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a i l l l a . s l . s l . s l . s l . s l e i l t c i t c i s i l i n i y t i...
21 pin connector Pin No Signal Signal level Audio output B Standard level : 0.5V rms (right) Output impedence : Less than 1kohm* Audio output B Standard level : 0.5V rms (right) Output impedence : More than 10kohm* Audio output A Standard level : 0.5V rms (left) Output impedence : Less than 1kohm*...
AE-5A SELF DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE The identification of errors within the AE-5A chassis is triggered in one of two ways :- 1: Busy or 2: Device failure to respond to IIC. In the event of one of these situations arising the software will first try to release the bus if busy (Failure to do so will report with a continuous flashing LED) and then communicate with each device in turn to establish if a device is faulty.
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Error Detection Monitor Device acknowledge is used to check IIC errors. Device acknowledge is checked by sending an IIC start sequence during CRT power on. Each device is checked three times, if there is no acknowledge after each attempt, it will be regarded as an error. There are three steps to check for errors.
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2. Error Reader Display The error reader display is connected to the service connector to read actual error codes. The part number for the error reader display is S-188-900-10. Once an error has been detected it will then be displayed on the two digit error reader. The errors displayed refer to the following table.
SECTION 2 DISASSEMBLY 2-1. Rear Cover Removal 2-2. Speaker Connector Disconnection => => => => Remove the 12 rear cover fixing screws indicated. Take care Before completely removing the rear cover disconnect the when removing the rear cover not to damage the speaker speaker connector which is located in a bracket on the inside cables [Disconnect the speaker connector] as speakers are of the cover.
2-4. Service Position 2-5. D1 Board Removal To remove the D1 Board release the clip circled and carefully Position the chassis as indicated to access the its underside. remove the board in a vertical direction. To gain access to the D Board follow the instructions on page 19.
2-8. Front Control Module Removal 2-9. F3 and H6 Board Removal Remove the two screws fixing the user control module to the To remove the F3 and H6 Boards release the clips circled and front underside of the set. The control module drops down to ease the boards gently away from the main support bracket.
2-12. Picture Tube Removal WARNING: BEFORE REMOVING THE ANODE CAP High voltage remains in the CRT even after the power is disconnected. To avoid electric shock, discharge CRT before attempting to remove the anode cap. Short between anode and CRT coated earth ground strap.
SECTION 3 SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS Carry out the adjustments in the following order : • When complete readjustment is necessary or a new picture tube is 3-1. Beam Landing. installed, carry out the following adjustments. 3-2. Convergence. • Unless there are specific instructions to the contrary, carry out 3-3.
Fig.3-4 Purity control magnets Align both Purity magnets Purity magnets to the vertical position Align pips on each magnet 3-2. Convergence (1) Screen centre convergence [Static convergence] Input a dot pattern signal from the pattern generator. Normalize the picture setting. [Moving vertically], adjust the V.STAT magnet so that the vertical red, green and blue dots coincide at the centre of the screen.
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Correction for HMC [Horizontal mis-convergence] and VMC HTIL correction can be performed by adding a THL correction [Vertical mis-convergence] by using the BMC [Hexapole] magnet. assembly to the Deflection yoke. a). HMC correction by BMC [Hexapole] magnet and movement of the electron beam.
Layout of each control 3-3. Focus Adjustment Receive a television broadcast signal. Normalize the picture setting. Purity magnet Adjust the focus control located on the flyback transformer to BMC (Hexaploe) magnet obtain the best focus at the centre of the screen. V STAT convergence magnet Bring only the centre area of the screen into focus, the magenta- Y-splitting axis correction magnet...
SECTION 4 CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENTS 4-1. Electrical Adjustments Service adjustments to this model can be performed using the supplied Remote Commander RM-893. How to enter into the Service Mode Turn on the main power switch of the set while pressing P + (plus) and P - (minus) buttons on the front drop down control panel. L/G/S/I R/D/D/D MONO...
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Note: Initialising Menu After selecting a model, it may be necessary to reset some devices to get the correct data. (Treble/Bass Offset of Sound, deflection adjustments, s i l ...) Basic Setting Model Setting The menu contains a list with all the available models of this software to set up the TV set in an easy way.
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Device Register Setting c t i Table.4-4 - r r p i l l r I Table.4-6 . r r . r r Table.4-5 t l i Table.4-7...
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c t i Table.4-10 l a i Table.4-8 t i s c i l t l i l r t l r t Table.4-9 Table.4-11...
4-2. Volume Electrical Adjustments Sub Colour Adjustment Input a PAL colour bar signal. y t i Connect an oscilloscope to CN5400 pin 5 located on the C Board. Enter into the ‘Service Mode’. Choose ‘Backend’ from the menu. Adjust ‘Sub Colour’ data so that the right sides of the waveform are of equal height.
