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Operator's Manual CRRFr MRN 30" SNOW THROWER Model No. 247.883961 ,, SAFETY o ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE CAUTION" Before using this PARTS LIST product, read this manual o ESPANOL follow all safety rules and operating instructions. Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
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Sears a uthorized service provider. With proofofpurchase, youwill receive a new chute freeofcharge. Y ou areresponsible for thelaborcostofinstallation andanycostincurred to verifythedefect. Forwarrantycoverage d etails to obtainrepair or replacement, This warrantycovers ONLY d efects in material a ndworkmanship. Warranty coverage d oesNOT include: •...
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Thissymbolpointsout importantsafety instructionswhich, if not Thismachinewasbuilt to beoperatedaccordingto the safeoperation followed, could endangerthe personalsafetyand/or property of practicesin this manual.Aswith anytype of powerequipment, yourself and others.Readandfollow all instructions in this manual carelessness o r error on the part of the operatorcanresultin seriousinjury. beforeattempting to operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these Thismachineiscapableof amputating fingers, hands,toesandfeet and instructions m ay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis symbol, HEED...
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To r educe fire hazards, keep machine free o fgrass, leaves, or other debris Use onlyattachments andaccessories approved bythe manufacturer ( e.g. build-up. Clean up oil o r fuel spillage and r emove any f uel soaked debris. wheelweights,tire chains,cabs etc.). Never store the machine or fuel container...
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Check fuelline,tank,cap,andfittings frequentlyfor cracks or leaks. R eplace if necessary. Donot crankenginewith sparkplug removed. According to the Consumer Products S afetyCommission ( CPSC) andthe U.S. E nvironmental Protection Agency (EPA), thisproducthasan Average Useful Life of seven (7)years, o r 60 hoursofoperation. A tthe endof the Average Useful Life havethe machine inspected annuallybyan authorized service dealerto ensure that all mechanical andsafetysystems areworkingproperly andnotwornexcessively.
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SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispage depicts and describes safety symbols that may appear on this product. Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the machine before attempting to assemble and operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble operate WARNING--...
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NOTE: References to rightor left sideofthe snowthroweraredetermined from behindthe unit in theoperatingposition(standing directlybehindthe snow thrower,facingthe handlepanel). Removing FromCarton Cutthe corners of the cartonandlaythe sides flat on theground.Remove anddiscard all packinginserts. Movethe snowthrowerout of the carton. Makecertainthe cartonhasbeencompletely emptiedbefore discarding it. Assembly Observe t he lowerrearareaof the snowthrowerto besurebothcables are alignedwith rollerguidesbeforepivotingthe handleupward.
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Insertthe roundendofthe chutecontrolrodinto inputofchutecontrol head.Push rodasfar intothe chutecontrolheadaspossible, k eeping the holesinthe rodpointingupward.SeeFigure 4. Place chuteontochutebaseandensure chutecontrolrodispositioned under handlepanel.Secure chutecontrol h eadto chutesupportbracketwithclevis pinandbow-tiecotterpinremoved instep 1.SeeFigure 5. Finishsecuring chutecontrolheadbyinstallinghexbolt andwing nut.See Figure 6. Insertthe otherendof thechutecontrolrodinto the inputshaftbelowthe handlepanel.Makesureto lineupthe flat endof the rodandthe flat end ofthe inputshaft.Youmayneedto rotatethe rodarounduntil thesetwo surfaces l ineup.SeeFigure 7.
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Push the chutecontrolrodtowardthe controlpane[until the holeinthe rod linesupwith the middleholeinthe chutecontrol i nputandinsertthe cotter pin. See Figure& NOTE: Thereisareference holeprovided at rearendof control r odto help knowwhenholesarevertical NOTE: Theholefurthestfrom the chutecontrol h eadisusedto achieve furtherengagement o fthe chutecontrolrodintothe inputshaftif required. Referto the Maintenance &...
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ChuteClean-Out Tool Achuteclean-out t ool isfastened to the top ofthe augerhousing with amounting clip.SeeFigure 11.Thetool isdesigned to cleara chuteassembly o f iceandsnow. Thisitem isfastened with acabletieat the factory.Cutthe cabletie before operatingthe snowthrower. Neveruseyour handsto clearacloggedchute assembly. S hutoff engine and remainbehind handlesuntil all moving parts havestoppedbefore using the clean-outtool to clearthe chute assembly.
