Cordless area-imaging scanner and charge bases (20 pages)
Summary of Contents for Honeywell Voyager 1250g
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Voyager 1250g Single-Line Laser Scanner User Guide...
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Disclaimer Honeywell International Inc. (“HII”) reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult HII to determine whether any such changes have been made. The information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of HII.
Set Custom Defaults ........................5 Reset the Custom Defaults......................6 Chapter 2 - Program the Interface ..............7 Introduction............................7 Program the Interface - Plug and Play.................. 7 Keyboard Wedge ........................7 IBM PS2 Keyboard........................8 RS232 Serial Port........................8 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 5
Scanner-Bioptic Packet Mode..................38 ACK/NAK...........................38 Communication Timeout....................39 Chapter 3 - Input/Output Settings .............41 Power Up Beeper ..........................41 Beep on BEL Character ......................41 Good Read and Error Indicators.....................42 Beeper – Good Read ......................42 Beeper Volume – Good Read ....................42 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 6
Character Activation Laser Timeout ................53 Character Deactivation Mode....................54 Deactivation Character .......................54 Reread Delay..........................54 User-Specified Reread Delay ....................55 Output Sequence Overview .....................55 Output Sequence Editor.....................55 To Add an Output Sequence .....................55 Other Programming Selections..................56 Output Sequence Example....................56 Output Sequence Editor.....................58 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 7
Intermessage Delay ......................68 Chapter 5 - Data Format ................69 Data Format Editor Introduction ...................69 To Add a Data Format .........................70 Other Programming Selections ..................71 Terminal ID Table ........................72 Data Format Editor Commands .....................72 Send Commands ........................72 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Stop replacing characters ...................81 Compare characters ......................81 Compare string........................81 Check for a number......................81 Check for non-numeric character................82 Insert a delay ........................82 Data Formatter..........................82 Data Format Non-Match Error Tone ................83 Primary/Alternate Data Formats ...................84 Single Scan Data Format Change ..................84 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 9
Code 93 Redundancy......................99 Code 93 Message Length ....................99 Straight 2 of 5 Industrial (three-bar start/stop) ..............99 Straight 2 of 5 Industrial Redundancy...............100 Straight 2 of 5 Industrial Message Length ..............100 Straight 2 of 5 IATA (two-bar start/stop) .................100 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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GS1-128 Application Identifier Parsing..............112 GS1-128 Redundancy...................... 112 GS1-128 Message Length ..................... 113 Telepen............................113 Telepen Output........................114 Telepen Redundancy ......................114 Telepen Message Length ....................114 UPC-A ............................115 UPC-A Number System and Check Digit..............115 viii Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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EAN-13 Beginning with 414/419 Addenda Required......................127 EAN-13 Beginning with 434/439 Addenda Required......................128 EAN-13 Beginning with 977 Addenda Required ...........129 EAN-13 Beginning with 978 Addenda Required ...........129 EAN-13 Beginning with 979 Addenda Required ...........130 Addenda Timeout......................130 EAN/JAN-13 Redundancy ....................131 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) On/Off............... 144 China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) Redundancy ............144 China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) Message Length..........145 Chapter 7 - Utilities..................147 Add a Test Code I.D. Prefix to All Symbologies .............. 147 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 13
Data Formatter Selections ....................167 Symbologies .........................168 Postal Codes.........................177 Utilities............................177 Trigger Commands ......................178 Chapter 9 - Product Specifications ............179 Voyager 1250g Scanner Product Specifications ............179 Depth of Field ..........................180 Typical Performance......................180 Standard Cable Pinouts ......................180 Keyboard Wedge .........................181 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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2D Symbologies........................190 Postal Symbologies ......................191 ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252)..............192 Lower ASCII Reference Table ....................193 ISO 2022/ISO 646 Character Replacements..............196 Keyboard Key References ...................... 199 Sample Symbols........................201 Programming Chart......................... 202 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
To obtain warranty or non-warranty service, you must first obtain a Return Material Authorization number (RMA #) and then return your product to Honeywell (postage paid) with a copy of the dated purchase record. To learn more, go to
1250g single-line laser scanner. Product specifications, dimensions, war- ranty, and customer support information are also included. Honeywell bar code scanners are factory programmed for the most common ter- minal and communications settings. If you need to change these settings, pro- gramming is accomplished by scanning the bar codes in this guide.
A scanner can be connected between the keyboard and PC as a “keyboard wedge,” plugged into the serial port, or connected to a portable data terminal in wand emu- lation or non decoded output mode. The following is an example of a keyboard wedge connection: Voyager 1250g User Guide...
3. Plug the serial connector into the serial port on your computer. Tighten the two screws to secure the connector to the port. 4. Once the scanner has been fully connected, power up the computer. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
The aiming beam should be cen- tered horizontally over the bar code and must highlight all the vertical bars of the bar code. It will not read if the aiming beam is in any other direction. Good Read Bad Read Voyager 1250g User Guide...
