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Copyright This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
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In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
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Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
Table of contents Table of contents Section 1 Introduction......................13 This manual.............................. 13 Intended audience..........................13 Product documentation........................14 1.3.1 Product documentation set......................14 1.3.2 Document revision history....................... 15 1.3.3 Related documents..........................15 Document symbols and conventions....................16 1.4.1 Symbols..............................16 1.4.2 Document conventions........................
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Table of contents Example how to connect delta connected three-phase CT set to the IED......52 Example how to connect single-phase CT to the IED..............54 4.2.3 Relationships between setting parameter Base Current, CT rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection IED..................56 4.2.4 Setting of voltage channels......................
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Table of contents Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM (78)....................103 7.2.1 Identification.............................103 7.2.2 Application............................103 7.2.3 Setting guidelines..........................106 Section 8 Current protection....................109 Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC(51/67)............109 8.1.1 Identification............................ 109 8.1.2 Application............................109 8.1.3 Setting guidelines..........................110 Settings for each step........................112 Four step residual overcurrent protection, (Zero sequence or negative sequence directionality) EF4PTOC (51N/67N)....................
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Table of contents Section 9 Voltage protection....................149 Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV (27)................. 149 9.1.1 Identification.............................149 9.1.2 Application............................149 9.1.3 Setting guidelines..........................150 Equipment protection, such as for motors and generators..........150 Disconnected equipment detection..................150 Power supply quality ........................150 Voltage instability mitigation....................
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Table of contents Current and voltage selection for CVGAPC function............. 166 Base quantities for CVGAPC function..................168 Application possibilities......................169 Inadvertent generator energization..................169 11.1.3 Setting guidelines..........................170 Directional negative sequence overcurrent protection............170 Negative sequence overcurrent protection................172 Generator stator overload protection in accordance with IEC or ANSI standards..
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Table of contents 14.2.3 Setting guidelines..........................193 14.3 Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC........193 14.3.1 Identification.............................193 14.3.2 Application............................193 14.3.3 Setting guidelines..........................194 14.4 Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC................. 194 14.4.1 Identification.............................194 14.4.2 Application............................194 14.4.3 Setting guidelines..........................
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Table of contents 15.6 Configurable logic blocks........................205 15.6.1 Application............................205 Configuration..........................205 15.7 Fixed signal function block FXDSIGN....................206 15.7.1 Identification............................ 206 15.7.2 Application............................207 15.8 Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I.....................208 15.8.1 Identification............................ 208 15.8.2 Application............................208 15.9 Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC....209 15.9.1 Identification............................
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Table of contents 16.3 Liquid medium supervision SSIML (71).................... 228 16.3.1 Identification.............................228 16.3.2 Application............................228 16.4 Breaker monitoring SSCBR......................... 229 16.4.1 Identification.............................229 16.4.2 Application............................229 16.4.3 Setting guidelines..........................231 Setting procedure on the IED..................... 231 16.5 Event function EVENT.......................... 232 16.5.1 Identification.............................233 16.5.2...
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Table of contents Section 18 Station communication..................247 18.1 Communication protocols........................247 18.2 IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol...................247 18.2.1 Application IEC 61850-8-1.......................247 18.2.2 Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking GOOSEINTLKRCV......249 18.2.3 Setting guidelines..........................249 18.2.4 Generic communication function for Single Point indication SPGAPC, SP16GAPC....249 Application.............................249
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 1 Introduction Section 1 Introduction This manual GUID-AB423A30-13C2-46AF-B7FE-A73BB425EB5F v19 The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function can be used.
Section 1 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Introduction Product documentation 1.3.1 Product documentation set GUID-3AA69EA6-F1D8-47C6-A8E6-562F29C67172 v15 Engineering manual Installation manual Commissioning manual Operation manual Application manual Technical manual Communication protocol manual Cyber security deployment guideline IEC07000220-4-en.vsd IEC07000220 V4 EN-US Figure 1: The intended use of manuals throughout the product lifecycle The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the various tools available within the PCM600 software.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 1 Introduction The operation manual contains instructions on how to operate the IED once it has been commissioned. The manual provides instructions for the monitoring, controlling and setting of the IED. The manual also describes how to identify disturbances and how to view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause of a fault.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 1 Introduction performance leading to personal injury or death. It is important that the user fully complies with all warning and cautionary notices. 1.4.2 Document conventions GUID-96DFAB1A-98FE-4B26-8E90-F7CEB14B1AB6 v8 • Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also contains definitions of important terms.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 2 Application Section 2 Application General IED application GUID-CF75762E-73C1-40AF-8D6F-6EC3D8395982 v3 RES670 is a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) that provides power system AC voltages and currents as phasors for all voltage levels in power system networks. Phasors are provided as real and imaginary or as magnitude and phase angle.
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Section 2 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Application Visualization (Applications) Interface to SCADA / EMS Phasor Data Concentrator Data Storage and Event Driven Archiving Gateway to other Utilities TCP/IP communication network PMU protocol IEEE C37.118 Router Router Router Router Substation 1 Substation 2 Substation 3 Substation N...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 2 Application Wide area measurement functions GUID-8A114D7E-8D1A-46ED-A928-B819ED163A52 v3 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Phasor Measurement Unit RES670 (Customized) PMUCONF Configuration parameters for IEEE1344 and C37.118 protocol PMUREPORT Protocol reporting via IEEE1344 and C37.118 1–2 PHASORREPORT1 Protocol reporting of phasor data via IEEE 1344 and C37.118, phasors 1-8 PHASORREPORT2 Protocol reporting of phasor data via IEEE 1344 and C37.118, phasors 9-16...
Section 2 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description RES670 (Customized) GOPPDOP Directional overpower protection Voltage protection UV2PTUV Two step undervoltage protection OV2PTOV Two step overvoltage protection Frequency protection SAPTUF Underfrequency protection SAPTOF Overfrequency protection SAPFRC Rate-of-change frequency protection FTAQFVR Frequency time accumulation protection Multipurpose protection...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 2 Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Phasor measurement unit RES670 I103POSCMDV IED direct commands with position for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IEDCMD IED commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103USRCMD Function commands user defined for IEC 60870-5-103 Secondary system supervision CCSSPVC...
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Section 2 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Phasor measurement unit RES670 TEIGAPC Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision INTCOMP Comparator for integer inputs REALCOMP Comparator for real inputs Monitoring CVMMXN, Measurements VMMXU, CMSQI, VMSQI, VNMMXU CMMXU Measurements...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 2 Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Phasor measurement unit RES670 Metering PCFCNT Pulse-counter logic ETPMMTR Function for energy calculation and demand handling Table 2: Total number of instances for basic configurable logic blocks Basic configurable logic block Total number of instances GATE PULSETIMER...
Section 2 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Application Table 4: Total number of instances for extended logic package Extended configurable logic block Total number of instances GATE PULSETIMER SLGAPC SRMEMORY TIMERSET VSGAPC Communication GUID-5F144B53-B9A7-4173-80CF-CD4C84579CB5 v12 IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Phasor measurement unit RES670...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 2 Application IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Phasor measurement unit RES670 (Customized) GOOSEINTLKRCV Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking GOOSEBINRCV GOOSE binary receive GOOSEDPRCV GOOSE function block to receive a double point value GOOSEINTRCV GOOSE function block to receive an integer value GOOSEMVRCV GOOSE function block to receive a measurand value GOOSESPRCV...
Section 2 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Application Basic IED functions GUID-C8F0E5D2-E305-4184-9627-F6B5864216CA v9 Table 5: Basic IED functions IEC 61850 or function Description name INTERRSIG SELFSUPEVLST Self supervision with internal event list TIMESYNCHGEN Time synchronization module SYNCHCAN, Time synchronization SYNCHCMPPS, SYNCHPPS, SNTP, SYNCHCMPPS TIMEZONE Time synchronization...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 2 Application IEC 61850 or function Description name CAMCONFIG Central account management configuration CAMSTATUS Central account management status TOOLINF Tools Information component SAFEFILECOPY Safe file copy function Table 6: Local HMI functions IEC 61850 or function ANSI Description name...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 3 Configuration Section 3 Configuration Introduction SEMOD120082-1 v1 SEMOD120089-4 v8 Description of configuration RES670 GUID-519904C2-A07A-44C1-808C-83681DC25AA4 v1 3.2.1 Introduction IP14800-1 v1 Description of configuration A20 GUID-DE587E43-5AB7-4B08-A7A2-051F0A050D83 v3 The configuration of the IED is shown in figure RES670 A20 configuration is applicable for a typical single busbar single breaker arrangement monitoring up to three bays.
Section 3 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Configuration which are available but not configured. Note that RES670 A20 must be reconfigured if any additional functions are used. RES670 A20 – Phasor Measurement Unit, 3 bays, single busbar, 12AI (9I+3U) WA1_VT df/dt SA PFRC f>...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 3 Configuration application 24 analog inputs are used, thus two transformer modules (TRM) with 12 analog inputs (9I+3U) per TRM are available in B20 standard configuration. As shown in figure 4, RES670 B20 configuration as a PMU is measuring two 3-phase voltages of the busbars and six 3-phase currents of bays 1 to 6.
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Section 3 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Configuration RES670 B20 – Phasor Measurement Unit, 6 bays, double busbar, 24AI (9I+3U, 9I+3U) WA1_VT WA2_VT df/dt df/dt SA PFRC SA PFRC f> f> SA PTOF SA PTOF f< f< SA PTUF SA PTUF 2(3U<) 2(3U<) UV2 PTUV...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Section 4 Analog inputs Introduction SEMOD55003-5 v10 Analog input channels must be configured and set properly in order to get correct measurement results and correct protection operations. For power measuring and all directional and differential functions the directions of the input currents must be defined in order to reflect the way the current transformers are installed/connected in the field ( primary and secondary connections ).
Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs Example SEMOD55055-11 v4 Usually the A phase-to-ground voltage connected to the first VT channel number of the transformer input module (TRM) is selected as the phase reference. The first VT channel number depends on the type of transformer input module.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Line Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional functions Transformer protection Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter Set parameter CT_WyePoint with CT_WyePoint with CT_WyePoint with...
