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And we'll do everything in our power to keep you happy with your purchase for many years to come. As a member of the PHILIPS "family," you're entitled to protection by one of the most comprehensive war- ranties and outstanding service networks in the industry.
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IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read before operating equipment Read these instructions. Objects have tSllen, or liquid has been spilled into the appli- ance; or Keep these instructions. The appliance has been exposed to rain; or Heed all warnings. The appliance does not appear to operate normally Follow all instructions.
Page 4
How to use the AutoLock Controls: INTRODUCTION Welcome/Regislration of Your TV ..... Understanding the AutoLock Feature ....Safety/Precautions ....... Setting up an AutoLock Access Code ....Features .......... How to Block Channels ......How to Clear All blocked channels at the same time ..31 INSTALL MENU CONTROLS How to use the Language Control ....
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As an Energy StareR)Partner, Philips Consumer Eye Fidelity (also know as Digital Options) give a choice of Electronics has determined this product meets two different scanning technics Progressive Scan or Interlaced.
Page 6
UL HIN_: • AutoChron Remember, the LANGUAGE control makes only the TV's onscreen MENU items appear in English, Spanish, or French text. it does not change the other onscreen text PHILIPS features, such as Closed Captioning (CC), with TV shows.
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yOaUr TV can automatically set itsel/i[br local rea (or cable TV) channels. This makes it easy jbr you to select only the TV stations your area by pressing the CHANNEL (+) or (-) button. BRIGHTNESS • SOUND COLOR control to show the onscreen menu. Press the MENU button on the remote •...
Page 9
CH/dNNEL ED1T makes it ea_y_br you tO or delete channels jbom the list of chan- nels stored in the TV's memory. control to show the onscreen menu. Press the MENU button oll the remote DR[GXTNESS • SODHD COLOR Press the CURSOR DOWN button •...
Page 10
_t_e channel NAME [bature allows you to list call letters ifyourjbvorite stations beside their channel numbers when they appear on the screen. The TV has in memory a list of the 50 most popular channel names ([br example, ABC, NBC, FOX, etc'.). You also can enter a custom name (up to five characters).
Page 11
utoCTlron can automatically set the TV_ onscreen clock. Because the time is received f!'om a broadcast signal, you must be sure that a cable TV or antenna signal is pres- ent bejore you attempt to use the AutoChron .fbature. Press the MENU remote to show the onscreen button oll the...
Page 12
Remember, when the bar scale is centered • TINT , the control settings are at normal, mid-range levels. Picture adjust- ments are described here. PHILIPS NOTE: The SHARPNESS and TINT PICIBRE • Controls will not be available for adjust- • BRIGHTNESS ments when tuned to the AV4 Inputs (AV4 •...
Page 13
LEFT button until you select the option you want, either PROGRES- SIVE or 1050i. Press the STATUS/EXIT button to remove the menu from the screen. The Digital Options (Eye Fidelity) Control PHiLIPS is not available for use with the AV 4 input jacks.
Page 14
Tthe Dynamic Contrast control allows you o sharpen the picture quality by making dark portions of the picture darker and light portions of the picture mare noticeable. Normally, you will probably want to select BEIGHTNESS MED. In certain circumstances, howeve_ •...
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Besides the normal volume level control, your TV also has individual sound-adjust- ment controls. The TREBLE (highj?equen- cy), BASS (lowj?equencT), and Speaker BAL- ANCE may all be used to adjust the sound playback of TV programs. • PICTURE TREBLE BASS •...
Page 16
AVL is highlighted. SOUND • • TREBLE Press the CURSOR RIGHT or CUR- • BASS SOR LEFT button to toggle AVL ON • BALANCE or OFF. • INCR.SURROUND Press the STATUS/EXIT button to remove the menu from the screen. PHILIPS...
Page 17
Tgre e Incredible Surround [bature adds ater depth and dimension to both mon- aural (MONO) and stereo TVsound. With the control set to INCR. SURROUND (Incredible Surround), the TV_ speakers add even wider sound separation to normal • PICTURE TREBLE broadcasts.
Page 18
yOgU can receive broadeast stereo TV pro- rams. The TV has both an ampli[_er and twin speakers through which the stereo sound can be heard. • PICTURE TREBLE BASS • FEATURES BALANCE Press the MENU button on the remote SOUND •...
Page 19
f o'yOu have connected the TV's AUDIO UTPUTjacks to the AUDIO INPUT jacks on a stereo receiveg set A UDIO OUT to either VARIABLE or FIXED to determine whether you adjust the volume at the stereo or at the TE [!_vou select VARIABLE, change...
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• SAP SOR LEFT button to turn the televi- • AUDIO OUT sion's speakers ON or OFF. Press the STATUS/EXIT button to remove the menu from the screen. PHiLIPS External Audio System Jack Panel Jack Panel AUIll0 on back of TV...
Page 21
your television comes with an on-screen locL During normal operation, the clock appears on the screen when the STATUS/EXIT button is pressed or (/'the 77MER DISPLAY con- trol is turned ON. • PICTURE TIMER • SOUND ACTIVE CTRL AutoLock FEATURES Press the MENU control to show the onscreen button...