15° to 18° to prevent unwanted reflection. Menu Bar Code Security Settings Honeywell scanners are programmed by scanning menu bar codes or by sending serial commands to the scanner. If you want to restrict the ability to scan menu codes, you can use the Menu Bar Code Security settings. Please contact the near-...
If there are no custom defaults, it will reset the scanner to the factory default settings. Any settings that have not been specified through the custom defaults will be defaulted to the factory default settings. Activate Custom Defaults Voyager 1250g User Guide...
USA keyboard, scan the bar code below. Keyboard wedge is the default interface. Note: The following bar code also programs a carriage return (CR) suffix. IBM PC AT and Compatibles with CR Suffix Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan one of the following “Plug and Play” codes to program the scanner for an IBM POS terminal interface. Note: After scanning one of these codes, you must power cycle the cash register IBM Port 5B Interface IBM Port 9B HHBCR-1 Interface Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Symbologies Enable UPC-A with check digit and number system Enable UPC-E0 with check digit Enable EAN/JAN-8 with check digit Enable EAN/JAN-13 with check digit Enable Code 128 Enable Code 39 Enable OPOS with automatic disable off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
In particular, it has been found necessary on IBM registers using the 4690 V2R4 operating system. The following bar codes are used for this purpose. Default = Enable Secondary Interface. *Enable Secondary Interface Disable Secondary Interface Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Fallback Mode, the scanner will not scan normal bar codes and sounds a unique beep sequence that indicates the scanner is in Fallback Mode. Menu codes can still be scanned while in HID Fallback Mode, allowing you to change the scanner’s programming. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan one of the following codes to program the scanner to emulate a regular RS232-based COM Port. If you are using a Microsoft® Windows® PC, you will need to download the USB serial driver from the Honeywell website ( The driver will use the next available COM Port number.
Communication Timeout Beeper This selection programs the scanner to issue an error beep when a communication timeout has occurred. The error beep sound is programmed using Number of Beeps – Error (page 44). Default = On. * On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
This bar code sets the baud rate to 1200 bps and the data format to 8 data bits, Mark parity, 1 stop bit and RTS/CTS no timeout. It also adds a line feed (LF) suffix and programs the following prefixes for each symbology: Symbology Prefix UPC-A UPC-E EAN-8 EAN-13 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Honeywell Bioptic Aux Port Configuration Scan the following Plug and Play code to program the scanner for a Honeywell bioptic scanner auxiliary port configuration. This bar code sets the baud rate to 38400 bps and the data format to 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Codabar Code 32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF) NCR Bioptic Settings Note: If you are having unexpected results with this programming code, scan the Activate Defaults bar code on page 149 first, then scan the programming bar code above. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
All other bar codes Wincor Nixdorf Beetle Settings Note: If you are having unexpected results with this programming code, scan the Activate Defaults bar code on page 149 first, then scan the programming bar code above. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
@ | $ # { } [ ] = / ‘ \ < > ~ Refer to the ISO 2022/ISO 646 Character Replacements on page 196 to view the character replacements for each country. Keyboard Countries * United States Albania Arabic Azeri (Cyrillic) Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Keyboard Countries (Continued) Azeri (Latin) Belarus Belgium Bosnia Brazil Brazil (MS) Bulgaria (Cyrillic) Bulgaria (Latin) Canada (French legacy) Canada (French) Canada (Multilingual) China Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Keyboard Countries (Continued) Croatia Czech Czech (Programmers) Czech (QWERTY) Czech (QWERTZ) Denmark Dutch (Netherlands) Estonia Faroese Finland France Gaelic Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Keyboard Countries (Continued) Iceland Irish Italian (142) Italy Japan ASCII Korea Kazakh Kyrgyz (Cyrillic) Latin America Latvia Latvia (QWERTY) Lithuania Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Keyboard Countries (Continued) Lithuania (IBM) Macedonia Malta Mongolian (Cyrillic) Norway Poland Polish (214) Polish (Programmers) Portugal Romania Russia Russian (MS) Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Keyboard Countries (Continued) Russian (Typewriter) Serbia (Cyrillic) Serbia (Latin) Slovakia Slovakia (QWERTY) Slovakia (QWERTZ) Slovenia Spain Spanish variation Sweden Switzerland (French) Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Keyboard Countries (Continued) Switzerland (German) Tatar Thailand Turkey F Turkey Q Ukrainian United Kingdom United States (Dvorak) United States (Dvorak left) United Stated (Dvorak United States (International) Uzbek (Cyrillic) Voyager 1250g User Guide...
This programs keyboard styles, such as Caps Lock and Shift Lock. If you have used Keyboard Conversion settings, they will override any of the following Keyboard Style settings. Default = Regular. Regular is used when you normally have the Caps Lock key off. * Regular Voyager 1250g User Guide...