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Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs Transformer Line Forward Reverse Definition of direction for directional Transformer and line functions Line protection Setting of current input: Setting of current input: Set parameter Set parameter CT_WyePoint with CT_WyePoint with Transformer as Transformer as reference object.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Transformer Line Reverse Forward Definition of direction for directional Transformer and line functions Line protection Setting of current input for line functions: Set parameter CT_WyePoint with Line as reference object. Setting of current input Setting of current input Correct setting is for transformer functions:...
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Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs Busbar Busbar Protection en06000196_ansi.vsd ANSI06000196 V1 EN-US Figure 10: Example how to set CT_WyePoint parameters in the IED CT_WyePoint parameters in two ways. For busbar protection it is possible to set the The first solution will be to use busbar as a reference object.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs CTprim = 1000 (value in A) • CTsec = 5 (value in A). • Examples on how to connect, configure and set CT inputs for most commonly used CT connections SEMOD55055-296 v5 Figure defines the marking of current transformer terminals commonly used around the world: In the SMAI function block, you have to set if the SMAI block is measuring current or...
Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs It is recommended to: • use 1A rated CT input into the IED in order to connect CTs with 1A and 2A secondary rating • use 5A rated CT input into the IED in order to connect CTs with 5A and 10A secondary rating Example on how to connect a wye connected three-phase CT set to the IED...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Where: The drawing shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a wye connected three-phase CT set to the three CT inputs of the IED. The current inputs are located in the TRM. It shall be noted that for all these current inputs the following setting values shall be entered for the example shown in Figure12.
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Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs SMAI_20_2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2L1 ^GRP2L2 ^GRP2L3 CT 800/1 ^GRP2N Star Connected ANSI11000026-4-en.vsd Protected Object ANSI11000026 V4 EN-US Figure 13: Wye connected three-phase CT set with its star point away from the protected object In the example in figure 13 case everything is done in a similar way as in the above described...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P AI 01 (I) ^GRP2_A ^GRP2_B ^GRP2_C AI 02 (I) ^GRP2N TYPE AI 03 (I) CT 800/1 Wye Connected AI 04 (I) AI 05 (I) AI 06 (I) Protected Object ANSI06000644-2-en.vsd ANSI06000644 V2 EN-US Figure 14: Wye connected three-phase CT set with its star point away from the protected object and the...
Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs is a connection made in the Signal Matrix tool (SMT), Application configuration tool (ACT), which connects the residual/neutral current input to the fourth input channel of the preprocessing function block 6). Note that this connection in SMT shall not be done if the residual/neutral current is not connected to the IED.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs SMAI_20 IA-IB IB-IC IC-IA ANSI11000027-2-en.vsd Protected Object ANSI11000027 V2 EN-US Figure 15: Delta DAB connected three-phase CT set Where: shows how to connect three individual phase currents from a delta connected three-phase CT set to three CT inputs of the IED.
Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs Another alternative is to have the delta connected CT set as shown in figure 16: SMAI_20 IA-IC IB-IA IC-IB ANSI11000028-2-en.vsd Protected Object ANSI11000028 V2 EN-US Figure 16: Delta DAC connected three-phase CT set In this case, everything is done in a similar way as in the above described example, except that for all used current inputs on the TRM the following setting parameters shall be entered: =800A...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Protected Object SMAI_20_2 BLOCK AI3P REVROT ^GRP2_A ^GRP2_B ^GRP2_C ^GRP2_N ANSI11000029-3-en.vsd ANSI11000029 V3 EN-US Figure 17: Connections for single-phase CT input Where: shows how to connect single-phase CT input in the IED. is TRM where these current inputs are located.
Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs 4.2.3 Relationships between setting parameter Base Current, CT rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection IED GUID-8EB19363-9178-4F04-A6AC-AF0C2F99C5AB v1 Note that for all line protection applications (e.g. distance protection or line differential protection) the parameter Base Current (i.e.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Examples how to connect, configure and set VT inputs for most commonly used VT connections SEMOD55055-60 v5 Figure defines the marking of voltage transformer terminals commonly used around the world. (X1) (X1) (X1) (H1)
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Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs AI 07 (I) SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P AI 08 (V) ^GRP2_A ^GRP2_B AI 09 (V) ^GRP2_C ^GRP2N #Not used AI 10 (V) TYPE AI 11 (V) AI 12 (V) ANSI06000599-2-en.vsd ANSI06000599 V2 EN-US Figure 19: A Three phase-to-ground connected VT Where: shows how to connect three secondary phase-to-ground voltages to three VT inputs on the IED...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs are three connections made in Signal Matrix Tool (SMT), which connect these three voltage inputs to first three input channels of the preprocessing function block 5). Depending on the type of functions which need this voltage information, more then one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to these three VT inputs.
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Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs 13.8 13.8 AI 07(I) SMAI2 BLOCK AI3P AI 08 (V) ^GRP2_A (A-B) ^GRP2_B (B-C) AI 09 (V) ^GRP2_C (C-A) ^GRP2N #Not Used TYPE AI 10(V) AI 11(V) AI 12(V) ANSI06000600-3-en.vsd ANSI06000600 V3 EN-US Figure 20: A Two phase-to-phase connected VT Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of a phase-to-phase VT to the VT inputs on the IED...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs are three connections made in the Signal Matrix tool (SMT), Application configuration tool (ACT), which connects these three voltage inputs to first three input channels of the preprocessing function block 5). Depending on the type of functions, which need this voltage information, more than one preprocessing block might be connected in parallel to these three VT inputs shows that in this example the fourth (that is, residual) input channel of the preprocessing block is not connected in SMT.
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Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs AI 07 (I) AI 08 (V) SMAI2 AI 09 (V) BLOCK AI3P ^GRP2_A # Not Used AI 10 (V) ^GRP2_B # Not Used ^GRP2_C # Not Used AI 11 (V) +3Vo ^GRP2N TYPE AI 12 (V) ANSI06000601-2-en.vsd...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of the open delta VT to one VT input on the IED. +3Vo shall be connected to the IED is the TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
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Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs In case of a solid ground fault close to the VT location the primary value of 3Vo will be equal to: Ph Ph Ph Gnd (Equation 7) EQUATION1927-ANSI V1 EN-US The primary rated voltage of such VT is always equal to VPh-Gnd. Therefore, three series connected VT secondary windings will give the secondary voltage equal only to one individual VT secondary winding rating.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of open delta VT to one VT input in the IED. +3Vo shall be connected to the IED. is TRM where this voltage input is located. It shall be noted that for this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: ×...
Section 4 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Analog inputs Example on how to connect a neutral point VT to the IED SEMOD55055-232 v7 Figure gives an example on how to connect a neutral point VT to the IED. This type of VT connection presents secondary voltage proportional to V to the IED.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 4 Analog inputs Where: shows how to connect the secondary side of neutral point VT to one VT input in the IED. shall be connected to the IED. is the TRM or AIM where this voltage input is located. For this voltage input the following setting values shall be entered: VTprim 3.81...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 5 Local HMI Section 5 Local HMI AMU0600442 v14 ANSI13000239-2-en.vsd ANSI13000239 V2 EN-US Figure 24: Local human-machine interface The LHMI of the IED contains the following elements: • Keypad • Display (LCD) • LED indicators •...
Section 5 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Local HMI The LHMI is used for setting, monitoring and controlling. Display GUID-55739D4F-1DA5-4112-B5C7-217AAF360EA5 v10 The LHMI includes a graphical monochrome liquid crystal display (LCD) with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The character size can vary. The display view is divided into four basic areas.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 5 Local HMI IEC13000281-1-en.vsd GUID-C98D972D-D1D8-4734-B419-161DBC0DC97B V1 EN-US Figure 26: Function button panel The indication LED panel shows on request the alarm text labels for the indication LEDs. Three indication LED pages are available. IEC13000240-1-en.vsd GUID-5157100F-E8C0-4FAB-B979-FD4A971475E3 V1 EN-US Figure 27: Indication LED panel The function button and indication LED panels are not visible at the same time.
Section 5 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Local HMI There are 15 programmable indication LEDs on the front of the LHMI. Each LED can indicate three states with the colors: green, yellow and red. The texts related to each three-color LED are divided into three panels.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 5 Local HMI ANSI15000157-1-en.vsdx ANSI15000157 V1 EN-US Figure 28: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command push-buttons and RJ-45 communication port 1...5 Function button Close Open Escape Left Down Right Enter Remote/Local Uplink LED Not in use Multipage Menu...
Section 5 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Local HMI Communication port Programmable indication LEDs IED status LEDs Local HMI functionality 5.4.1 Protection and alarm indication GUID-09CCB9F1-9B27-4C12-B253-FBE95EA537F5 v15 Protection indicators The protection indicator LEDs are Normal, Pickup and Trip. Table 7: Normal LED (green) LED state Description Auxiliary supply voltage is disconnected.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 5 Local HMI Alarm indicators The 15 programmable three-color LEDs are used for alarm indication. An individual alarm/status signal, connected to any of the LED function blocks, can be assigned to one of the three LED colors when configuring the IED.
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Section 5 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Local HMI IEC13000280-1-en.vsd GUID-94AF2358-6905-4782-B37B-ACD3DCBF7F9C V1 EN-US Figure 29: RJ-45 communication port and green indicator LED 1 RJ-45 connector 2 Green indicator LED The default IP address for the IED front port is and the corresponding subnetwork mask is
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system Section 6 Wide area measurement system Protocol reporting via IEEE 1344 and C37.118 PMUREPORT GUID-0C45D2FA-1B95-4FCA-B23B-A28C2770B817 v1 6.1.1 Identification GUID-0090956B-48F1-4E8B-9A40-90044C71DF20 v1 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Protocol reporting via IEEE 1344 and PMUREPORT...
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system Figure shows both instances of the PMUREPORT function block. As seen, each PMUREPORT instance has 4 predefined binary input signals corresponding to the Bits 03-00: Trigger Reason defined in STAT field of the Data frame in IEEE C37.118.2 standard. These are predefined inputs for Frequency Trigger, Rate of Change of Frequency trigger, Magnitude High and Magnitude Low triggers.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system IEC140000120 V1 EN-US Figure 32: Multiple instances of ANALOGREPORT blocks Figure shows both instances of BINARYREPORT function blocks. The instance number is visible in the bottom of each function block. For each instance, there are three separate BINARYREPORT blocks capable of reporting up to 24 Binary signals (8 Binary signals in each BINARYREPORT block).
