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Operator's Manual I:RRFrSMRN° 21" SNOW THROWER Model No. 247.887802 • SAFETY • ASSEMBLY • OPERATION • MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST • CAUTION: Before using this product, • ESPANOL read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions. Sears Brands Management...
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Parts List ..........Warranty Statement ........Safety Instructions ........Engine Parts List ........Labels ..........Assembly ..........Operation ........... Repair Protection Agreement ......Service and Maintenance ......Espa_ol ..........Service Numbers ......Back Cover Off-Season Storage ........Troubleshooting ........CRAFTSMAN TWO YEAR FULL WARRANTY FOR TWO YEARS f romthedateof purchase, this product i swarranted against a nydefects in material o r workmanship.
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Thissymbolpointsout importantsafety instructionswhich, if not Thismachinewasbuilt to beoperatedaccordingto the safeoperation followed, could endangerthe personalsafetyand/or property of practicesin this manual.Aswith anytype of powerequipment, yourself and others.Readandfollow all instructions in this manual carelessness o r error on the part of the operatorcanresultin seriousinjury. beforeattempting to operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these Thismachineiscapableof amputating fingers, hands,toesandfeet and instructions m ay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis symbol, HEED...
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OPERATION CLEARING A CLOGGED DISCHARGE CHUTE Donot put hands or feetnearrotatingparts,inthe auger/impeller h ousing Hand contactwith the rotatingimpeller i nside the discharge c huteisthe most or chuteassembly. Contact w ith the rotatingpartscanamputatehands and common cause of injury associated w ith snowthrowers.Never u seyourhandto feet.
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DO NOT MODIFY ENGINE Toavoidserious injuryor death,donot modify engineinanyway.Tampering with the governorsettingcanleadto arunaway engineandcauseit to operate at unsafespeeds. N evertamper with factorysetting of engine governor. NOTICE REGARDING EMiSSiONS Engines which are certified to complywith California andfederal EPA emissionregulations for SORE ( SmallOff RoadEquipment) a recertified tooperate on regularunleadedgasoline,and mayinclude the following emissioncontrol systems:Engine Modification (EM), O xidizingCatalyst ( 0C), Secondary Air injection(SAI) a ndThreeWayCatalyst ( TWC) i f soequipped.
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SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispage depicts and describes safety symbols that may appear on this product. Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the machine before attempting to assemble and operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble operate WARNING--...
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NOTE: Allreferences t o the left or right sideof thesnowthrowerarefrom the Tightenthe previously removed hardware to secure the handleinplace.See operator's position. A nyexceptions w ill be noted. Figure 2. Installing the Chute Unpacking the SnowThrower Place t he chutehandle on thelowerchuteasshowninFigure 3.Becertainthat Openthe top ofthe carton.
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Alignthe holesinthe chutebasewith the holesinthe lowerchuteand Set-Up secure with the previously removed screws. S eeFigure 5. FuelRecommendations Operatingthe enginewith E15or E85fuel, an oil/gasoline mixture, dirty gasoline,or gasoline over 30 days old withoutfuel stabilizing additive may result in damageto your engine'scarburetor.Subsequent d amage would not be coveredunderthe manufacturer'swarranty.
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Remove t he oil filler cap/dipstick. I fthe levelislow,slowlyaddoil untiloil Checking and Adding Oil levelregisters betweenhigh (H)andlow (L),Figure 8. Theengine isshipped without off in the engine.Youmustfii[ the engine with oil before operating. Runningthe engine with insufficient o il can causeseriousengine damageandvoid the productwarranty. Place thesnowthroweronaflat, levelsurface.
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Electric Starter_ Recoil Button Electric S tarter _ ' Outlet GasCa ChuteAssembl' OilFill/ Choke L ever Electric Shave Figure 9 Recoil Starter I-lanolle Nowthat youhavesetupyoursnowthrower,it's importantto become acquainted with its controls andfeatures.Refer t o Figure 9. Therecoilstarterhandleisusedtostart the engine. ChokeControl GasCap Remove t he gascapto addfuel.