“ABC569GK” by scanning Convert All Characters to Upper Case, or to “abc569gk” by scanning Convert All Characters to Lower Case. These settings override Keyboard Style selections. Default = Keyboard Conversion Off. * Keyboard Conversion Off Convert All Characters to Upper Case Voyager 1250g User Guide...
* Control + X Mode Off DOS Mode Control + X Mode On Windows Mode Prefix/Suffix Numeric Keypad Mode: Sends numeric characters as if entered from a numeric keypad. Default = Off. Numeric Keypad Mode On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
5). If there are no cus- tom defaults, it will reset the scanner to the factory default settings. Any settings that have not been specified through the custom defaults will be defaulted to the factory default settings. Keyboard Wedge Defaults Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Baud Rate sends the data from the scanner to the terminal at the specified rate. The host terminal must be set for the same baud rate as the scanner. Default = 9600. 1200 2400 4800 * 9600 19200 38400 57,600 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
CTS to be asserted by the host Two-Direction Flow Control: The scanner asserts RTS when it is OK for the host to transmit. The host asserts CTS when it is OK for the device to transmit. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
(from 1-5100 milli- seconds) by scanning digits from the Programming Chart on page 202, then scanning Save. Default = 1000 ms (1 second). RS232 Timeout Voyager 1250g User Guide...
This allows you to set the length (in milliseconds) for a timeout for the host ACK/ NAK response. Scan the bar code below, then set the timeout (from 1-65535 milli- seconds) by scanning digits from the Programming Chart on page 202, then scan- ning Save. Default = 2000 ms. Communication Timeout Voyager 1250g User Guide...
This protocol responds to <BEL> and <CAN> commands when in ACK/NAK mode. The scanner sounds an error tone when a <BEL> command is sent from the host. <CAN> terminates the transmission. Default = BEL/CAN Off. BEL/CAN On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
* NCR ACK/NAK Off NCR ACK/NAK On Block Check Character When this selection is set to Transmit, the NCR Block Check Character (BCC) is expected with incoming messages and transmitted with outgoing messages. Default = Transmit. * Transmit Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Usually, prefixes and suffixes are programmed using the Data Editing selec- tions (see Data Edit beginning on page 61), however, the following commands override any other prefix/suffix settings. Default = Don’t Transmit. Transmit * Don’t Transmit Voyager 1250g User Guide...
* Off Scanner to Bioptic Communication The following settings are used to set up communication between Honeywell scan- ners and bioptic scanners. Note: The scanner’s baud rate must be set to 38400 and the RS232 Timeout must be set to 3000 in order to communicate with a bioptic scanner.
This allows you to set the length (in milliseconds) for a timeout for the host ACK/ NAK response. Scan the bar code below, then set the timeout (from 1-65535 milli- seconds) by scanning digits from the Programming Chart on page 202, then scan- ning Save. Default = 2000 ms. Communication Timeout Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Beep on BEL On bar code below, the scanner will beep every time a BEL character is received from the host. Default = Beep on BEL Off. *Beep on BEL Off Beep on BEL On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Default = High. Medium * High Beeper Pitch – Good Read The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the beep the scanner emits on a good read. Default = Medium. Low (1600 Hz) Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Default = Razz. * Razz (100 Hz) Medium (2000 Hz) High (4200 Hz) Beeper Duration – Good Read The beeper duration codes modify the length of the beep the scanner emits on a good read. Default = Normal. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Number of Error Beeps/LED Flashes LED Indicators The green and red LEDs can be programmed to be On or Off and at different brightness levels to indicate various scanner states. Use the following bar codes to program the LED indicators. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Red LED On with Laser Green LED On with Laser Red LED On when CodeGate Disabled Green LED On when CodeGate Disabled Red LED On when In-Stand Green LED On when In-Stand Red LED On with CTS Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Green Low Red Medium Green Medium * Red High * Green High In-Stand and Out-Of-Stand Settings The following settings program the scanner’s behavior when it is either in the stand, or out of the stand (hand-held). Voyager 1250g User Guide...
However, the data is not transmitted until you pull the trigger. The laser remains on briefly after the transmission. (If you are accustomed to a Voyager 9540, this setting is the same as the 9540’s default.) Presentation Mode Out-of-Stand Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Default = End Man- ual Activation After Good Read. Do Not End Manual Activation After Good Read In-Stand * End Manual Activation After Good Read In-Stand Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When an object is detected, the laser turns on and the scanner attempts to scan the bar code. Default = Object Detection Mode On In-Stand. Object Detection Mode Off In-Stand * Object Detection Mode On In-Stand * Object Detection Mode Off Out-of-Stand Voyager 1250g User Guide...
