to deny viewing access for Ct:_tlmt AdvISO_ Setup [_sehte B b_kir_ ,_*e m channel programs and movies COW,TENT AO_JI_RY OP_(_qG even when they are "unrated", contain "no rating"...
Page 52
alternate audio* Zhto • Pronto remote contains Press It see the cud'cat channel number on the DPTV screen Press to cycle through the available audio uchscreen displays Also press It clear the DPTV screen after control adjustments language tracks for the current program "DTV"...
Page 53
REAR OF DPTV Another function of the DPTV is for the connection and use of Personal Computers (PCs), and other ttigh Definition (liD) digital source equipmettl, through DPTV's Monitor inputs and Nole: "111cD[rlN will display mode. Dedicated Audio display any Television compatible VGA or hzputjacks...
Page 54
e Monitor Menu feature ontrols are to aid you in setting up the DPTV for the best in display intage quality. Generally, the Monitor feature controls cover the basics in color and video image screen adjustments. variety of Monitor Audio Input controls are also available various speaker...
Page 55
Fcense make these simple CAUTION: A video source (such as a video game, Compact Disc Interactive - CDI, or becks before calling for TV information channel) which shows a constant non-moving pattern on the DPTV service. These tips can save you screen, can cause picture tube damage.
Page 56
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation, this by Philips Consumer Electronics may void the user's authority to equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy operate the equipment.
Page 57
Audio/Video Inputs * Located on the rear of the DPTV these Programming * The procedureof addingor deletingchannel connectors (RCA phono type plug) arc used for the input of audio and numbersinto the DPTV's memorycircuits. Inthis way the DPTV video signals. Designed for use with VCRs (or other accessories) in "remembers"...
Page 58
Pourlesproduits non¢ouverta p arlagarentie, contactez lecentre lepluspr_ dechez vous. NOTA: S i Ud.reside enunadenuestras z onaspara sucursales Philips deservicio aldef_brica (verdirectorio m,_s abajo), U d.puede comuniearse conlasucureal deservicio m_scereana paraobtener u nareparaci6n oportuna y eficaz desuproducto. S isuproducto e st_todavfa bajogarentla, Ud.debe presentar comprobante decompra parano ocasionar ningunos c argos porservicio.
Page 59
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Philips of Philips Consumer Electronics Company. is not liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, •...
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