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AugerControl Before Starting the Engine Located onthe upperhandle,the augercontrolhandleisusedto engage and disengage d riveto the auger.Squeeze t he control h andleagainst t he upperhandle Read,understandandfollow all the instructions a ndwarnings onthe to engage the auger;release it to disengage. machineand inthis manualbeforeoperating. ChuteAssembly Starting The Engine Rotatethe discharge c huteto the left or right usingthe controlhandle.
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Electric Starter RecoilStarter Push the chokeleverto the CHOKEIJI position. Determine thatyourhome'swiring isathree-wiregrounded system. A skakensed electddanif youarenot certain. Ifthe engineiswarm,placethe chokeinthe RUN 1_ I positioninstead of CHOKEIJ 1. If youhaveagrounded three-prongreceptacle, proceed asfollows: Push the primerthree(3)times,makingsureto coverthevent holewhen pushing. Theextensioncordcanbe any length, but must be ratedfor 15 ampsat Ifthe engineiswarm,pushthe primerbuttononlyonce.
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MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Follow the maintenance schedule g ivenbelow. T his chartdescribes service guidelines only.Use the Service L ogcolumn tokeeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks. T o Beforeperforming any type of maintenance/service, d isengageall controls schedule service from SearsParts & Repair, call 1-800-659-5917. andstop the engine.Wait untilall moving parts havecometo acomplete stop.Disconnect s parkplugwire andground it againstthe engine to prevent u nintended starting.
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Remove t he threescrews thatsecure the lowerpanel.Remove t he lower Spar_ Plug panelbylifting up onthe panelto freethe tabsat the bottomof the panel fromthe tab slotsandthenpull back.SeeFigure 13. DONOT checkfor a sparkwith the sparkplug removed. D ONOT crankthe enginewith the sparkplug removed. If the engine hasbeenrunning,the muffler will beveryhot.Becareful not to touch the muffler.
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Removing debris willinsure a dequate cooling, correct engine speed a ndreduce t he Measure the pluggapwith afeelergauge. C orrect asnecessary b ybending riskoffire. the sideelectrode, seeFigure 16.Thegapshouldbesetto .02-.03 inches (0.60-0.80 mm). Accumulationof debris aroundthe muffler couldcauseafire. Inspectand cleanbefore everyuse. Electrode Lubrication Lubricate the pivotpointsonthe controlhandleandthe extension springat the end of the control c ablewith a lightoil onceeveryseason andbefore the snowthrower...
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If thestarterisdifficult to pull,remove the sparkplugandpullthe handle AugerDriveBelt Replacement several timesto ensure that anyoil trappedinthe engineheadis removed. Run the snowthroweruntil the fuel tank isempty. Pullthe recoil s tarterhandle until resistance i sfelt. Thentip the snow throwerbackuntil it restson the handles. Oil may comeout of the sparkplug holewhen it is removed and the starter handleispulled.
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Toreplace the belt followtheseinstructions andreferto Figure 21: Tochange the rubberpaddles, p roceed asfollowsandreferto Figure 22: DrivePulle HexWasherScrew er Paddle BeJt K eel)e! HexWasher Screw Figure 21 Figure 22 Routethe beltaroundthe drivepulleyandunderthe idlerpulley. Run the snowthroweruntilthe fuel tankisempty. Routethe endofthe beltaroundthe augerpulleyandslidethe pulleyback Pullthe recoil s tarterhandleuntil resistance i sfelt.
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If the snowthrowerwill not beusedfor30daysor longer, o r if it is theendof thesnowseason whenthe lastpossibility of snowisgone,the equipmentneeds to bestored properly.Follow storageinstructions belowto ensuretop performance f rom the snowthrowerformanymoreyears. Preparingsnow thrower Preparingthe engine Ifthe snowthrowerwill not beusedfor 30daysor longer, f ollowthe instructions Engines s toredover30daysneedto bedrained of fuel to prevent d eterioration and below.