(from 1-65535 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the from the Programming Chart on page 202, then Save. Default = 5000 ms. Object Detection Laser Timeout In-Stand Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the On bar code below to use character activation, then use Activation Character (following) to select the character you will send from the host to start scanning. Default = Off. * Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
(from 1-65535 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the Programming Chart page 202, then Save. Default = 5000 ms. Character Activation Laser Timeout Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Setting a reread delay protects against accidental rereads of the same bar code. Longer delays are effective in minimizing accidental rereads. Use shorter delays in applications where repetitive bar code scanning is required. Default = Medium. Short (500 ms) * Medium (750 ms) Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Locate the Hex value for that symbology and scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart on page 202. 3. Length Specify what length (up to 9999 characters) of data output will be acceptable Voyager 1250g User Guide...
The breakdown of the command line is shown below: SEQBLK sequence editor start command 62 code identifier for Code 39 9999code length that must match for Code 39, 9999 = all lengths 41start character match for Code 39, 41h = “A” Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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FFtermination string for second code 69code identifier for Code 93 0012C - Code 93 sample length (11) plus CR suffix (1) = 12 43start character match for Code 93, 43h = “C” FFtermination string for third code Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If an output sequence operation is terminated before all your output sequence cri- teria are met, the bar code data acquired to that point is a “partial sequence.” Scan Discard Partial Sequence to discard partial sequences when the output sequence operation is terminated before completion. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
With No Read turned On, the scanner notifies you if a code cannot be read. If using an EZConfig-Scanning Tool Scan Data Window (see page 148), an “NR” appears when a code cannot be read. If No Read is turned Off, the “NR” will not appear. Default = Off. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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If you want a different notation than “NR,” for example, “Error,” or “Bad Code,” you can edit the output message (see Data Format beginning on page 5-69). The hex code for the No Read symbol is 9C. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
192, plus Code I.D. and AIM I.D. • You can string together several entries for several symbologies at one time. • Enter prefixes and suffixes in the order in which you want them to appear on the output. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If you have been entering prefixes and suffixes for single symbologies, you can use Clear One Prefix (Suffix) to delete a specific character from a symbology. When you Clear All Prefixes (Suffixes), all the prefixes or suffixes for a symbology are deleted. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
This action first clears all current suffixes, then programs a carriage return suffix for all symbologies. Add CR Suffix All Symbologies Prefix Selections Add Prefix Clear One Prefix Clear All Prefixes Suffix Selections Add Suffix Clear One Suffix Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Transmit Normal Extended ASCII Alternate Extended ASCII Characters Keyboard Function Keyboard Function ↑ up arrow ↓ down arrow → right arrow ← left arrow Insert Numeric Keypad + Delete Numeric Keypad - Home Numeric Keypad * Voyager 1250g User Guide...
ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page 192). If these key strokes interfere with your host’s software application, scan Disable to keep these ASCII control characters from being transmitted. Default = Enable. * Enable Disable Voyager 1250g User Guide...
LRC Starts on 1st Character LRC Starts on 2nd Character Intercharacter, Interfunction, and Intermessage Delays Some terminals drop information (characters) if data comes through too quickly. Intercharacter, interfunction, and intermessage delays slow the transmission of data, increasing data integrity. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Delay Length Character to Trigger Delay To remove this delay, scan the Delay Length bar code, and set the number of delays to 0. Scan the Save bar code using the Programming Chart on page 202. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
2nd Scan Transmission Intermessage Delay Intermessage Delay To remove this delay, scan the Intermessage Delay bar code, then set the number of delays to 0. Scan the Save bar code using the Programming Chart on page 202. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If a bar code is read that fails the first data format, the next data format, if there is one, will be used on the bar code data. If there is no other data format, the raw data is output. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
202. For example, 50 characters is entered as 0050. Note: 9999 indicates all lengths. Step 6. Editor Commands Refer to Data Format Editor Commands (page 72). Scan the symbols that represent the command you want to enter. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Clear all Data Formats This clears all data formats. • Save Exit and save your data format changes. • Discard Exit without saving any data format changes. Clear One Data Format Clear All Data Formats Save Discard Voyager 1250g User Guide...
ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), beginning on page 192 for decimal, hex and character codes. F2 Example: Send a number of characters Voyager 1250g User Guide...
F3 Example: Send all characters up to a particular character Using the bar code above, send all characters up to but not including “D,” followed by a carriage return. Command string: F3440D F3 is the “Send all characters up to a particular character” command Voyager 1250g User Guide...
The data is output as: 1234567890AB <tab><tab> Insert symbology name B3 Insert the name of the bar code’s symbology in the output message, without moving the cursor. Only symbologies with a Honeywell ID are included (see Symbology Charts on page 189). Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), beginning on page 192 for decimal, hex and character codes.