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Adjustments Skid Shoes Thesnowthrowerskidshoes areadjustedupwardat the factoryfor shipping Smooth Surface purposes. Adjustthemdownward, i f desired, p riorto operatingthe snowthrower. it isnotrecommended t hat youoperate this snowthrower on gravelas it caneasilypickup andthrowloose gravel, c ausingpersonalinjuryor damageto thesnowthrowerandsurroundingproperty. Forclose snowremoval o n asmoothsurface, r aiseskidshoes higheronthe augerhousing.Refer t o Figure 14.
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Thedrift cuttersaredesigned for useindeepsnow. T heiruseisoptional f or normal snowconditions. M aneuver the snowthrowersothatthe cutterspenetrate a high standingsnowdrift to assist s nowfalling into the augers forthrowing. Meets ANSi S afetyStandards Craftsman SnowThrowers c onformtothe safetystandard of the American National S tandards I nstitute(ANSI).
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Throttlecontrol DriveControl/Auger ControlLock DRIVE CONTROL Thethrottle control islocated on the rear ofthe engine. Itregulates the speedof the engine engine position. and willshut offthe when moved into the STOP Depressing the primerforces fueldirectlyintothe engine's carburetor t o aidin cold-weather s tarting. Recoil Starter Handle Thishandleisusedto manuallystartthe engine.
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Manual ChuteControl Clean-OutTool Proceed a sfollowsto utilizethe manual c hutecontrol: Remove t he cotterpin fromeitherof the holesfurthestfromthe chute Neveruseyour handsto cleara cloggedchuteassembly.Shutoff engine assembly o n the chutecontrol h ead. andremainbehindhandlesuntil all moving parts havestopped before Pushinthe chutecontrol r oduntil the holein it linesupwith the third hole using the clean-outtool to clearthe chuteassembly.
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Gasoline Electrk Starter Use automotivegasoline (unleaded or low leadedto minimizecombustion chamber deposits) w itha minimumof87 octane.Gasoline w ith up to 10%ethanolor 15% MTBE (Methyl T ertiaryButylEther) canbeused. N everuseanoil/gasoline mixture Theelectric starter isequippedwith a groundedthree-wire power plug, or dirty gasoline. A void getting dirt, dust,or waterinthe fuel tank.DO NOT useE85 andisdesignedto operate on 120voltAChousehold current.
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Recoil Starter NOTE: W henselectinga Drive Speed, u setheslowerspeeds untilyouare comfortable andfamiliarwith theoperationof the snowthrower. Squeeze the drivecontrol a gainstthe handle andthe snowthrowerwill move.Release i t anddrivemotionwill stop. Donot pullthe starter handle while the enginerunning. flOTE: N EVER reposition theshift lever(change speeds or directionof travel) Movethrottle control t o FAST ( rabbit)_J_ position.
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MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenance s chedule givenbelow.Thischartdescribes s ervice guidelines only.Use the Service Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance t asks.Tolocatethe nearest S ears Service C enter o r to schedule service, Beforeperforming any type of maintenance/service, d isengageall controls andstop the engine.Wait until all moving parts havecometo a complete simplycontactSears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME ®.
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Refillwith the recommended o il andcheck the oil level. S eeRecommended OilUsage chart.Theengine's oil capacityis37ounces. (oF)-40o-20 o 0o 200 400 Oil Drain (oc) -30° -20° -10 ° 0° Plug DO NOT use nondetergentoil or 2-strokeengine oil. It couldshorten the engine'sservicelife. Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick securely.
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Lubrication "I GearShaft Thegear(hex)shaftshouldbelubricated at leastonceaseason or after every25 hoursof operation. Topreventspillage, r emove all fuel fromtank byrunningengineuntil it stops. Carefully pivotthe snowthrowerupandforwardsothat it restsonthe auger housing. Remove t he lowerframecoverfrom the underside of the snowthrowerby removing the self-tapping screws whichsecure it. Applya lightcoatingof engineoil (or3-in-1oil) to the hexshaft.SeeFigure NOTE: Whenlubricating the hexshaft,becareful n ot to get anyoil onthe aluminum driveplateor rubberfrictionwheel.Doing sowill hinderthe snowthrower'sdrive...