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Disconnect the sparkplug wireand groundit againstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all controls andstopthe engine.Waituntil all movingparts havecome to acomplete stop.Alwayswearsafetyglasses duringoperation or while performing any adjustments or repairs. This section addresses minor service i ssues. Tolocate the nearest Sears Service Center orto schedule service, simply contact S ears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME Engine fails to start 1.
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Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Craftsman® product is designed manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all products, it may require repair from time to time. That's when having a Repair Protection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.
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OWNERSWARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES: As the outdoor equipment engine owner, you are responsible for performance of the required maintenance listed in your owner's manual. MTD Consumer Group Inc recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your outdoor equipment engine,...
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Board m ay not b eused. The use ofany non-exempted add-on or modified parts b ytheultimate purchaser willbegrounds fordisallowing awarranty claims. MTD Consumer Group I nc willnotbeliable t o warrant failures ofwarranted parts c aused bytheuse ofanon-exempted add-on o rmodified part.
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Declarad6n de garantia ......Almacenamiento fuera de temporada ....Medidas de seguridad ........ Solud6n de problemas ....... Montaje ..........Acuerdo de protecd6n para reparadones ..... Fundonamiento ........Numeros de servido ......Contratapa Servido y Mantenimiento ......CRAFTSMAN D OS ANOSDE6ARANTIA TOTAL Durante dosahosdesde lafechadecompra, esteproducto est_garantizado c ontracualquier d efecto demateriales o manodeobra.Unproducto defectuoso recibir_ la reparaci6n o sustituci6n gratuitasila reparaci6n n o est_disponible.
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Estam_quinaest_ disefada para setutilizada respetandolasnormasde Lapresencia de este simboloindica quesetrata de instrucciones de seguridadcontenidasen este manual.AIigualqueconcualquiertipo de seguridadimportantes quedeberespetarparaevitar poneren riesgosu equipo motorizado, undescuidooerror por partedel operador puede seguridadpersonaly/o materialy la de losdem_is. L ea y cumpJa todasJas producir lesionesgraves.Estam_quinaescapazde amputar dedos,manos instrucciones de este manualantesde intentar operar esta m_iguina.
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Manejo seguro de la gasolina: Sea sumamente p recavido cuando operelam_iquina sobreunasuperficie congravaocuando latruce.Mant#ngase a lertaporsisepresentan peligros Para evitarlesiones p ersona[es 0daffos materia[es sea sumamente c uidadoso ai ocultoso tr_nsito. manipu[ar [agaso[ina. La gaso[ina e ssumamente i nfiamab[e y sus vapores p ueden c ausar explosiones.
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MANTENIMIENTO Y ALMACENAMIENTO NO MODIFIQUE EL MOTOR Nunca alterelosdispositivos d eseguridad. Controle peri6dicamente q ue Para evitarlesiones graves o lamuerte,no modifique el motorde ningunamanera. fundonencorrectamente. Rem[tase a lassecdones d emantenimiento y Si a lteralaconfiguraci6n delregulador, e l motorsepuede desbocar y fundonar ajustedeestemanual.
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S|MBOLOS DE SEGURIDAD Enesta p_gina se presentan y describen los sirnboios de seguridad que pueden aparecer en este producto. Lea, entienda y curnpia todas [as [nstrucdones [nduidas en la rn_quina antes de [ntentar realizar el montaje de la unidad y utilizarla. LEA LOS MANUALES DEL OPERADOR Lea, entienda y cumpla todas las instrucciones incluidas en los manuales antes de realizar el montaje de la unidad y utilizarla.