F5 Example: Move the cursor forward and send the data Move the cursor forward 3 characters, then send the rest of the bar code data from the bar code above. End with a carriage return. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
0D is the hex value for a CR The data is output as: 123456 <CR> Move the cursor to the end EA Move the cursor to the last character in the input message. Syntax = EA. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
9999), and S consists of the ASCII hex value of each character in the match string. For example, B0000454657374 will search forward for the first occurrence of the 4 character string “Test.” Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), beginning on page 192 for decimal, hex and character codes. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), beginning on page 192 for decimal, hex and character codes. E6 Example: Remove zeros at the beginning of bar code data Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Using the bar code above: Command string: FB0120F10D FB is the “Suppress characters” command 01 is the number of character types to be suppressed 20 is the hex value for a space Voyager 1250g User Guide...
0D is the hex value for a CR (the character that will replace the 0) F1 is the “Send all characters” command 0D is the hex value for a CR The data is output as: 1234 5678 <CR> Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If there is no other format, the format fails and the raw data is output as AB1234. If this bar code is read: the data is output as: 1234AB <CR> Voyager 1250g User Guide...
You may wish to require the data to conform to a data format you have created and saved. The following settings can be applied to your data format: • Data Formatter On, Not Required, Keep Prefix/Suffix Scanned data is modified according to your data format, and prefixes and suffixes are transmitted. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
However, you may want to continue scanning bar codes without hearing the error tone. If you scan the Data Format Non-Match Error Tone Off bar code, data that doesn’t conform to your data for- Voyager 1250g User Guide...
You can also switch between data formats for a single scan. The next bar code is scanned using an alternate data format, then reverts to the format you have selected above (either Primary, 1, 2, or 3). Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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Single Scan-Data Format 1 bar code below. The next bar code that is scanned uses Data Format 1, then reverts back to Data Format 3. Single Scan-Primary Data Format Single Scan-Data Format 1 Single Scan-Data Format 2 Single Scan-Data Format 3 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Save bar codes on the Programming Chart page 202. The minimum and maximum lengths and the defaults are included with the respective symbologies. Codabar <Default All Codabar Settings> Codabar On/Off * On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When Check Character is set to Validate, but Don’t Transmit, the unit will only read Codabar bar codes printed with a check character, but will not transmit the check character with the scanned data. * No Check Character Validate Modulo 16, but Don’t Transmit Validate Modulo 16 and Transmit Voyager 1250g User Guide...
D 5 6 7 8 A Select Require to prevent the scanner from decoding a single “D” Codabar symbol without its companion. This selection has no effect on Codabar symbols without Stop/Start D characters. * Off Require Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When Check Character is set to Validate, but Don’t Transmit, the unit only reads Code 39 bar codes printed with a check character, but will not transmit the check character with the scanned data. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
SO $N > US %E DEL %T Character pairs /M and /N decode as a minus sign and period respectively. Character pairs /P through /Y decode as 0 through 9. Full ASCII On * Full ASCII Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When Check Digit is set to Validate, but Don’t Transmit, the unit only reads Inter- leaved 2 of 5 bar codes printed with a check digit, but will not transmit the check digit with the scanned data. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 2-80. Minimum Default = 6, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
5 bar codes printed with a check digit, and will transmit this digit at the end of the scanned data. Default = No Check Digit. * No Check Digit Validate, but Don’t Transmit Validate and Transmit Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Straight 2 of 5 IATA (two-bar start/stop) Note: This symbology is also known as Airline Code 5. <Default All Straight 2 of 5 IATA Settings> Straight 2 of 5 IATA On/Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 13, Maximum Default = 15. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If you are encountering errors when reading Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes, you may want to adjust the redundancy count. Redundancy adjusts the number of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce the number of errors. Note Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Redundancy adjusts the number of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce the number of errors. Note that the higher the redundancy count, the longer it will take to decode the bar code. To Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
ISBT 128 Predefined Concatenation Sequences On/Off to enable this feature. Default = Donation ID Number (001) and ABO/RhD Blood Groups (002). * Donation ID Number (001) and ABO/RhD Blood Groups (002) Donation ID Number (001) and Donor ID Number (019) Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If you scan the Require Predefined Sequence code, the data combination speci- fied in the predefined concatenation sequence you selected is required to transmit the data. No data is output unless the sequence is read. Default = Off. * Off Allow Predefined Sequence Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Programming Chart to scan 3, C (hex for “<”). Step 12. Scan Save. Once you have programmed the concatenation sequence, use ISBT 128 User- Defined Concatenation Sequences to enable this feature. Default = 0. 1st Left Identifier Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If you scan the Require User-Defined Sequence code, the data combination spec- ified in the User-Defined concatenation sequence is required to transmit the data. No data is output unless the sequence is read. Default = Off. * Off Allow User-Defined Sequence Require User-Defined Sequence Voyager 1250g User Guide...