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system The C37.118 standard imposes requirements on the devices and describes the communication message structure and data. The PMU complies with all the standard requirements with a specific attention to the Total Vector Error (TVE) requirement. The TVE is calculated using the following equation: ( X ( n ) X ) ( X ( n ) X )
Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system One of the important functions of a PMU is reporting a very accurate system frequency to the PDC client. In the IED, each of the PMUREPORT instances is able to report an accurate frequency. Each voltage-connected preprocessor block (SMAI block) delivers the frequency data, derived from the analog input AC voltage values, to the respective voltage phasor channel.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system synchrophasor and frequency data which are included in the C37.118 synchrophasor streaming data are filtered in order to suppress aliasing effects, as the rate of the C37.118 data is slower than the data rate for internal processing.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system • CFG-2 frame: The field ANUNIT (4 bytes) specifies the conversion factor as a signed 24 bit word for user defined scaling. Since it is a 24 bit integer, in order to support the floating point scale factor, the scale factor itself is multiplied in 10, so that a minimum of 0.1 scale factor can be sent over the CFG-2 frame.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system The scale factor will be sent as 3051804 on configuration frame 2, and 305180.43 on configuration -305181 to frame 3. The range of analog values that can be transmitted in this case is -10000000000 and +305181 to +10000000000 .
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system The same SMAI or 3PHSUM block can be connected to more than one PHASORREPORT block only if all the connected PHASORREPORT blocks have similar instance number or only if all the connected PHASORREPORT blocks have similar settings for SvcClass and ReportRate.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system IEC140000127-1-en.vsd IEC140000127 V1 EN-US Figure 38: An example of correct connection of SMAI and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT Figure shows an example of wrong connection of SMAI and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT where the same SMAI block is connected to different PHASORREPORT blocks with different instance numbers.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000128-1-en.vsd IEC140000128 V1 EN-US Figure 39: An example of wrong connection of SMAI and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT Rule 3: This rule is only related to the connection of 3PHSUM block to the PHASORREPORT block. If 3PHSUM block is configured to use external DFT reference (from SMAI reference block), it shall only be connected to the same PHASORREPORT block instance as the one the SMAI reference block is connected to.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system IEC140000129-1-en.vsd IEC140000129 V1 EN-US Figure 40: An example of correct connection of 3PHSUM and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT IEC140000130-1-en.vsd IEC140000130 V1 EN-US Figure 41: SMAI1 setting parameters example-showing that SMAI3 is selected as the DFT reference (DFTRefGrp3) Application manual...
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system IEC140000131-1-en IEC140000131 V1 EN-US Figure 42: 3PHSUM setting parameters example-showing that 3PHSUM is using the External DFT reference coming indirectly from SMAI3 Figure shows an example of wrong connection of 3PHSUM and PHASORREPORT blocks in ACT where SMAI3 is configured as the reference block for DFT reference external out (DFTRefExtOut) and 3PHSUM uses external DFT reference (from SMAI3).
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system instance 1. On the other hand, since 3PHSUM is set to receive external DFT reference from SMAI3, therefore If settings for PHASORREPORT1 instances 1 and 2 above differ for SvcClass or ReportRate, then 3PHSUM block will be affected by two different filtering at the same time which is not possible.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system preprocessor blocks (SMAI) and 3PHSUM blocks to PHASORREPORT blocks. More details are available under section PMU Report Function Blocks Connection Rules in PCM600 Application Configuration Tool (ACT). Global_PMU_ID : It refers to the 16-byte G_PMU_ID field of the configuration frame 3 •...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 6 Wide area measurement system The frequency-deviation and rate-of-change-of-frequency data are sent via the FREQ and DFREQ fields of data frame organization of IEEE C37.118.2 message format. Depends on the selected data type, the size of each field can be 2 (Integer) or 4 (Float) bytes per IEEE C37.118.2 message.
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Section 6 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Wide area measurement system • • • • NEGSEQ • POSSEQ • ZEROSEQ PhasorXUseFreqSrc : Enables/Disables the contribution of Phasor channel X in • On / Off setting. Each voltage- automatic frequency source selection by choosing connected preprocessor block delivers the frequency data, derived from the analog input AC voltage values, to the respective voltage phasor channel.
Section 7 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Impedance protection Operating characteristic Impedance locus at power swing IEC09000224_1_en.vsd IEC09000224 V1 EN-US Figure 44: Impedance plane with Power swing detection operating characteristic and impedance locus at power swing Basic characteristics M13874-11 v5 Power swing detection function (ZMRPSB, 78) detects reliably power swings with periodic time of swinging as low as 200 ms (which means slip frequency as high as 10% of the rated frequency on the 50 Hz basis).
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 7 Impedance protection Observe a fact that these impedances can not be directly calculated from the maximum three- phase short circuit currents for faults on the corresponding busbar. It is necessary to consider separate contributions of different connected circuits. The required data is as follows: Rated system voltage EQUATION1728 V1 EN-US...
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Section 7 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Impedance protection The impedance transformation factor, which transforms the primary impedances to the corresponding secondary values is calculated according to equation 16. Consider a fact that all settings are performed in primary values. The impedance transformation factor is presented for orientation and testing purposes only.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 7 Impedance protection 7.43 33.9 (Equation 22) EQUATION1341 V1 EN-US ANSI05000283 V1 EN-US Figure 46: Impedance diagrams with corresponding impedances under consideration RLdOutFw should The outer boundary of oscillation detection characteristic in forward direction be set with certain safety margin K compared to the minimum expected load resistance R Lmin When the exact value of the minimum load resistance is not known, the following approximations...
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Section 7 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Impedance protection • = 0.9 for lines longer than 100 miles • = 0.85 for lines between 50 and 100 miles • = 0.8 for lines shorter than 50 miles Multiply the required resistance for the same safety factor K with the ratio between actual voltage and 400kV when the rated voltage of the line under consideration is higher than 400kV.
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Section 7 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Impedance protection é ù tan( LdAngle ³ arctan LdAngle ê ú ë û KLdRFw (Equation 33) EQUATION1737-ANSI V1 EN-US Consider equation 34, ° LdAngle (Equation 34) EQUATION1739-ANSI V1 EN-US then it is necessary to set the load angle in FDPSPDIS (21) or FRPSPDIS (21) function to not less than equation 35.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 7 Impedance protection Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM (78) GUID-8321AC72-187C-4E43-A0FC-AAC7829397C3 v1 7.2.1 Identification GUID-BF2F1533-BA39-48F0-A55C-0B13A393F780 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM < 7.2.2 Application GUID-11643CF1-4EF5-47F0-B0D4-6715ACEEC8EC v6 Under balanced and stable conditions, a generator operates with a constant rotor (power) angle, delivering an active electrical power to the power system, which is equal to the mechanical input power on the generator axis, minus the small losses in the generator.
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Section 7 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Impedance protection electromechanical oscillation occurs within the generator it is essential to trip the generator immediately. If the center of the electromechanical oscillation is outside any of the generators in the power system, the power system should be split into two different parts; so each part may have the ability to restore stable operating conditions.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 7 Impedance protection unstable stable 3-ph ← 3-rd pole-slip fault 260 ms ← 2-nd pole-slip 1.05 ← For 260 ms long 3-phase fault generator loses synchronism. Generator operates in 1-st asynchronous mode at speeds > nominal pole-slip ←...
Section 7 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Impedance protection 7.2.3 Setting guidelines GUID-CB86FCF6-8718-40BE-BDF2-028C24AB367D v6 The setting example for generator protection application shows how to calculate the most ForwardR , ForwardX , ReverseR , and ReverseX . important settings Table 12: An example how to calculate values for the settings ForwardR, ForwardX, ReverseR, and ReverseX Double circuit power line Equivalent Generator...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 7 Impedance protection • All reactances and resistances must be finally expressed in percent of ZBase, where ZBase is for the example shown in Table the base impedance of the generator, ZBase = 0.9522 Ω. Observe that the power transformer’s base impedance is different, ZBase = 0.6348 Ω.
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InvertCTCurr = Disabled ), generator neutral side (LV-side) then inversion is not necessary ( provided that the CT’s orientation complies with ABB recommendations, as shown in Table 12. If the currents fed to the Out-of-step protection are measured on the protected generator...
Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection function time delays of the different protections. To enable optimal co-ordination between all overcurrent protections, they should have the same time delay characteristic. Therefore a wide range of standardized inverse time characteristics are available: IEC and ANSI. It is also possible to tailor make the inverse time characteristic.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection AngleROA : Angle value, given in degrees, to define the angle sector of the directional function, shown in Figure 49. NumPhSel : Number of phases, with high current, required for operation. The setting possibilities 1 out of 3 , 2 out of 3 and 3 out of 3 .
Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Settings for each step M12982-19 v10.1.1 x means step 1, 2, 3 and 4. DirModeSelx : The directional mode of step x . Possible settings are Disabled / Non-directional / Forward / Reverse . Characteristx : Selection of time characteristic for step x .
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection IMinx : Minimum operate current in % of IB for all inverse time characteristics, below which no operation takes place. IMinx : Minimum pickup current for step x in % of IBase . Set IMinx below Pickupx for every step to IMinx is set above Pickupx for any step achieve ANSI reset characteristic according to standard.
Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Technical manual . There are some restrictions regarding The delay characteristics are described in the choice of the reset delay. For the definite time delay characteristics, the possible delay time setting instantaneous (1) and IEC (2 = set constant time reset).
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection 8.2.2 Setting guidelines IP14988-1 v1 M15282-3 v12 When inverse time overcurrent characteristic is selected, the trip time of the stage will be the sum of the inverse time delay and the set definite time delay. Thus, if only the inverse time delay is required, it is important to set the definite time delay for that stage to zero.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection tx : Definite time delay for step x . The definite time tx is added to the inverse time when inverse time characteristic is selected. Note that the value set is the time between activation of the start and the trip outputs.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection tResetx : Constant reset time delay in s for step x. HarmBlockx : This is used to enable block of step x from 2 harmonic restrain function. tPCrvx, tACrvx, tBCrvx, tCCrvx : Parameters for user programmable of inverse time characteristic curve.
Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Voltage (3V • or V Current (3I • · ZNpol or 3I ·ZNpol where ZNpol is RNpol + jXNpol), or Dual (dual polarizing, (3V • both currents and voltage, + 3I · ZNpol) or (V ·...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection Parallel transformer inrush current logic M15282-97 v5 In case of parallel transformers there is a risk of sympathetic inrush current. If one of the transformers is in operation, and the parallel transformer is switched in, the asymmetric inrush current of the switched in transformer will cause partial saturation of the transformer already in service.
Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection The function is divided into two parts. The SOTF function will give operation from step 2 or 3 during a set time after change in the position of the circuit breaker. The SOTF function has a set time delay.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection • Ground-fault and phase-phase short circuit protection of feeders in effectively grounded distribution and subtransmission systems. Normally these feeders have radial structure. • Back-up ground-fault and phase-phase short circuit protection of transmission lines. •...
Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Curve name User Programmable ASEA RI RXIDG (logarithmic) There is also a user programmable inverse time characteristic. Normally it is required that the negative sequence overcurrent function shall reset as fast as possible when the current level gets lower than the operation level.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection Table 16: Inverse time characteristics Curve name ANSI Extremely Inverse ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normal Inverse ANSI Moderately Inverse ANSI/IEEE Definite time ANSI Long Time Extremely Inverse ANSI Long Time Very Inverse ANSI Long Time Inverse IEC Normal Inverse IEC Very Inverse...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Operate time txMin IMinx Current IEC10000058 IEC10000058 V2 EN-US Figure 54: Minimum operate current and operation time for inverse time characteristics ResetTypeCrvx : The reset of the delay timer can be made in different ways. By choosing setting there are the following possibilities: Curve name Instantaneous...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection æ ö ç ÷ ç ÷ × ç ÷ æ ö ç ÷ ç ÷ è ø è ipickup ø (Equation 38) EQUATION1722 V1 EN-US Further description can be found in the Technical reference manual (TRM). tPRCrvx , tTRCrvx , tCRCrvx : Parameters for customer creation of inverse reset time characteristic curve.
Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection VPolMin : Minimum polarization (reference) voltage % of VBase . I>Dir : Operate residual current level for directional comparison scheme. The setting is given in % IBase . The pickup forward or pickup reverse signals can be used in a communication scheme. The appropriate signal must be configured to the communication scheme block.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection As the magnitude of the residual current is independent of the fault location, the selectivity of the ground fault protection is achieved by time selectivity. When should the sensitive directional residual overcurrent protection be used and when should the sensitive directional residual power protection be used? Consider the following: •...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection In a high impedance system the fault current is assumed to be limited by the system zero sequence shunt impedance to ground and the fault resistance only. All the series impedances in the system are assumed to be zero.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection × jX 3R (Equation 42) EQUATION1946 V1 EN-US Where is the resistance of the neutral point resistor In many systems there is also a neutral point reactor (Petersen coil) connected to one or more transformer neutral points.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Source impedance (pos. seq) (pos. seq) (zero seq) Substation A (pos. seq) lineAB,1 (zero seq) lineAB,0 Substation B (pos. seq) lineBC,1 (zero seq) lineBC,0 Phase to ground fault en06000654_ansi.vsd ANSI06000654 V1 EN-US Figure 57: Equivalent of power system for calculation of setting The residual fault current can be written: phase...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection × 3I (Z T ,0 lineAB,0 (Equation 46) EQUATION2025-ANSI V1 EN-US The residual power, measured by the sensitive ground fault protections in A and B will be: × (Equation 47) EQUATION2026-ANSI V1 EN-US ×...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection OpModeSel set to 3I0cosfi the current component in the direction equal to the characteristic With RCADir has the maximum sensitivity. The characteristic for RCADir is equal to 0° is shown in angle Figure 58.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection OpModeSel is set to 3I0 and fi the function will operate if the residual current is larger than When INDirPU and the residual current angle is within the sector RCADir ± ROADir . the setting OpModeSel when RCADir = 0°...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection RCADir the function is blocked. The setting can be used to prevent unwanted operation for from non-faulted feeders, with large capacitive ground fault current contributions, due to CT phase angle error. INCosPhiPU is the operate current level for the directional function when OpModeSel is set 3I0Cosfi .
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection Curve name IEC Inverse IEC Extremely Inverse IEC Short Time Inverse IEC Long Time Inverse IEC Definite Time User Programmable ASEA RI RXIDG (logarithmic) See chapter “Inverse time characteristics” in Technical Manual for the description of different characteristics tPCrv, tACrv, tBCrv, tCCrv : Parameters for customer creation of inverse time characteristic curve (Curve type = 17).
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection Imult : Enter the number of lines in case the protection function is applied on multiple parallel lines sharing one CT. IRef : Reference, steady state current, given in % of IBase that will give a steady state (end) TRef .
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Sometimes, the mechanical power from a prime mover may decrease so much that it does not cover bearing losses and ventilation losses. Then, the synchronous generator becomes a synchronous motor and starts to take electric power from the rest of the power system. This operating state, where individual synchronous machines operate as motors, implies no risk for the machine itself.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection to motor it. An engine that is good run in might need no more than 5%. It is necessary to obtain information from the engine manufacturer and to measure the reverse power during commissioning.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Table 18: Complex power calculation Mode Set value Formula used for complex power calculation A, B, C × × × (Equation 55) EQUATION2055-ANSI V1 EN-US Arone × × (Equation 56) EQUATION2056-ANSI V1 EN-US PosSeq = ×...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection Power1(2) Angle1(2) Operate en06000441.vsd IEC06000441 V1 EN-US Figure 62: Underpower mode Power1(2) gives the power component pick up value in the Angle1(2) direction. The The setting setting is given in p.u. of the generator rated power, see equation 64. Minimum recommended setting is 0.2% of S when metering class CT inputs into the IED are used.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Operate ° Angle1(2) = 0 Power1(2) en06000556.vsd IEC06000556 V1 EN-US Figure 63: For low forward power the set angle should be 0° in the underpower function TripDelay1(2) is set in seconds to give the time delay for trip of the stage after pick up. Hysteresis1(2) is given in p.u.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection The calibration factors for current and voltage measurement errors are set % of rated current/ voltage: IMagComp5, IMagComp30, IMagComp100 VMagComp5, VMagComp30, VMagComp100 IMagComp5, IMagComp30, IMagComp100 The angle compensation is given as difference between current and voltage angle errors. The values are given for operating points 5, 30 and 100% of rated current/voltage.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection would cause an acceleration of the turbine generator at all routine shutdowns. This should have caused overspeed and high centrifugal stresses. When the steam ceases to flow through a turbine, the cooling of the turbine blades will disappear. Now, it is not possible to remove all heat generated by the windage losses.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection Underpower IED Overpower IED Operate Operate Line Line Margin Margin Operating point Operating point without without turbine torque turbine torque IEC06000315-2-en.vsd IEC06000315 V2 EN-US Figure 64: Reverse power protection with underpower IED and overpower IED 8.7.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD172150-4 v7...
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection Mode Set value Formula used for complex power calculation = × × S 3 V (Equation 74) EQUATION2044 V1 EN-US = × × (Equation 75) EQUATION2045 V1 EN-US = × × (Equation 76) EQUATION2046 V1 EN-US The function has two stages that can be set independently.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 8 Current protection × × 3 VBase IBase (Equation 77) EQUATION2047 V1 EN-US Angle1(2) gives the characteristic angle giving maximum sensitivity of the power The setting protection function. The setting is given in degrees. For active power the set angle should be 0° or 180°.
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Section 8 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Current protection S TD S TD S ⋅ − ⋅ Calculated (Equation 79) EQUATION1893-ANSI V1 EN-US Where is a new measured value to be used for the protection function is the measured value given from the function in previous execution cycle is the new calculated value in the present execution cycle Calculated is settable parameter...
Section 9 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Voltage protection 9.1.3 Setting guidelines M13851-3 v8 All the voltage conditions in the system where UV2PTUV (27) performs its functions should be considered. The same also applies to the associated equipment, its voltage and time characteristic.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 9 Voltage protection VBase (given in GlobalBaseSel ): Base voltage phase-to-phase in primary kV. This voltage is used as reference for voltage setting. UV2PTUV (27) measures selectively phase-to-ground voltages, or ConnType . The function will operate if the voltage phase-to-phase voltage chosen by the setting VBase .
Section 9 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Voltage protection ACrvn , BCrvn , CCrvn , DCrvn , PCrvn : Parameters to set to create programmable under voltage inverse time characteristic. Description of this can be found in the technical reference manual. CrvSatn : When the denominator in the expression of the programmable curve is equal to zero the time delay will be infinity.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 9 Voltage protection OV2PTOV (59) is also used to initiate voltage correction measures, like insertion of shunt reactors, to compensate for low load, and thereby decreasing the voltage. The function has a high measuring accuracy and hysteresis setting to allow applications to control reactive load. OV2PTOV (59) is used to disconnect apparatuses, like electric motors, which will be damaged when subject to service under high voltage conditions.
Section 9 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Voltage protection Equipment protection, capacitors M13852-13 v1 High voltage will deteriorate the dielectricum and the insulation. The setting has to be well above the highest occurring "normal" voltage and well below the highest acceptable voltage for the capacitor.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 9 Voltage protection OpModen : This parameter describes how many of the three measured voltages that should be 1 out of 3 , 2 out of 3 , 3 out of 3 . In most above the set level to give operation.
Section 10 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Frequency protection The under frequency PICKUP value is set in Hz. All voltage magnitude related settings are made as a percentage of a global base voltage parameter. The UBase value should be set as a primary phase-to-phase value.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 10 Frequency protection 10.2.3 Setting guidelines M14959-3 v7 All the frequency and voltage magnitude conditions in the system where SAPTOF (81) performs its functions must be considered. The same also applies to the associated equipment, its frequency and time characteristic.
Section 10 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Frequency protection can be used both for increasing frequency and for decreasing frequency. SAPFRC (81) provides an output signal, suitable for load shedding or generator shedding, generator boosting, HVDC-set- point change, gas turbine start up and so on. Very often SAPFRC (81) is used in combination with a low frequency signal, especially in smaller power systems, where loss of a fairly large generator will require quick remedial actions to secure the power system integrity.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 10 Frequency protection 10.4 Frequency time accumulation protection function FTAQFVR (81A) GUID-124A1F91-44C0-4DB6-8603-CC8CA19AE2A6 v3 10.4.1 Identification GUID-87605DA0-EAA6-4A6C-BF03-7FDB187E1B29 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/ identification identification IEEEidentificatio Frequency time accumulation FTAQFVR f<> protection 10.4.2 Application GUID-82CA8336-82BE-42AB-968A-D4F08941C9D0 v3 Generator prime movers are affected by abnormal frequency disturbances.
