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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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(EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
Safety information Dangerous voltages can occur on the connectors, even though the auxiliary voltage has been disconnected. Non-observance can result in death, personal injury or substantial property damage. Only a competent electrician is allowed to carry out the electrical installation. National and local electrical safety regulations must always be followed.
Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction...............7 This manual..................7 Intended audience................7 Product documentation...............8 Product documentation set............8 Document revision history.............9 Related documents................9 Symbols and conventions..............10 Safety indication symbols............10 Manual conventions..............11 Section 2 Available functions............13 Back-up protection functions............13 Control and monitoring functions............14 Designed to communicate..............17 Basic IED functions................17 Section 3 Starting up..............19...
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Table of contents Preparing the IED to verify settings..........31 Activating test mode.................33 Preparing the connection to the test equipment.......33 Connecting test equipment to the IED..........34 Releasing the function to be tested..........35 Verifying analog primary and secondary measurement....35 Testing protection functionality............37 Section 6 Testing functionality............39 Testing disturbance report..............39 Introduction..................39...
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Table of contents Completing the test..............54 Stub protection STBPTOC............54 Measuring the operate limit of set values.......54 Completing the test..............55 Pole discordance protection CCRPLD........55 Verifying the settings..............55 Completing the test..............56 Broken conductor check BRCPTOC ..........56 Measuring the operate and time limit of set values....56 Completing the test..............57 Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP ......57 Verifying the settings..............57...
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Table of contents Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF..........68 Checking that the binary inputs and outputs operate as expected ................68 Measuring the operate value for the negative sequence function ..................69 Measuring the operate value for the zero-sequence function ..................69 Checking the operation of the du/dt and di/dt based function ..................70 Completing the test..............71 Testing control functions..............71...
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Table of contents Maintenance tests..............89 Section 8 Troubleshooting .............93 Fault tracing..................93 Identifying hardware errors............93 Identifying runtime errors.............93 Identifying communication errors..........93 Checking the communication link operation......94 Checking the time synchronization.........94 Running the display test..............94 Indication messages.................95 Internal faults................95 Warnings..................95 Additional indications..............96 Correction procedures..............96 Changing and setting the password..........96 Identifying IED application problems...........96...
Section 1 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance during the testing phase. The manual provides procedures for checking of external circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as verifying settings by secondary injection.
Document revision history Document revision/date Product series version History -/February 2011 First release 1.3.3 Related documents Documents related to REC650 Identity number Application manual 1MRK 511 246-UEN Technical manual 1MRK 511 247-UEN Commissioning manual 1MRK 511 248-UEN Table continues on next page...
Section 1 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Introduction Documents related to REC650 Identity number Product Guide 1MRK 511 249-BEN Type test certificate 1MRK 511 249-TEN 650 series manuals Identity number Communication protocol manual, DNP3 1MRK 511 241-UEN Communication protocol manual, IEC 61850...
Section 1 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Introduction equipment may result in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with all warning and caution notices. 1.4.2 Manual conventions Conventions used in IED manuals. A particular convention may not be used in this manual.
Section 2 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Available functions Section 2 Available functions Note that not all functions included in the tables below have commissioning information available. Back-up protection functions IEC 61850/ ANSI Function description Function block name Current protection PHPIOC Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC 51/67...
Section 2 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Available functions Control and monitoring functions IEC 61850/Function ANSI Function description block name Control SESRSYN Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SMBRREC Autorecloser SCILO Logical node for interlocking BB_ES Interlocking for busbar earthing switch A1A2_BS Interlocking for bus-section breaker A1A2_DC Interlocking for bus-section disconnector...
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Section 2 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Available functions IEC 61850/Function ANSI Function description block name I103GENCMD Function commands generic for IEC60870-5-103 I103POSCMD IED commands with position and select for IEC60870-5-103 Secondary system supervision CCSRDIF Current circuit supervision SDDRFUF Fuse failure supervision TCSSCBR Breaker close/trip circuit monitoring Logic...
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Section 2 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Available functions IEC 61850/Function ANSI Function description block name B16IFCVI Boolean 16 to Integer conversion with logic node representation IB16A Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16FCVB Integer to Boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation Monitoring CVMMXN...