If you select On, the flag data is converted into a single MOD (37, 2) char- acter and transmitted with the bar code data. Scan Off if you do not want the flag digits transmitted. Default = Off. * Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Redundancy adjusts the number of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce the number of errors. Note that the higher the redundancy count, the longer it will take to decode the bar code. To Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
UPC-A Number System The numeric system digit of a U.P.C. symbol is normally transmitted at the begin- ning of the scanned data, but can be programmed so it is not transmitted (Off). Default = On. * On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When Required is scanned, the scanner will only read UPC-A bar codes that have addenda. You must then turn on a 2 or 5 digit addenda listed on page 116. Default = Not Required. Required * Not Required Voyager 1250g User Guide...
UPC-A Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart on page 202. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0. UPC-A Redundancy Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Don’t Require Coupon Code. UPC-A bar codes are transmitted, depending on the setting you are using for UPC-A/EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code. Default = Don’t Require Coupon Code. * Don’t Require Coupon Code Require Coupon Code Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Most U.P.C. bar codes lead with the 0 number system. To read these codes, use the UPC-E0 On selection. If you need to read codes that lead with the 1 number sys- tem, use EAN/JAN-13 (page 124). Default = On. * UPC-E0 On UPC-E0 Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
UPC-E0 sample showing the number system and check digit: Number Check System Digit UPC-E0 Check Digit Check Digit specifies whether the check digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data or not. Default = Off. * On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned UPC-E data. Default = Off for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda. 2 Digit Addenda On * 2 Digit Addenda Off 5 Digit Addenda On * 5 Digit Addenda Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Redundancy adjusts the number of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce the number of errors. Note that the higher the redundancy count, the longer it will take to decode the bar code. To Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When UPC-A Converted to EAN-13 is selected, UPC-A bar codes are converted to 13 digit EAN-13 codes by adding a zero to the front. When Do not Convert UPC-A is selected, UPC-A codes are read as UPC-A. UPC-A Converted to EAN-13 * Do not Convert UPC-A Voyager 1250g User Guide...
* 2 Digit Addenda Off 5 Digit Addenda On * 5 Digit Addenda Off EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Required When Required is scanned, the scanner will only read EAN/JAN-13 bar codes that have addenda. Default = Not Required. Required * Not Required Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Don’t Require 5 Digit Addenda. EAN-13 bar codes are transmitted, depending on the setting you are using for EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Required. Default = Don’t Require 5 Digit Addenda. * Don’t Require 5 Digit Addenda Voyager 1250g User Guide...
This setting programs the scanner to require any combination of a 2 digit addenda or a 5 digit addenda on EAN-13 bar codes that begin with a “414” or “419.” The fol- lowing settings can be programmed: Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Don’t Require Addenda: If you have selected Require Addenda, and you want to disable this feature, scan Don’t Require Addenda. EAN-13 bar codes are transmit- ted, depending on the setting you are using for EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Required. Default = Don’t Require Addenda. * Don’t Require Addenda Voyager 1250g User Guide...
5 digit addendum. The EAN-13 bar code with the 5 digit addendum is then trans- mitted as a single, concatenated bar code. If a 5 digit addendum is not found within the Addenda Timeout period, the EAN-13 bar code is discarded. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
You can set a time during which the scanner looks for an addenda. If an addenda is not found within this time period, the data can be either transmitted or discarded, based on the setting you are using for EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Required. Set the Voyager 1250g User Guide...
To adjust the redundancy, scan the EAN/JAN-13 Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart on page 202. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0. EAN/JAN-13 Redundancy Voyager 1250g User Guide...
The country prefixes are 978 and 979. To reformat ISBN codes so the country prefix is dropped out, scan the Reformat On bar code below. Default = Reformat Off. Reformat On *Reformat Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
For example, 9770123456787 will be transmitted as 0123-456-0. (You must first scan ISSN (page 133) before scanning Reformat On.) Default = Reformat Off. Reformat On * Reformat Off EAN/JAN-8 <Default All EAN/JAN-8 Settings> EAN/JAN-8 On/Off * On Voyager 1250g User Guide...
This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned EAN/JAN-8 data. Default = Off for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda. 2 Digit Addenda On * 2 Digit Addenda Off 5 Digit Addenda On * 5 Digit Addenda Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Redundancy adjusts the number of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce the number of errors. Note that the higher the redundancy count, the longer it will take to decode the ba code. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When Check Character is set to Validate Type 10/11, but Don’t Transmit, the unit will only read MSI bar codes printed with the specified type check character(s), but will not transmit the check character(s) with the scanned data. * Validate Type 10, but Don’t Transmit Voyager 1250g User Guide...
MSI Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart on page 202. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0. MSI Redundancy Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When Check Character is set to Validate, but Don’t Transmit, the unit only reads Plessey bar codes printed with a check character, but will not transmit the check character with the scanned data. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
To adjust the redundancy, scan the GS1 DataBar Omnidi- rectional Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart on page 202. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0. GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Redundancy Voyager 1250g User Guide...