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Ajuste los elementos deferreteria q ue extrajo previamente para sujetar la NOTA: Todas l asreferencias a loslados derecho oizquierdo d elam_quina manija e nsulugar. Vea laFigura 2 . quitanieve sehacen observando lamismadesde laposid6ndeloperador. E ncaso de quehubiese unaexcepci6n, seespecificar_ c laramente. Instalad6n del canal C6mol)esembalarLaM_quinaQuitanieve Coloque e lconducto de lamanijaen larampainferiorcomosemuestra enla...
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Alineelosorificiosde labase del canal c onlosorificiosdel canal i nferior y ConfiguYad6n suj_teloconlostornillosquee×trajo anteriormente. V ealaFigura 5. Recomendadonessobre el combustible El f uncionamiento delmotorconelcombustible E 15 oESS, unamezcla deaceite conlagasolina, l agasolina sucia, o lagasolina dem_sde30dias deedadque nohasidoaditivoestabilizador decombustible puederesultar e ndaffos al carburador desumotor.Da_os posteriores n oestarian cubiertos pot lagarantia delfabrkante.
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Saque eltap6n/la varillademedid6nde aceite. S i e l nivelesbajo,agregue Procedimiento paracontrolar y agregar aceite lentamente aceitehastaqueelnivelregistrado est_en un puntointermedio entrealto (H)y bajo(L),Figura 8. Elmotor seenvia sinaceiteenel motor. Antesde ponerel motor en marcha debeIlenarlodeaceite.Si sehace funcionar el motor sinsuficiente aceite puedecausar d affos graves al motor y anularla garantiadelproducto. Coloque lam_quina quitanieveenunasuperficiefirmey nivelada.
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Llave Manija del arrancadorde retroceso Palanca _d_ulador Tapade combustible Manijade Montaj_ de aceite Plata de raspado Barrena de retroceso Figura 9 Ahoraqueyahaajustado sum_quina quitanieve paraelfundonamiento, e s Manija del arrancadorde retroceso importante f amiliarizarse c onsuscontroles y caracteffsticas. Consulte laFigura 9. Lamanijadelarrancador de retroceso seutilizaparaencender e lmotor.
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Controlde ia barrena Antesde arrancar el motor Lamanijade control d e labarrena est_ubicada enlabarrasuperior y seusa paraengranar y desengranar latransmisi6n d e labarrena. A prietelamanijade Lea,comprenday sigatodaslasinstrucciones y advertenciasqueaparecen control c ontralabarradecontrol s uperiorparaengranar l abarrena, a fl6jelapara en la m_quinayen este manualantesde hacerlafuncionar. desengranarla.
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Bot6n del arrancador Arrancador de retroceso Determine si elcableado desuhogaresunsistemadetrescables conectado atierra. Empuje l apalanca d elestrangulador alaposid6n CHOKE (estrangulador)_J_. Consulte conunelectfidstamatficulado sinoest_seguro. Si e l motoryaest_caliente, u biqueel regulador e n laposici6n RUN (func ooam ento) I Den ugar de CHOKE (estrangu ador)H I Sicuentaconun recept_culo paratresparas conectado atierra,realicelossiguientes...
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PEOGEAMA D EMANTENIMIENTO Siga el programa de mantenimiento a continuad6n. E sta tablasedescfiben las pautas deservicio solamente. U tilicela columna Registrode servk[o para Antes derealizar cualquier t ipodemantenimiento oservicio, desenga n cbetodos reaBzarun seguimiento de lastareas de mantenimiento reaBzadas. P ara loscontroles y detenga elmotor.Espere aquesedetengan completamente t odas programarel servido de SearsParts&...
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Drene e [combustible deltanque hadendo fundonar el motor hasta que el Vuelvaacolocar eltap6nde vaciado y apri_telo firmemente. tanque d ecombustible est.1 r atio.Asecj@ese deque el tap6n deIlenado d e Rellene conelaceiterecomendado y compruebe e l niveldeaceite, c onsulte combustible esseguro. Comprobad6n y adid6ndeaceiteenlaSecd6n delaAsamblea.