Section 2 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Available functions Designed to communicate IEC 61850/Function block ANSI Function description name Station communication IEC 61850 communication protocol, LAN1 DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol, LAN1 IEC61870-5-103 IEC60870-5-103 serial communication via ST GOOSEINTLKRCV Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking GOOSEBINRCV GOOSE binary receive ETHFRNT...
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Section 2 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Available functions IEC 61850/Function Function description block name SMAI_20_1-12 Signal matrix for analog inputs 3PHSUM Summation block 3 phase GBASVAL Global base values for settings ATHSTAT Authority status ATHCHCK Authority check FTPACCS FTP access with password DOSFRNT Denial of service, frame rate control for front port DOSLAN1...
Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up Section 3 Starting up Factory and site acceptance testing Testing the proper IED operation is carried out at different occasions, for example: • Acceptance testing • Commissioning testing • Maintenance testing This manual describes the workflow and the steps to carry out the commissioning testing.
IED start-up sequence The following sequence is expected when the IED is energized. • The green Ready LED starts instantly flashing and the ABB logo is shown on the LCD. • After approximately 30 seconds, "Starting" is shown on the LCD.
Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up If the green Ready LED continues to flash after startup, the IED has detected an internal error. Navigate via Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/General to investigate the fault. Setting up communication between PCM600 and the IED The communication between the IED and PCM600 is independent of the used communication protocol within the substation or to the NCC.
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Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up local HMI path Main menu/Configuration/Communication/TCP-IP configuration/1:ETHLAN1 and Rear OEM - port CD. The front and rear port IP addresses cannot belong to the same subnet or communication will fail. It is recommended to change the IP address of the front port, if the front and rear port are set to the same subnet.
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Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up IEC09000355-1-en.vsd IEC09000355 V1 EN Figure 3: Select: Network connections Select Properties in the status window. IEC09000356-1-en.vsd IEC09000356 V1 EN Figure 4: Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties Select the TCP/IP protocol from the list of configured components using this connection and click Properties.
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Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up IEC09000357-1-en.vsd IEC09000357 V1 EN Figure 5: Select the TCP/IP protocol and open Properties Select Obtain an IP address automatically if the parameter DHCPServer is set to On in the IED. IEC09000358-1-en.vsd IEC09000358 V1 EN Figure 6: Select: Obtain an IP address automatically Select Use the following IP address and define IP address and Subnet mask if...
Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up IEC09000658-1-en.vsd IEC09000658 V1 EN Figure 7: Select: Use the following IP address Close all open windows and start PCM600. Setting up the PC to access the IED via a network This task depends on the used LAN/WAN network. PC and IED must belong to the same subnetwork.
Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up Be sure to set the correct technical key in the IED and PCM600 to prevent writing an application configuration to a wrong IED. See the engineering manual for information on how to create or modify an application configuration and how to write to the IED.
Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up Test the circuitry. • Polarity check • VT circuit voltage measurement (primary injection test) • Earthing check • Phase relationship • Insulation resistance check The polarity check verifies the integrity of circuits and the phase relationships. The check must be performed as close to the IED as possible.
Section 3 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Starting up Verify that the contacts are of voltage circuit type. Check that no short circuit jumpers are located in the slots dedicated for voltage. Trip and alarm circuits Check that the correct types of contacts are used. 3.10 Checking binary input and output circuits 3.10.1...
Section 4 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Establishing connection and verifying the IEC 61850 station communication Section 4 Establishing connection and verifying the IEC 61850 station communication Setting the station communication To enable IEC 61850 station communication: • The IEC 61850-8-1 station communication functionality must be on in the local HMI.
Section 5 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing IED operation Section 5 Testing IED operation Preparing the IED to verify settings If a test switch is included, start preparation by making the necessary connections to the test switch. This means connecting the test equipment according to a specific and designated IED terminal diagram.
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Section 5 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing IED operation In the local HMI the sensitive directional earth fault protection SDEPSDE parameter group 4 is active indicated by the * next to #4 and the test of the SDEPSDE must be performed according to the instructions given for the setting OpMode and setting value 3I03U0cosfi.
Section 5 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing IED operation Activating test mode Put the IED into the test mode before testing. The test mode blocks all functions in the IED, and the individual functions to be tested can be unblocked to prevent unwanted operation caused by other functions.
Section 5 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing IED operation winding open will cause a massive potential build up that may damage the transformer and injure humans. Connecting test equipment to the IED Connect the test equipment according to the IED specific connection diagram and the needed input and output signals for the function under test.