To adjust the redundancy, scan the GS1 DataBar Limited Redun- dancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart on page 202. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0. GS1 DataBar Limited Redundancy Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
GS1-128 AIM ID, ]C1 (see Symbology Charts page 189). If EAN8 to EAN13 Conversion is scanned, all EAN8 bar codes are converted to EAN13 format. Default = GS1 Emulation Off. GS1-128 Emulation GS1 DataBar Emulation GS1 Code Expansion Off Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Kong 2 of 5) Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart on page 202. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0. China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) Redundancy Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 88) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Scan the bar code below to output the current software revision, unit serial number, and other product information for both the scanner and base. Show Revision Show Data Format Scan the bar code below to show current data format settings. DFMBK3?. Data Format Settings Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Each category is displayed as a tree item under the "Configure" tree node in the application explorer. When one of these tree nodes is clicked, the right-hand Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Install EZConfig Cloud for Scanning Use the EZConfig Cloud for Scanning tool to configure your scanner online: 1. Access the Honeywell web site at 2. Click on the Browse Products tab. Under Software, select Device Management.
A 3 character case-insensitive field that identifies the desired menu command group. For example, all RS232 configuration settings are identified with a Tag of 232. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Data Field Usage When a query is used in place of the Data field, the query applies only to the spe- cific command identified by the Tag and SubTag fields. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Example: What is the default value for Codabar Coding Enable? Enter: cbrena^. Response: CBRENA1[ACK] This response indicates that the default setting for Codabar Coding Enable (CBRENA) is 1, or on. Example: What is the device’s current setting for Codabar Coding Enable? Enter: cbrena?. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Use this selection to set a time-out (in milliseconds) of the scanner’s trigger when using serial commands to trigger the scanner. Once the scanner has timed out, you can activate the scanner either by pressing the trigger or using a serial trigger Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Activate Custom Defaults The charts on the following pages list the factory default settings for each of the commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on the programming pages). Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Disable Secondary Interface REMIFC0 Plug and Play Codes: USB USB Keyboard (PC) PAP124 USB Keyboard (Mac) PAP125 USB Japanese Keyboard (PC) PAP134 USB HID PAP131 HID Fallback Mode HID Fallback Mode (Range 0-60 USBFTO *5 minutes Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 173
Wincor Nixdorf Beetle PAPBTL Wincor Nixdorf RS232 Mode A PAPWMA Program Keyboard *U.S.A. KBDCTY0 Country Albania KBDCTY35 Arabic KBDCTY91 Azeri (Cyrillic) KBDCTY81 Azeri (Latin) KBDCTY80 Belarus KBDCTY82 Belgium KBDCTY1 Bosnia KBDCTY33 Brazil KBDCTY16 Brazil (MS) KBDCTY59 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 175
KBDCTY48 Slovenia KBDCTY31 Spain KBDCTY10 Spanish variation KBDCTY51 Sweden KBDCTY23 Switzerland (French) KBDCTY29 Switzerland (German) KBDCTY6 Tatar KBDCTY85 Thailand KBDCTY94 Turkey F KBDCTY27 Turkey Q KBDCTY24 Ukrainian KBDCTY76 United Kingdom KBDCTY7 United Stated (Dvorak right) KBDCTY89 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 176
Numeric Keypad On KBDNPS1 Inter-Scan Code Delay Inter-Scan Code Delay KBDDLY## *0 (Range 1-30 msecs) <F0> Break Character Suppress <F0> Break Character KBDF0B0 *Transmit <F0> Break Character KBDF0B1 Keyboard Wedge Defaults Reset Keyboard Wedge Defaults KBDDFT Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 177
232WRD9 7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Space 232WRD10 8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Space 232WRD11 7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Mark 232WRD12 7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Mark 232WRD13 8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Mark 232WRD14 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 178
*Don’t Transmit Prefix/Suffix NCRBCP0 NCR NOF (Not-on-File) Error NCRRAZ1 *Off NCRRAZ0 Scanner to Bioptic Communication *Packet Mode Off 232PKT0 Packet Mode On 232PKT2 *ACK/NAK Off 232ACK0 ACK/NAK On 232ACK1 Communication Timeout 232DLK##### (Range 1-65535) *2000 ms Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Red LED On when CodeGate LEDFN14 Disabled Green LED On when CodeGate LEDFN24 Disabled Red LED On when In-Stand LEDFN18 Green LED On when In-Stand LEDFN28 Red LED On with CTS LEDFN1128 Green LED On with CTS LEDFN2128 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 180
AISMGD1 Good Read In-Stand Do Not End Manual Activation AOSMGD0 After Good Read Out-of-Stand *End Manual Activation After AOSMGD1 Good Read Out-of-Stand Laser Timeout - Trigger Hold In- AISMPT##### Stand (Range 1 - 65525) *5000 ms Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 181
AOSODT##### Out-of-Stand (Range 1 - 65525) *5000 ms *Object Detection Distance - AISRNG2 Short In-Stand Object Detection Distance - Long AISRNG1 In-Stand Object Detection Distance - Short AOSRNG2 Out-of-Stand *Object Detection Distance - Long AOSRNG1 Out-of-Stand Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Data Format Non-Match Error *Data Format Non-Match Error DFMDEC0 Tone Tone On Data Format Non-Match Error DFMDEC1 Tone Off Primary/Alternate Data Formats Primary Data Format ALTFNM0 Data Format 1 ALTFNM1 Data Format 2 ALTFNM2 Data Format 3 ALTFNM3 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Redundancy China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) Minimum (1 - 80) *3 CPCMIN## Msg. Length Maximum (1 - 80) *80 CPCMAX## Utilities Add Code I.D. Prefix to All Symbologies (Temporary) PRECA2,BK2995C80! Show Software Revision REVINF Voyager 1250g User Guide...