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La extracci6n delosresiduos asegura q ue elenfriamiento sea adecuado, lavelocidad Mida[aseparaci6n d ebujiaconunca[ibrador. R ea[ice l osajustesnecesarios delmotor c orrecta y elriesgo deincendio m enor. torciendo e[e[ectrodo lateral,Figura 16.Laseparaci6n d ebeajustarse en 0,02-0,03 pulgadas (0,60-0,80 mm). Laacumulaci6nde residuosairededordei silenciadorpodriaprodudr un incendio.
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Siesdifidl jalar delarranque, extraigalabujiayjale delamanijavariasveces Reemplazode la ¢orrea de transmisi6n de la barrena paraestarsegurodequeseextralgacualquler c antidaddeaceiteatrapada Ponga en marcha lam_quina quitanievehastaqueeltanquedecombustible enlaculatadelmotor. est_vacio. Jaledelamanijadelarrancador de retroceso hastasentirresistenda. L uego inclinelam_qulna quitanlevehadaatr_shastaquequedeapoyada s obrelas Puede salir aceitedel orificio de la bujia cuandolamismaseextraeysejala manijas.
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Para volveracolocar lacorrea sigaestasinstrucciones y consulte laFigura 21: Para cambiar l aspaletas decaucho, p roceda comosiguey consulte laFigura 22: /' / ! / Poleadetransmisi6r Polea loca Polea Tomillo paraarandela hexagonal barrena Fignra 21 Fignra 22 Pase lacorrea alrededor d e lapoleadetransmisi6n y pordebajo de lapolea Ponga en marcha la m_quina quitanievehastaqueeltanquede combustible loca.
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Sinosevaa utilizarlam_quina quitanieve durante30diaso m_s,o sieselfinal delatemporada denievey yanoexisteposibilidad dequenieve,esnecesario a lmacenar elequipodemaneraadecuada. Sigalasinstrucciones d ealmacenamiento q ueseindicanacontinuaci6n paracjarantizar elrendimiento m_ximodelam_quina quitanieve durantemuchos afiosm_s. Preparaci6n de ia m quina quitanieve Preparaci6ndei motor SInosevaausar l am_quina q uitanieve durante 3 0d[as o m_s, siga lassiguientes Losmotores quesealmacenan durantem_sde30diasdebenserdrenados d e instrucdones incluidas a continuad6n.
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Antesderealizarcualquier fipo de mantenimientooservicio, desenganche t odosloscontroles y detengaelmotor.Espere a quesedetengancompletamente todaslaspiezas m6viles.Desconecte elcabledelabujiay p6ngalohaciendo m asacontra elmotorparaevitarqueseencienda a cddentalmente. U tilice siempreanteojosdeseguridad duranteelfundonamientoo mientras ajustao repara este equipo. Enesta secd6n seanaiizan probiemasmenores de servkio. Paraubicarel CentrodeServkio Searsm_scercano o para programarun servkio, simplemente comuniquese con Sears ai tel_fono 1-800-4-MY-HOME °.
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Felicitaciones por haber realizado una adquisici6n inteligente. El producto Craftsman® que ha adquirido esta diseSado y fabricado para brindar muchos aSos de funcionamiento confiable. Pero como todos los productos a veces puede requerir de reparaciones. Es en ese momento cuando disponer de un Acuerdo de protecci6n...
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Agencia de Proteccidn Medioambiental de los Estados Unidos, (EPA). MTD Consumer Group Inc. debe garantizar el sistema de control de emisiones (ECS) de su motor de equipos de exteriores por el periodo...
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(Air R esources Board). El u so decualquier pieza a dicional omodificada noexenta pot e lcomprador final s er_ c ausal deinvalidez delos reclamos bajo garantia. MTD Consumer Group I nc notendr_ r esponsabilidad potlagarantia defallas d epiezas garantizadas que fueren causadas pot e luso deuna pieza a dicional noexenta omodificada.
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Your Home For troubleshooting, product manuals and expert advice: managernylife For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself.
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