Section 5 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing IED operation Releasing the function to be tested Release or unblock the function to be tested. This is done to ensure that only the function or the chain of functions to be tested are in operation and that other functions are prevented from operating.
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Section 5 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing IED operation Apply input signals as needed according to the actual hardware and the application configuration made in PCM600. Inject a symmetrical three-phase voltage and current at rated value. Compare the injected value with the measured values. The voltage and current phasor menu in the local HMI is located under Main menu/Measurements/Analog primary values and Main menu/ Measurements/Analog secondary values.
Section 5 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing IED operation Also the Signal Monitoring tool in PCM600 can be used to read the measured values. In many cases it is more convenient to use PCM600 since, among many things, reports on measured values can be exported from the Signal Monitoring tool to other tools (for example, MS Excel) for further analysis.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Testing current protection functions 6.3.1 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in 5.1 "Preparing the IED to verify settings". Values of the logical signals for PHPIOC are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Tests/Function status/Current/PHPIOC(50,I>>)/1:PHPIOC.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Values of the logical signals for OC4PTOC are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Tests/Function status/Current/OC4PTOC(51_67,4I>)/ 1:OC4PTOC. The Signal Monitoring in PCM600 shows the same signals that are available on the local HMI. Verifying the settings Connect the test set for appropriate current injection to the appropriate IED...
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Check of the non-directional phase overcurrent function. This is done in principle as instructed above, without applying any polarizing voltage. Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/1:TESTMODE.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/1:TESTMODE. If another function is tested, then set the parameter Blocked to No under Main menu/ Tests/Function test modes/Current/EFPIOC(50N,IN>>)/1:EFPIOC for the function, or for each individual function in a chain, to be tested next.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality 11. Check that the protection does not operate when the polarizing voltage is zero. 12. Repeat the above described tests for the higher set steps. 13. Finally, check that start and trip information is stored in the event menu. Four step non-directional residual overcurrent protection Do as described in...
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality The I Dir (I cos(Angle)) function activates the START and STDIRIN output. Measure with angles j = RCADir +/- 45° that the measuring element cos (RCADir - j) = I operates when I cos(+/-45) = INcosPhi>.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality RCADir = 0º Operate area Instrument transformer RCAcomp angle error Characteristic after angle compensation (to prot) (prim) en06000651.vsd IEC06000651 V2 EN Figure 10: Explanation of RCAcomp Operation mode 3I · 3U · cosφ Set the polarizing voltage to 1.2 ·...
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality × × × Tinv kSN Sref test test (Equation 2) IECEQUATION2403 V1 EN Compare the result with the expected value. The expected value depends on whether definite or inverse time was selected. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to Off.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality RCADir = 0º ROADir = 80º Operate area en06000652.vsd IEC06000652 V2 EN Figure 11: Example characteristic Non-directional earth fault current protection Procedure Measure that the operate current is equal to the INNonDir> setting. The function activates the START and STDIRIN output.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/1:TESTMODE. If another function is tested, then set the parameter Blocked to No under Main menu/ Tests/Function test modes/Current/SDEPSDE(67N,IN<->)/1:SDEPSDE for the function, or for each individual function in a chain, to be tested next.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality At mode 2 out of 4 the phase current setting, IP> can be checked by single-phase injection where the return current is connected to the summated current input. The value of residual (earth fault) current IN set lower than IP> is easiest checked in back- up trip mode 1 out of 4.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Apply the fault condition, including start of CCRBRF, well above the set current value. Measure time from START of CCRBRF. Check the re-trip t1 and back-up trip times t2. Disconnect AC and START input signals. Verifying the re-trip mode Choose the mode below, which corresponds to the actual case.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Checking that back-up tripping is not achieved at normal CB tripping Use the actual tripping modes. The case below applies to re-trip with current check. Apply the fault condition, including start of CCRBRF, with phase current well above set value IP.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality RetripMode = Contact Verifying the case It is assumed that re-trip without current check is selected, RetripMode = Contact. Set FunctionMode = Contact Apply input signal for CB closed to input CBCLDL1 (2 or 3)CBCLD Apply input signal, for start of CCRBRF.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Arrange disconnection of BC closed signal(s) well before set back-up trip time t2. It simulates a correct CB tripping. Verify that back-up trip is not achieved. Re-trip can appear for example, due to selection “Re-trip without current check”.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Switch the fault current on. No TRIP signal should appear. 10. Switch the fault current off. 11. Reset the RELEASE binary input. 12. Switch the fault current on. No TRIP signal should appear. 13.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/1:TESTMODE. If another function is tested, then set the parameter Blocked to No under Main menu/ Tests/Function test modes/Current/CCRPLD(52PD)/X:CCRPLD for the function, or for each individual function in a chain, to be tested next.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/1:TESTMODE. If another function is tested, then set the parameter Blocked to No under Main menu/ Tests/Function test modes/Current/BRCPTOC(46,lub)/X:BRCPTOC for the function, or for each individual function in a chain, to be tested next.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Table 2: Calculation modes Mode Set value: Formula used for complex power calculation L1, L2, L3 × × × (Equation 4) EQUATION1697 V1 EN Arone × × (Equation 5) EQUATION1698 V1 EN PosSeq = ×...