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Adjustments Shift Cable If the full rangeof speeds (forwardandreverse) c annotbeachieved, referto the figureto the fight andadjusttheshift cableasfollows: Place the shift leverinthe fastestforwardspeed position(F6). Loosen the hex nut onthe shift cableindexbracket. S eeFigure 27. Pivotthe bracket d ownwardtotake upslackinthe cable. Retighten the hexnut.
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Auger Control Referto theAssembly sectionforinstructions on adjustingtheaugercontrol c able. Skid Shoes Referto theAssembly sectionforinstructions on adjustingtheskidshoes. Belt Replacement Auger Belt Toremove andreplace yoursnowthrower'saugerbelt, proceed asfollows: Topreventspillage, r emove all fuel fromtank byrunningengineuntil it stops. Remove t he plasticbelt coveronthe front of the enginebyremoving thetwo self-tapping screws.
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Loosen andremove the shoulder screw whichactsasabelt keeper. R efer t o Figure 33. Remove t he belt fromaroundthe augerpulley,andslipthe belt betweenthe supportbracket a ndtheaugerpulley.SeeFigure 34. NOTE: Engaging t he augercontrol w ill easeremoval a ndreinstallation of the belt. Reassemble augerbeltbyfollowing instructions inreverse order. flOTE: D oNOT forgetto reinstallthe shoulder s crewandreconnect t hespring to the frameafterinstallingareplacement augerbelt.
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If the snowthrowerwill not beusedfor 30daysor longer, o r if it is theendof thesnowseason whenthe lastpossibility of snowisgone,the equipmentneeds to bestored properly.Follow storageinstructions belowto ensuretop performance f rom thesnowthrowerformanymoreyears. PreparingEngine PreparingSnowThrower Engines s toredover30daysneedto bedrained of fuel to prevent d eterioration and Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilated or metalstorage shed, gumfromforminginfuel system or on essential c arburetor p arts.If thegasoline in careshouldbetakento rustproof t he equipment.
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Disconnect the sparkplug wireandgroundit againstthe engine to prevent unintended starting. Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all controls andstop the engine.Wait until aHmovingparts havecometo a completestop.Alwayswear safetyglasses duringoperation or while performing any adjustmentsor repairs. This section addresses minor service i ssues. Tolocate the nearest Sears Service Center o rto schedule service, simply contact Sears at 1-800-4-MY=HOMP. Engine fails to start Choke control not in CHOKE position.
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Unit fails to discharge snow 1. Chute assembly clogged. 1. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. Clean chute assembly and inside of auger housing with clean-out tool or a stick. 2. Foreign object lodged in auger. 2. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire.
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Craftsman SnowThrower Model 247.883961 j& 23 12...
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Craftsman Snow ThrowerModel 247.883961 731-2635 Snow Removal Tool Mount 684-04108-4044 Spiral Assembly, 684-04057A-0637 731-04870 Impeller Assembly, 12" Dia. Spacer, 1.25 OD x .75 ID x 1.00 710-0347 Hex Screw, 3/8-16, 1.75, Gr5 736-0188 Washer, Flat, .76 x 1.49 x .06...
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FEDERAL and/or CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY STATEMENT YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS MTD Consumer Group Inc, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and for those products certified for sale in the state of California, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are pleased to explain the emission (evaporative and/or exhaust) control...
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10. Add-on o rmodified parts t hatare not e xempted bythe AirResources Board m ay not b eused. The use ofany non-exempted add-on o r modified parts b ytheultimate purchaser willbegrounds fordisallowing awarranty claims. MTD Consumer Group I nc willnotbeliable t o warrant failures ofwarranted parts c aused bytheuse ofanon-exempted add-on o rmodified part.
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Congratulations onmakingasmartpurchase. YournewCraftsman ®productisdesigned andmanufactured f or yearsof dependable operation. B utlikeall products, i t mayrequire repairfromtime to time.That'swhenhaving a Repair P rotection Agreement c ansave youmoneyandaggravation. Here'swhat the Repair ProtectionAgreement _ includes: 10,000 [] Expertservice byour professional repairspecialists [] Unlimitedservice and nocharge for partsandlaboronallcovered repairs [] Productreplacementupto $1500 if yourcovered productcan'tbefixed [] Discount o f 25%from regular priceof service andrelatedinstalled p artsnot covered bythe agreement;...
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