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Section 10 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Frequency protection Frequency or Resonant Frequency Ratio IEC12000611-2-en.vsd IEC12000611 V2 EN-US Figure 67: Typical stress magnification factor curve according ANSI/IEEE C37.106-2003 Standard Each turbine manufactured for different design of blades has various time restriction limits for various frequency bands.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 10 Frequency protection Prohibited Operation Prohibited Operation Restricted Time Operation Continuous operation Continuous operation Restricted Time Operation Prohibited Operation Restricted Time Operation 0.01 1000 0.01 1000 Time (Minutes) Time (Minutes) Prohibited Operation Prohibited Operation Restricted Time Operation Continuous operation Continuous operation Restricted Time Operation...
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Section 10 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Frequency protection FTAQFVR (81A) used to protect a turbine: Frequency during start-up and shutdown is normally not calculated, consequently the protection CBCheck enabled. If the generator supply any load function is blocked by CB position, parameter when CB is in open position e.g.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 11 Multipurpose protection Section 11 Multipurpose protection 11.1 General current and voltage protection CVGAPC IP14552-1 v2 11.1.1 Identification M14886-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number General current and voltage CVGAPC 2(I>/U<) protection...
Section 11 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Multipurpose protection • Definite time delay or Inverse Time Overcurrent TOC/IDMT delay for both steps • Second harmonic supervision is available in order to only allow operation of the overcurrent stage(s) if the content of the second harmonic in the measured current is lower than pre-set level •...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 11 Multipurpose protection Set value for parameter Comment "CurrentInput” 3 · ZeroSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated zero sequence current phasor multiplied by factor 3 MaxPh CVGAPC function will measure current phasor of the phase with maximum magnitude MinPh CVGAPC function will measure current phasor of the phase with minimum...
Section 11 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Multipurpose protection Set value for parameter Comment "VoltageInput" MinPh CVGAPC function will measure voltage phasor of the phase with minimum magnitude UnbalancePh CVGAPC function will measure magnitude of unbalance voltage, which is internally calculated as the algebraic magnitude difference between the voltage phasor of the phase with maximum magnitude and voltage phasor of the phase with minimum magnitude.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 11 Multipurpose protection Application possibilities SEMOD53443-136 v2 Due to its flexibility the general current and voltage protection (CVGAPC) function can be used, with appropriate settings and configuration in many different applications. Some of possible examples are given below: Transformer and line applications: •...
Section 11 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Multipurpose protection to a strong system. Lower current and voltage values (1 to 2 per unit current and 20% to 40% rated voltage) are representative of weaker systems. Since a generator behaves similarly to an induction motor, high currents will develop in the rotor during the period it is accelerating.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 11 Multipurpose protection but the cable negative-sequence impedance is practically constant. It shall be noted that directional negative sequence OC element offers protection against all unbalance faults (phase-to- phase faults as well). Care shall be taken that the minimum pickup of such protection function shall be set above natural system unbalance level.
Section 11 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Multipurpose protection RCADir and ROADir settings will be as well applicable for OC2 stage • the set values for DirMode_OC2 shall be set to Reverse • setting PickupCurr_OC2 shall be made more sensitive than pickup value of forward •...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 11 Multipurpose protection × æ ö ç ÷ × è ø (Equation 88) EQUATION1741-ANSI V1 EN-US In order to achieve such protection functionality with one CVGAPC functions the following must be done: Connect three-phase generator currents to one CVGAPC instance (for example, GF01) CurrentInput to value NegSeq Set parameter Set base current value to the rated generator current in primary amperes...
Section 11 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Multipurpose protection Proper timing of the CVGAPC function made in this way can easily be verified by secondary injection. All other settings can be left at the default values. If required delayed time reset for OC1 step can be set in order to ensure proper function operation in case of repetitive unbalance conditions.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 11 Multipurpose protection × æ ö ç ÷ × è ø (Equation 92) EQUATION1744-ANSI V1 EN-US In order to achieve such protection functionality with one CVGAPC functions the following must be done: Connect three-phase generator currents to one CVGAPC instance (for example, GF01) CurrentInput to value PosSeq Set parameter Set base current value to the rated generator current in primary amperes...
Section 11 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Multipurpose protection Proper timing of CVGAPC function made in this way can easily be verified by secondary injection. All other settings can be left at the default values. If required delayed time reset for OC1 step can be set in order to insure proper function operation in case of repetitive overload conditions.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 11 Multipurpose protection This functionality can be achieved by using one CVGAPC function. The following shall be done in order to insure proper operation of the function: Connect three-phase generator currents and voltages to one CVGAPC instance (for example, GF05) CurrentInput to value MaxPh VoltageInput to value MinPh-Ph (it is assumed that minimum phase-to-phase voltage shall...
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Section 11 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Multipurpose protection DirMode_OC1 to Forward 13. Set parameter DirPrinc_OC1 to IcosPhi&V 14. Set parameter ActLowVolt1_VM to Block 15. Set parameter Proper operation of the CVGAPC function made in this way can easily be verified by secondary injection.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 12 System protection and control Section 12 System protection and control 12.1 Multipurpose filter SMAIHPAC GUID-6B541154-D56B-452F-B143-4C2A1B2D3A1F v1 12.1.1 Identification GUID-8224B870-3DAA-44BF-B790-6600F2AD7C5D v1 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Multipurpose filter SMAIHPAC 12.1.2 Application...
Section 12 1MRK 511 364-UUS A System protection and control measurement), etc. in order to report the extracted phasor values to the supervisory system (e.g. MicroSCADA). The following figure shoes typical configuration connections required to utilize this filter in conjunction with multi-purpose function as non-directional overcurrent protection. IEC13000179-1-en.vsd IEC13000179 V1 EN-US Figure 70: Required ACT configuration...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 12 System protection and control The subsynchronous current frequency is calculated as follows: 18.5 31.5 (Equation 95) EQUATION13000030 V1 EN-US In order to properly extract the weak subsynchronous signal in presence of the dominating 50Hz signal the SMAI HPAC filter shall be set as given in the following table: Table 22: Proposed settings for SMAIHPAC...
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Section 12 1MRK 511 364-UUS A System protection and control • in > = 300A • 35566 118.55 • 0.64 • • • then exact replica of the existing relay will be achieved. The following table summarizes all required settings for the multi-purpose function: Setting Group1 Operation CurrentInput...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 12 System protection and control tResetDef_OC1 0.00 P_OC1 1.000 A_OC1 118.55 B_OC1 0.640 C_OC1 0.000 Application manual...
Section 13 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Secondary system supervision IMinOp , must be set as a minimum to twice the residual current in The minimum operate current, the supervised CT circuits under normal service conditions and rated primary current. Pickup_Block is normally set at 150% to block the function during transient The parameter conditions.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 13 Secondary system supervision In cases where the line can have a weak-infeed of zero sequence current this function shall be avoided. A criterion based on delta current and delta voltage measurements can be added to the fuse failure supervision function in order to detect a three phase fuse failure.
Section 13 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Secondary system supervision V0I0 AND V2I2 which gives that both negative and zero sequence algorithms are activated and working in an AND-condition, that is, both algorithms must give condition for block in order to activate the output signals BLKV or BLKZ.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 13 Secondary system supervision 3I0PU is done in percentage of IBase . The setting of pickup must The setting of the current limit be higher than the normal unbalance current that might exist in the system. The setting can be calculated according to equation 101.
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Section 13 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Secondary system supervision VDLDPU with a sufficient margin below the minimum expected operating voltage. A safety Set the margin of at least 15% is recommended. Application manual...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 14 Control Section 14 Control 14.1 Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC SEMOD114936-1 v4 14.1.1 Identification SEMOD167845-2 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Logic rotating switch for function SLGAPC selection and LHMI presentation 14.1.2...
Section 14 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Control tPulse : In case of a pulsed output, it gives the length of the pulse (in seconds). tDelay : The delay between the UP or DOWN activation signal positive front and the output activation.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 14 Control 14.2.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD158807-4 v4 Selector mini switch (VSGAPC) function can generate pulsed or steady commands (by setting the Mode parameter). When pulsed commands are generated, the length of the pulse can be set using tPulse parameter.
Section 14 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Control Table 23: Description of the input-output relationship POSITION VALID OPEN CLOSE Value Description Intermediate Intermediate Open Closed Bad State 14.3.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD55398-5 v4 The function does not have any parameters available in the local HMI or PCM600. 14.4 Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC SEMOD176448-1 v3...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 14 Control Latchedx : decides if the command signal for output x is Latched (steady) or Pulsed . tPulsex : if Latchedx is set to Pulsed , then tPulsex will set the length of the pulse (in seconds). 14.5 AutomationBits, command function for DNP3.0 AUTOBITS...
Section 14 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Control 14.6.2 Application M12445-3 v3 Single command, 16 signals (SINGLECMD) is a common function and always included in the IED. The IEDs may be provided with a function to receive commands either from a substation automation system or from the local HMI.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 14 Control Single command function Function n SINGLECMD Function n CMDOUTy OUTy en04000207.vsd IEC04000207 V2 EN-US Figure 73: Application example showing a logic diagram for control of built-in functions Single command function Configuration logic circuits SINGLESMD Device 1 CMDOUTy...
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Section 14 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Control • Disabled, sets all outputs to 0, independent of the values sent from the station level, that is, the operator station or remote-control gateway. • Steady, sets the outputs to a steady signal 0 or 1, depending on the values sent from the station level.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic Section 15 Logic 15.1 Tripping logic SMPPTRC (94) IP14576-1 v4 15.1.1 Application M12252-3 v8 All trip signals from the different protection functions shall be routed through the trip logic. In its simplest alternative the logic will only link the TRIP signal and make sure that it is long enough. Tripping logic SMPPTRC (94) offers three different operating modes: •...