Page 22
JUsSt as you would an alarm clock, you can et the TV to turn itself ON once or at the same time every day. Follow these steps to set the Start 7ime. • PICTURE TIMER remote control to show the onscreen Press the MENU button on the •...
Page 23
Tttiejbllowing steps will guide you in set- ng the TV to turn itself Ol;'l;" at a specific time. • PICTURE TIMER Press the MENU button on the remote control to show the onsereen • SOUND ACTIVECTRL menu. AutoLock FEATURES • INSTALL CLOSED CAP Press the CURSOR DOWN button TIME...
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y_e u can select a spec![ic channel that the levision will tune to when the timer turns the set ON. Follow these steps to select the channel. • PICTURE TIMER Press the MENU button on the remote control to show the onscreen •...
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START CHANNEL Controls will be acti- vated every day of the week until it is turned OFF or set to ONCE. PHILIPS Remember, before setting the TIMER con- trols, lhe TV's clock must be set to the cor- rect time manually...
Page 26
: _., ill,]*lit ir ovr: if the TIME has been set and the DISPLAY Control set to ON, the current time will appear in the upper right corner of the TV Illk_* screen while the TV is powered on. PHILIPS...
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7"7w Active Control monitors and adjusts incoming video signals to helpprovide best picture quality. When you choose to turn the Active Control • PICTURE TIHER ON, the picture sharpness and noise reduc- • SOUND ACTIVE CTRL tion are controlled automatically. Active FEATURES AutoLock...
Page 28
Tphe AutoLockTM fbature receives roeesses data sent by broadcasters other program providers that contain pro- AutoLock gram content advisories. When programmed AutoLock MOVIE P , AT[NG• • TV EATING • • by the viewe_ a TVwith AutoLoek [I I_Ip ]lal,, l_lll respond to the content...
ufoLock_ 7 allows" pa_.ts" w block out or censor any channels" th@ think chil- dren should not wateh. A channd blocked by • P_TURE TIMER the AutoLoek eontt,ol eannot be viewed until • SOLIItD ACTIUE ORL a eormet az'eess code is us'ed to unlock the _u_Lock •...
Page 30
After your personal access code has"been set (_'eethe previous page), you are read,v to select the channels or inputs you want to block out or censor. • PI_ERRE TIBER ACtiVE URL • SOURD Press the MENU button on [he Autt_Lt_d( •...
Page 31
W_rious o,s_feen messages wilt appear 'hen someone tries to view blocked pro- gramming, lhe message is determined by how the current programming is"bloeked. _bu may view tke blocked programming and turn OFF • PICTURE TIHZR the AutoLock+_j_ature by using the Clear All •...
Page 32
After)[our per_'onal access code has been set, you can select specific movie ratings that you want to censor, Press the MENU hutton on the • PICrtlIIE TIMER • _ORttD ACTIVE CrRL remote control to _how the onscreen Au_oLack ]'12ei'l 1,L •...
Page 33
can select specific TV ratin,g_ that you rant to eemor by following these steps, Press the MENU button on lhe • PILIlIRE TIMEI_ remol_ conIro[ to show _he onscreen • $OUttg AL'TIVE CTRL AutoL_6: ]'12el'lu, • ItBTALL CLDSED _P EORH_ Press the CURSOR DOWN button lwice to highlight FEATURES.
BLOCKING control is what can be thought qfas" the master switeh ,&r AutoLoekJ_ This control affbets" the settings • PICTIIKE TIMEK you have ehosen fi)r blocking programs • SOUND ACTIVECTKL az:eording to movie ratings or TV ratings, or Aut_L_ck FEATUKES •...
Page 35
k._,ome programming is not encoded with ntent advisory data by the MI_4A (Motion Picture Association _?fAmerica) • PETUgE TNEIt • SO_Nb ACTIVECTgL the tet_._ision broadcasters (*'ee the explana- Aat+k++k tion on page 28), "Ib block such program- • INSTALL CLOSED CAP ruing, jbltow these steps, FORMAT...
remind you which ratings )wu have locked and which Block Options you have selected, a review semen is"available _view your AutoLoek_ settings. 70 access this sereen fidtow the steps below. Press the STATUS/EXIT button on 1"\_ICE. Your your remote control ' _ ' ' BLOCIIN_TEb _0 _TING...
Page 37
Closed Captioning (CC) allows" you to O 1E: Not all I V programs and product commercials are broadcast wll:h Closed ad the voice content Qf tetevision pro- Captioning (CC). Nor are all Closed Captioning Modes (CAP rlON t-4 or I'EXF grams on the TV screen, Designed...
Page 38
can change tke screen Jbrmat size to ateh tke t)pe of pragram )_u re watching. <%leertke rwrmal 4:3 aspect ratio or any of the • PIOfllEE Tt_IER zoom or wMe semen aspect ratios, • S0lllll) I£TIVE CTEL SutOkock Press the MENU button on l_he •...