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Increase the current to 100% of IBase. Switch the current off and measure the time for activation of TRIP1, trip of stage 1. If a second stage is used, repeat steps for the second stage. Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter...
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality equal to 100% of rated power and that the reactive power is equal to 0% of rated power. Change the angle between the injected current and voltage to Angle1 + 90°. Check that the monitored active power is equal to 0% of rated power and that the reactive power is equal to 100% of rated power.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Check that the START signal resets. Instantaneously decrease the voltage in one phase to a value about 20% lower than the measured operate value. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the set value. Extended testing The test above can now be repeated for step 2.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/1:TESTMODE. If another function is tested, then set the parameter Blocked to No under Main menu/ Tests/Function test modes/Voltage/OV2PTOV(59,2U>)/1:OV2PTOV for the function, or for each individual function in a chain, to be tested next.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Values of the logical signals for LOVPTUV are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Tests/Function status/Voltage/LOVPTUV(27,U<)/1:LOVPTUV. The Signal Monitoring in PCM600 shows the same signals that are available on the local HMI. Measuring the operate limit of set values Check that the input logical signals BLOCK, CBOPEN and BLKU are logical...
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Testing frequency protection functions 6.5.1 Underfrequency protection SAPTUF Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in 5.1 "Preparing the IED to verify settings". Values of the logical signals for SAPTUF are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Tests/Function status/Frequency/SAPTUF(81,f<)/X:SAPTUF.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage, to a value below StartFrequency. Check that the START signal does not appear. Wait for a time corresponding to tDelay, and check that the TRIP signal does not appear.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Check that you have appropriate settings in the IED, especially the StartFrequency, TtDelay and the MinValFreqMeas in the SMAI preprocessing function Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at their rated values. Slowly decrease the magnitude of the applied voltage, until the BLKDMAGN signal appears.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Check that the START signal resets. Instantaneously decrease the frequency of the applied voltage to a value about 20% lower than the nominal value. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the set value. Extended testing The test above can be repeated to check a positive setting of StartFreqGrad.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Completing the test Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/1:TESTMODE. If another function is tested, then set the parameter Blocked to No under Main menu/ Tests/Function test modes/Secondary system supervision/CCSRDIF(87,INd)/ X:CCSRDIF for the function, or for each individual function in a chain, to be tested next.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality • There should be no change in the high status of the output signals BLKU and BLKZ. • The signal 3PH will appear. Establish normal voltage and current operating conditions simultaneously and observe the corresponding output signals.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents in phase with their corresponding phase voltages and with all of them equal to their rated values. Slowly decrease the measured voltage in one phase until the BLKU signal appears.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Repeat step 3. Connect the nominal voltages in all three phases and feed a current below the operate level in all three phases. 10. Keep the current constant. Disconnect the voltage in all three phases simultaneously.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality This section contains instructions on how to test the synchrocheck and energizing check for single CB. Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in 5.1 "Preparing the IED to verify settings".
