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JVC KD-G745 Installation & Connection Manual
JVC KD-G745 Installation & Connection Manual

JVC KD-G745 Installation & Connection Manual


Installation/Connection Manual
°"√µ' ¥ µ— È ß /§Ÿ Ë ¡ ◊ Õ °"√µ' ¥ µ— È ß
This unit is designed to operate on 12 V DC, NEGATIVE ground electrical systems. If your vehicle does
not have this system, a voltage inverter is required, which can be purchased at JVC car audio dealers.
To prevent short circuits, we recommend that you disconnect the battery's negative terminal and make all
electrical connections before installing the unit.
Be sure to ground this unit to the car's chassis again after installation.
Replace the fuse with one of the specified rating. If the fuse blows frequently, consult your JVC car audio
It is recommended to connect speakers with a maximum power of more than 50 W (both at the
rear and at the front, with an impedance of 4 Ω to 8 Ω). If the maximum power is less than 50 W,
change "AMP GAIN" setting to prevent the speakers from being damaged (see page 14 of the
To prevent short circuits, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.
The heat sink becomes very hot after use. Be careful not to touch it when removing this unit.
PRECAUTIONS on power supply and speaker connections:
DO NOT connect the speaker leads of the power cord to the car battery; otherwise, the unit
will be seriously damaged.
BEFORE connecting the speaker leads of the power cord to the speakers, check the speaker wiring in
your car.
Parts list for installation and connection
The following parts are provided for this unit. If any item is missing, consult your JVC car audio dealer
A / B
Hard case/Control panel
≈— ß ∫√√®ÿ / ÀπÈ " ªí ¥
Power cord
"¬‡§‡∫' ≈ °"≈— ß
Rubber cushion
¬"ß°— π °√–·∑°
Heat sink /
·ºË π √–∫"¬§«"¡√È Õ π
ª≈Õ°Àÿ È ¡
Washer (ø5)
ª√–‡°Á π «ß·À«π
§— π ∫— ß §— ∫
™ÿ ¥ ª√–°Õ∫π' È ‰ ¥È √ — ∫ °"√ÕÕ°·∫∫¡"‡æ◊ Ë Õ „™È ß "π°— ∫ √–∫∫ °√–· ‰øøÈ "  "¬¥' π ¢— È « ≈∫°√–· µ√ß
¥È „ ™È √ –∫∫π' È µÈ Õ ß„™È ‡ §√◊ Ë Õ ß·ª≈ß°√–· ‰ø™Ë « ¬ ´÷ Ë ß  "¡"√∂À"´◊ È Õ ‰¥È ® "°√È " π¢"¬‡§√◊ Ë Õ ß‡ ' ¬ ß√∂¬πµÏ
§"‡µ◊ Õ π
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µ√«® Õ∫„ÀÈ · πË „ ®«Ë " ‰¥È ‡ ¥' π  "¬¥' π µË Õ √–À«Ë " ߇§√◊ Ë Õ ß°— ∫ µ— « ∂— ß √∂¬πµú „ À¡Ë · ≈È « À≈— ß ®"°µ' ¥ µ— È ß
„™È æ ' ° — ¥ ®"‡æ"–·∑πøî «   À"°øî «  Ï ¢ "¥∫Ë Õ ¬ „ÀÈ ª √÷ ° ..."√È " π¢"¬‡§√◊ Ë Õ ß‡ ' ¬ ß√∂¬πµÏ
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50 W
∂È " °"≈— ß ¢— ∫ µË " °«Ë "
„ÀÈ ‡ ª≈' Ë ¬ π§Ë "
°"√ªÈ Õ ß°— π °"√≈— ¥ «ß®√ ®–µÈ Õ ßæ— π ¢— È «  "¬µ–°— Ë « ∑' Ë ‰ ¡Ë „ ™È · ≈È « ¥È « ¬‡∑ ªæ— π  "¬‰ø
·ºË π √–∫"¬§«"¡√È Õ π®–√È Õ π¡"°À≈— ß ®"°„™È √–¡— ¥ √–«— ß Õ¬Ë " ‰ª  — ¡ º—   ‡¡◊ Ë Õ ∂Õ¥™ÿ ¥ ª√–°Õ∫π' È
¢È Õ §«√√–«— ß  "À√— ∫ °"√µË Õ ·À≈Ë ß ®Ë " ¬°"≈— ß ·≈–≈"‚æß
Õ¬Ë " µË Õ  "¬µ–°— Ë « ‡§‡∫' ≈ °"≈— ß ¢Õß≈"‚æ߇¢È " °— ∫ ·∫µ‡µÕ√' Ë √ ∂¬πµÏ ¡' © –π— È π ™ÿ ¥ ª√–°Õ∫®–‰¥È √ — ∫ §«"¡‡ ' ¬ À"¬¡"°
°Ë Õ π∑' Ë ® –µË Õ  "¬µ–°— Ë « ‡§‡∫' ≈ °"≈— ß ¢Õß≈"‚æ߇¢È " °— ∫ ≈"‚æß „ÀÈ µ √«® Õ∫°"√‡¥' π  "¬‰ø≈"‚æß„π√∂¢Õߧÿ ≥ „ÀÈ ‡ √' ¬ ∫√È Õ ¬‡ ' ¬ °Ë Õ π
√"¬°"√ Ë « πª√–°Õ∫ "À√— ∫ µ' ¥ µ— È ß ·≈–‡™◊ Ë Õ ¡µË Õ °— π
 Ë « πª√–°Õ∫µË Õ ‰ªπ' È „ ÀÈ ¡ "°— ∫ ™ÿ ¥ ª√–°Õ∫π' È À"°¡'   ' Ë ß „¥‰¡Ë § √∫ °√ÿ ≥ "ª√÷ ° ..."µ— « ·∑π®"ÀπË " ¬‡§√◊ Ë Õ ß‡ ' ¬ ßµ' ¥ √∂¬πµÏ
Lock nut (M5)
Mounting bolt (M4 × 5 mm; M5 × 12.5 mm)
πÕµ≈Á Õ §
 ≈— ° µ' ¥
Remote controller
√' ‚ ¡µ§Õπ‚∑√≈
© 2008 Victor Company of Japan, Limited
‚«≈∑Ï À"°√∂¬πµÏ ¢ Õߧÿ ≥ ‰¡Ë ‰
50 W (
∑— È ß ∑' Ë ¥ È " πÀ≈— ß ·≈–¥È " πÀπÈ " ‚¥¬¡' § «"¡µÈ " π∑"π
‡æ◊ Ë Õ ªÈ Õ ß°— π ‰¡Ë „ ÀÈ ≈ "‚æß™"√ÿ ¥
¥Ÿ À πÈ "
Trim plate
·ºË π ‚≈À–¢Õ∫·µË ß
(M4 × 5
; M5 × 12.5
4 Ω
8 Ω)
∂÷ ß
‚¥¬∑— π ∑'