4-3. TEST MODE 2: Is available by pressing the ‘TEST’ button twice, OSD ‘TT’ appears. The functions described below are available by selecting the two numbers. To release the ‘Test mode 2’, press 0 twice, press the TV button or switch the TV set into Stand-by mode. Pressing the two Local Control buttons (+ and -) during power ON will also switch into ‘TT’...
SECTION 6 EXPLODED VIEWS NOTE : • Items with no part number and no description are not • Items marked “ * “ are not stocked stocked because they are seldom required for routine since they are seldom required for service.
SECTION 7 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST PARTS LISTING TABLE OF CONTENTS Page F3 BOARD COMPLETE Parts List : ....................114 H5 BOARD COMPLETE Parts List : ....................114 H6 BOARD COMPLETE Parts List : ....................114 B3 BOARD COMPLETE Parts List : ....................
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety F3 H5 H6 B3 Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK *A-1624-085-A MOUNTED PC BOARD, F3 S7101 1-771-947-11 SWITCH, TACTILE *A-1624-085-A F3 Board, Complete S7102...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C333 1-216-295-91 SHORT C538 1-163-021-91 CERAMIC CHIP 0.01UF 10.00% 50V C337 1-164-004-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.1UF 10.00% 25V C539 1-126-204-11 ELECT CHIP...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C631 1-163-021-91 CERAMIC CHIP 0.01UF 10.00% 50V C842 1-163-021-91 CERAMIC CHIP 0.01UF 10.00% 50V C632 1-126-206-11 ELECT CHIP...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK FL512 1-234-177-21 FILTER, CHIP EMI L502 1-412-026-11 INDUCTOR CHIP 1UH FL601 1-234-177-21 FILTER, CHIP EMI L503 1-412-026-11 INDUCTOR CHIP 1UH FL602...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R309 1-216-009-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R521 1-216-295-91 SHORT R310 1-216-009-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R523 1-216-645-11 METAL CHIP 0.5% 1/10W R311...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R608 1-216-295-91 SHORT R677 1-216-073-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R609 1-216-073-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R678 1-216-073-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R610...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R845 1-216-009-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R892 1-216-009-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R846 1-216-009-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R893 1-216-009-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R990 1-216-113-00 RES-CHIP 470K 5% 1/10W RB024 1-239-409-11 NETWORK RESISTOR (CHIP) 47 R991 1-216-295-91 SHORT RB025...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C2331 1-164-004-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.1UF 10.00% 25V C2535 1-104-664-11 ELECT 47UF 20.00% 16V C2332 1-164-004-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.1UF 10.00% 25V...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK < IC > Q2328 8-729-120-28 TRANSISTOR 2SC2412K-T-146-QR Q2329 1-801-806-11 TRANSISTOR DTC144EKA-T146 IC2301 8-752-067-36 IC CXA1815S Q2330 1-801-806-11 TRANSISTOR DTC144EKA-T146...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK Q2555 8-729-216-22 TRANSISTOR 2SA1037K-T-146-R R2350 1-216-017-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W Q2558 8-729-120-28 TRANSISTOR 2SC2412K-T-146-QR R2351 1-216-025-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R2407 1-216-041-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R2538 1-216-645-11 METAL CHIP 0.5% 1/10W R2408 1-216-295-91 SHORT R2539 1-216-059-00 RES-CHIP 2.7K 5%...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety BL F1 Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R2586 1-216-073-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R2702 1-216-295-91 SHORT R2587 1-216-055-00 RES-CHIP 1.8K 5% 1/10W R2704...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C1134 1-126-961-11 ELECT 2.2UF 20.00% 50V C1612 1-164-004-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.1UF 10.00% 25V C1135 1-164-004-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.1UF 10.00% 25V...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK D1408 8-719-069-55 DIODE UDZS-TE-17-5.6B L1633 1-419-249-11 INDUCTOR 15UH D1601 8-719-056-83 DIODE UDZ-TE-17-6.8B L1634 1-412-525-31 INDUCTOR 10UH...
The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R1176 1-216-063-91 RES-CHIP 3.9K 5% 1/10W R1353 1-216-073-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R1177 1-216-063-91 RES-CHIP 3.9K 5% 1/10W R1354...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C9113 1-164-004-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.1UF 10.00% 25V D9103 8-719-988-61 DIODE 1SS355TE-17 C9114 1-164-004-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.1UF 10.00% 25V D9104...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R9102 1-216-033-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R9175 1-216-025-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R9103 1-216-025-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R9176 1-216-025-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety M1 C Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R9530 1-216-025-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W C5380 1-107-652-11 ELECT 10UF 20.00% 250V R9531 1-216-295-91 SHORT C5381...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK Q5351 8-729-255-12 TRANSISTOR 2SC2551O-TPE2 R5379 1-249-438-11 CARBON 1/4W Q5352 8-729-216-22 TRANSISTOR 2SB709A-QRS-TX R5380 1-249-433-11 CARBON 1/4W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C4352 1-126-967-11 ELECT 47UF 20.00% 50V < FERRITE BEAD > C4353 1-107-823-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.47UF 10.00% 16V C4354 1-107-823-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.47UF...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R4309 1-216-045-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R4384 1-216-025-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R4313 1-216-065-91 RES-CHIP 4.7K 5% 1/10W R4387 1-216-031-00 RES-CHIP...