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Test U-Bus U-Bus equipment UMeasure Ph/N U-Line Ph/Ph Input Phase L1,L2,L3 L12,L23,L31 en08000027.vsd IEC08000027 V1 EN Figure 12: General test connection with three-phase voltage connected to the line side Testing the synchronizing function This section is applicable only if the synchronizing function is included.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality 3.1. U-Bus = 100% UBase and f-bus = 50.25 Hz 3.2. Verify that the function does not operate when frequency difference is above limit. Repeat with different frequency differences for example, 100 mHz with f-bus nominal and line leading and for example 20 mHz (or just above FreqDiffMin) to verify that independent of frequency difference the closing pulse occurs within 2 degrees.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Apply voltages U-Line (for example) = 100% UBase and U-Bus = 100% UBase, with a phase difference equal to 0 degrees and a frequency difference lower than FreqDiffA and FreqDiffM Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated. The test can be repeated with other phase difference values to verify that the function operates for values lower than the set ones, PhaseDiffM and PhaseDiffA.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Apply voltages U-Line equal to 100% UBase and U-Bus equal to 100% UBase, with a frequency difference equal to 0 mHz and a phase difference lower than the set value. Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated. Apply voltage to the U-Line equal to 100% UBase with a frequency equal to 50 Hz and voltage U-Bus equal to 100% UBase, with a frequency outside the set limit.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Apply a single-phase voltage 100% UBase to the U-Bus, and a single-phase voltage 30% UBase to the U-Line. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated. Increase the U-Line to 60% UBase and U-Bus to be equal to 100% UBase. The outputs should not be activated.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Testing the voltage selection Testing the voltage selection for single CB arrangements This test should verify that the correct voltage is selected for the measurement in the energizing check function used in a double-bus arrangement. Apply a single- phase voltage of 100% UBase to the U-Line and a single-phase voltage of 100% UBase to the U-Bus.
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Figure illustrates a suggested testing arrangement, where the circuit-breaker (CB) is simulated by an external bi-stable relay (BR), for example a relay type RXMVB2 or RXMD or Breaker Simulator of ABB. The following manual switches are used: • Switch or push-button to close (SC) •...
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality • A bi-stable relay (BR) or two auxiliary relays to simulate a CB • Two push-buttons (SC, ST) to operate the BR and a change-over switch (SRY) to simulate CBREADY • Possibly a switch simulation the synchronizing check SESRSYN condition SMBRREC - CLOSECB Trip SMBRREC - CBPOS...
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality If that is not possible, other means of time measurement and recording should be arranged. On and Off Switching the autorecloser function to Set the Operation setting to Off and check the state. Set the Operation setting to On and check the state, including SETON and READY.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Checking the reclosing conditions When checking the influence of a releasing condition it is suggested to first run a sequence with the condition fulfilled. When the condition signal is removed, and a new sequence is run, it indicates that the result was due to the changed condition.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality Restoring equipment After the tests, restore the equipment to normal or desired state. Check the following items in particular: Check the operation counters. Reset the counters to zero, if that is the user's preference. The counter reset function is found on the local HMI under Main menu/Clear/Clear counters/ SMBRREC(79,0->1) Restore settings that may have been modified for the tests back to normal.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality If a block/unblock command is sent from remote to function, while the IED is shut down, this command will not be recognized after the start up, thus the command that was sent prior to the shut down is used.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality The functional output TRIP should be active at each fault. The output CLLKOUT must not be set. Activate the automatic lockout function, set AutoLock = On and repeat Beside the TRIP outputs, CLLKOUT should be set. Reset the lockout signal by shortly thereafter activating the reset lockout (RSTLKOUT) signal.
Section 6 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Testing functionality 6.11 Exit test mode The following procedure is used to return to normal operation. Navigate to the test mode folder. Change the On setting to Off. Press the 'E' key and the left arrow key. Answer YES, press the 'E' key and exit the menus.
AC or DC transients, high ambient temperatures, and high air humidity always have a certain likelihood of causing damages. Delivered equipment undergoes extensive testing and quality control in the ABB manufacturing program. All types of IEDs and their integral components have been subject to extensive laboratory testing during the development and design work.
The periodicity of all tests depends on several factors, for example the importance of the installation, environment conditions, simple or complex equipment, static or electromechanical IEDs, and so on. The normal maintenance praxis of the user should be followed. However ABB proposal is to test: Every second to third year...
IED at a time on live circuits where redundant protection is installed and de-energization of the primary circuit is not allowed. ABB protection IEDs are preferably tested by aid of components from the COMBITEST testing system described in information B03-9510 E. Main...
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Section 7 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system right order to allow for simple and safe secondary testing even with the object in service. Preparation Before starting maintenance testing, the test engineers should scrutinize applicable circuit diagrams and have the following documentation available: •...