# Indicates a numeric Page * Indicates default entry Show Data Format DFMBK3? Test Menu TSTMNU1 *Off TSTMNU0 Resetting the Factory Defaults Remove Custom Defaults DEFOVR Activate Defaults DEFALT Trigger Commands Read Time-Out 0 - 300,000 TRGSTO#### *30,000 ms Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Performance may be impacted by bar code quality and environmental conditions. Standard Cable Pinouts Note: The following pin assignments are not compatible with Honeywell legacy products. Use of a cable with improper pin assignments may lead to damage to the unit. Use of any cables not provided by the manufacturer may result in damage not covered by your warranty.
Cable select Supply ground Transmit data Receive data - serial data to scanner +5V power RS485 Output 10 Pin RJ41 Modular Plug - connects to the scanner handle Note: RS485 signal conversion is performed in the cable. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Transmit data Receive data - serial data to scanner +5V power Transmit Enable 10 Pin Modular Plug - connects to the scanner handle Cable shield Cable select Supply ground +5V power Data + 10 Data - Voyager 1250g User Guide...
2 and 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007. LASER LIGHT, DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM, CLASS 2 LASER PRODUCT. 1 mW MAX OUTPUT: 645-660nM. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Divergence < 1.5 mrad, per IEC 60825-1 worst case Max power output < 10 mw Caution: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Inspect the interface cable and connector for wear or other signs of damage. A badly worn cable or damaged connector may interfere with scanner operation. Contact your distributor for information about cable replacement. Cable replace- ment instructions are on page 186. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
When properly seated, the connector is held in the scanner’s handle by a flexible retention tab. The interface cable is designed to be field replaceable. • Order replacement cables from Honeywell or from an authorized distributor. • When ordering a replacement cable, specify the cable part number of the original interface cable.
Page 203
2. If the scanner still can’t read the sample bar codes, scan All Symbologies Off, page 88. If you aren’t sure what programming options have been set in the scanner, or if you want the factory default settings restored, refer to Set Custom Defaults on page 5. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
QR Code Micro QR Code Postal Symbologies Honeywell Possible modifiers Symbology All Symbologies Australian Post British Post Canadian Post China Post InfoMail Intelligent Mail Bar Code Japanese Post KIX (Netherlands) Post Korea Post Planet Code Postal-4i Postnet Voyager 1250g User Guide...
CTRL+ R Backspace CTRL+ S Save Back Tab CTRL+ T CTRL+ U CTRL+ V Paste CTRL+ W CTRL+ X CTRL+ Y CTRL+ Z CTRL+ [ CTRL+ \ CTRL+ ] CTRL+ ^ CTRL+ - ⌂ NP Enter Voyager 1250g User Guide...
„ ä Insert 0x52 … à Delete 0x53 † å Home 0x47 ‡ ç 0x4F ˆ ê Page Up 0x49 ‰ ë Page Down 0x51 Š è Right ALT 0x38 ‹ ï Right CTRL 0x1D Voyager 1250g User Guide...
(standard ASCII) Automatic National Character ISO/IEC 2022 2 (default) Replacement Binary Code page Default “Automatic National Character replacement” will select the below Honeywell Code Page options for Code128, Code 39 and Code 93. United States ISO/IEC 646-06 Canada ISO /IEC 646-121...
Page 213
Honeywell Code Page Selection Method/ Keyboard Code Standard Country Country Page Option Spain ISO/IEC 646-17 Spain ISO/IEC 646-85 Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 214
à ò è ì § Ã Ç Õ ã ç õ ° § ¡ Ñ ¿ ° ñ ç ˜ · ¡ Ñ Ç ¿ ´ ñ ç ¨ ISO / IEC 646 National Character Replacements Voyager 1250g User Guide...
Page 219
Programming Chart (Continued) Save Discard Reset Note: If you make an error while scanning the letters or digits (before scanning Save), scan Discard, scan the correct letters or digits, and Save again. Voyager 1250g User Guide...
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