The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C6642 1-128-551-11 ELECT 22UF 20.00% 25V *A-1640-387-A D Board, Complete C6647 1-104-664-11 ELECT 47UF 20.00% 25V 4-039-356-01 SCREW (3X12), (+) BV TAPPING...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C6810 1-107-368-11 MYLAR 0.047UF 10.00% 200V < CONNECTOR > C6811 1-107-368-11 MYLAR 0.047UF 10.00% 200V C6812...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK D6654 8-719-059-23 DIODE P6KE200AG23 L6700 1-412-524-11 INDUCTOR 8.2UH D6655 8-719-979-64 DIODE UF4005PKG23 L6801 1-412-519-11 INDUCTOR 3.3UH...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK Q6808 8-729-025-19 TRANSISTOR IRFI740G R6613 1-249-438-11 CARBON 1/4W Q6809 8-729-119-78 TRANSISTOR 2SC1740S-RT R6614 1-249-434-11 CARBON 1/4W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety D D1 Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R6811 1-215-897-11 METAL OXIDE 6.8K 5% R6890 1-247-883-00 CARBON 150K 5% 1/4W R6812 1-215-893-11 METAL OXIDE...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C6116 1-163-275-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.001UF 5.00% 50V C6316 1-137-493-11 FILM 0.0047UF 5.00% 630V C6117 1-163-275-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.001UF 5.00% 50V...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK D6128 8-719-914-43 DIODE DAN202K-T-146 < TRANSISTOR > D6129 8-719-914-43 DIODE DAN202K-T-146 D6198 1-535-465-11 LEAD, JUMPER (5.0MM) Q6100 8-729-120-28 TRANSISTOR 2SC2412K-T-146-R...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK Q6467 8-729-026-49 TRANSISTOR 2SA1037AK-T146-R R6145 1-208-782-91 RES-CHIP 0.5% 1/10W R6146 1-216-655-11 METAL CHIP 1.5K 0.5% 1/10W <...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R6255 1-216-061-00 RES-CHIP 3.3K 5% 1/10W R6319 1-216-033-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W R6256 1-216-057-00 RES-CHIP 2.2K 5% 1/10W R6320...
The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R6419 1-216-073-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W *A-1651-136-A J Board, Complete R6420 1-216-089-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R6421 1-216-629-11 METAL CHIP 0.5% 1/10W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C8228 1-163-009-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.001UF 10.00% 50V C8346 1-126-963-11 ELECT 4.7UF 20.00% 50V C8229 1-163-009-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.001UF 10.00% 50V...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK C8601 1-115-340-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.22UF 10.00% 25V C8855 1-164-346-11 CERAMIC CHIP 1UF C8602 1-115-340-11 CERAMIC CHIP 0.22UF 10.00% 25V...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK < DIODE > FL8308 1-236-071-11 ENCAPSULATED COMPONENT FL8401 1-236-071-11 ENCAPSULATED COMPONENT D8150 8-719-421-57 DIODE MA73-TX FL8402 1-236-071-11 ENCAPSULATED COMPONENT...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK Q8154 1-801-806-11 TRANSISTOR DTC144EKA-T146 R8115 1-216-029-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W Q8156 8-729-120-28 TRANSISTOR 2SC2412K-T-146-R R8116 1-216-029-00 RES-CHIP 1/10W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R8224 1-216-089-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R8338 1-216-017-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R8225 1-216-089-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R8339 1-216-017-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W...
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The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R8511 1-216-049-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W R8875 1-216-113-00 RES-CHIP 470K 5% 1/10W R8512 1-216-295-91 SHORT R8876 1-216-093-91 RES-CHIP 1/10W...
The components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety J VM Replace only with the part number specified. REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK REF. NO. PART.NO DESCRIPTION REMARK R8935 1-216-113-00 RES-CHIP 470K 5% 1/10W < CRYSTAL > R8936 1-216-113-00 RES-CHIP 470K 5% 1/10W...
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• User programmable Functional Check through Infrared • Fast and documented Test Mode setting of all Sony TV chassis Additional features such as Adjustments and Troubleshooting are available in chassis-dependent software modules. Please contact your local Sony Service organisation for the latest information.
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