Page 39
list rare eaxex the vi&o xupptied to th_ 7T, ereen might show slight6 tilted on_ way or another, The Tilt Adjust control will allow )_u to correct the pl_btem by adjusting the se_en in a clockwise or eoumemloekwis'e di_etion, Press the MENU butlon on ff_e •...
Page 40
N_rmatl3_ ,the television wouM disptav 'she ,_ looking screen _ith a tot qf statie sounds when the signal is test. The Bhte Mute control will automatieally set the screen to a pleasant blue background when it detects • PiC_EE TIMER r_;...
Page 41
Halve you everjMlea _'teep in front of the V, only to have it wake you up at two in the morniltg with a test pattern sound screeching in your ears? BZelLyour TV can enable you to avoid that diseopn/brt by auto- matiealty turning itsetf (4ff? With the Sleep...
Page 42
m;ve )_u ever wished )_u eoutd f!_eze ieture on the television broadcast write down a speeiat telephone number or to eapture a needed address? Your television wilt allow you to do just that with the press of ,]ast oile b_ttlon on the _t_tole eontro[, Wi(h a signal on l:he television screen, simply press the FREEZE bullon on (he remote control to stop (he picture at...
Page 43
r/_]hether you're watching a movie or a r_ _Yvideo game, your ?'_'V has automatic video control settings that wilt match with your ¢_trrent prograt_t sou_:e or eontenL AutoPieture quickly resets your 7Y k video eontrols'jbr a number of dt_ffb_nt types _f programs and viewing eomlitions that you may have in your home.
Page 44
utoSound r_ atlom*" )_u to select from three _etory-set eontro& and a pel_,'onal control that you set according to your own p_ibrenees through the onsereen 3_und menu. 17re three _emry-set controls (}_iee, Music. and 17teatre) enable you to tailor the 7 V sound so as"...
Page 45
tist or series qfpreviousty views_ff ehan- he& can be selected with the SURF button on your remote eontmL gqth this fi_atare, you can e_ity switeh between dt?ffb_nt TV ehan- SIIP_F nels" that currently interest you+ The SURF control atloa_" )_u to set up to ten channels" in +_"12 ADD? its qu#k...
Page 46
If NO, go to the next page to tw lhe Code- EntD" melhod. It is recommended l_hatyou use Philips brand external accessob" devices wifh your Philips television te insure proper remote control f_mctions, lfyou are using PhJlips...
Page 47
It is recommended l_hatyou use Philips brand external accessoD" devices wi_h your Philips television m insure proper remote control f_:mm:ions. I f' you are using Philips brand accessoD" devices, your remote con- trol Shot_ld be read), m use wil_h Nese...
Page 48
If no Channel Change happens wi[hin two minutes, repeat steps t-4. Shmild a Channel Change still not occur, t£heremote control will not work lbe desired device. It is recommended lShatyou use Philips PtI_LIP$ brand external accessob _devices with your Philips television te insure proper remote...
Page 51
_']_en using the TV remote control with a V ¥ VCR, first make certain it is"set to eon- trol your VCR (by the REMOTE CODE or SEARCH method). Set the '1 WVCR/ACC mode switch to VCR on [:he remote control. Point the top of the remote toward the front of the VCR (remote sensor window) when pressing [:hebuttons.
Page 52
No Power Remote Does Not Work Continued • Clean l:he remote control and the remote control sensor win- • Check [:he FV power cord. Unplug the FV, wait t 0 second_ dow on [he TV. then reinsert the plug into t_heoutlet and push t_hePOWER •...
Page 53
Active Control '*Active Control continuously measures and _rrcx_ts the lnert_tilble Stereo (or Surround) • False acoustic mauag_nont of the _uc_1_ng signals to provi_ the bc_t Fic_ p_s_bla. audio signal that prodacc_ a dramatlc c'xpauslon of the wail of sonnd that surrounds the listener and hdght_ms ov_all viewing pleasure.
Page 54
Toll-freenumbersprovided on thenext page NOTE: If you reside in one of our Philips Factory Service Branchareas (seedirectory on back), you can contact the nearest Service Branch to obtain efficient and expedient repair for your product. If your product is In-Warranty, you should have proof-of-purchase to ensure No ChargeService. For Out-of-Warranty service, call the location nearest you.
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Page 56
OR U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... or repair of all parts, and for all labor charges. Contect a Philips factory service center (see enclosed list) or author- Alt parts, incIuding repaired and replaced parts, are covered onlyfor ized service center to arrange repair, the original warranty period.
Page 57
P_)WER bnt_um to _ TV ONo the Volume _ ÷ _n ta increase the _ R_+_ Illfl_e adju_r_tlLq, or _l¢_'liorlg Pr'_..__ M I_athm m menu. W!_n d_s- _splay + _- and Cb_l (CH) ÷ or - hmtm,ts, _he_ i_ al_ a _ ofA_a Vide_ h_put ja_ loze_d or_ the side og...
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