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Section 7 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system Trip circuit check When the protection IED undergoes an operational check, a tripping pulse is normally obtained on one or more of the output contacts and preferably on the test switch.
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Section 7 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system to harmonics. Normally a CVT secondary can have around 2.5 - 3% third-harmonic voltage. Restoring Maintenance is very important to improve the availability of the protection system by detecting failures before the protection is required to operate.
Inspect the IED visually. • Inspect the IED visually to find any physical error causes. • If you can find some obvious physical damage, contact ABB for repair or replacement actions. Check whether the error is external or internal. •...
Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Troubleshooting Checking the communication link operation There are several different communication links on the product. First check that all communication ports that are used for communication are turned on. Check the front communication port RJ-45. 1.1.
Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Troubleshooting Indication messages 8.2.1 Internal faults When the Ready LED indicates an internal fault by flashing, the message associated with the fault is found in the internal event list in the LHMI menu Main menu/Diagnostics/Internal events.
Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Troubleshooting internal fault signals can also be checked via the LHMI in Main menu/Diagnostics/ IED status/General. When a fault appears, record the fault indication message and state it when ordering service. Table 4: Warning indications Warning indication Additional information Warning...
Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Troubleshooting • Check that the function is on. • Check that the correct setting group (1 to 4) is activated. • Check the blocking. • Check the mode. • Check the measurement value. • Check the connection to trip and disturbance recorder functions.
Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Troubleshooting GUID-BBAEAF55-8D01-4711-A71D-BBC76B60BA3D V1 EN Figure 15: Testing output contacts using the voltage drop method 1 Contact current 2 Contact voltage drop 3 Load 4 Supply voltage Commissioning Manual...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Troubleshooting GUID-31DF5495-91F1-4A4B-8FD5-50625038961E V1 EN Figure 16: Testing a trip contact 1 Trip contact under test 2 Current limiting resistor • To check the status of the output circuits driving the output relay via the LHMI, select Main menu/Tests/Binary output values/Binary output modules and then navigate to the board with the actual binary output to be checked.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Troubleshooting navigating to the actual I/O-board and the binary input in question. The activated output signal is indicated with a yellow-lit diode. Each BOn_PO is represented by two signals. The first signal in LHMI is the actual value 1 or 0 of the output, and in PCM600 a lit or dimmed diode.
Section 9 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Glossary Section 9 Glossary Alternating current Application configuration tool within PCM600 A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision Analog input ANSI American National Standards Institute Autoreclosing ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer Adaptive signal detection American Wire Gauge standard Binary input Binary outputs status...
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Section 9 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Glossary Central processor unit Carrier receive Cyclic redundancy check CROB Control relay output block Carrier send Current transformer Capacitive voltage transformer Delayed autoreclosing DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (The US developer of the TCP/IP protocol etc.) DBDL Dead bus dead line DBLL...
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Section 9 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Glossary FOX 20 Modular 20 channel telecommunication system for speech, data and protection signals FOX 512/515 Access multiplexer FOX 6Plus Compact time-division multiplexer for the transmission of up to seven duplex channels of digital data over optical fibers G.703 Electrical and functional description for digital lines used by local telephone companies.
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Section 9 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Glossary I-GIS Intelligent gas-insulated switchgear Instance When several occurrences of the same function are available in the IED, they are referred to as instances of that function. One instance of a function is identical to another of the same kind but has a different number in the IED user interfaces.
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Section 9 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Glossary apparent impedance to the fault applied to the balance point, that is, the set reach. The relay “sees” the fault but perhaps it should not have seen it. Peripheral component interconnect, a local data bus Pulse code modulation PCM600 Protection and control IED manager...
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Section 9 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Glossary SMA connector Subminiature version A, A threaded connector with constant impedance. Signal matrix tool within PCM600 Station monitoring system SNTP Simple network time protocol – is used to synchronize computer clocks on local area networks. This reduces the requirement to have accurate hardware clocks in every embedded system in a network.
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Section 9 1MRK 511 248-UEN - Glossary dissemination of standard frequencies and time signals. UTC is derived from International Atomic Time (TAI) by the addition of a whole number of "leap seconds" to synchronize it with Universal Time 1 (UT1), thus allowing for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the rotational axis tilt (23.5 degrees), but still showing the Earth's irregular rotation, on which UT1 is based.
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