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic Three-pole tripping M14828-7 v8 A simple application with three-pole tripping from the logic block utilizes part of the function block. Connect the inputs from the protection function blocks to the input TRINP_3P. If necessary (normally the case) use a logic OR block to combine the different function outputs to this input.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic activated independent of which phase is involved. Depending on which phases are involved the outputs TR1P, TR2P and TR3P will be activated as well. When single-pole tripping schemes are used a single-phase autoreclosing attempt is expected to follow.
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic Single-, two- or three-pole tripping M14828-15 v3 The single-/two-/three-pole tripping mode provides single-pole tripping for single-phase faults, two-pole tripping for two-phase faults and three-pole tripping for multi-phase faults. The Program = operating mode is always used together with an autoreclosing scheme with setting 1/2/3Ph or Program = 1/3Ph attempt.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic tTripMin : Sets the required minimum duration of the trip pulse. It should be set to ensure that the 0.150s . breaker is tripped correctly. Normal setting is tWaitForPHS : Sets a duration after any of the inputs 1PTRZ or 1PTREF has been activated during which a phase selection must occur to get a single phase trip.
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic 15.4 Logic for group alarm WRNCALH 15.4.1 Logic for group warning WRNCALH GUID-3EBD3D5B-F506-4557-88D7-DFC0BD21C690 v3 Identification GUID-3EBD3D5B-F506-4557-88D7-DFC0BD21C690 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Logic for group warning WRNCALH Application...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic 15.6 Configurable logic blocks IP11009-1 v3 The configurable logic blocks are available in two categories: • Configurable logic blocks that do not propagate the time stamp and the quality of signals. They do not have the suffix QT at the end of their function block name, for example, SRMEMORY.
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic IEC09000695_2_en.vsd IEC09000695 V2 EN-US Figure 77: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function IEC09000310-1-en.vsd IEC09000310 V1 EN-US Figure 78: Example designation, serial execution number and cycle time for logic function that also propagates timestamp and quality of input signals The execution of different function blocks within the same cycle is determined by the order of their serial execution numbers.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic 15.7.2 Application M15322-3 v11 The Fixed signals function FXDSIGN generates nine pre-set (fixed) signals that can be used in the configuration of an IED, either for forcing the unused inputs in other function blocks to a certain level/value, or for creating certain logic.
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic 15.8 Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I SEMOD175715-1 v1 15.8.1 Identification SEMOD175721-2 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Boolean 16 to integer conversion B16I 15.8.2 Application SEMOD175832-4 v4 Boolean 16 to integer conversion function B16I is used to transform a set of 16 binary (logical) signals into an integer.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic Name of input Type Default Description Value when Value when activated deactivated IN14 BOOLEAN Input 14 8192 IN15 BOOLEAN Input 15 16384 IN16 BOOLEAN Input 16 32768 The sum of the numbers in column “Value when activated” when all INx (where 1≤x≤16) are active that is=1;...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic on the activated INx will be available on the output OUT as a sum of the values of all the inputs INx that are activated. OUT is an integer. When all INx where 1≤x≤16 are activated that is = Boolean 1 it corresponds to that integer 65535 is available on the output OUT.
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic 15.11.2 Application SEMOD158512-5 v6 Integer to boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation function (ITBGAPC) is used to transform an integer into a set of 16 boolean signals. ITBGAPC function can receive an integer from a station computer –...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic 15.12 Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGAPC 15.12.1 Identification GUID-1913E066-37D1-4689-9178-5B3C8B029815 v2 Function Description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device identification identification number Elapsed time integrator TEIGAPC 15.12.2 Application GUID-B4B47167-C8DE-4496-AEF1-5F0FD1768A87 v2 The function TEIGAPC is used for user-defined logics and it can also be used for different purposes internally in the IED.
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic 15.13.2 Application GUID-4C6D730D-BB1C-45F1-A719-1267234BF1B9 v1 The function gives the possibility to monitor the level of integer values in the system relative to each other or to a fixed value. It is a basic arithmetic function that can be used for monitoring, supervision, interlocking and other logics.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 15 Logic RefSource = 0 Set the SetValue shall be set between -2000000000 to 2000000000. 15.14 Comparator for real inputs - REALCOMP 15.14.1 Identification GUID-0D68E846-5A15-4C2C-91A2-F81A74034E81 v1 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Comparator for real inputs...
Section 15 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Logic 15.14.4 Setting example GUID-E7070CF6-B44B-4799-BE18-5C75B9FE2A87 v1 Let us consider a comparison is to be done between current magnitudes in the range of 90 to 110 with nominal rating is 100 and the order is kA. For the above condition the comparator can be designed with settings as follows, EnaAbs = Absolute RefSource = SetValue...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring Section 16 Monitoring 16.1 Measurement GUID-9D2D47A0-FE62-4FE3-82EE-034BED82682A v1 16.1.1 Identification SEMOD56123-2 v7 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Measurements CVMMXN P, Q, S, I, U, f SYMBOL-RR V1 EN-US Phase current measurement CMMXU SYMBOL-SS V1 EN-US...
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Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring transformers (CTs and VTs). During normal service by periodic comparison of the measured value from the IED with other independent meters the proper operation of the IED analog measurement chain can be verified. Finally, it can be used to verify proper direction orientation for distance or directional overcurrent protection function.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring 16.1.3 Zero clamping GUID-8DABC3F5-6615-493C-B839-A5C557A2FAE8 v2 The measuring functions, CVMMXN, CMMXU, VMMXU and VNMMXU have no interconnections regarding any setting or parameter. ZeroDb for each and every signal separately for Zero clampings are also entirely handled by the U12 is handled by UL12ZeroDb in VMMXU, each of the functions.
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Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring The following general settings can be set for the Measurement function (CVMMXN). PowMagFact : Magnitude factor to scale power calculations. PowAngComp : Angle compensation for phase shift between measured I & V. Mode : Selection of measured current and voltage. There are 9 different ways of calculating monitored three-phase values depending on the available VT inputs connected to the IED.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring XRepTyp : Reporting type. Cyclic ( Cyclic ), magnitude deadband ( Dead band ) or integral deadband Int deadband ). The reporting interval is controlled by the parameter XDbRepInt . XDbRepInt : Reporting deadband setting. Cyclic reporting is the setting value and is reporting interval in seconds.
Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring Magnitude % of In compensation IMagComp5 Measured current IMagComp30 IMagComp100 % of In 0-5%: Constant 5-30-100%: Linear >100%: Constant Angle Degrees compensation Measured IAngComp30 current IAngComp5 IAngComp100 % of In ANSI05000652_3_en.vsd ANSI05000652 V3 EN-US Figure 81: Calibration curves Setting examples...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring 380kV Busbar 800/5 A 380kV 120V 380kV OHL ANSI09000039-1-en.vsd ANSI09000039 V1 EN-US Figure 82: Single line diagram for 380kV OHL application In order to monitor, supervise and calibrate the active and reactive power as indicated in figure it is necessary to do the following: PhaseAngleRef using PCM600 Set correctly CT and VT data and phase angle reference channel...
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Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring Setting Short Description Selected Comments value IGenZeroDb Zero point clamping in % of Set minimum current level to 3%. Current below Ibase 3% will force S, P and Q to zero. VBase (set in Base setting for voltage level 400.00 Set rated OHL phase-to-phase voltage...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring Measurement function application for a power transformer SEMOD54481-61 v7 Single line diagram for this application is given in figure 83. 132kV Busbar 200/5 31.5 MVA 500/5 33kV 120V 33kV Busbar ANSI09000040-1-en.vsd ANSI09000040 V1 EN-US Figure 83: Single line diagram for transformer application In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in figure 83, it is necessary to do the following:...
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Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring Table 28: General settings parameters for the Measurement function Setting Short description Selected Comment value Operation Disabled / Enabled Enabled Enabled Operation Function must be PowAmpFact Magnitude factor to scale 1.000 Typically no scaling is required power calculations PowAngComp Angle compensation for phase...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring 230kV Busbar 300/5 100 MVA 15/0.12kV AB , 100 MVA 15.65kV 4000/5 ANSI09000041-1-en.vsd ANSI09000041 V1 EN-US Figure 84: Single line diagram for generator application In order to measure the active and reactive power as indicated in figure 84, it is necessary to do the following: Set correctly all CT and VT data and phase angle reference channel PhaseAngleRef using...
Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring Setting Short description Selected Comment value Low pass filter coefficient for 0.00 Typically no additional filtering is required power measurement, V and I VGenZeroDb Zero point clamping in % of Set minimum voltage level to 25% Vbase IGenZeroDb Zero point clamping in % of...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring minimize the risk of internal failures. Binary information based on the oil level in the circuit breaker is used as input signals to the function. In addition to that, the function generates alarms based on received information.
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Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring 100000 50000 20000 10000 5000 2000 1000 Interrupted current (kA) IEC12000623_1_en.vsd IEC12000623 V1 EN-US Figure 85: An example for estimating the remaining life of a circuit breaker Calculation for estimating the remaining life The graph shows that there are 10000 possible operations at the rated operating current and 900 operations at 10 kA and 50 operations at rated fault current.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring Accumulated energy Monitoring the contact erosion and interrupter wear has a direct influence on the required maintenance frequency. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately estimate the erosion of the contacts and condition of interrupters using cumulative summation of I .
Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring IBase : Base phase current in primary A. This current is used as reference for current settings. OpenTimeCorr : Correction factor for circuit breaker opening travel time. CloseTimeCorr : Correction factor for circuit breaker closing travel time. tTrOpenAlm : Setting of alarm level for opening travel time.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring 16.5.1 Identification SEMOD167950-2 v2 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Event function EVENT S00946 V1 EN-US 16.5.2 Application M12805-6 v9 When using a Substation Automation system with LON or SPA communication, time-tagged events can be sent at change or cyclically from the IED to the station level.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring If the IED is connected to a station bus (IEC 61850-8-1), the disturbance recorder (record made and fault number) and the fault locator information are available as GOOSE or Report Control data. The same information is obtainable if IEC60870-5-103 is used.
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Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring For Disturbance report function there are a number of settings which also influences the sub- functions. Three LED indications placed above the LCD screen makes it possible to get quick status information about the IED. Green LED: Steady light In Service...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring The maximum number of recordings depend on each recordings total recording time. Long recording time will reduce the number of recordings to less than 100. The IED flash disk should NOT be used to store any user files. This might cause disturbance recordings to be deleted due to lack of disk space.
Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring TrigDRN : Disturbance report may trig for binary input N ( Enabled ) or not ( Disabled ). TrigLevelN : Trig on positive ( Trig on 1 ) or negative ( Trig on 0 ) slope for binary input N. Func103N : Function type number (0-255) for binary input N according to IEC-60870-5-103, that is, 128: Distance protection, 160: overcurrent protection, 176: transformer differential protection and 192: line differential protection.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring OperationM = Disabled , no waveform (samples) will be recorded and reported in graph. However, Trip value, pre-fault and fault value will be recorded and reported. The input channel can still be used to trig the disturbance recorder. OperationM = Enabled , waveform (samples) will also be recorded and reported in graph.
Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring 16.7.1 Identification GUID-E0247779-27A2-4E6C-A6DD-D4C31516CA5C v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Logical signal status report BINSTATREP 16.7.2 Application GUID-F9D225B1-68F7-4D15-AA89-C9211B450D19 v2 The Logical signal status report (BINSTATREP) function makes it possible for a SPA master to poll signals from various other function blocks.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 16 Monitoring 16.8.2 Application GUID-41B13135-5069-4A5A-86CE-B7DBE9CFEF38 v2 Limit counter (L4UFCNT) is intended for applications where positive and/or negative sides on a binary signal need to be counted. The limit counter provides four independent limits to be checked against the accumulated counted value.
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Section 16 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Monitoring The limit for the overflow supervision is fixed at 99999.9 hours. The setting tAddToTime is a user settable time parameter in hours. Application manual...
Section 17 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Metering for oscillation can be changed on the local HMI and PCM600 under Main menu/Configuration/I/O modules. The setting is common for all input channels on BIM, that is, if limit changes are made for inputs not connected to the pulse counter, the setting also influences the inputs on the same board used for pulse counting.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 17 Metering which is selected to the active and reactive component as preferred. Also all Accumulated Active Forward, Active Reverse, Reactive Forward and Reactive Reverse energy values can be presented. Maximum demand values are presented in MWh or MVArh in the same way. Alternatively, the energy values can be presented with use of the pulse counters function EAFAccPlsQty , (PCGGIO).
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication Section 18 Station communication 18.1 Communication protocols M14815-3 v12 Each IED is provided with a communication interface, enabling it to connect to one or many substation level systems or equipment, either on the Substation Automation (SA) bus or Substation Monitoring (SM) bus.
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication Engineering Station HSI Workstation Gateway Base System Printer KIOSK 3 KIOSK 1 KIOSK 2 IEC09000135_en.v IEC09000135 V1 EN-US Figure 89: SA system with IEC 61850–8–1 M16925-3 v3 Figure 90 shows the GOOSE peer-to-peer communication. Station HSI MicroSCADA Gateway...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication 18.2.2 Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking GOOSEINTLKRCV SEMOD173197-1 v2 PID-415-SETTINGS v5 Table 30: GOOSEINTLKRCV Non group settings (basic) Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description Operation Disabled Disabled Operation Disabled/Enabled Enabled 18.2.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD55317-5 v6...
Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication The high and low limit settings provides limits for the high-high-, high, normal, low and low-low ranges of the measured value. The actual range of the measured value is shown on the range output of MVGAPC function block.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication Station Control System Redundancy Supervision Data Data Switch A Switch B Data Data Configuration PRPSTATUS =IEC09000758=3=en=Original.vsd IEC09000758 V3 EN-US Figure 91: Redundant station bus Setting guidelines GUID-6AD04F29-9B52-40E7-AA07-6D248EF99FC6 v2 Redundant communication (PRP) is configured in the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/ Communication/Ethernet configuration/PRP The settings are found in the Parameter Setting tool in PCM600 under IED Configuration/ Communication/Ethernet configuration/PRP.
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication are irrelevant when the redundant communication is activated, only PRP IPAdress and IPMask are valid. IEC10000057-2-en.vsd IEC10000057 V2 EN-US Figure 92: PST screen: PRP Operation is set to On, which affect Rear OEM - Port AB and CD which are both set to PRP Application manual...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication 18.3 IEC 61850-9-2LE communication protocol SEMOD172279 v2 18.3.1 Introduction SEMOD166571-1 v2 SEMOD166590-5 v7 Every IED can be provided with communication interfaces enabling it to connect to the process buses in order to get data from analog data acquisition units close to the process (primary apparatus), commonly known as Merging Units (MU).
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication The merging units (MU) are called so because they can gather analog values from one or more measuring transformers, sample the data and send the data over process bus to other clients (or subscribers) in the system.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication 18.3.2 Setting guidelines GUID-29B296B3-6185-459F-B06F-8E7F0C6C9460 v4 Merging Units (MUs) have several settings on local HMI under: • Main menu/Configuration/Analog modules/MUx:92xx. The corresponding settings are also available in PST (PCM600). • Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Merging units configuration/MUx:92xx. The corresponding settings are also available in ECT (PCM600).
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication ANSI13000298-1-en.vsd ANSI13000298 V1 EN-US Figure 95: Normal operation Case 2: Failure of the MU (sample lost) blocks the sending of binary signals through LDCM. The received binary signals are not blocked and processd normally. →DTT from the remote end is still processed.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication ANSI13000300-1-en.vsd ANSI13000300 V1 EN-US Figure 97: MU failed, 9-2 system Table 31: Blocked protection functions if IEC 61850-9-2LE communication is interrupted. Function description IEC 61850 identification Function description IEC 61850 identification Accidental energizing AEGPVOC Two step overvoltage OV2PTOV...
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication Function description IEC 61850 identification Function description IEC 61850 identification Faulty phase FMPSPDIS Circuit breaker condition SSCBR identification with load monitoring enchroachment Phase selection, FRPSPDIS Insulation gas monitoring SSIMG quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle Frequency time FTAQFVR...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication Function description IEC 61850 identification Function description IEC 61850 identification Line differential LDLPSCH Distance measuring zone, ZMCAPDIS coordination quadrilateral characteristic for series compensated lines Additional security logic LDRGFC Distance measuring zone, ZMCPDIS for differential protection quadrilateral characteristic for series...
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Figure 98: Setting example when MU is the synchronizing source Settings in local HMI under Settings/Time/Synchronization/TIMESYNCHGEN/IEC 61850-9-2: HwSyncSrc : set to PPS since this is what is generated by the MU (ABB MU) • AppSynch : set to Synch , since protection functions should be blocked in case of loss of •...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication protection functions.. This will happen max 4 seconds after an interruption of the PPS fiber fineSyncSource is lost). from the MU (or if the • SYNCH signal on the MU1_4I_4U function block indicates when protection functions are blocked due to loss of internal time synchronization to the IED (that is loss of the hardware synchSrc ) •...
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication timeQuality • TSYNCERR signal on the TIMEERR function block will go high whenever internal SyncAccLevel ( 4us in this case). This will block the protection functions goes above the setting after maximum 4 seconds after an interruption in the PPS fiber communication from the MU. •...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication To get higher availability in the protection functions, it is possible to avoid blocking if time synchronization is lost when there is a single source of analog data. This means that if there is only AppSynch can be set to NoSynch but parameter one physical MU and no TRM, parameter HwSyncSrc can still be set to PPS .
Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication The LON Protocol M14804-32 v2 The LON protocol is specified in the LonTalkProtocol Specification Version 3 from Echelon Corporation. This protocol is designed for communication in control networks and is a peer-to- peer protocol where all the devices connected to the network can communicate with each other directly.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication Application M14790-3 v5 The IED provides two function blocks enabling several IEDs to send and receive signals via the interbay bus. The sending function block, MULTICMDSND, takes 16 binary inputs. LON enables these to be transmitted to the equivalent receiving function block, MULTICMDRCV, which has 16 binary outputs.
Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication glass <1000 m according to optical budget plastic <20 m (inside cubicle) according to optical budget Functionality SEMOD115767-25 v2 The SPA protocol V2.5 is an ASCII-based protocol for serial communication. The communication is based on a master-slave principle, where the IED is a slave and the PC is the master.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication 18.6 IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol IP14615-1 v2 18.6.1 Application IP14864-1 v1 M17109-3 v6 TCP/IP Control Station Center Gateway Star coupler ANSI05000660-4-en.vsd ANSI05000660 V4 EN-US Figure 103: Example of IEC 60870-5-103 communication structure for a substation automation system IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol is mainly used when a protection IED communicates with a third party control or monitoring system.
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication • Event handling • Report of analog service values (measurands) • Fault location • Command handling • Autorecloser ON/OFF • Teleprotection ON/OFF • Protection ON/OFF • LED reset • Characteristics 1 - 4 (Setting groups) •...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication Function blocks with user defined input signals in monitor direction, I103UserDef. These function blocks include the FUNCTION TYPE parameter for each block in the private range, and the INFORMATION NUMBER parameter for each input signal. •...
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication that are recorded are available for transfer to the master. A file that has been transferred and acknowledged by the master cannot be transferred again. • The binary signals that are included in the disturbance recorder are those that are connected to the disturbance function blocks B1RBDR to B6RBDR.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication GUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 EN GUID-CD4EB23C-65E7-4ED5-AFB1-A9D5E9EE7CA8 V3 EN-US Figure 104: Settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication The general settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication are the following: SlaveAddress and BaudRate : Settings for slave number and communication speed (baud rate). •...
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Section 18 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Station communication the disturbance recorder for each input. The user must set these parameters to whatever he connects to the corresponding input. Refer to description of Main Function type set on the local HMI. Recorded analog channels are sent with ASDU26 and ASDU31.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 18 Station communication DRA#-Input IEC103 meaning Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Private range Function and information types M17109-145 v4 Product type IEC103mainFunType value Comment: REL 128 Compatible range REC 242 Private range, use default RED 192 Compatible range RET 176 Compatible range...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 20 Security Section 20 Security 20.1 Authority status ATHSTAT SEMOD158575-1 v2 20.1.1 Application SEMOD158527-5 v3 Authority status (ATHSTAT) function is an indication function block, which informs about two events related to the IED and the user authorization: •...