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Summary of Contents for JVC KD-G745

  • Page 1 „™È æ ‘ ° — ¥ ®”‡æ“–·∑πøî «   À“°øî «  Ï ¢ “¥∫Ë Õ ¬ „ÀÈ ª √÷ ° …“√È “ π¢“¬‡§√◊ Ë Õ ß‡ ’ ¬ ß√∂¬πµÏ Replace the fuse with one of the specified rating. If the fuse blows frequently, consult your JVC car audio dealer.
  • Page 2: Removing The Unit

    ¿“æµ— « Õ¬Ë “ ßµË Õ ‰ªπ’ È ·  ¥ß∂÷ ß °“√µ‘ ¥ µ— È ß ·∫∫∑— Ë « ‰ª À“°§ÿ ≥ ¡’ ª í ≠ À“À√◊ Õ µÈ Õ ß°“√¢È Õ ¡Ÿ ≈ ‡°’ Ë ¬ «°— ∫ ™ÿ ¥ µ‘ ¥ µ— È ß °√ÿ ≥ “ª√÷ ° …“°— ∫ ºŸ È ¢ “¬‡§√◊ Ë Õ ß‡ ’ regarding installation kits, consult your JVC car audio dealer or a company supplying kits.
  • Page 3: Electrical Connections

    ENGLISH ‰∑¬ ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS °“√‡™◊ Ë Õ ¡‚¥¬„™È ‰øøÈ “ Typical connections / °“√‡™◊ Ë Õ ¡µË Õ ·∫∫ª°µ Before connecting: Check the wiring in the vehicle carefully. Incorrect connection may cause serious °Ë Õ •∑”°“•‡™•Ë Õ ¡µË Õ : µ•«®†Õ•°“•‡¥‘ • †“¬‰ø„•••¬•µÏ Õ ¬Ë “ ß•–¡— ¥ •–«— Õ ¬Ë “ „ÀÈ º ‘ ¥ æ•“¥„•°“•‡™•Ë Õ ¡µË Õ ™ÿ ¥ ª•–°Õ•™ÿ ¥ •’ damage to this unit.
  • Page 4: Troubleshooting

    ¢È Õ µË Õ √Ÿ ª µ— « ‰¡Ë ‰ ¥È „ ÀÈ ¡ “°— ∫ ™ÿ ¥ ª√–°Õ∫π’ È Front speakers ≈”‚æßÀπÈ “ JVC Amplifier ‡§√◊ Ë Õ ß¢¬“¬‡ ’ ¬ ß Set “L/O MODE” to “REAR” (See Set “L/O MODE” to “SUB.W” (See page 14 of the INSTRUCTIONS.)