CHNGLCK input, that logic must be designed so that it cannot permanently issue a logical one to the CHNGLCK input. If such a situation would occur in spite of these precautions, then please contact the local ABB representative for remedial action. Application manual...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 20 Security 20.4 Denial of service DOS 20.4.1 Application GUID-64F4D905-9F73-4073-B8F6-8D373155316A v4 The denial of service functions (DOSFRNT, DOSLANAB and DOSLANCD) are designed to limit the CPU load that can be produced by Ethernet network traffic on the IED. The communication facilities must not be allowed to compromise the primary functionality of the device.
• IEDProdType The settings are visible on the local HMI , under Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiersand underMain menu/Diagnostics/IED Status/IED identifiers This information is very helpful when interacting with ABB product support (e.g. during repair and maintenance). 21.2.2 Factory defined settings...
Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions REL670 • Describes the type of the IED. Example: • ProductDef 2.1.0 • Describes the release number from the production. Example: • FirmwareVer • Describes the firmware version. • The firmware version can be checked from Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiers •...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 21 Basic IED functions 21.3.3 Setting guidelines SEMOD113223-4 v1 There are no settable parameters for the measured value expander block function. 21.4 Parameter setting groups IP1745-1 v1 21.4.1 Application M12007-6 v9 Six sets of settings are available to optimize IED operation for different power system conditions. By creating and switching between fine tuned setting sets, either from the local HMI or configurable binary inputs, results in a highly adaptable IED that can cope with a variety of power system scenarios.
Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions 21.5.2 Application M15288-3 v6 The rated system frequency and phase rotation direction are set under Main menu/ Configuration/ Power system/ Primary Values in the local HMI and PCM600 parameter setting tree. 21.5.3 Setting guidelines M15292-3 v2...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 21 Basic IED functions 21.7.1 Identification GUID-0D5405BE-E669-44C8-A208-3A4C86D39115 v3 Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2 identification identification device number Global base values GBASVAL 21.7.2 Application GUID-D58ECA9A-9771-443D-BF84-8EF582A346BF v4 Global base values function (GBASVAL) is used to provide global values, common for all applicable functions within the IED.
Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions 21.9 Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO SEMOD55215-1 v2 21.9.1 Application SEMOD55213-5 v4 The Signal matrix for binary outputs function SMBO is used within the Application Configuration tool in direct relation with the Signal Matrix tool. SMBO represents the way binary outputs are sent from one IED configuration.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 21 Basic IED functions 21.11.2 Frequency values GUID-B494B93C-B5AA-4FD6-8080-8611C34C2AD8 v5 The SMAI function includes a functionality based on the level of positive sequence voltage, MinValFreqMeas , to validate if the frequency measurement is valid or not. If the positive sequence MinValFreqMeas , the function freezes the frequency output value for 500 ms voltage is lower than and after that the frequency output is set to the nominal value.
Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions 21.11.3 Setting guidelines GUID-C8D6C88B-87C6-44C1-804B-CF1594365EE6 v8 The parameters for the signal matrix for analog inputs (SMAI) functions are set via the local HMI or PCM600. Every SMAI function block can receive four analog signals (three phases and one neutral value), either voltage or current.
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 21 Basic IED functions Preprocessing block shall only be used to feed functions within the same execution cycles (e.g. use preprocessing block with cycle 1 to feed transformer differential protection). The only exceptions are measurement functions (CVMMXN, CMMXU,VMMXU, etc.) which shall be fed by preprocessing blocks with cycle 8.
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Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions Task time group 1 SMAI instance 3 phase group SMAI1:1 SMAI2:2 SMAI3:3 AdDFTRefCh7 SMAI4:4 SMAI5:5 SMAI6:6 SMAI7:7 SMAI8:8 SMAI9:9 SMAI10:10 SMAI11:11 SMAI12:12 Task time group 2 SMAI instance 3 phase group SMAI1:13 AdDFTRefCh4 SMAI2:14...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 21 Basic IED functions SMAI1:13 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1_A ^GRP1_B ^GRP1_C SMAI1:1 ^GRP1_N BLOCK SPFCOUT TYPE DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1_A ^GRP1_B ^GRP1_C ^GRP1_N TYPE SMAI1:25 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1_A ^GRP1_B ^GRP1_C ^GRP1_N TYPE ANSI07000198.vsd ANSI07000198 V1 EN-US Figure 107: Configuration for using an instance in task time group 1 as DFT reference Assume instance SMAI7:7 in task time group 1 has been selected in the configuration to control the...
Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions SMAI1:1 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1_A ^GRP1_B ^GRP1_C SMAI1:13 ^GRP1_N BLOCK SPFCOUT TYPE DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1_A ^GRP1_B ^GRP1_C ^GRP1_N TYPE SMAI1:25 BLOCK SPFCOUT DFTSPFC AI3P ^GRP1_A ^GRP1_B ^GRP1_C ^GRP1_N TYPE ANSI07000198.vsd ANSI07000199 V1 EN-US Figure 108: Configuration for using an instance in task time group 2 as DFT reference.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 21 Basic IED functions IEC 61850 protocol test mode GUID-82998715-6F23-4CAF-92E4-05E1A863CF33 v5 The function block TESTMODE has implemented the extended testing mode capabilities for IEC 61850 Ed2 systems. Operator commands sent to the function block TESTMODE determine the behavior of the functions.
Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions The IEC 61850-7-4 gives a detailed overview over all aspects of the test mode and other states of Beh is shown on the LHMI under the mode and behavior. The status of a function block behavior Main menu/Test/Function status/Function group/Function block descriptive name/LN name/ Outputs.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 21 Basic IED functions The selection of the time source is done via the corresponding setting. It is possible to select more than one time source, in which case one is backup for the other. The time synchronization source with the best calculated time-quality is automatically selected.
Section 21 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Basic IED functions SyncAccLevel : This parameter is to define the required time synchronization accuracy for process bus applications. The options are "Class T5 (1µs)", "Class T4 (4µs)", or "Unspecified". If it is set to "Unspecified", the time quality will be always accepted and application functions will not be blocked due to the time quality.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 22 Requirements Section 22 Requirements 22.1 Current transformer requirements IP15171-1 v2 M11609-3 v2 The performance of a protection function will depend on the quality of the measured current signal. Saturation of the current transformers (CTs) will cause distortion of the current signals and can result in a failure to operate or cause unwanted operations of some functions.
Section 22 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Requirements 22.1.2 Conditions M11610-3 v1 M11610-4 v4 The requirements are a result of investigations performed in our network simulator. The current transformer models are representative for current transformers of high remanence and low remanence type. The results may not always be valid for non remanence type CTs (TPZ). The performances of the protection functions have been checked in the range from symmetrical to fully asymmetrical fault currents.
The characteristic of the non remanence type CT (TPZ) is not well defined as far as the phase angle error is concerned. If no explicit recommendation is given for a specific function we therefore recommend contacting ABB to confirm that the non remanence type can be used.
Section 22 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Requirements comparable with E . By comparing this with the required rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. E it is possible to judge if the CT fulfills the requirements. The requirements according to alreq some other standards are specified below. Current transformers according to IEC 61869-2, class P, PR M11623-6 v3...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 22 Requirements The CTs according to class C must have a calculated rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f. that fulfils the following: alANSI > maximum of E alANSI alreq (Equation 107) EQUATION1384 V2 EN-US A CT according to ANSI/IEEE is also specified by the knee point voltage V that is graphically kneeANSI defined from an excitation curve.
Section 22 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Requirements 22.4 Sample specification of communication requirements for the protection and control terminals in digital telecommunication networks GUID-0A9F36AF-3802-42FE-8970-4662798C19D1 v1 The communication requirements are based on echo timing. Bit Error Rate (BER) according to ITU-T G.821, G.826 and G.828 •...
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 22 Requirements IED with GPS clock • Independent of asymmetry. 22.5 IEC 61850-9-2LE Merging unit requirements SEMOD166590-11 v4 The merging units that supply the IED with measured values via the process bus must fulfill the IEC61850-9-2LE standard.
1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 23 Glossary Section 23 Glossary M14893-1 v18 Alternating current Actual channel Application configuration tool within PCM600 A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision Analog digital conversion module, with time synchronization Analog input ANSI American National Standards Institute Autoreclosing ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer...
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Section 23 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Glossary Class C Protection Current Transformer class as per IEEE/ ANSI CMPPS Combined megapulses per second Communication Management tool in PCM600 CO cycle Close-open cycle Codirectional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves two twisted pairs making it possible to transmit information in both directions Command COMTRADE...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 23 Glossary Ethernet configuration tool EHV network Extra high voltage network Electronic Industries Association Electromagnetic compatibility Electromotive force Electromagnetic interference EnFP End fault protection Enhanced performance architecture Electrostatic discharge F-SMA Type of optical fiber connector Fault number Flow control bit;...
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Section 23 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Glossary IDBS Integrating deadband supervision International Electrical Committee IEC 60044-6 IEC Standard, Instrument transformers – Part 6: Requirements for protective current transformers for transient performance IEC 60870-5-103 Communication standard for protection equipment. A serial master/slave protocol for point-to-point communication IEC 61850 Substation automation communication standard...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 23 Glossary LIB 520 High-voltage software module Liquid crystal display LDCM Line data communication module Local detection device Light-emitting diode LON network tool Local operating network Miniature circuit breaker Mezzanine carrier module Milli-ampere module Main processing module MVAL Value of measurement Multifunction vehicle bus.
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Section 23 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Glossary Power supply module Parameter setting tool within PCM600 Precision time protocol PT ratio Potential transformer or voltage transformer ratio PUTT Permissive underreach transfer trip RASC Synchrocheck relay, COMBIFLEX Relay characteristic angle RISC Reduced instruction set computer RMS value Root mean square value RS422...
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1MRK 511 364-UUS A Section 23 Glossary Starpoint Neutral/Wye point of transformer or generator Static VAr compensation Trip coil Trip circuit supervision Transmission control protocol. The most common transport layer protocol used on Ethernet and the Internet. TCP/IP Transmission control protocol over Internet Protocol. The de facto standard Ethernet protocols incorporated into 4.2BSD Unix.
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Section 23 1MRK 511 364-UUS A Glossary Three times zero-sequence current.Often referred to as the residual or the ground-fault current Three times the zero sequence voltage. Often referred to as the residual voltage or the neutral point voltage Application manual...
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